If he lied?

I pretty much agree, this is bad for the country. The Dems are screwing themselves and the country.

What is bad for the country is allowing a corrupt president to get by with being held accountable. Period.
You never once said that about obama and don't lie
Indictments are coming for his people.

Obama was not corrupt, fool.
Obama was not corrupt, fool.

Using the IRS to suppress political opposition.

Spying on the Press.

Leading the coup attempt of President Trump.

Giving his buddies billions of our tax money just before they declared bankruptcy.

The Biden/Kerry/Ukraine scandal.

Nope on the IRS.

Spying on the press? That's a new one.

Nope on the rest.

You got nothing. Obama was clean.

Outline - Read & annotate without distractions
I pretty much agree, this is bad for the country. The Dems are screwing themselves and the country.

What is bad for the country is allowing a corrupt president to get by with being held accountable. Period.
You never once said that about obama and don't lie
Indictments are coming for his people.

Obama was not corrupt, fool.
Obama was not corrupt, fool.

Using the IRS to suppress political opposition.

Spying on the Press.

Leading the coup attempt of President Trump.

Giving his buddies billions of our tax money just before they declared bankruptcy.

The Biden/Kerry/Ukraine scandal.

Nope on the IRS.

Spying on the press? That's a new one.

Nope on the rest.

You got nothing. Obama was clean.

Obama's EPA And IRS Violate Our Constitutional Rights | Investor's Business Daily

Should I continue?....
CNN will be right on that as soon as they get done with the insider trading and child abuse investigations.
House investigating whether Trump lied to Robert Mueller - CNNPolitics

This I don't understand. Democrats investigating whether Trump lied to Mueller in written answers about Russia.

Of course he lied, 99.44% of everything he says and tweets is a lie. End of story. Bigly!!!
No, sir, President Trump does his best to call the shots right. It's not him, it's the media attempting to project their wannabe false narrative upon the President's Shoulder.

President Trump has been telling the truth all along. His detractors are not listening to what the man whom the voting laws of the land put in office. His detractors do not like anything that their lies cannot change, which lately, how's that working out for you?

Oh, it's not working. Well, lies are something that are broken with the truth. That's why you cannot stop believing the lies the Media in close association with Nancy Pelosi's/the-Cabal talking points, which they pickup and parrot so in lockstep they don't need to use any synonyms, but all the same words as all of them. That's how we know how very disengenuous the lies are that are proceeding from the Democrat secretive chambers that does not welcome any airing of dissent, not even enough air to keep a newborn baby alive for a millisecond.
At this point if I were Trump I would exercise all powers to no longer permit the government to participate or assist in these investigation scams. The pattern is clear, make something up, launch investigation, , have it disproven and discredited, then move to another made up issue, repeat cycle. Time to get back to normal functioning and end the Dem dog chasing its, and everyone else’s, tail.
I pretty much agree, this is bad for the country. The Dems are screwing themselves and the country.

What is bad for the country is allowing a corrupt president to get by with being held accountable. Period.
You never once said that about obama and don't lie
Indictments are coming for his people.

Obama was not corrupt, fool.
Obama was not corrupt, fool.

Using the IRS to suppress political opposition.

Spying on the Press.

Leading the coup attempt of President Trump.

Giving his buddies billions of our tax money just before they declared bankruptcy.

The Biden/Kerry/Ukraine scandal.

Nope on the IRS.

Spying on the press? That's a new one.

Nope on the rest.

You got nothing. Obama was clean.
I pretty much agree, this is bad for the country. The Dems are screwing themselves and the country.

What is bad for the country is allowing a corrupt president to get by with being held accountable. Period.
You never once said that about obama and don't lie
Indictments are coming for his people.

Obama was not corrupt, fool.
Obama was not corrupt, fool.

Using the IRS to suppress political opposition.

Spying on the Press.

Leading the coup attempt of President Trump.

Giving his buddies billions of our tax money just before they declared bankruptcy.

The Biden/Kerry/Ukraine scandal.

Nope on the IRS.

Spying on the press? That's a new one.

Nope on the rest.

You got nothing. Obama was clean.
How could you be so ignorant? Stick to the arts and crafts forum.

Report: Obama’s Spying On The Press Was Far More Extensive Than Previously Thought
The House of Representatives is now investigating if trump lied in his written question to Mueller.

I wouldn't be surprised if he did.

House Investigating Whether or Not Trump Lied to Mueller in Russia Probe
Keep looking Dana, try looking for that jaywalking ticket he got when he was 13.
I think there lies the smoking gun you're looking for.

It worked well for the Repubs. They tried all sorts of things and had to settle for lying about a blow job.
I wan't a fan of that impeachment either, Gator, so you're preaching to the choir.
It's just time to give up the impeachment scenarios and beat him at the ballot box if they can.
I'm just tired of the political stunts

I was not either nor am I a fan of this one.
Pretty sure they know they cannot beat him
So what is impeachment for exactly??

We all know what Trump is being impeached for and what he could have been impeached for if it wasn't for the fear of his sycophantic base...

People wanted to impeach Obama for everything on the map and settled on investigating Benghazi 47 times...

Clinton was impeached for what he was impeached for despite the 7000 investigations they had on him...

Meanwhile, Reagan conducted an illegal war while selling weapons to Iran, we all know what Nixon did and then some...so exactly what deserves one to be impeached if everyone is so ok with retreating into their partisan bubbles?
Last edited:
What is bad for the country is allowing a corrupt president to get by with being held accountable. Period.
You never once said that about obama and don't lie
Indictments are coming for his people.

