If I have to Put up with a Bazillion Trump aka neuveua Palin Threads ....

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  • Barrack Obama

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GT...I really had no issue with it until last wednesday...

Last Wednesday, the audditor from the DoL filled me in on the lack of validity of a CoLB..

He told me that if that was what I had for an employee...I would be fined if I did not have a letter with it from the DoS confirming a BC corresponds with it.

SO I started to question....if that is not deemed as valid proof by the government as it pertains to employment, then why is the Obama team continuing to claim that it is as valid as a BC?

If my son told me that he spent the 50 bucks on gas, I would have no issue...but if I found out he still had no gas, I would wonder why he needed to lie to me...and dig deeper into it.

NO, FUCKING NO! STOP LYING, GODDAMMIT! Many states issue "Certifications of Live Birth" as their birth certificates! I have one, issued to me by the state of Pennsyl-fucking-vania. Both my sisters have one from the state of New Jersey. My Brother has one from the state of Maryland.
Here are some state issued birth certificates that are entitled "Certificate of Live Birth" or "Certification of Birth" from various states.




Pennsylvania (This is MY birth certificate):



Montana (Certification of Vital Record):

Delaware (Certification of Vital Record):



Arizona (Certification of Vital Record):

North Carolina (Certification of Vital Record):


And finally, Hawaii:
So I assume it doesnt bother you that Obama and his camp misled you all when they said a CoLB was as valid as a BC?

Why is that? Afterall...it is not true....so why did they have to lie?

Wouldnt it have been easier to just produce the BC and not have to mislead the publkic by saying that a CoLB is just as valid?

Yeah...call me names if you want...but I will admit.....it has me wondering....and it should have all of you wondering.....

Why would they have misled us like that?

you're deciding they misled you based off what some guy told you, when you've already been told that different states have different guidelines. You're nitpicking, and apparently happy to do so over a tacky, tacky issue.


he is wrong.

The I-9 is not a state form...it is a federal form.

A CoLB does not hold any weigtht whatsoever as it pertains to employment eligibiliuty. It MUST be accompanied by a BC or a letter from the department of state asserting that a BC corresponds with it.

How a state sees it is irrelevant....and Obama is a federal employee not a state employee.

So when he presented the CoLB and said it was "just as valid", he was not ebing sincere.

You want to give him a pass? So be it.

Congress gave Bush a pass as it pertained to the validity of the intel and you guys threw a fit.

My, how quickly we forget how our politicians tend to lie.
I don't know who is feeding you information, but he is incorrect.

A COLB is acceptable as identity as regards to employment. A COLB is a birth certificate.

he is wrong.

The I-9 is not a state form...it is a federal form.

A CoLB does not hold any weigtht whatsoever as it pertains to employment eligibiliuty. It MUST be accompanied by a BC or a letter from the department of state asserting that a BC corresponds with it.

How a state sees it is irrelevant....and Obama is a federal employee not a state employee.

So when he presented the CoLB and said it was "just as valid", he was not ebing sincere.

You want to give him a pass? So be it.

Congress gave Bush a pass as it pertained to the validity of the intel and you guys threw a fit.

My, how quickly we forget how our politicians tend to lie.

Yea, prove I "threw a fit" or stfu?

The only way it matters that he even said the big "lie" you're proclaiming that he said, is if you're inferring that it means that he's lying about where he was born, somehow.

Are you?

If not, you're just inanely whining about some more nonsensical shit that other people do, like Michele's ass size.

But if you are really inferring that it's all a lie, then you're buying into QUITE the big conspiracy theory, aqnd deserve a self-evaluation.

That would entail the person who authorizes these things, to be lying.
It would entail the Hospital to be lying.
It would entail a faked newspaper article.
It would entail his family lying.
It would be a mockery of all of our Intelligence.

You'd rather go that route, then so be it. I'd rather put you in the box, then, where you belong. An inane partisan whiner.

The "you" was not directed at YOU in particular...but I apologize as I should have been more articulate.

And the LIE I am referring to is the continued lie they tell when they say that the CoLB is as valid as a BC.

