If Hillary wins say GOOD-BYE to your firearms

Did you just cut and paste this from your predictions in 2008, swapping out 'Obama' for 'Hillary'?

You conceal carry your dildo

i conceal carry my .357



You make the same empty and hysteric accusations against Hillary that you and your ilk did against Obama in 2008.



There is one teeny new development since Obama

this justice is no longer with us




So you and your ilk were comically and ineptly wrong in 2008 and when you squealed like little conspiracy piglets that 'if Obama wins, say goodbye to your firearms'?

But this time its different, huh?

You're repeating the *exact* same debunked conspiracy from 2008 verbatim. Changing only the person you're accusing. Does it ever occur to you that your mindless bleating fearmongering doesn't actually have a reflection in the real world?

Hope to be comically and ineptly wrong if Hillary's choice turns out to be a secret gun aficionado.


I doubt it. As you seem to have built quite a bit of your identity in bleating this same conspiracy verbatim......against any democratic president.

And you are literally ignoring the very people you're accusing to do it. Do any of us even need to be here? Because your conspiracy begins and ends inside your own head.
If Hillary wins say GOOD-BYE to your firearms

But, but, didn't Obama already take them all...?

You are not familiar with US History.

The Founding Fathers were opposed to paper money.

In the 1860's , in order to accommodate Lincoln, SCOTUS ruled that paper money was constitutional so long as it was redeemable in gold and silver.

In 1935 , in order to accomodate FDR, SCOTUS ruled that paper money is constitutional EVEN IF IT IS NOT REDEEMABLE in gold and silver.

Call me a cynic, but I do not trust the continuing criminal enterprise known as the US government.

In order for this long running gag to work, the rubes have to have memories like that of goldfish. And this requires a sustained, long term effort to dumb them down.

As we can see, this project has been wildly successful. Someone is making a shit ton of money off the goldfish.

"Say goodbye to your firearms". A clear claim that Hilary will come and take them.

Only the dumbest of rubes continues to fall for that old bullshit. They said it about Obama, and now they are saying it about Clinton. Just how many pounds of brain damage does it take to fall for the exact same gag EIGHT YEARS IN A ROW?!?!

I mean, seriously. Only my conscience and my morals prevent me from taking advantage of such unbelievable imbeciles.


What a fucking retard

You have 4 "justices" claiming that Heller announced a new right - one more fascist justice and they become a majority.

What, you stupid son of a bitch , will prevent them from reversing Heller?

Why don't you read their dissent then repost?


Wow. This is awesome.

Okay, I'll play. Please explain how a reversal of Heller means Clinton can come and take your guns. I eagerly await your legal brilliance to splain it to us. :lol:

According to the story the dissenters have concocted, only those who are members of a militia have a right to bear arms.

And when has Hillary, the woman you're making your focus of your regurgetated conspiracy from 2008, said that only the militia has a right to bear arms?

Hillary has said that states and cities should have the authority to enact common sense gun regulation. You're literally ignoring Hillary in your recycled conspiracy about Hillary.

You're using the woman as a canvas for your verbatim conspiracy batshit, just swapping out the name 'Obama' from 2008 and every year since that your ilk have been bleating this same, tired nonsense.

Chelsea Clinton: Post-Scalia Supreme Court will be open to gun control

Blame Chelsea

"Say goodbye to your firearms". A clear claim that Hilary will come and take them.

Only the dumbest of rubes continues to fall for that old bullshit. They said it about Obama, and now they are saying it about Clinton. Just how many pounds of brain damage does it take to fall for the exact same gag EIGHT YEARS IN A ROW?!?!

I mean, seriously. Only my conscience and my morals prevent me from taking advantage of such unbelievable imbeciles.


What a fucking retard

You have 4 "justices" claiming that Heller announced a new right - one more fascist justice and they become a majority.

What, you stupid son of a bitch , will prevent them from reversing Heller?

Why don't you read their dissent then repost?


Wow. This is awesome.

Okay, I'll play. Please explain how a reversal of Heller means Clinton can come and take your guns. I eagerly await your legal brilliance to splain it to us. :lol:

According to the story the dissenters have concocted, only those who are members of a militia have a right to bear arms.

And when has Hillary, the woman you're making your focus of your regurgetated conspiracy from 2008, said that only the militia has a right to bear arms?

