If Hillary gets elected, it will be like another four years of Obama. That's all that matters...

The dead babies are piled up and Hillary wants to appoint Supreme Court Justices who will kill more. But she says she fights "for the children," Which children are that? The ones she hasn't aborted.
…and ridiculous rightwing lies.

Clinton will appoint to the Supreme Court jurists who respect and understand the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law.

Those appointments will follow the Constitution’s guarantee that all citizens have a right to privacy, including women – where the states may not compel a woman to give birth against her will.

Those appointments will follow the Constitution’s guarantee that all citizens have a right to equal protection of the law, including gay Americans – where the states may not deny same-sex couples access to marriage law they’re eligible to participate in.

And those appointments will follow the Constitution’s guarantee that all citizens have the right to vote, including minorities – where the states may not place an undue burden on that right to vote.

Yes, that the rights and protected liberties of all Americans are safeguarded from the fear, hate, bigotry, and arrogance common to far too many conservatives is indeed all that matters.
If Hillary is elected, it will be like another four years of Obama. That's all that matters in this election, and that's all we should be talking about.

Right now we have the worst economy since the 1930's, and 94 million Americans are out of the workforce.

Immigrants are flooding in to take jobs away from Americans.

Factories are shutting down and being built overseas in China and Mexico, costing more American jobs.

Obama has declared war on coal, costing more jobs.

Obama's EPA is over-regulating, costing more jobs.

We can't afford another four years of Obama, so we must not allow Hillary to be elected President.

If you believe it will be the same you are deluded...

It will be much, much worse, it's not even close. There is a reason why Clinton lost to Obama. Obama at least seemed like a good guy to me, even if not on top of his game always... Clinton is the demon itself.
Hillary won't be elected. She'll be "placed". And if that happens, civil war is right around the corner.

If elections could be rigged that easily, Donald Trump wouldn't be the nominee of the Republican party, would he?--LOL

You're going to lose because you have nominated a man with NO honor, NO respect, NO dignity, and the only loyalty he has ever shown anyone was to himself and Russia.

When you can't get the red-est of the red to support the Republican nominee--you lost this race the very second Donald Trump was declared the nominee of this party.
In the reddest part of Colorado, some Republicans rethink their loyalty

Just remember YOU did this.


You wouldn't know honor, integrity, respect and dignity if any of those things sat on your face and wiggled....

Clearly, I didn't vote for one without it, YOU did.


You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator You Own this ass clown, and you deserve everything coming your way.


And there's much more to come. Welcome to October--LOL
Donald Trump's decades-long history of misogynistic comments and crude sex talk - CNNPolitics.com
'Apprentice' producer: There are 'far worse' tapes of Trump
The dead babies are piled up and Hillary wants to appoint Supreme Court Justices who will kill more. But she says she fights "for the children," Which children are that? The ones she hasn't aborted.
…and ridiculous rightwing lies.

Clinton will appoint to the Supreme Court jurists who respect and understand the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law.

Those appointments will follow the Constitution’s guarantee that all citizens have a right to privacy, including women – where the states may not compel a woman to give birth against her will.

Those appointments will follow the Constitution’s guarantee that all citizens have a right to equal protection of the law, including gay Americans – where the states may not deny same-sex couples access to marriage law they’re eligible to participate in.

And those appointments will follow the Constitution’s guarantee that all citizens have the right to vote, including minorities – where the states may not place an undue burden on that right to vote.

Yes, that the rights and protected liberties of all Americans are safeguarded from the fear, hate, bigotry, and arrogance common to far too many conservatives is indeed all that matters.

Not to worry, Republicans couldn't get an ultra conservative Judge appointed to the U.S. Supreme court if their lives depended on it. All nominees have to be confirmed by the Senate and since Democrats do exist, an ultra conservative justice has ZERO chances of ever seeing the U.S. Supreme court.

Furthermore the U.S. Supreme court has been considered a right leaning court for decades, and nothing has ever changed regarding Roe V Wade. In fact, Republican administrations have always refused to give court nominees a litmus test on abortion. G.W. Bush had a full house, and nothing changed with Roe V. Wade.

