If Hillary Had Won the Economy Would Be 7/24 News

The good thing is the economy is the one thing politicians can’t BS the voters on. We all know our own situation and that of our neighbors.

Economy adds robust 250,000 jobs in October in last employment report before election.

“The unemployment rate was unchanged at a near 50-year low of 3.7 percent. Annual wage growth topped 3 percent for the first time in nine years.”
If Hillary had won this country would be dead already.

That is not hyperbole either.
sure it is; or, explain how it would happen.
Massive immigration from the 3rd world, incompetent or a deliberately traitorous cabinet, the complete destruction of constitutional interpretation in the courts, massive taxes, even more unrestrained racism against white people and on and on and on.

Hate white people and destroy the west is all the modern left has anymore. All the debate about the environment, healthcare or any other seemingly normal political topic is just background noise to achieving their real goals.
The good thing is the economy is the one thing politicians can’t BS the voters on. We all know our own situation and that of our neighbors.

Economy adds robust 250,000 jobs in October in last employment report before election.

“The unemployment rate was unchanged at a near 50-year low of 3.7 percent. Annual wage growth topped 3 percent for the first time in nine years.”

Hillary doesn't know how to get the unemployment rate down.

Dummy, you do know she is married to a guy also named Clinton...right?

You mean Bill the Rapist?
Innocent until proven guilty, communist.

C'mon man....YOU'RE the Communist.
I'm the Conservative pig. Get it right.
And you are not the pig it is your brain washers, silly dupe.
The good thing is the economy is the one thing politicians can’t BS the voters on. We all know our own situation and that of our neighbors.

Economy adds robust 250,000 jobs in October in last employment report before election.

“The unemployment rate was unchanged at a near 50-year low of 3.7 percent. Annual wage growth topped 3 percent for the first time in nine years.”
If Hillary had won this country would be dead already.

That is not hyperbole either.
sure it is; or, explain how it would happen.
Massive immigration from the 3rd world, incompetent or a deliberately traitorous cabinet, the complete destruction of constitutional interpretation in the courts, massive taxes, even more unrestrained racism against white people and on and on and on.

Hate white people and destroy the west is all the modern left has anymore. All the debate about the environment, healthcare or any other seemingly normal political topic is just background noise to achieving their real goals.
in other words, just right wing paranoia.
lol. the Rich got Richer under a right wing administration. what a coincidence.

What's wrong with that? I'm sorry did that just give you a brain hemorrhage.
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Obambi did nothing to curb this trend child.
our economy was recovering from a recession.

All Bambi did was quadruple Bush's spending....

AND had nothing to show for it.
The good thing is the economy is the one thing politicians can’t BS the voters on. We all know our own situation and that of our neighbors.

Economy adds robust 250,000 jobs in October in last employment report before election.

“The unemployment rate was unchanged at a near 50-year low of 3.7 percent. Annual wage growth topped 3 percent for the first time in nine years.”
If Hillary had won this country would be dead already.

That is not hyperbole either.
sure it is; or, explain how it would happen.
Massive immigration from the 3rd world, incompetent or a deliberately traitorous cabinet, the complete destruction of constitutional interpretation in the courts, massive taxes, even more unrestrained racism against white people and on and on and on.

Hate white people and destroy the west is all the modern left has anymore. All the debate about the environment, healthcare or any other seemingly normal political topic is just background noise to achieving their real goals.
in other words, just right wing paranoia.
Facts tend to look like paranoia to the stupid and the brainwashed. You are both of those.
The good thing is the economy is the one thing politicians can’t BS the voters on. We all know our own situation and that of our neighbors.

Economy adds robust 250,000 jobs in October in last employment report before election.

“The unemployment rate was unchanged at a near 50-year low of 3.7 percent. Annual wage growth topped 3 percent for the first time in nine years.”
Economy wouldn’t be as vibrant with the Hildebeast polluting our White House as no tax cuts and no eliminating scores of stifling bureaucratic regulations, etc.
The good thing is the economy is the one thing politicians can’t BS the voters on. We all know our own situation and that of our neighbors.

