If Hillary gets elected, it will be like another four years of Obama. That's all that matters...

If Hillary is elected, it will be like another four years of Obama. That's all that matters in this election, and that's all we should be talking about.

Right now we have the worst economy since the 1930's

By what measurement?
Not by unemployment.
Not by total wealth or average wealth.

By what measurement do we have the 'worst economy since the 1930's- because I can tell you i remember 2008- and our economy is much better now than in 2008.

This is when he points to his stomach and tells you he feels it "right here". :badgrin:
We're in a 'Nationalism vs. Globalism' War now. And currently, the Globalists are obviously winning. American Citizens better start understanding that the NWO Globalist Elites like the Bush's, Clintons, and Obama, don't care about them. They've thrown them overboard.

Trump's far from being the ideal Candidate, but at least he wants to stand up for American Citizens. I'm completely over Globalists who wanna be 'President of the World.' US Presidents are elected to represent US Citizens. That's the oath they swear to uphold. That's their job.
  • That Hillary and Bill Clinton are at least an accessories to murder if not murderers, the DNC killed a member of its staff for leaking her emails, her use of which was the greatest national security breech in history, and Vince Foster killed himself because of Hillary nagging him (assuming he really wasn’t murdered).

Right wing nut job conspiracy theorists......Trump voters......
Trump's far from being the ideal Candidate, but at least he wants to stand up for American Citizens.b.

LOL- Trump stands up for himself- and no one else.

Nah, he's got the NWO folks very nervous. And that's good enough for me. We're in a 'Nationalism vs. Globalism' War now. And we know Clinton's a George Soros NWO lapdog. Those folks don't care about American Citizens.

Hell, in the recent Wikileaks info, we learned that Hillary Clinton despises 'Everyday Americans.' She's also 'Far removed from the middle class.' So, Trump's the best we got at this point. I gotta go with the most Anti-Globalist Candidate. That's my take anyway.

Did you just grab my pussy?

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