It's just been since the Tea Party extremists invaded the Republican party that abortion was even brought up. So it was 2012 until now. They were the reason for Mitt Romney's loss in 2012. Even though Mitt Romney was considered a moderate by giving all 3 exceptions for the life of the mother, rape and incest, the REICH wing killed him by insisting on dragging a 45 year old U.S. Supreme court decision and putting it on the political platform. Abortion that then went into who's not going to pay for birth control pills, that then went into what was legal legitimate rape questions, that was always answered by a white ancient Republican male. This sent women running into Obama's column by double digits, younger women by a whopping 36 points. This is what secured a 2nd term for Obama.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History


Not learning ANYTHING from the loss in 2012, they again put up several dragging Neanderthals that women would never vote for. And if you can't win the largest voting block in this country (women) you're not going to get anywhere near the White House. They were: Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, Rick Perry, Rand Paul, Scott Walker & Bobby Jindal- all of them certain losers from the starting block.-all of them very capable of costing Republicans another election in one single sentence.

Republicans never campaigned on social issues until 2012, as evidenced by a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN. He states in this that the Republican platform is more extreme and divisive than ever, and he is right.

Right now Trump & his supporters have chased off so many voting blocks, G.W. Bush may be right. He fears he is the last Republican President.
George W. Bush: 'I'm worried that I will be the last Republican president' - CNNPolitics.com

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"Tea Party Extremists". That's how I know you lack honor, integrity, honesty, or character.

You're one of the fake Republicans that destroyed the party.
If you believe it will be the same you are deluded...

It will be much, much worse, it's not even close. There is a reason why Clinton lost to Obama. Obama at least seemed like a good guy to me, even if not on top of his game always... Clinton is the demon itself.

The reason was because he's black and in leftist world, black trumps female.
If you believe it will be the same you are deluded...

It will be much, much worse, it's not even close. There is a reason why Clinton lost to Obama. Obama at least seemed like a good guy to me, even if not on top of his game always... Clinton is the demon itself.

The reason was because he's black and in leftist world, black trumps female.

But doesn't criminal trump black?
If you believe it will be the same you are deluded...

It will be much, much worse, it's not even close. There is a reason why Clinton lost to Obama. Obama at least seemed like a good guy to me, even if not on top of his game always... Clinton is the demon itself.

The reason was because he's black and in leftist world, black trumps female.

But doesn't criminal trump black?

Didn't you get the memo? Nothing trumps black in leftist land.
"Tea Party Extremists". That's how I know you lack honor, integrity, honesty, or character.

You're one of the fake Republicans that destroyed the party.

No actually you did. Here is the new the New Pledge of Allegiance to the Republican party that you have adopted.

In fact, a list of what “Republicans” now stand for has nothing at all to do with policy or principle, but rather is filled with beliefs about very specific concepts. For instance, being a member of the current GOP pretty much requires you to pledge allegiance to most, if not all, of the following views:

  • That Hillary and Bill Clinton are at least an accessories to murder if not murderers, the DNC killed a member of its staff for leaking her emails, her use of which was the greatest national security breech in history, and Vince Foster killed himself because of Hillary nagging him (assuming he really wasn’t murdered).
  • Hillary Clinton is hiding a severe illness which makes her incapable of holding office and which will soon cause her death (well, at least we might not have to worry about her serving two full terms!).
  • President Obama is easily the worst president in history, a Muslim terrorist sympathizer, the founder of ISIS, and likely wasn’t really born in the United States.
  • The Republican “establishment” is a bunch of impotent losers because they lost two elections to a media darling and can’t override vetoes without a super majority, but a guy who has never been truly leading a candidate like Hillary in the polls is a sure winner.
  • Conservative writers at the National Review and Weekly Standard along with Charles Krauthammer, George Will and Brit Hume are all out-of-touch wimps who can’t be trusted to tell us the truth, but Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, Matt Drudge and Alex Jones would never lie to us for profit (expect for maybe that whole Alex Jones “9/11 Truther” thing, which we’ll sort of pretend didn’t happen).
  • When in doubt, Trump is always right, no matter what he has said in the past, even when it has directly contradicted his previous statement, and even if that happens on the same day, or in the same interview.
  • Deporting illegal immigrants and building a huge wall on our Mexican border is the most important thing we must do, unless Trump changes his mind.
  • There is nothing more significant (especially now that we’ve forgotten about that whole illegal immigration thing) than making sure that the person who picks the next Supreme Court justice is the same guy who was recently favors eminent domain and curtailing the First Amendment, and who picked Arsenio Hall and Piers Morgan as the “Celebrity Apprentice.”
  • The news media has never been more biased than they are against Trump, which is why they gave him two billion dollars in free advertising in the primaries and why he just hired the head of a major conservative “news” outlet to head his campaign while using Sean Hannity and Roger Ailes as advisors.
  • The background of a potential First Lady and her ability to properly represent the country no longer matters (that’s so 2008!).
  • Experience in public office no longer matters (that’s so 2008!).
  • Using a Teleprompter is good, unless it is bad (that’s so 2008!).
  • Flip-flopping means nothing (so 2004!).
  • Releasing your tax returns (even when you entire campaign is based on your wealth) means nothing.
  • Words mean nothing.
  • Having class or decency means nothing.
  • Limited government means nothing.
  • Fiscal responsibility means nothing.
  • Cozying up to Vladimir Putin is numerous bizarre ways means nothing.
  • Campaigning as an amazing manager of people but running a campaign that is in constant chaos and disarray means nothing.
  • Lying is a total disqualifier for Hillary, but when Trump lies it is simply part of the “Art of the Deal.”
  • Polls are either wrong or part of a massive nonsensical conspiracy, unless Trump is winning.
    Facts mean nothing (unless they are sanctified by Matt Drudge, in which case they are then gospel).
  • Stories from “mainstream” media sources are inherently wrong, even if all they are doing is reporting Trump’s actual words.
  • Hillary is the worst person who has ever lived and would be such a dangerous president that we must do everything possible to defeat her, except actually bother to consider electability when it comes to picking our nominee.
So it is now all so clear to me. It’s not that Donald Trump isn’t a conservative or a Republican. It’s that I’m not.
All Along I Thought Trump Wasn’t a Conservative/Republican, But Now I Realize I’m Not

If Hillary is elected, it will be like another four years of Obama. That's all that matters in this election, and that's all we should be talking about.

Right now we have the worst economy since the 1930's, and 94 million Americans are out of the workforce.

Immigrants are flooding in to take jobs away from Americans.

Factories are shutting down and being built overseas in China and Mexico, costing more American jobs.

Obama has declared war on coal, costing more jobs.

Obama's EPA is over-regulating, costing more jobs.

We can't afford another four years of Obama, so we must not allow Hillary to be elected President.

You're going to get the same societal trajectory either way love, it's about a half century old now, and nothing the system vomits up as "choices" for you will alter anything. Watch.
Yes, you will end up abolishing Christmas and shutting down all the churches (but not the mosques). We know that's your plan, doesn't mean we're not going to fight you.
Yes, you will end up abolishing Christmas and shutting down all the churches

you forgot the fema camps for christians :uhoh3:
If Hillary is elected, it will be like another four years of Obama.
Wow! You mean another 12,000 points will be added to the Dow? Another fourteen million new jobs? Another four years of two dollar gasoline?

That would be terrible!
Yes, folks, if Hillary is elected it will be four more years of gun confiscations, six dollar gasoline, death panels, mandatory youth re-education camps, confiscations of our IRAs, the banning of US flags from government installations, and 100 million new Muslims.

Oh, wait...
If Hillary is elected, it will be like another four years of Obama. That's all that matters in this election, and that's all we should be talking about.

Right now we have the worst economy since the 1930's, and 94 million Americans are out of the workforce.

Immigrants are flooding in to take jobs away from Americans.

Factories are shutting down and being built overseas in China and Mexico, costing more American jobs.

Obama has declared war on coal, costing more jobs.

Obama's EPA is over-regulating, costing more jobs.

We can't afford another four years of Obama, so we must not allow Hillary to be elected President.

You're going to get the same societal trajectory either way love, it's about a half century old now, and nothing the system vomits up as "choices" for you will alter anything. Watch.
Yes, you will end up abolishing Christmas and shutting down all the churches (but not the mosques). We know that's your plan, doesn't mean we're not going to fight you.
Whee................ Oh where is my little tin hat, little tin hat, little tin hat.............................................
If Hillary is elected, it will be like another four years of Obama. That's all that matters in this election, and that's all we should be talking about.

