If I have to Put up with a Bazillion Trump aka neuveua Palin Threads ....

Who do you trust more?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 38 67.9%
  • Barrack Obama

    Votes: 18 32.1%

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Is the president even an employee in the traditional sense? In other words, how is his salary reported to the IRS, by w2 or 1099?
Actually, all Mr. Trump said was that he believes there are questions. He's right.

It might well be that President Obama was born in Hawaii.

But offering the fucking Certification of Live Birth is not the same thing as offering the birth certificate. We know he has one since he "spoke" of it in one of his two autobiographies.

So why not just release them?

No no. It makes much more sense to stonewall it with millions of dollars of legal fees being expended to avoid proving that which would be incredibly easy to prove. :eusa_eh:

I thought you were a Lawyer?

Hawaiian Law prohibits access from : Obama himself, even.


Hawaiian law does NOT prohibit access to the person named on the birth certificate.

What possible fucking reason could there be for a ridiculous law like that? :cuckoo:

Since I am calling bullshit on you, feel obligated to cite the "law" that says a person BORN in Hawaii can't legally obtain his own BIRTH CERTIFICATE.

And while you're at it, try to recall when the man was born and when the laws you seem to think now exist got "passed."

Meanwhile: here's the Hawaiian State Department addressing the matter of getting one's Birth Certificate, etc:

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Can't read can you?

The hiring department should review only original documents. Do not accept photo copies and do not record documents you did not personally verify. It is important not to specify which documents the employee must show.

Yes, I can read. Can you? PHOTOCOPIES! IT'S THE PHOTOCOPIES, STUPID! You must present the "original" certified copy, as opposed to a photocopy. I know you understand this. You just are being willfully ignorant, hoping that someone might fall for it.
What really happened was this;

the democrats and republicans totally screwed the American people once again with their fake budget while Trump distracted us with his hair and his birther bullshit.

Wake up people. We are getting screwed by our government!

There is a link earlier in this thread I believe which says specifically that. In Hawaii, the only person who has access to it is the individual but he can't copy it. It stays there. But correct me if I'm wrong.
Actually, all Mr. Trump said was that he believes there are questions. He's right.

It might well be that President Obama was born in Hawaii.

But offering the fucking Certification of Live Birth is not the same thing as offering the birth certificate. We know he has one since he "spoke" of it in one of his two autobiographies.

So why not just release them?

No no. It makes much more sense to stonewall it with millions of dollars of legal fees being expended to avoid proving that which would be incredibly easy to prove. :eusa_eh:

I thought you were a Lawyer?

Hawaiian Law prohibits access from : Obama himself, even.


Hawaiian law does NOT prohibit access to the person named on the birth certificate.

What possible fucking reason could there be for a ridiculous law like that? :cuckoo:

Since I am calling bullshit on you, feel obligated to cite the "law" that says a person BORN in Hawaii can't legally obtain his own BIRTH CERTIFICATE.

And while you're at it, try to recall when the man was born and when the laws you seem to think now exist got "passed."

Meanwhile: here's the Hawaiian State Department addressing the matter of getting one's Birth Certificate, etc:

Hawai‘i State Department of Health

Hid colb is his BC. That's how they do it in Hawaii.

And if it's not Certified, then you obviously feel he's fraudulently using the Health Department's Seal, and their stamp of Certification. Are you asserting that he's Fraudulently using those?

Why have those departments not spoken out?

^ you know, obvious shit like that is why people (normal people) don't "demand!!" his long form.
But offering the fucking Certification of Live Birth is not the same thing as offering the birth certificate. We know he has one since he "spoke" of it in one of his two autobiographies.

A "Certificate of Live Birth" IS a birth certificate. Many states issue "Certificates of Live Birth" as their birth certificates. It's sheer slaughter of the English language to continue to trot out the stupid argument you're making. See this post for pictures of many a state issued "Certificate of Live Birth" "Certificate of Birth" "Certification of Vital Record" etc.

Wrong, pinhead. FIRST of all it's a CERTIFICATION of Live Birth, not a Certificate of Live Birth.

Secondly, the Certification of Live Live Birth is not itself a birth certificate, idiot. If it were, there'd be no fucking need to create a new class of document.

You are one dopey liberal.

If you send me your P.O. Box in Dipshit, California, or whatever idiot village you live in, I will send you a quarter so you can buy an up-scaled brain, dumbfuck.
Can't read can you?

The hiring department should review only original documents. Do not accept photo copies and do not record documents you did not personally verify. It is important not to specify which documents the employee must show.

Yes, I can read. Can you? PHOTOCOPIES! IT'S THE PHOTOCOPIES, STUPID! You must present the "original" certified copy, as opposed to a photocopy. I know you understand this. You just are being willfully ignorant, hoping that someone might fall for it.

It say's

review only original documents Do not accept photo copies.

There is a link earlier in this thread I believe which says specifically that. In Hawaii, the only person who has access to it is the individual but he can't copy it. It stays there. But correct me if I'm wrong.

I'm not going to rehash everything with Birthers. Thank you.
Can't read can you?

The hiring department should review only original documents. Do not accept photo copies and do not record documents you did not personally verify. It is important not to specify which documents the employee must show.

Yes, I can read. Can you? PHOTOCOPIES! IT'S THE PHOTOCOPIES, STUPID! You must present the "original" certified copy, as opposed to a photocopy. I know you understand this. You just are being willfully ignorant, hoping that someone might fall for it.

