If Hillary wins, how long until she starts a new war?

Hillary will start a new war in....

  • Never

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 1 to 3 months

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • 3 to 6 months

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Within her first year

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Within her first term

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Never

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
WTF did you think debating was? I am not going to wallow in hyperbole . Hillary Clinton is so horrible I don't need to.
This wasn't a debate it was a poll. You failed even that part
did you just wake up this stupid? You do know you are on a forum asking for a discussion aka debate? Are you like Clinton and cant figure out what c on the top of a email means?
Alright dumbfuck let's play.

Quote the DEBATEABLE part of the op. You know, the part where I put forth one position that you can refute with a different opinion.

Keep in mind the op is comprised of one word. Thoughts


Just vote like a normal person would in a poll

If Trump wins the election how long before he stops beating his wife?
Probably about the same time you stop having sex with your dog?

When will you stop kicking puppies?
This wasn't a debate it was a poll. You failed even that part
did you just wake up this stupid? You do know you are on a forum asking for a discussion aka debate? Are you like Clinton and cant figure out what c on the top of a email means?
Alright dumbfuck let's play.

Quote the DEBATEABLE part of the op. You know, the part where I put forth one position that you can refute with a different opinion.

Keep in mind the op is comprised of one word. Thoughts


Just vote like a normal person would in a poll

If Trump wins the election how long before he stops beating his wife?
Probably about the same time you stop having sex with your dog?

When will you stop kicking puppies?
Is that you're best shot?

a man (Dulles) who knew jack squat about Southeast Asia. It cost tens of thousands of American lives and untold numbers of Vietnamese ones.

Didn't JFK first place US troops in Vietnam???

Indeed, Vietnam became a "smokescreen" for LBJ's completely treasonous Zionist Agenda after Jew Oswald took out JFK. It is pretty obvious once you understand this...

CIA Analysis of the 1967 Arab-Israeli War — Central Intelligence Agency

"The Foreign Broadcast Information Service had picked up reports that Israel had launched its attack. (OCI soon concluded that the Israelis— contrary to their claims—had fired first.) President Johnson was gratified that because of CIA analyses and Helms's tip, he could inform congressional leaders later in the day that he had been expecting Israel's move"

As soon as JFK was offed, LBJ started shipping, for free, tanks, missiles, planes, and guns to Israel to re-conquer the Promised Land. Vietnam was simply smoke to take our best weapons and hand them over, in accordance with "God's will," to Israel so that they could re-enact the Old Testament. A year later, the Israelis took the planes we gave them and deliberately sank and murdered the crew of the USS Liberty, on a mission to determine whether the Israelis were exterminating the residents of the "occupied territories" as they did in the Old Testament...

Eisenhower took over the defense of SVN and sent American troops, advisers, and trainers constantly during his presidency.

JFK increased them to 13,000.

Johnson had 568,000 there in 1968, and it took Nixon four years to get them out, instead of just saying, "we won and are coming home."
did you just wake up this stupid? You do know you are on a forum asking for a discussion aka debate? Are you like Clinton and cant figure out what c on the top of a email means?
Alright dumbfuck let's play.

Quote the DEBATEABLE part of the op. You know, the part where I put forth one position that you can refute with a different opinion.

Keep in mind the op is comprised of one word. Thoughts


Just vote like a normal person would in a poll

If Trump wins the election how long before he stops beating his wife?
Probably about the same time you stop having sex with your dog?

When will you stop kicking puppies?
Is that you're best shot?


Says the saucier who started this weak ass thread.
She is owned by Zionists, especially DWS, because she wouldn't have won the nomination without DWS' Zionist cheating...

All the warmongering Zionist Jews and JDAACs are for her - including Lindsay Graham, Henry Paulsen and the Goldman Sachs crowd etc.

What did wiki say earlier about arming ISIS???


"A newly-released Hilary Clinton email confirmed that the Obama administration has deliberately provoked the civil war in Syria as the “best way to help Israel.”

Listen dumb fuck. All Democrats are Jew haters y.

What a stupid dumb fuck you are.

Most Jews in America are Democrats.
Sure they are..there are a lot of self hating Jews.... like Soros who turned in Jews to the Nazi
a man (Dulles) who knew jack squat about Southeast Asia. It cost tens of thousands of American lives and untold numbers of Vietnamese ones.

Didn't JFK first place US troops in Vietnam???

Indeed, Vietnam became a "smokescreen" for LBJ's completely treasonous Zionist Agenda after Jew Oswald took out JFK. It is pretty obvious once you understand this...

CIA Analysis of the 1967 Arab-Israeli War — Central Intelligence Agency

"The Foreign Broadcast Information Service had picked up reports that Israel had launched its attack. (OCI soon concluded that the Israelis— contrary to their claims—had fired first.) President Johnson was gratified that because of CIA analyses and Helms's tip, he could inform congressional leaders later in the day that he had been expecting Israel's move"

As soon as JFK was offed, LBJ started shipping, for free, tanks, missiles, planes, and guns to Israel to re-conquer the Promised Land. Vietnam was simply smoke to take our best weapons and hand them over, in accordance with "God's will," to Israel so that they could re-enact the Old Testament. A year later, the Israelis took the planes we gave them and deliberately sank and murdered the crew of the USS Liberty, on a mission to determine whether the Israelis were exterminating the residents of the "occupied territories" as they did in the Old Testament...


>> When the key French garrison at Dien Bien Phu fell to Ho Chi Minh’s troops in 1954, Eisenhower promised to assist the French economically. Many U.S. foreign policy thinkers feared that if one Southeast Asian country fell to Communism, all the others would fall as well, just like a row of dominoes. This so-called domino theory prompted Secretary of State Dulles and Vice President Nixon to advocate the use of nuclear weapons against the North Vietnamese. Remembering the fruitless war in Korea, however, Eisenhower merely responded, “I can conceive of no greater tragedy than for the United States to become engaged in all-out war in Indochina.” Nevertheless, Eisenhower’s financial commitment to contain Communism in Vietnam after the fall of Dien Bien Phu laid the groundwork for what eventually devolved into the Vietnam War. << (Sparknotes)

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