Hillary has said that states and cities should have the authority to enact common sense gun regulation. You're literally ignoring Hillary in your recycled conspiracy about Hillary.

You're using the woman as a canvas for your verbatim conspiracy batshit, just swapping out the name 'Obama' from 2008 and every year since that your ilk have been bleating this same, tired nonsense.

Chelsea Clinton: Post-Scalia Supreme Court will be open to gun control

Blame Chelsea

Quote the part about gun seizures, rube. More specifically, quote the justice who affirms the constitutionality of gun seizures.

By the way, the big fonts won't fool anyone but your fellow rubes. It's a sure sign you know you are cornered.
You conceal carry your dildo

i conceal carry my .357



You make the same empty and hysteric accusations against Hillary that you and your ilk did against Obama in 2008.



There is one teeny new development since Obama

this justice is no longer with us




So you and your ilk were comically and ineptly wrong in 2008 and when you squealed like little conspiracy piglets that 'if Obama wins, say goodbye to your firearms'?

But this time its different, huh?

You're repeating the *exact* same debunked conspiracy from 2008 verbatim. Changing only the person you're accusing. Does it ever occur to you that your mindless bleating fearmongering doesn't actually have a reflection in the real world?

Hope to be comically and ineptly wrong if Hillary's choice turns out to be a secret gun aficionado.


I doubt it. As you seem to have built quite a bit of your identity in bleating this same conspiracy verbatim......against any democratic president.

And you are literally ignoring the very people you're accusing to do it. Do any of us even need to be here? Because your conspiracy begins and ends inside your own head.


Even though the federal government has NO AUTHORITY to regulate firearms they have managed to squeeze in :

Major federal gun laws
Most federal gun laws are found in the following acts:[1][2]

Are they a continuing criminal enterprise or Are they a continuing criminal enterprise?

What a fucking retard

You have 4 "justices" claiming that Heller announced a new right - one more fascist justice and they become a majority.

What, you stupid son of a bitch , will prevent them from reversing Heller?

Why don't you read their dissent then repost?


Wow. This is awesome.

Okay, I'll play. Please explain how a reversal of Heller means Clinton can come and take your guns. I eagerly await your legal brilliance to splain it to us. :lol:

According to the story the dissenters have concocted, only those who are members of a militia have a right to bear arms.

And when has Hillary, the woman you're making your focus of your regurgetated conspiracy from 2008, said that only the militia has a right to bear arms?

Hillary has said that states and cities should have the authority to enact common sense gun regulation. You're literally ignoring Hillary in your recycled conspiracy about Hillary.

You're using the woman as a canvas for your verbatim conspiracy batshit, just swapping out the name 'Obama' from 2008 and every year since that your ilk have been bleating this same, tired nonsense.

Chelsea Clinton: Post-Scalia Supreme Court will be open to gun control

Blame Chelsea

Quote the part about gun seizures, rube. More specifically, quote the justice who affirms the constitutionality of gun seizures.

By the way, the big fonts won't fool anyone but your fellow rubes. It's a sure sign you know you are cornered.

Last time . read the dissent in Heller.

If that doesn't scare you then you are a stupid gun fascist.

So...what have we learned?

We have learned the rubes masturbated to imaginary gun seizure scenarios for eight years, and intend to continue to do so for the next eight years.

There isn't a shred of evidence to support the running gag that Obama Hillary is going to seize your guns. It's fearmongering manufactured bulslhit for the consumption of some of the most credulous rubes in American history.
Wow. This is awesome.

Okay, I'll play. Please explain how a reversal of Heller means Clinton can come and take your guns. I eagerly await your legal brilliance to splain it to us. :lol:

According to the story the dissenters have concocted, only those who are members of a militia have a right to bear arms.

And when has Hillary, the woman you're making your focus of your regurgetated conspiracy from 2008, said that only the militia has a right to bear arms?

Hillary has said that states and cities should have the authority to enact common sense gun regulation. You're literally ignoring Hillary in your recycled conspiracy about Hillary.

You're using the woman as a canvas for your verbatim conspiracy batshit, just swapping out the name 'Obama' from 2008 and every year since that your ilk have been bleating this same, tired nonsense.

Chelsea Clinton: Post-Scalia Supreme Court will be open to gun control

Blame Chelsea

Quote the part about gun seizures, rube. More specifically, quote the justice who affirms the constitutionality of gun seizures.

