If Hobby Lobby wins...

Then whats stopping them from requiring everyone to say the lords prayer before work? Or have a certain diet?

Could any other owner force his beliefs on his employees in other ways? Could the owner who doesnt believe in prescription meds opt out of it all together and argue for "natural healing" methods? Could a vegan make their stores meat free? Even their employees lunches?

Where does it stop? Or a better question, WHAT makes it stop?

What's stopping you from drawing up false equivalencies? Nothing, it seems.

How are we "forcing" any of our beliefs on anyone, when all we want is to not be made to do things that violate our faith? Hmm? Nothing is stopping these women from buying their own abortifacients, or buying a plan not sponsored by the company. They have a plethora of other choices, yet choose to rob the pious of theirs. Is this really about a choice? Or is this all more of your liberal talking points?

You have a lot of gall preaching to us about forcing our beliefs on anyone, when you wish to instill the belief that a woman has more right to an abortion than a man has to his faith.

that is how they are with everything. no compromise, it has to be all their way. they expect everyone else to give in. bullshit. its time to fight back hard on this one way street that has been sucking away our rights and freedoms
So if I think the mininum wage, social security withholding, environmental regs and safety regs violate my free-market-cult religious beliefs, can my business can opt out of those as well?

If not, why the wild hypocritical double standards?

Not exactly, you would need to show that your religion has a broad basis, is widely accepted and recognized by other religious sects, and meets all the requirements for a non profit tax exempt religious organization according to government regulations.

It is not like the Catholics, Baptist, Methodist, etc, etc or not readily recognized as run of the mill religions accepted by most reasonable and prudent members of society.

Now I am not sure your free market cult qualifies for the accepted meaning of a religious sect ...

That wasn't just a rhetorical question anyway, was it?? You seriously need help with the reasoning behind this??

You haven't a clue. When 2.2 billion people worship Christianity, I'd say that's a broad enough basis. Christianity also does not need to be accepted by other non-Christian religious sects in order to practice, and it does meet the standards of a religious organization, seeing as how it's been in existence for over 2000 years. Christianity is also widely accepted seeing as how almost a quarter of the people on this planet believe in it. I'm not sure what you're trying to hit at, but you are woefully uninformed about my faith, whoever you are.

I find this is more revealing about the discrimination against and denial of
"Constitutional beliefs" as invalid.

Perhaps from these debates and issues, the concept of
Constitutionalism as a "political belief in limited govt" will come to be publicly recognized.

And whatever you call "right to health care" or "singlepayer" as a political belief as well.

We'll see how long it takes us to "evolve" to that level of realization.
that is how they are with everything. no compromise, it has to be all their way. they expect everyone else to give in. bullshit. its time to fight back hard on this one way street that has been sucking away our rights and freedoms

Is it "karmic backlash" from previous politics?
What other issue caused them to feel so put upon, silenced and dismissed without consideration that they have to do it to someone else?

Was it the war issue where objectors were dismissed as "unamerican"? Criticized as only pushing their opposition to "reject Bush" and didn't have any REAL issues they were defending?
Was it the campaigns to slam "prochoice" as "proabortion murderers and babykillers"

Was it Christian rejection of gays without compromise?
Where is all this backlash coming from?

Whatever has a cause and a beginning also has an end.
So at some point the cycle will close on itself when it has come full circle.

Whatever went on before, this must be an echo of the same, paying itself back.
Otherwise, it makes no sense to me why none of this is making sense!
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Yeah. What exactly did you mean by that?

I mean that more and more we are hearing that laws against discrimination are assaults on liberty.

They are. Just like assaults on all kinds of unpopular opinions are assaults on liberty. Anytime we try to dictate what people think, we're overstepping proper limits on government authority.

A law against discrimination is a law against an action not a thought. Get your facts straight.

You hate black people? That's a thought. You deny black people service in your business? That's an action.
To allow Hobby Lobby a special exemption to the health insurance law creates a situation where the employees at Hobby Lobby, through no fault of their own,

would be denied equal treatment under the law. Do their rights count?
Then whats stopping them from requiring everyone to say the lords prayer before work? Or have a certain diet?

Could any other owner force his beliefs on his employees in other ways? Could the owner who doesnt believe in prescription meds opt out of it all together and argue for "natural healing" methods? Could a vegan make their stores meat free? Even their employees lunches?

Where does it stop? Or a better question, WHAT makes it stop?

your OP serves to remind me that dumb-fuck anti-freedom liberalism is unfortunately alive and well...
To allow Hobby Lobby a special exemption to the health insurance law creates a situation where the employees at Hobby Lobby, through no fault of their own,

would be denied equal treatment under the law. Do their rights count?

What about the people who work, through no fault of their own, for a business that employs less than 50 people, or the ones who work for non profit corporations that Obama exempted from the law. or even the ones that had a health plan before Obamacare came along to screw everyone over?
I mean that more and more we are hearing that laws against discrimination are assaults on liberty.

They are. Just like assaults on all kinds of unpopular opinions are assaults on liberty. Anytime we try to dictate what people think, we're overstepping proper limits on government authority.

A law against discrimination is a law against an action not a thought. Get your facts straight.

You hate black people? That's a thought. You deny black people service in your business? That's an action.

No, in fact, "it's the thought that counts", not the action. The exact same action (refusing service, for example) can be deemed legal, or illegal, depending on your thoughts at the time, on your personal reasons for preferential treatment.
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Persecuting them for having sex?

