If I have to Put up with a Bazillion Trump aka neuveua Palin Threads ....

Who do you trust more?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 38 67.9%
  • Barrack Obama

    Votes: 18 32.1%

  • Total voters
I'd vote for a dead person before I'd vote for the empty suit that occupies the oval office now.
if i'm reading his son's interview correctly, he's running. young donald is giving the vibe that donald trump is running for president. "not on my watch" and "he will" instead of he would... something in the tense and inflection.
this could change the face of american politics. he could run against the billion dollar incumbant by himself, no one else could.

which interview do you mean? i haven't seen it yet.

i can't imagine the donald running. he'd have to answer for two corporate bankruptcies and would have to disclose his personal finances. But I suppose anything is possible.
I'd vote for a dead person before I'd vote for the empty suit that occupies the oval office now.

but that was true two years ago, too, so really it isn't relevant to whether the president will be re-elected.

you weren't ever part of his potential voter pool.
Trump is loaded. I am living from paycheck to paycheck. Is he going to care about me? Hell the fuck no!! Do the Senator and Congress care about me now? Hell the fuck no. They are in the same league as he is which is: We don't care the fuck about you!!
Trump is loaded. I am living from paycheck to paycheck. Is he going to care about me? Hell the fuck no!! Do the Senator and Congress care about me now? Hell the fuck no. They are in the same league as he is which is: We don't care the fuck about you!!

I hear anger management can be helpful.
Trump is loaded. I am living from paycheck to paycheck. Is he going to care about me? Hell the fuck no!! Do the Senator and Congress care about me now? Hell the fuck no. They are in the same league as he is which is: We don't care the fuck about you!!
Niether does (faux)bama
I'd vote for a dead person before I'd vote for the empty suit that occupies the oval office now.

but that was true two years ago, too, so really it isn't relevant to whether the president will be re-elected.

you weren't ever part of his potential voter pool.

That is where you are wrong Jillian. I seriously considered voting for him. He had great marketing and advertising. He was shiny like a new car. He could read the words written into his teleprompter very well. He was clean and articulate too!! I even read the two books that he says he wrote by himself to better understand him.

But when I looked under the hood and kicked the tires- he was a clunker with no experience. He's got his work cut out for him in 2012 regardless of whom the R's nominate.....
I'd vote for a dead person before I'd vote for the empty suit that occupies the oval office now.

but that was true two years ago, too, so really it isn't relevant to whether the president will be re-elected.

you weren't ever part of his potential voter pool.

That is where you are wrong Jillian. I seriously considered voting for him. He had great marketing and advertising. He was shiny like a new car. He could read the words written into his teleprompter very well. He was clean and articulate too!! I even read the two books that he says he wrote by himself to better understand him.

But when I looked under the hood and kicked the tires- he was a clunker with no experience. He's got his work cut out for him in 2012 regardless of whom the R's nominate.....

a corvair or and edsel
Well, he's tied with Huckabee for 17% of the Teaparty vote. You should have heard him on Morning Joe, that birther rant was hilarious.
I'd vote for a dead person before I'd vote for the empty suit that occupies the oval office now.
After taking-into-consideration, all o' the Teabaggers who are allowed to run-free.....your opinion doesn't surprise me.

At the very-least, it was a great (Teabagger-style) dodge, from offering an opinion about voting for a garden-variety rip-off, like Trump.​
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I'd vote for a dead person before I'd vote for the empty suit that occupies the oval office now.

but that was true two years ago, too, so really it isn't relevant to whether the president will be re-elected.

you weren't ever part of his potential voter pool.

That is where you are wrong Jillian. I seriously considered voting for him. He had great marketing and advertising. He was shiny like a new car. He could read the words written into his teleprompter very well. He was clean and articulate too!! I even read the two books that he says he wrote by himself to better understand him.

But when I looked under the hood and kicked the tires- he was a clunker with no experience. He's got his work cut out for him in 2012 regardless of whom the R's nominate.....

