If Hobby Lobby wins...

If it's an employees religious freedom to have contraception covered by their health insurance, then an employees' religious freedom is in jeopardy. You can argue that employees don't believe that, but the one thing that history has taught us is that religious beliefs are abitrary and can be used to justify even the most atrocious acts. Auto de fe and the like.

Religious morality is subjective to the individual. A for-profit corporation is not a church. God doesn't care about Hobby Lobby. This is a bullshit case. Rich fucks just don't want any wealth to trickle down to their employees, and they are using "religious freedom" as an argument to make sure of that.

So if a corporation can object to any laws based on religious principle, and religious principle can be made up out of thin air (Joseph Smith, L. Ron Hubbard, Moses, etc.), then a corporation can create their own religion with one of the main tenets being that minimum wage is the work of Satan, and oppose paying their employees what the law demands.

If Hobby Lobby wins and corporations are legally the same as churches, will they also be taxed like churches?

So you're admitting that the belief that other people should fund the lifestyles and choices of leftists is a religion to you shitstains? Well, at least we're making some progress toward honesty, at any rate.

In the meantime, please show me where the Constitution only guarantees religious freedom to churches.
It isn't freedom to "force" someone else to pay for something. It is the company's obligation to its employees because they have the means to do so. Rich fucks just don't want to spend any money on their employees and are using "religious freedom" as a flimsy excuse to get away with it.

Hobby Lobby is NOT a church. "God" is not within their walls. It is a business. Businesses are not churches, but churches are businesses. If Hobby Lobby wins and corporations have religious freedom like churches, then will corporations be taxed like churches?

Oh, okay. So if I win the lottery, I'm obligated to purchase health insurance for some wino sleeping in the overpass because I have the means to do so? I don't fucking think so. Please wrap your tiny mind around the idea that no one has an obligation to do ANYTHING for you, and the more you talk, the less DESIRE they have to do so.

You might also consider that nothing in the Constitution says, ". . . free exercise thereof . . . unless you happen to be rich and KNB envies you because he's too shit-poor and worthless to afford his own beer, in which case you have no rights except to shut up and pay him to stand around picking his nose".

Hobby Lobby doesn't have to be a church, because the only people who think the First Amendment applies only to churches are ignorant fuckstains like you who are challenged by reading "Cat in the Hat". In fact, I really hope I'm not being to articulate for you to understand right now. I'd hate for any of the contempt you create to be missed.
It is the company's obligation to its employees because they have the means to do so.

Is this to be taken as a general legal principle?

No, it's a general MORAL principle. The employees are the reason that these corporations are so successful. The corporation then has a moral obligation to share that wealth with its employees. Thus "a rising tide lifts all boats". Right now, the rising tide only lifts the boats of people who can afford a boat.

The corporation DOES share the wealth with its employees . . . by paying their stupid asses to show up and do a barely-skilled job. The only people who think the rank-and-file workers in a corporation are the "real workers" are completely unskilled dipshits who couldn't even get hired at Hobby Lobby.

Take a bow, son, because I AM talking about you.
To allow Hobby Lobby a special exemption to the health insurance law creates a situation where the employees at Hobby Lobby, through no fault of their own,

would be denied equal treatment under the law. Do their rights count?

What about the people who work, through no fault of their own, for a business that employs less than 50 people, or the ones who work for non profit corporations that Obama exempted from the law. or even the ones that had a health plan before Obamacare came along to screw everyone over?

I guess you missed the part where Hobby Lobby employs around 13,000 people.

Sorry, that's a lot more than 50.

But then again................the GOP assholes thought that any business that had less than 25,000 people was a "small, family business".

Wal-Mart is owned by a single family, and they are also the largest employer in this country.

HL said they refused because they were a "family owned business". Does that mean Wal-Mart can do the same thing to their employees?

Me? I think that all of the HL employees should tell HL to stick it up their ass, and buy their own insurance for themselves and their families. At least, that way, if they disagreed with the minimum wage that they were paid, as well as the crappy way they treat their employees, they would have health care that would follow them (because it wasn't provided by the employer known as Hobby Lobby), because it was something they picked for themselves from the ACA, and would have the freedom to search for another job because they weren't worried about having health care for their families, because they were providing it themselves.

Me? I think that all HL employees should get their own health care (some are military vets who can get it for free from the VA), quit HL and tell them to go fuck themselves.

I'd really like to see HL go broke and declare bankruptcy.

Same with Chick Fil A.
Then whats stopping them from requiring everyone to say the lords prayer before work? Or have a certain diet?

Could any other owner force his beliefs on his employees in other ways? Could the owner who doesnt believe in prescription meds opt out of it all together and argue for "natural healing" methods? Could a vegan make their stores meat free? Even their employees lunches?

Where does it stop? Or a better question, WHAT makes it stop?

Gee...what has stopped them from requiring that already you clown? If Hobby Lobby wins (and they will) they will continue business as usual and continue to pay for the 16 contraceptive methods that they ALREADY pay for you twit. They will NOT have to cover the other 4.