Their OWN DoL says otherwise.

and I will say it again...I think it is more of an attempt to mock those that want to see more than a conspracy....

And people like you are allowing it to happen.

All he had to do was produce a BC....instead he produced a document that may be valid but is not nearly asd applicable as a BC....and people like you mock us when we say "just show us the BC"...

Something they want you to do......why do you mock us? Becuase you are OK with something other than what was asked for?

If a bar asked for your dirvers lisence and you produced a a birth certificate, would you mock them for not acceptiong it as proof? What if another bar DID accept it...would you mock the first bar for NOT accepting it?

You deserve to be mocked for it.

The one he provided was Validated by the same Dept that would Validate the BC. So you're farting in the wind and making an ass of yourself at the same time. It's really pathetic, tbh.

I never gave my employer a long form birth certificate for my I-9. I gave them the equivalent of a COLB. And my employer was the government.

Then they broke the law.
NOWHERE in group C on the I-9 form is that deemed as acceptable.
The DoL auditor said I would have been fined if I had that on file for an employee...and the employee would have to be suspended IMMEDIATELY until proper ID was presented.

What else did you give them?

I doubt I broke the law. We had both internal counsel and an HR department, and I hired a very good immigration attorney. I had to jump through multiple hoops during my immigration. Before filing for the green card, I filed two HB1 visas, two extensions and two TNs. For all of that, I used a Canadian passport and a short-form birth certificate. I never filed with my long form because I don't have it. My parents have it. My short form birth certificate was enough to get a drivers license, a social security number, a green card as well as a document that was sufficient to wind me through the Byzantine immigration process you have down here. I've never used a long form birth certificate for anything, ever. As I understand it, some states, cities and counties don't issue them.
From list C:

Original or certified copy of a birth certificate issued by a state, county, municipal authority or outlying possession of the U.S. bearing an official seal.

Again, a COLB is a birth certificate.

I never gave my employer a long form birth certificate for my I-9. I gave them the equivalent of a COLB. And my employer was the government.

Then they broke the law.
NOWHERE in group C on the I-9 form is that deemed as acceptable.
The DoL auditor said I would have been fined if I had that on file for an employee...and the employee would have to be suspended IMMEDIATELY until proper ID was presented.

What else did you give them?

I doubt I broke the law. We had both internal counsel and an HR department, and I hired a very good immigration attorney. I had to jump through multiple hoops during my immigration. Before filing for the green card, I filed two HB1 visas, two extensions and two TNs. For all of that, I used a Canadian passport and a short-form birth certificate. I never filed with my long form because I don't have it. My parents have it. My short form birth certificate was enough to get a drivers license, a social security number, a green card as well as a document that was sufficient to wind me through the Byzantine immigration process you have down here. I've never used a long form birth certificate for anything, ever. As I understand it, some states, cities and counties don't issue them.
This is all true. We sometimes hire student interns, many if not 70% of them from other countries and never has it been a requirement to submit the long form of a birth certificate.
From list C:

Original or certified copy of a birth certificate issued by a state, county, municipal authority or outlying possession of the U.S. bearing an official seal.

Again, a COLB is a birth certificate.

And, the copy was CERTIFIED.

From the link on page 5 it says all documents must be originals.


The hiring department should review only original documents. Do not accept photo copies and do not record documents you did not personally verify. It is important not to specify which documents the employee must show.

From list C:

Again, a COLB is a birth certificate.

And, the copy was CERTIFIED.

From the link on page 5 it says all documents must be originals.


The hiring department should review only original documents. Do not accept photo copies and do not record documents you did not personally verify. It is important not to specify which documents the employee must show.


I'm guessing, just from a quick glance, that you didn't see the date when that form became effective.
And, the copy was CERTIFIED.

From the link on page 5 it says all documents must be originals.


The hiring department should review only original documents. Do not accept photo copies and do not record documents you did not personally verify. It is important not to specify which documents the employee must show.


I'm guessing, just from a quick glance, that you didn't see the date when that form became effective.

So original certificates matters now? and not before 2010?