Obama was not corrupt, fool.
Obama was not corrupt, fool.

Using the IRS to suppress political opposition.

Spying on the Press.

Leading the coup attempt of President Trump.

Giving his buddies billions of our tax money just before they declared bankruptcy.

The Biden/Kerry/Ukraine scandal.

Nope on the IRS.

Spying on the press? That's a new one.

Nope on the rest.

You got nothing. Obama was clean.
How could you be so ignorant? Stick to the arts and crafts forum.

Report: Obama’s Spying On The Press Was Far More Extensive Than Previously Thought
do you know why the only ones who said anything about it were not republicans???

Because republicans are more than ok with doing the same when it benefits them....

Or are you gonna claim that Trump didn't actually call for the criminal investigation of media outlets for not printing stories he liked??

Trump’s Divisive Speech Puts the First Amendment at Risk
The House of Representatives is now investigating if trump lied in his written question to Mueller.

I wouldn't be surprised if he did.

House Investigating Whether or Not Trump Lied to Mueller in Russia Probe
Keep looking Dana, try looking for that jaywalking ticket he got when he was 13.
I think there lies the smoking gun you're looking for.

It worked well for the Repubs. They tried all sorts of things and had to settle for lying about a blow job.
I wan't a fan of that impeachment either, Gator, so you're preaching to the choir.
It's just time to give up the impeachment scenarios and beat him at the ballot box if they can.
I'm just tired of the political stunts

I was not either nor am I a fan of this one.
Pretty sure they know they cannot beat him
So what is impeachment for exactly??

We all know what Trump is being impeached for and what he could have been impeached for if it wasn't for the fear of his sycophantic base...

People wanted to impeach Obama for everything under the map and settled on investigating Benghazi 47 times...

Clinton was impeached for what he was impeached for despite the 7000 investigations they had on him...

Meanwhile, Reagan conducted an illegal war while selling weapons to Iran, we all know what Nixon did and then some...so exactly what deserves one to be impeached if everyone is so ok with retreated into their partisan bubbles?
Yeah, you have us there, I believe the FF's had the impeachment process set up to impeach for a phone call.
Wow! :rolleyes-41:
Keep looking Dana, try looking for that jaywalking ticket he got when he was 13.
I think there lies the smoking gun you're looking for.

It worked well for the Repubs. They tried all sorts of things and had to settle for lying about a blow job.
I wan't a fan of that impeachment either, Gator, so you're preaching to the choir.
It's just time to give up the impeachment scenarios and beat him at the ballot box if they can.
I'm just tired of the political stunts

I was not either nor am I a fan of this one.
Pretty sure they know they cannot beat him
So what is impeachment for exactly??

We all know what Trump is being impeached for and what he could have been impeached for if it wasn't for the fear of his sycophantic base...

People wanted to impeach Obama for everything under the map and settled on investigating Benghazi 47 times...

Clinton was impeached for what he was impeached for despite the 7000 investigations they had on him...

Meanwhile, Reagan conducted an illegal war while selling weapons to Iran, we all know what Nixon did and then some...so exactly what deserves one to be impeached if everyone is so ok with retreated into their partisan bubbles?
Yeah, you have us there, I believe the FF's had the impeachment process set up to impeach for a phone call.
Wow! :rolleyes-41:

or lying about a blow job
I pretty much agree, this is bad for the country. The Dems are screwing themselves and the country.

What is bad for the country is allowing a corrupt president to get by with being held accountable. Period.
You never once said that about obama and don't lie
Indictments are coming for his people.

Obama was not corrupt, fool.
Obama was not corrupt, fool.

Using the IRS to suppress political opposition.

Spying on the Press.

Leading the coup attempt of President Trump.

Giving his buddies billions of our tax money just before they declared bankruptcy.

The Biden/Kerry/Ukraine scandal.

Nope on the IRS.

Spying on the press? That's a new one.

Nope on the rest.

You got nothing. Obama was clean.

Are you really that clueless about what was going on during the Obama Administration? You didn't know that Obama WAS spying on the media?
Report: Obama’s Spying On The Press Was Far More Extensive Than Previously Thought
Democrats will "investigate" anything, hoping against hope they can find something, anything to throw at Trump. It's not even an investigation, it's a fishing expedition.


Even if true, the D's would not be doing anything different than the efforts to prove Obama was not native born, or that his administration was corrupt, that the PPACA was fostering Socialism in America, that Obama had started wars in Lybia and he supported an open border policy.
Man oh man. The nutbags sure do want to talk about Obama in this thread. So unusual that they'd deflect away from Trump.

I'm going to spend a few minutes later to see if Obama was ever found guilty of spying on a member of the press. I don't recall even a congressional inquiry of that matter.

Now. Which one of you morons wants to claim that you believe Trump didn't lie to Mueller?
What is bad for the country is allowing a corrupt president to get by with being held accountable. Period.
You never once said that about obama and don't lie
Indictments are coming for his people.

Obama was not corrupt, fool.
Obama was not corrupt, fool.

Using the IRS to suppress political opposition.

Spying on the Press.

Leading the coup attempt of President Trump.

Giving his buddies billions of our tax money just before they declared bankruptcy.

The Biden/Kerry/Ukraine scandal.

Nope on the IRS.

Spying on the press? That's a new one.

Nope on the rest.

You got nothing. Obama was clean.

Are you really that clueless about what was going on during the Obama Administration? You didn't know that Obama WAS spying on the media?
Report: Obama’s Spying On The Press Was Far More Extensive Than Previously Thought
Requirement of being a Democrat is being totally ignorant.

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