My God, you people are ridiculous.
I think it's very probable that they will.

Obviously, the three female justices will vote against them, and Breyer.

Alito, Scalia, Uncle Tom and Roberts will vote for them.

And that leaves Kennedy. Mr. Swing vote.

Uncle Tom?

Fucking scumbag

Yep, Joe is a racist and a bigot, nothing new though, we all know that.

No, I just don't like appointing unqualified people to SCOTUS because you are forwarding an agenda instead of appointing the best people you can find.

22 years on the Court, what has Uncle Tom really contributed other than shining Scalia's shoes?
To allow Hobby Lobby a special exemption to the health insurance law creates a situation where the employees at Hobby Lobby, through no fault of their own,

would be denied equal treatment under the law. Do their rights count?

What about the people who work, through no fault of their own, for a business that employs less than 50 people, or the ones who work for non profit corporations that Obama exempted from the law. or even the ones that had a health plan before Obamacare came along to screw everyone over?

Is that a yes or a no?

PS...Obamacare didn't screw me over at all. Don't include me in your 'everyone'.

Yes I would, it is a violation of the 1st amendment, it is not allowing the freedom of religion.

It is sad that to be a citizen in a country that forces you to buy product to remain a citizen in good standing, no other industrialized country forces that burden on its people. We have lost a huge freedom.
Uncle Tom?

Fucking scumbag

Yep, Joe is a racist and a bigot, nothing new though, we all know that.

No, I just don't like appointing unqualified people to SCOTUS because you are forwarding an agenda instead of appointing the best people you can find.

22 years on the Court, what has Uncle Tom really contributed other than shining Scalia's shoes?

Your choice of words make it clear you are a racist, sorry but the label you used puts it very clear on how you hate blacks that step out of line.. Nice try at your spin, however you could have worded it differently and you didn't. And skin color is the reason you chose the words you did.

Spin away racist bigot.

Yes I would, it is a violation of the 1st amendment, it is not allowing the freedom of religion.

It is sad that to be a citizen in a country that forces you to buy product to remain a citizen in good standing, no other industrialized country forces that burden on its people. We have lost a huge freedom.
There you have it. A fictional entity, an artificial being, invisible, intangible, and existing only in contemplation of law...without consciences, beliefs, feelings, thoughts, desires...artificial creatures of the state -- can, to some conservatives -

worship God, Allah, Jehovah, Olodumare, Braham, Vishnu, etc...

Now, a souless, insentient creation can have what - up until this time in history, what was only known to exist in humans.
It isn't freedom to "force" someone else to pay for something. It is the company's obligation to its employees because they have the means to do so. Rich fucks just don't want to spend any money on their employees and are using "religious freedom" as a flimsy excuse to get away with it.

Hobby Lobby is NOT a church. "God" is not within their walls. It is a business. Businesses are not churches, but churches are businesses. If Hobby Lobby wins and corporations have religious freedom like churches, then will corporations be taxed like churches?

Oh, okay. So if I win the lottery, I'm obligated to purchase health insurance for some wino sleeping in the overpass because I have the means to do so? I don't fucking think so. Please wrap your tiny mind around the idea that no one has an obligation to do ANYTHING for you, and the more you talk, the less DESIRE they have to do so.

You might also consider that nothing in the Constitution says, ". . . free exercise thereof . . . unless you happen to be rich and KNB envies you because he's too shit-poor and worthless to afford his own beer, in which case you have no rights except to shut up and pay him to stand around picking his nose".

Hobby Lobby doesn't have to be a church, because the only people who think the First Amendment applies only to churches are ignorant fuckstains like you who are challenged by reading "Cat in the Hat". In fact, I really hope I'm not being to articulate for you to understand right now. I'd hate for any of the contempt you create to be missed.

Then why did the Supreme Court decide that states couild outlaw polygamy? The Mormons argued, accurately, that polygamy was part of their religion.

Did the Court wrongly decide that case? Should Mormon polygamous marriages be required to be legal and recognized?

Yes I would, it is a violation of the 1st amendment, it is not allowing the freedom of religion.

It is sad that to be a citizen in a country that forces you to buy product to remain a citizen in good standing, no other industrialized country forces that burden on its people. We have lost a huge freedom.

You don't think any of your tax dollars are used to buy anything? Are you fucking nuts?
Oh, and NOW we have an examination by the Times. Well, fuck all those doctors out there. The NY Times examined it, so THAT'S "real science".

Two words for you: hari kiri. Look into it.

No, Actual doctors and scientists looked into it and said its not. Hobby Lobby believes it is even tho it isnt. You cant defend it so you try to get runner up in the category of Best Zinger by a stupid bitch. Congrats

I don't have to "defend" anything against a dipshit who says, "This is what the science is, because Snopes and the NY Times says so!" Please understand that YOU are the one who will forever after have to defend your right to process oxygen that thinking human beings could be using.