Economy adds robust 250,000 jobs in October in last employment report before election.

“The unemployment rate was unchanged at a near 50-year low of 3.7 percent. Annual wage growth topped 3 percent for the first time in nine years.”
If Hillary had won this country would be dead already.

That is not hyperbole either.


You are a total idiot.
The good thing is the economy is the one thing politicians can’t BS the voters on. We all know our own situation and that of our neighbors.

Economy adds robust 250,000 jobs in October in last employment report before election.

“The unemployment rate was unchanged at a near 50-year low of 3.7 percent. Annual wage growth topped 3 percent for the first time in nine years.”

Hillary doesn't know how to get the unemployment rate down.

Dummy, you do know she is married to a guy also named Clinton...right?

You mean Bill the Rapist?

Yep, you got nothing but oh-oh-better-switch-topic!
The good thing is the economy is the one thing politicians can’t BS the voters on. We all know our own situation and that of our neighbors.

Economy adds robust 250,000 jobs in October in last employment report before election.

“The unemployment rate was unchanged at a near 50-year low of 3.7 percent. Annual wage growth topped 3 percent for the first time in nine years.”
If Hillary had won this country would be dead already.

That is not hyperbole either.


You are a total idiot.
You don't even have half of my IQ.
The good thing is the economy is the one thing politicians can’t BS the voters on. We all know our own situation and that of our neighbors.

Economy adds robust 250,000 jobs in October in last employment report before election.

“The unemployment rate was unchanged at a near 50-year low of 3.7 percent. Annual wage growth topped 3 percent for the first time in nine years.”
If Hillary had won this country would be dead already.

That is not hyperbole either.


You are a total idiot.
You don't even have half of my IQ.

You of course have no clue about my IQ, so thats just another stupid thing you couldn't resist saying.
Let us not forget, Trump has the GDP up at 4.1%. Obama couldn't even get at above 3%.

Actually you SHOULD forget it, because it's bullshit.

4.1% is an annualized number for just one quarter (2018 Q2). Trump has at this point ZERO 3%+ growth calendar years. In 2017 GDP growth was 2.3%.

In 2014 we posted 5.1% growth quarter - US economy grows at fastest pace in a decade
And Obama also posted several .5 and -1% "growth" quarters that cancelled those numbers out.

Obama's average annual GDP growth was 1.9%
The good thing is the economy is the one thing politicians can’t BS the voters on. We all know our own situation and that of our neighbors.

Economy adds robust 250,000 jobs in October in last employment report before election.

“The unemployment rate was unchanged at a near 50-year low of 3.7 percent. Annual wage growth topped 3 percent for the first time in nine years.”
If Hillary had won this country would be dead already.

That is not hyperbole either.


You are a total idiot.
You don't even have half of my IQ.

You of course have no clue about my IQ, so thats just another stupid thing you couldn't resist saying.
Your inability to challenge my claims or points is an indication of a low IQ.

Hillary would have empowered the most stupid people in this society to continue to riot and burn down cities(just like Obama did) while letting in every retard from the 3rd world to make those rioters look like geniuses, completely destroying any hope for growth and eventually destroying the gdp of this country altogether.

Democrats have no plans to build up or even maintain the America we currently have. They can't think past racist identity politics and punishing the people who didn't vote for them.
Let us not forget, Trump has the GDP up at 4.1%. Obama couldn't even get at above 3%.

Actually you SHOULD forget it, because it's bullshit.

4.1% is an annualized number for just one quarter (2018 Q2). Trump has at this point ZERO 3%+ growth calendar years. In 2017 GDP growth was 2.3%.

In 2014 we posted 5.1% growth quarter - US economy grows at fastest pace in a decade
And Obama also posted several .5 and -1% "growth" quarters that cancelled those numbers out.

Obama's average annual GDP growth was 1.9%

Thats just more counterfactual bullshit.

How mentally inedequite do you have to be to not even know how to do basic internet search?