Yup I had to vote for Bob Barr after reading Obama's books. I couldn't vote McCain or Obama because neither stood close enough in line with what I was looking for in a president. McCain just didn't appeal and Obama's own opinions about america as expressed in his writings bothered me.
if i'm reading his son's interview correctly, he's running. young donald is giving the vibe that donald trump is running for president. "not on my watch" and "he will" instead of he would... something in the tense and inflection.
this could change the face of american politics. he could run against the billion dollar incumbant by himself, no one else could.
Unfortunately, Trump is not going to run for president.
Trump is loaded. I am living from paycheck to paycheck. Is he going to care about me? Hell the fuck no!! Do the Senator and Congress care about me now? Hell the fuck no. They are in the same league as he is which is: We don't care the fuck about you!!

He's loaded but he's been pretty schrewd about his money. There are a few bankruptcies he could be called out on but he claims he's never filed personal bankruptcy.

I just don't think he's serious because he continues to talk about Obama in such a demeaning way. He's had those public displays of anger with Rosie O'Donnell and Martha Stewart, etc.. People don't tend to vote for someone like that, he's already been labelled as nutty.

All the Democrats have to do is keep pounding away at his anger issues and contempt for women. Miss Universe and that trophy wife of his puts a big exclamation point after that contempt that defines Trump. He's obscene.
He is not going to run.

And I just read an article that puts his net worth at between 150-200 million dollars.

Article? I don't see a link. Therefore the article doesn't exist. And if it does, it is more than likely an opinion piece.
"And I just read an article" :blahblah::link:
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If this isn't an indication of today's crop of Republicans and their sanity, or lack thereof rather, then I don't know what is.

in your infinite wisdom, how is it you continually ignore specificity and why is it you believe one liner troll comments are welcome in a discussion?
What are afraid of? That a person like Trump would run the federal government like a business where functions must be on time and within budget? Where non-productive parts of government would be shut down or even eliminated? Is it non-essential government jobs over which you worry yourself?
How about this.....Did you know that overall government employment( local state and federal combined) accounts for 22 million people while manufacturing accounts for roughly half that? Bet you didn't. Now you're going to spout off about the Bush admin letting the Chinese "steal" our manufacturing jobs. Stow it. That nonsense started with Nixon.
You next response will be " see I told ya. Nixon was a republican. Ha! Nixon was a Califormia liberal with an (R) next to his name.
Let's see your next response, marky
but that was true two years ago, too, so really it isn't relevant to whether the president will be re-elected.

you weren't ever part of his potential voter pool.

That is where you are wrong Jillian. I seriously considered voting for him. He had great marketing and advertising. He was shiny like a new car. He could read the words written into his teleprompter very well. He was clean and articulate too!! I even read the two books that he says he wrote by himself to better understand him.

But when I looked under the hood and kicked the tires- he was a clunker with no experience. He's got his work cut out for him in 2012 regardless of whom the R's nominate.....

Yup I had to vote for Bob Barr after reading Obama's books.
Ah, yes.....if it's Morality you need to see in politics (the Conservative Citizens kind, anyhow)....


.......would be your guy!!
Trump is just a blow-hard and a ego maniac with retard tendencies.

It always makes me laugh that people pay big buck to attend his seminars on how to get rich.

When in reality Trump was born rich.
how to get rich seminars? Please. How about you back up that claim and post some Donald Trump get rich seminar videos.....Have fun.
What is the problem you libs have with success and achievement? Is it the notion of fairness is so ingrained into your very being that you cannot grasp the concept that those who earn it should get to keep it?
He is not going to run.

And I just read an article that puts his net worth at between 150-200 million dollars.

What mistaken article is that...?

I believe Trump is worth about 2.7 Billion....same as Oprah....according to Forbes 2011 list of billionaires...he ranks at number 420...

The World's Billionaires - Forbes.com
Think abiut how fucked up that is..Donald Trump builds things and creates jobs makes no more money than an overweight tv hostess who looks at her guest and responds to their every comment with "umm hummmm"...

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