Right now we have the worst economy since the 1930's, and 94 million Americans are out of the workforce.

Immigrants are flooding in to take jobs away from Americans.

Factories are shutting down and being built overseas in China and Mexico, costing more American jobs.

Obama has declared war on coal, costing more jobs.

Obama's EPA is over-regulating, costing more jobs.

We can't afford another four years of Obama, so we must not allow Hillary to be elected President.
Sounds good.
Hillary won't be elected. She'll be "placed". And if that happens, civil war is right around the corner.
LOL Oh yes, all those beer bellys that are living in the basement will make love to their AK's and AR's, swill more beer, and declare the revolution a success. LOL
If Hillary is elected, it will be like another four years of Obama. That's all that matters in this election, and that's all we should be talking about.

Right now we have the worst economy since the 1930's, and 94 million Americans are out of the workforce.

Immigrants are flooding in to take jobs away from Americans.

Factories are shutting down and being built overseas in China and Mexico, costing more American jobs.

Obama has declared war on coal, costing more jobs.

Obama's EPA is over-regulating, costing more jobs.

We can't afford another four years of Obama, so we must not allow Hillary to be elected President.

You're going to get the same societal trajectory either way love, it's about a half century old now, and nothing the system vomits up as "choices" for you will alter anything. Watch.
Yes, you will end up abolishing Christmas and shutting down all the churches (but not the mosques). We know that's your plan, doesn't mean we're not going to fight you.
The War on Christmas! Woot!!!!!
proof that the nutbags who stole the Republican party truly are mentally ill.
proof that the nutbags who stole the Republican party truly are mentally ill.

Very Easy.



All Along I Thought Trump Wasn’t a Conservative/Republican, But Now I Realize I’m Not
So just how stupid can Trump supporters really be? Your answer is here.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

And here is their leader--after getting corned by a caller that was able to sneak onto his program.

These people are attached at the hip to FOX News and right wing talk radio. They get a dose of 3 or more daily hours of right wing hyperbole, half truths, and enough conspiracy theories to fill the capital building from floor to ceiling.

The TEA party came to life in 2010 over Obamacare. But it was invaded by the far right social conservative. Republicans NEVER before campaigned on social issues prior to 2012. They never attacked entire voting blocks. FOX News will take a whole week to promote a business that denied pizza and wedding cakes to a gay couple--these programs are the drivers of the Tea Party extremists. The result is they have chased of more voting blocks than you can shake a stick at. Ted Cruz was their favorite Tea Party candidate prior to Donald Trump jumping into this race. Those evangelicals kicked him to the curb so fast for Donald Trump is was astounding. They ignored all the warnings of Trump, because they were told that the "establishment" is a bunch of whoosies--that never get anything done--even though Obama was sitting in the oval office with a veto pen.

OBAMACARE--they never even understood basic civics.
1. You cannot repeal Obamacare--(which Ted Cruz and Trump often promise). You have to have a sitting President with super majorities in both houses. That's how you got Obamacare that's the only way you're going to get rid of it.
2. It does not good to send up 30 House bills to repeal Obamacare with Obama sitting in the oval office with a veto pen.
3. You cannot DEFUND Obamacare with millions that were forced onto this program, leaving them without insurance overnight. YES--they could have done that, but the odds of Republicans winning a dog catcher position afterwards would be ZERO to none.
4. You cannot constantly threaten to shut down the government, been there done that, it only backfires on the Republican party.
5.. It does no good to read green eggs and ham from the United States Senate floor over Obamacare.

This is the Reich wing of the Republican party, and their ineptitude of understanding basic politics, & civics and they along with the Reich wing media bubble that they insist on living in have shattered the Republican party into pieces. The majority of the party are moderates aka Reaganites that could care less U.S. Supreme court decisions, and what to hear more about government issues.

And this is why for the first time in 60 YEARS Republicans are losing white educated voters.
Trump May Become The First Republican In 60 Years To Lose White College Graduates

And for further proof that the party has been hijacked by the Reich wing--here is the 2016 platform they designed.
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