Thanks for the congratulations, but recognizing what a peabrain you are isn't exactly a difficult accomplishment. It just requires eyes.

Thanks you done? Because you apparently have nothing so you want to talk about me. Need a man or something sweetie? Fuck outta here

Yes I would, it is a violation of the 1st amendment, it is not allowing the freedom of religion.

It is sad that to be a citizen in a country that forces you to buy product to remain a citizen in good standing, no other industrialized country forces that burden on its people. We have lost a huge freedom.

Uhm... what's the difference between a government forcing you to pay for health insurance via income and vat taxes (Canada, England, ...) and another government forcing you to buy it from a private company?

It's the same damn thing, you don't have a choice you have to pay for it whether you need it or not. The demoscumbags won. Freedom lost. Elections have consequences.
Why didn't I think of that? With jobs so plentiful, anyone can find a job somewhere else.

Their ideas always run afoul of reality.

Poor? - Get a Job
No jobs? - Educate yourself
No Education? - Spend the money

See #1

That's only illogical for people like yourself, who have literally nothing to offer the universe by their existence.

Ahh but you offer so much. Like typical woman barbs that might hurt your gf's feelings at your local bingo hall but you need to try harder bitch.

Yes I would, it is a violation of the 1st amendment, it is not allowing the freedom of religion.

It is sad that to be a citizen in a country that forces you to buy product to remain a citizen in good standing, no other industrialized country forces that burden on its people. We have lost a huge freedom.

You don't think any of your tax dollars are used to buy anything? Are you fucking nuts?

Taxes are much different, it is a way to run the government, last I look health care is a private industry regulated by the government. But the government is forcing us to buy from a private company and allows us no choice and we pay. I had a health care plan that worked for me, now I pay more for stuff I don't want or need. It is an assault on our freedoms.
It isn't freedom to "force" someone else to pay for something. It is the company's obligation to its employees because they have the means to do so. Rich fucks just don't want to spend any money on their employees and are using "religious freedom" as a flimsy excuse to get away with it.

Hobby Lobby is NOT a church. "God" is not within their walls. It is a business. Businesses are not churches, but churches are businesses. If Hobby Lobby wins and corporations have religious freedom like churches, then will corporations be taxed like churches?

Oh, okay. So if I win the lottery, I'm obligated to purchase health insurance for some wino sleeping in the overpass because I have the means to do so? I don't fucking think so. Please wrap your tiny mind around the idea that no one has an obligation to do ANYTHING for you, and the more you talk, the less DESIRE they have to do so.

You might also consider that nothing in the Constitution says, ". . . free exercise thereof . . . unless you happen to be rich and KNB envies you because he's too shit-poor and worthless to afford his own beer, in which case you have no rights except to shut up and pay him to stand around picking his nose".

Hobby Lobby doesn't have to be a church, because the only people who think the First Amendment applies only to churches are ignorant fuckstains like you who are challenged by reading "Cat in the Hat". In fact, I really hope I'm not being to articulate for you to understand right now. I'd hate for any of the contempt you create to be missed.

Then why did the Supreme Court decide that states couild outlaw polygamy? The Mormons argued, accurately, that polygamy was part of their religion.

Did the Court wrongly decide that case? Should Mormon polygamous marriages be required to be legal and recognized?
What was the SCOTUS case that decided the states could outlaw polygamy?
It isn't freedom to "force" someone else to pay for something. It is the company's obligation to its employees because they have the means to do so. Rich fucks just don't want to spend any money on their employees and are using "religious freedom" as a flimsy excuse to get away with it.

Hobby Lobby is NOT a church. "God" is not within their walls. It is a business. Businesses are not churches, but churches are businesses. If Hobby Lobby wins and corporations have religious freedom like churches, then will corporations be taxed like churches?

Oh, okay. So if I win the lottery, I'm obligated to purchase health insurance for some wino sleeping in the overpass because I have the means to do so? I don't fucking think so. Please wrap your tiny mind around the idea that no one has an obligation to do ANYTHING for you, and the more you talk, the less DESIRE they have to do so.

You might also consider that nothing in the Constitution says, ". . . free exercise thereof . . . unless you happen to be rich and KNB envies you because he's too shit-poor and worthless to afford his own beer, in which case you have no rights except to shut up and pay him to stand around picking his nose".

Hobby Lobby doesn't have to be a church, because the only people who think the First Amendment applies only to churches are ignorant fuckstains like you who are challenged by reading "Cat in the Hat". In fact, I really hope I'm not being to articulate for you to understand right now. I'd hate for any of the contempt you create to be missed.

Then why did the Supreme Court decide that states couild outlaw polygamy? The Mormons argued, accurately, that polygamy was part of their religion.

Did the Court wrongly decide that case? Should Mormon polygamous marriages be required to be legal and recognized?

I don't see how any liberal can say that the SCOTUS ruled correctly. Mormons were born that way. Who is it hurting if a man is mad enough to marry more then one woman?

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