By the way, the big fonts won't fool anyone but your fellow rubes. It's a sure sign you know you are cornered.

Last time . read the dissent in Heller.

If that doesn't scare you then you are a stupid gun fascist.

Quotes, rubes. Provide quotes where a Justice says seizures are constitutional.

You can't do it. That's why you aren't doing it. You will continue to lie and dodge. You are literally only fooling yourself.

It must suck to be so deeply trapped in a delusion.
I wonder how long the gag will run after Clinton's election. How long can the rubes be strung along?

I'm betting for at least another eight years. The gun manufacturers and retailers of America are counting on that kind of stupidity and gullibility.

The dumb fucks are responsible for a spike in gun prices. Fucking, fucking, fucking idiot assholes.
No gun nuts, you will not lose your guns
With 300 million of them out there, you will always have access

You just may not have access to the gun of your choice as quickly as you like
I wonder how long the gag will run after Clinton's election. How long can the rubes be strung along?

I'm betting for at least another eight years. The gun manufacturers and retailers of America are counting on that kind of stupidity and gullibility.

The dumb fucks are responsible for a spike in gun prices. Fucking, fucking, fucking idiot assholes.

They've been running the same gag for 8 years under Obama (and not a single 2nd Amendment "right" has been lost under him)...why would Clinton be any different? It's one of the ways they "get out the vote".
Evidently Hillary's POST-CONCUSSION SYNDROME was kicking in when she declared 'Gun Control is a Unifying Force For Americans'.

Yes, all Americans believe in background checks and other 'common sense' reforms to keep legal weapons out of the hands of criminals; however, not very many trust Hillary's / the Federal Govt's definition of 'gun control', especially since they have demonstrated very little common sense and DESIRE to keep guns out of the hands of extremely bad people.

For example, the same people who want to limit, if not do away with, the 2nd Amendment, the same government / Liberals who said Americans have no business owning a legal, semi-automatic AR-15, have given thousands of weapons, grenades, and more to Mexican Drug Cartels, and to TERRORISTS like the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeida, and ISIS.

And when high-profile Liberal 'darlings' like Elizabeth Warren are reported saying, "If the Republicans disarm, all is well and good - If they refuse to disarm we will disarm them ourselves", then you have a serious problem where the MAJORITY of the country is NOT going to rally around someone vowing to violate the 2nd Amendment, if not get rid of it altogether.

Unify the country? An attempt to strip Americans of their 2nd Amendment rights, any attempt to DISARM Americans, will only result in violence and bloodshed.

Hillary Clinton: Gun Control A Unifying Force For Americans - Breitbart


"The beauty of the Second Amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it."

"A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take away everything that you have."

"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."

"Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not."

"That government is best which governs least."
Liberals will smile at you, like a crocodile who 'smiles at you all the while thinking how good you will taste, while trying to strip you of your Constitutional Rights. They don't have the honesty or integrity to come right out and tell you that's what you are doing. They don't have the courage to come right out and push for an Amendment to the Constitution / the 2nd Amendment...because they know that they would lose. No, like a python, they slowly, non-threateningly, coil around you...then they start slowly squeezing the life out of you. Every time you take a breath, they squeeze a little tighter...and tighter...and tighter...until you suddenly realize you can't breathe. At that point it's too late.

Here is an example of how the Liberals are slowly squeezing the Constitutional Rights out of people without them ever getting fully alarmed:

More Executive Gun Control: Registration, $2,250 Fees for Some Gunsmiths
More Gun Control: Registration, $2,250 Fees for Some Gunsmiths

"The State Department’s Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC) has issued a letter setting forth more executive gun controls–guidelines for gunsmiths to register with the DDTC and pay fees requisite to that registration."

TRANSLATION: The State Department just announced that Obama has just violated the Constitution's Separation of Powers by BY-PASSING CONGRESS TO CREATE LAW in order to strip a little more of Americans' 2nd Amendment Rights.

No, they aren't going to come right out and strip you of your rights. They do it a more quiet, sneaky way. They will simply make it too expensive for gunsmiths to operate...for gun owners to buy weapons / ammo. No one is taking away your right...they will just slowly make the ability to own / buy guns too economically burdensome.
Let me remind you folks, the right to bear arms to defend our lives is the MOST Basic of all rights

The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered, as the palladium of the liberties of a republic; since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers; and will generally, even if these are successful in the first instance, enable the people to resist and triumph over them.