Here, let me show you how basic internet search is done:


Let us not forget, Trump has the GDP up at 4.1%. Obama couldn't even get at above 3%.

Actually you SHOULD forget it, because it's bullshit.

4.1% is an annualized number for just one quarter (2018 Q2). Trump has at this point ZERO 3%+ growth calendar years. In 2017 GDP growth was 2.3%.

In 2014 we posted 5.1% growth quarter - US economy grows at fastest pace in a decade
And Obama also posted several .5 and -1% "growth" quarters that cancelled those numbers out.

Obama's average annual GDP growth was 1.9%

Thats just more counterfactual bullshit.

How mentally inedequite do you have to be to not even know how to do basic internet search?

Here, let me show you how basic internet search is done:

Do it yourself, moron. I don't use discredited political organizations like google.

My numbers are completely accurate.
Let us not forget, Trump has the GDP up at 4.1%. Obama couldn't even get at above 3%.

Actually you SHOULD forget it, because it's bullshit.

4.1% is an annualized number for just one quarter (2018 Q2). Trump has at this point ZERO 3%+ growth calendar years. In 2017 GDP growth was 2.3%.

In 2014 we posted 5.1% growth quarter - US economy grows at fastest pace in a decade
And Obama also posted several .5 and -1% "growth" quarters that cancelled those numbers out.

Obama's average annual GDP growth was 1.9%

Thats just more counterfactual bullshit.

How mentally inedequite do you have to be to not even know how to do basic internet search?

Here, let me show you how basic internet search is done:


Your chart says I am right, moron.

The -1.1 in qtr 1 crushed the prospects of growth for the entire year of 2014(because when you LOSE 1.1 in a weak recovery the 4.3 or 5.1 growth doesn't amount to anything, and the 2 in qtr 4 sealed the deal for that year).
Let us not forget, Trump has the GDP up at 4.1%. Obama couldn't even get at above 3%.

Actually you SHOULD forget it, because it's bullshit.

4.1% is an annualized number for just one quarter (2018 Q2). Trump has at this point ZERO 3%+ growth calendar years. In 2017 GDP growth was 2.3%.

In 2014 we posted 5.1% growth quarter - US economy grows at fastest pace in a decade
And Obama also posted several .5 and -1% "growth" quarters that cancelled those numbers out.

Obama's average annual GDP growth was 1.9%

Thats just more counterfactual bullshit.

How mentally inedequite do you have to be to not even know how to do basic internet search?

Here, let me show you how basic internet search is done:

Do it yourself, moron. I don't use discredited political organizations like google.

My numbers are completely accurate.

You refuted nothing of what you replied to. So your bullshit is completely bullshit.

Obama didn't post 3% growth but neither did Trump thus far. He may well just barely post one for 2018, but getting some extra 0.x% growth in good times by blowing up the debt by a trillion dollars is not exactly rocket science - it's just really bad Keynesianism.
Let us not forget, Trump has the GDP up at 4.1%. Obama couldn't even get at above 3%.

Actually you SHOULD forget it, because it's bullshit.

4.1% is an annualized number for just one quarter (2018 Q2). Trump has at this point ZERO 3%+ growth calendar years. In 2017 GDP growth was 2.3%.

In 2014 we posted 5.1% growth quarter - US economy grows at fastest pace in a decade
And Obama also posted several .5 and -1% "growth" quarters that cancelled those numbers out.

Obama's average annual GDP growth was 1.9%

Thats just more counterfactual bullshit.

How mentally inedequite do you have to be to not even know how to do basic internet search?

Here, let me show you how basic internet search is done:


Your chart says I am right, moron.

The -1.1 in qtr 1 crushed the prospects of growth for the entire year of 2014(because when you LOSE 1.1 in a weak recovery the 4.3 or 5.1 growth doesn't amount to anything, and the 2 in qtr 4 sealed the deal for that year).

The chart says I'm right - there is no growth that happened under Turmp that we haven't seen (even more of) under Obama.

The claim that Trump posted 4.1% growth, while Obama never posted 3%+ is bullshit.

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