It say's

review only original documents Do not accept photo copies.

Because if he gets paid via 1099, he wouldn't even need to fill out the I9.

Not that it matters since a COLB is a birth certificate and he could have simply used his passport.

There is a link earlier in this thread I believe which says specifically that. In Hawaii, the only person who has access to it is the individual but he can't copy it. It stays there. But correct me if I'm wrong.

I doubt it.

But since the Hawaiian Department of State (in 2009) was busy telling folks how to obtain their own birth certificates, I'd be fascinated to read any such "law."

There is a link earlier in this thread I believe which says specifically that. In Hawaii, the only person who has access to it is the individual but he can't copy it. It stays there. But correct me if I'm wrong.

I'm not going to rehash everything with Birthers. Thank you.

A: I'm not a "birther." Unlike you, however, I am willing to admit that a question exists.

B: You can't rehash what has never been hashed.

But thanks for playing.
Yes, I can read. Can you? PHOTOCOPIES! IT'S THE PHOTOCOPIES, STUPID! You must present the "original" certified copy, as opposed to a photocopy. I know you understand this. You just are being willfully ignorant, hoping that someone might fall for it.

It say's

review only original documents Do not accept photo copies.


Was that changed before or after obama became president?

2007 direction ask for orininals documents 2010 ask for original or certified copies.
From list C:

Original or certified copy of a birth certificate issued by a state, county, municipal authority or outlying possession of the U.S. bearing an official seal.

Again, a COLB is a birth certificate.

See how that works?

They have you believing that.

A CoLB is issued by the hospital and recorded by the state and, in itself is not considered a valid document for I-9 compliance. It is not listed as one of the documents...However, if it is produced by a document from the DoS stating that there is a corrsponding BC, then it is acceptable as a document in column C.

A BC is issued by the state and IS listed as a valid document in column C.

So for you to say that a CoLB is a birth certificate means that they absolutely have you believing this as fact....just as they expected you to.

And for all of you with youyr stories about how you were able to use a CoLB to get a job......you are fooling no one. Before Obama, most of you never even heard of a CoLB.

Hawaiian law does NOT prohibit access to the person named on the birth certificate.

What possible fucking reason could there be for a ridiculous law like that? :cuckoo:

Since I am calling bullshit on you, feel obligated to cite the "law" that says a person BORN in Hawaii can't legally obtain his own BIRTH CERTIFICATE.

And while you're at it, try to recall when the man was born and when the laws you seem to think now exist got "passed."

State law prohibits certain people to have access.

Title 19 Chapter 338 Section 18 of the Hawaiian Revised Statutes:

§338-18 Disclosure of records. (a) To protect the integrity of vital statistics records, to ensure their proper use, and to ensure the efficient and proper administration of the vital statistics system, it shall be unlawful for any person to permit inspection of, or to disclose information contained in vital statistics records, or to copy or issue a copy of all or part of any such record, except as authorized by this part or by rules adopted by the department of health.


There is a link earlier in this thread I believe which says specifically that. In Hawaii, the only person who has access to it is the individual but he can't copy it. It stays there. But correct me if I'm wrong.

I'm not going to rehash everything with Birthers. Thank you.

A: I'm not a "birther." Unlike you, however, I am willing to admit that a question exists.

B: You can't rehash what has never been hashed.

But thanks for playing.

You're a birther because you're claiming that his COLB, complete with a Raised seal from the Dept. of Health and stamped certified, is not proof enough, Thus you're either saying that:

Obama is fraudulently using their symbol.....or

The Hawaii Dept of Health is lying.....or


Any of the first two opnions require being a Birther. The third is the reasonable position. There's no gray area. You're either supposing grand conspiracy and saying he faked the form and that the Dept of Health is complicit in either lying and/or not speaking up.....or you're not a birther.
From list C:

Original or certified copy of a birth certificate issued by a state, county, municipal authority or outlying possession of the U.S. bearing an official seal.

Again, a COLB is a birth certificate.

See how that works?

They have you believing that.

A CoLB is issued by the hospital and recorded by the state and, in itself is not considered a valid document for I-9 compliance. It is not listed as one of the documents...However, if it is produced by a document from the DoS stating that there is a corrsponding BC, then it is acceptable as a document in column C.

A BC is issued by the state and IS listed as a valid document in column C.

So for you to say that a CoLB is a birth certificate means that they absolutely have you believing this as fact....just as they expected you to.

And for all of you with youyr stories about how you were able to use a CoLB to get a job......you are fooling no one. Before Obama, most of you never even heard of a CoLB.

The COLB was issued by the Department of Health, which is a Department OF THE STATE, and it says so RIGHT ON IT.
A CoLB is issued by the hospital and recorded by the state and, in itself is not considered a valid document for I-9 compliance. It is not listed as one of the documents...However, if it is produced by a document from the DoS stating that there is a corrsponding BC, then it is acceptable as a document in column C.

A BC is issued by the state and IS listed as a valid document in column C.

COMPLETELY UNTRUE!!!!! I have a state issued Certification of Birth, and so do all my siblings! I'm looking at mine right now. I've posted it. I've also posted many other such documents from other states. Why do you insist on ignoring this? Just like a jar head. Too much of an idiot to tell his right from his military left.
From list C:

Original or certified copy of a birth certificate bearing an official seal.

Again, a COLB is a birth certificate.

Please explain how that is seeing as a Colb is NOT "issued by a state, county, municipal authority or outlying possession of the U.S."

It is issued by the hospital.

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