Joseph Story
Supreme Court Justice
That's bullshit.

You know it's bullshit.

Bill and Hillary are not anti 2A.

They are anti assault weapons.

There is a difference.

Wrong........they are anti 2nd Amendment......assault weapons were low hanging fruit for the uninformed Americans who don't understand the issue.....

There is no reason to ban rifles with detachable magazines......but they did it anyway....the same thing they will do for the rest of our guns....

She already says she likes what Australia did and that Heller was wrong........you are wrong.........hilary will destroy the 2nd Amendment...
Let me remind you folks, the right to bear arms to defend our lives is the MOST Basic of all rights

The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered, as the palladium of the liberties of a republic; since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers; and will generally, even if these are successful in the first instance, enable the people to resist and triumph over them.

Joseph Story
Supreme Court Justice
what happened? I thought you gun goons said Obama was coming to take your guns, any day

He put in place judges who are ruling against guns and he has backed gun control in various states........his primary concern was passing obamacare....and he didn't want to loose any democrats because of a gun control push......

Now...they can end it in two moves.......appoint one judge to the Supreme court...and then get rid of the Lawful Commerce in Arms act which will allow any victim of an illegal act with a gun to sue the makers of the gun......that insanity will attack guns like no other law has.
Every election the NRA directs the chorus of ammosexuals in the same old song. Every four years the fear among the gun lovers is ginned up.

And every election comes and goes and nary a gun is lost.

Be afraid, ammosexuals, be very afraid. For fear is your 'happy place'.

Even if it can't be pushed at the federal level, it's doing well at the state level. NY's SAFE Act, Mass Atty Gen all but declaring "assault weapons" illegal two weeks ago, May Issue permits not being issued except to the rich and powerful, Cali's ever expanding list of gun laws, all of which are designed to disarm the law abiding citizen.

And that is how they will bypass congress......they will pass the anti gun laws at the state level...they will then take those laws to hilary's rubber stamp Supreme Court and all those anti gun laws will be made Constitutional.........all without a single vote in Congress......
Every election the NRA directs the chorus of ammosexuals in the same old song. Every four years the fear among the gun lovers is ginned up.

And every election comes and goes and nary a gun is lost.

Be afraid, ammosexuals, be very afraid. For fear is your 'happy place'.

Even if it can't be pushed at the federal level, it's doing well at the state level. NY's SAFE Act, Mass Atty Gen all but declaring "assault weapons" illegal two weeks ago, May Issue permits not being issued except to the rich and powerful, Cali's ever expanding list of gun laws, all of which are designed to disarm the law abiding citizen.
I'll betthatyou are a believer in state's rights. I'll bet that you think a strong federal government is a threat to freedoms.

And yet, here you are arguing that the individual states should not legislate gun laws those states find appropriate.

Having cake and eating it comes to mind.

States cannot legislate in opposition to constitutional rights anymore than can the federal government.

Hilary's rubber stamp Supreme Court will make those laws Constitutional........
Let me remind you folks, the right to bear arms to defend our lives is the MOST Basic of all rights

The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered, as the palladium of the liberties of a republic; since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers; and will generally, even if these are successful in the first instance, enable the people to resist and triumph over them.

Joseph Story
Supreme Court Justice
That's bullshit.

You know it's bullshit.

Bill and Hillary are not anti 2A.

They are anti assault weapons.

There is a difference.
Shall not be infringed.

So she wants my AR.

Not getting it
I am pretty sure they will grandfather-in all the AR's and AK's.

Since you've already got one you get to keep it.

Same rule as for machine guns.

Same rule as for submachine guns.

If Hillary wins say GOOD-BYE to your firearms

The dissent in Heller , somehow , concluded that the tight to bear arms to defend our lives is a NEW RIGHT

Justice Stevens, with whom Justice Souter, Justice Ginsburg, and Justice Breyer join, dissenting.
Justice Stevens and Souter were both appointed by republican presidents.


If a Republican appoints a Supreme Court judge we have a 50-50 chance they will actually be someone who upholds the Constitution......

There is a 100% guarantee that a democrat appointed Justice will do whatever the hell they feel like and will always rule for increasing the government and limiting the 1st and 2nd Amendments....

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