The last link was dated 2007.
From the link on page 5 it says all documents must be originals.


The hiring department should review only original documents. Do not accept photo copies and do not record documents you did not personally verify. It is important not to specify which documents the employee must show.


Are you really that dense? Do you not understand the difference between a "certified copy" and a photocopy? A certified copy is a legal document. It is a legally binding official record of that which is on file with the record keeper. The requirement for "originals," as your link so clearly explains, is in regards to photocopies.
From the link on page 5 it says all documents must be originals.


The hiring department should review only original documents. Do not accept photo copies and do not record documents you did not personally verify. It is important not to specify which documents the employee must show.


I'm guessing, just from a quick glance, that you didn't see the date when that form became effective.

So original certificates matters now? and not before 2010?

The last link was dated 2007.

From the link you posted, section c says original or certified copy.
Actually, all Mr. Trump said was that he believes there are questions. He's right.

It might well be that President Obama was born in Hawaii.

But offering the fucking Certification of Live Birth is not the same thing as offering the birth certificate. We know he has one since he "spoke" of it in one of his two autobiographies.

So why not just release them?

No no. It makes much more sense to stonewall it with millions of dollars of legal fees being expended to avoid proving that which would be incredibly easy to prove. :eusa_eh:
From the link on page 5 it says all documents must be originals.


The hiring department should review only original documents. Do not accept photo copies and do not record documents you did not personally verify. It is important not to specify which documents the employee must show.


Are you really that dense? Do you not understand the difference between a "certified copy" and a photocopy? A certified copy is a legal document. It is a legally binding official record of that which is on file with the record keeper. The requirement for "originals," as your link so clearly explains, is in regards to photocopies.

Can't read can you?

The hiring department should review only original documents. Do not accept photo copies and do not record documents you did not personally verify. It is important not to specify which documents the employee must show.
Actually, all Mr. Trump said was that he believes there are questions. He's right.

It might well be that President Obama was born in Hawaii.

But offering the fucking Certification of Live Birth is not the same thing as offering the birth certificate. We know he has one since he "spoke" of it in one of his two autobiographies.

So why not just release them?

No no. It makes much more sense to stonewall it with millions of dollars of legal fees being expended to avoid proving that which would be incredibly easy to prove. :eusa_eh:

I thought you were a Lawyer?

Hawaiian Law prohibits access from : Obama himself, even.
I'm guessing, just from a quick glance, that you didn't see the date when that form became effective.

So original certificates matters now? and not before 2010?

The last link was dated 2007.

From the link you posted, section c says original or certified copy.

And in the last link it says
The hiring department should review only original documents. Do not accept photo copies and do not record documents you did not personally verify. It is important not to specify which documents the employee must show.
So in 2007 this would have effected obamas employment.
So original certificates matters now? and not before 2010?

The last link was dated 2007.

From the link you posted, section c says original or certified copy.

And in the last link it says
The hiring department should review only original documents. Do not accept photo copies and do not record documents you did not personally verify. It is important not to specify which documents the employee must show.
So in 2007 this would have effected obamas employment.

Original, meaning the fucking certified copy and not a photocopy of it, you moron. NOONE gets their ORIGINAL, you fucking idiot.
But offering the fucking Certification of Live Birth is not the same thing as offering the birth certificate. We know he has one since he "spoke" of it in one of his two autobiographies.

A "Certificate of Live Birth" IS a birth certificate. Many states issue "Certificates of Live Birth" as their birth certificates. It's sheer slaughter of the English language to continue to trot out the stupid argument you're making. See this post for pictures of many a state issued "Certificate of Live Birth" "Certificate of Birth" "Certification of Vital Record" etc.
From the link you posted, section c says original or certified copy.

And in the last link it says
The hiring department should review only original documents. Do not accept photo copies and do not record documents you did not personally verify. It is important not to specify which documents the employee must show.
So in 2007 this would have effected obamas employment.

Original, meaning the fucking certified copy and not a photocopy of it, you moron. NOONE gets their ORIGINAL, you fucking idiot.

A "cetified copy" is not an original it's a copy

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