By refusing to purchase birth control and abortion pills for them?

That's idiotic. Persecution would consist of throwing them in jail for daring to voice their opinions on why they don't want to be responsible for providing those things for OTHER people. Not for just refusing to provide.

Persecution is an ACTION. It's not a refusal to pay for something that the people can get anyway.

Definition of PERSECUTION

: the act or practice of persecuting especially those who differ in origin, religion, or social outlook

: the condition of being persecuted, harassed, or annoyed"

So the people being harassed and persecuted are actually the businesses and owners who are being persecuted, harassed and annoyed because they refuse to fund abortion and birth control that violates their religious beliefs.

So I guess there is persecution.

But it isn't of the women who are perfectly free to pick up birth control and abortion pills at the corner pharmacy or health clinic.

It's against the business owners who refuse to be held hostage by people who are trying to force them to deny their faith, and act against their beliefs.

Persecution - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

You know as well as I do that Corncob thinks the world begins and ends with her skeezy vagina, how much she hates it and considers it a burden, and how she thinks the rest of the world is obsessed with it.
Heres the rub tho. What if more employers start imposing more "beliefs"? And a few turn to hundreds? The rule still applies that no one HAS to work there but many will have to work somewhere which means some will be exposed to it.

Does the worker lose their right to the CEO's belief?

This has nothing to do with the question before the Supremes.

The question before the Supreme Court is whether the U.S. Government can force Hobby Lobby owners to violate their First Amendment Right to practice their religion or not!

The A.C.A. is already Unconstitutional
because it taxes us to live, therefore violating our right to life, liberty, and our pursuit of happiness. Any infringement, however small, is a violation.
SCOTUS says you're wrong.

The Supreme Court says a lot of stupid shit. Apparently, that's why it's a good thing there are conservatives around who are capable of thinking for themselves and questioning the Court, rather than just saying, "Oh, is that what you think? Then that must be reality. May I suck your cock for you again, sir?" the way leftists do. Otherwise, "separate but equal" would still be the law of the land, and you would be mindlessly prattling, "That's what the Constitution says, because the Supreme Court says it does."
Right. So I'll post this again and maybe you'll scream "no facts"


Oh, and NOW we have an examination by the Times. Well, fuck all those doctors out there. The NY Times examined it, so THAT'S "real science".

Two words for you: hari kiri. Look into it.

No, Actual doctors and scientists looked into it and said its not. Hobby Lobby believes it is even tho it isnt. You cant defend it so you try to get runner up in the category of Best Zinger by a stupid bitch. Congrats

I don't have to "defend" anything against a dipshit who says, "This is what the science is, because Snopes and the NY Times says so!" Please understand that YOU are the one who will forever after have to defend your right to process oxygen that thinking human beings could be using.

Thanks for the congratulations, but recognizing what a peabrain you are isn't exactly a difficult accomplishment. It just requires eyes.
Well, under the ACA, even if Hobby Lobby doesn't want to pay for their insurance and take the fine, those who are employed by them (probably making minimum wage) will qualify for subsidies under the ACA, and because they bought their own insurance, it will follow them wherever they choose to be employed, opening up the possibility that they can find a better job and tell HL to go get bent, because they don't have to depend on HL for their healthcare.

Lots of people would like better jobs, but because of the (minimal) health care provided by their employers, they can't afford to go looking for fear of losing the job they have.

Why didn't I think of that? With jobs so plentiful, anyone can find a job somewhere else.

Their ideas always run afoul of reality.

Poor? - Get a Job
No jobs? - Educate yourself
No Education? - Spend the money

See #1

That's only illogical for people like yourself, who have literally nothing to offer the universe by their existence. For those of us who aren't ancephalic, it's quite sensible . . . and also achievable.

It must really suck for you to have to realize everyday that the rest of the world has options and potential, huh?
You are all aware that a pill that terminates a fertilized egg is not the same as a surgical abortion, right?

If Christians want to cut down on abortions, contraception and birth-control pills should be made available to everyone.

Many believe that life begins at conception and a fertilized egg is life.

It is not about birth control pills.
It's about Plan B - the morning after pill and the week after pill.
And what's wrong with a pill? If Hobby Lobby is about profit, they should know that it costs a hell of a lot less to pay for Plan B than it does to pay for maternity leave, etc., for their employees.

Why does a business get to dictate the religious freedom of its employees?

In what way are they "dictating the religious freedom of their employees"? Think very carefully, and then explain this specifically, please.

We'll get around in a minute to what the fuck profits and money have to do with ANYTHING, other than the fact that leftists hate the entire concept . . . except when they suddenly want to tell Christians how religion should take a backseat to getting rich. :cuckoo:
Yeah they are, they believe that Plan B is an Abortificant drug and its not. So now we have to deal with not only people religion but what they believe things to be and not what they actually are.

Yeah you have to deal with what people believe. That's specifically why the First amendment exists so that the government cant interfere with a person's beliefs. Freedom of conscience. We are free to speak out. We are free to exercise our religious without government interference. we are free to petition our government for redress from injustice.

This law is unjust.

And when some cult asshole believes a 12 year old is his wife then will you be "anti-freedom" then or say leave that guy alone

Yes, because "I don't want to buy your birth control pills" is just like "I want to marry little children."

Your analogies are almost as brilliant and worthwhile as you are . . . which is to say, they should lie down and take a nice long nap in the middle of the LA freeway.

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