If I have to Put up with a Bazillion Trump aka neuveua Palin Threads ....

Who do you trust more?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 38 67.9%
  • Barrack Obama

    Votes: 18 32.1%

  • Total voters
What is it with you and your relationship with fear? Rational people do not fear Trump or Palin or you. They are a laughing stock. If anyone need have alarm at the clowns the Christian Fundamentalists desperately push up on a pedestal it is the republican party. The infection perpetrated on the GOP by ideologues has destroyed respect for the party.

Only by those who never had respect for the party to begin with.
Continually bashing individuals that are not candidates but prospective candidates no doubt shows fear of those candidates.
If you are so sure that they are not worthy of Presidential consideration and so sure that they "do not have a chance" then you would not be discussing them at the length you and many others tend to discuss them.
Most, if not all Palin and Trump posts are started by those on the left. That in itself speaks volumes.
So deny it if you want....but you are seriously afraid of both of them.

I could not care less what "the left" fears. As a republican it is discouraging that we haven't had a respectable candidate for president since Bush one. This non-stop entourage of clowns, egomaniacs and religious zealots rightfully deserve ridicule. It is too bad that many of you that "think" you are republicans were not around to see examples of what a responsible and respectable republican looks like. I am referring to Eisenhower and Goldwater. The last 40 years has been a cesspool of morons and thieves in republican leadership with few exceptions. Ever since the main tool of The Christian Fascist wing of republicans has become fear mongering and ideological attacks on fellow Americans no serious man or woman with a shred of integrity has cared to step up and lead this pack of fuckwits. The only people they can attract are shallow media whores.


Get off it Huggy. You are fooling no one.
Only by those who never had respect for the party to begin with.
Continually bashing individuals that are not candidates but prospective candidates no doubt shows fear of those candidates.
If you are so sure that they are not worthy of Presidential consideration and so sure that they "do not have a chance" then you would not be discussing them at the length you and many others tend to discuss them.
Most, if not all Palin and Trump posts are started by those on the left. That in itself speaks volumes.
So deny it if you want....but you are seriously afraid of both of them.

I could not care less what "the left" fears. As a republican it is discouraging that we haven't had a respectable candidate for president since Bush one. This non-stop entourage of clowns, egomaniacs and religious zealots rightfully deserve ridicule. It is too bad that many of you that "think" you are republicans were not around to see examples of what a responsible and respectable republican looks like. I am referring to Eisenhower and Goldwater. The last 40 years has been a cesspool of morons and thieves in republican leadership with few exceptions. Ever since the main tool of The Christian Fascist wing of republicans has become fear mongering and ideological attacks on fellow Americans no serious man or woman with a shred of integrity has cared to step up and lead this pack of fuckwits. The only people they can attract are shallow media whores.


Get off it Huggy. You are fooling no one.

Correct. I have no intention of fooling anyone.
What is it with you and your relationship with fear? Rational people do not fear Trump or Palin or you. They are a laughing stock. If anyone need have alarm at the clowns the Christian Fundamentalists desperately push up on a pedestal it is the republican party. The infection perpetrated on the GOP by ideologues has destroyed respect for the party.

Only by those who never had respect for the party to begin with.
Continually bashing individuals that are not candidates but prospective candidates no doubt shows fear of those candidates.
If you are so sure that they are not worthy of Presidential consideration and so sure that they "do not have a chance" then you would not be discussing them at the length you and many others tend to discuss them.
Most, if not all Palin and Trump posts are started by those on the left. That in itself speaks volumes.
So deny it if you want....but you are seriously afraid of both of them.

I could not care less what "the left" fears. As a republican it is discouraging that we haven't had a respectable candidate for president since Bush one. This non-stop entourage of clowns, egomaniacs and religious zealots rightfully deserve ridicule. It is too bad that many of you that "think" you are republicans were not around to see examples of what a responsible and respectable republican looks like. I am referring to Eisenhower and Goldwater. The last 40 years has been a cesspool of morons and thieves in republican leadership with few exceptions. Ever since the main tool of The Christian Fascist wing of republicans has become fear mongering and ideological attacks on fellow Americans no serious man or woman with a shred of integrity has cared to step up and lead this pack of fuckwits. The only people they can attract are shallow media whores.

I'll take Romney anyday.
Deflective analogy.

It is human nature to demean someone that you fear. You do all you can to minimize their importance in an effort to elevate yourself, in your own eyes, above them.

It is human nature becuase you are seeking a way to eliminate the fear...and when you articulate your disdain of the one you fear to others you are looking for them to concur....giving you reason to stop fearing them.

It is an obvious attempt to minimize your own insecurity.

I'm not sure what human behavior you are talking about but people don't make fun of buffoons because they fear them. They make fun of people because they are buffoons.

Politically, there isn't much difference between Huckabee and Palin but you don't see many people making fun of Huckabee, who has a much better chance of becoming President than Palin. What does the Left have to fear about Trump? He would be the most leftist candidate to run for President as a Republican for decades. It's not just the Left who thinks he is a buffoon, so do many Republicans. People don't mock FL governor Rick Scott, who may be the most Tea Party governor in the union, because he is very sharp, whatever one might think of his politics.

No, people trot out the "they fear Palin/Trump/whomever" because of their own insecurities.
When someone is an object of ridicule, they aren't feared. When someone sticks a gun in your face and asks for your wallet, the usual reaction is not to make fun of the robber. It is a coping mechanism to say that the Left are fearful of Trump and Palin because people don't want what they believe in to be ridiculed.

Jeeze, for a second there I thought you were gonna say we fear Obama.

That would have been a good one.

Now the media fears Obama for obvious reasons. Other countries, not so much.
Deflective analogy.

It is human nature to demean someone that you fear. You do all you can to minimize their importance in an effort to elevate yourself, in your own eyes, above them.

It is human nature becuase you are seeking a way to eliminate the fear...and when you articulate your disdain of the one you fear to others you are looking for them to concur....giving you reason to stop fearing them.

It is an obvious attempt to minimize your own insecurity.

I'm not sure what human behavior you are talking about but people don't make fun of buffoons because they fear them. They make fun of people because they are buffoons.

Politically, there isn't much difference between Huckabee and Palin but you don't see many people making fun of Huckabee, who has a much better chance of becoming President than Palin. What does the Left have to fear about Trump? He would be the most leftist candidate to run for President as a Republican for decades. It's not just the Left who thinks he is a buffoon, so do many Republicans. People don't mock FL governor Rick Scott, who may be the most Tea Party governor in the union, because he is very sharp, whatever one might think of his politics.

No, people trot out the "they fear Palin/Trump/whomever" because of their own insecurities.

I remember when Reagan was made fun of.
No these men were married and took a vow to be a partner with someone else. In a union of marriage and not break that vow. But you wouldn't understand that.

Oh gosh.

Even George Washington..who was the father of our country..was proported to have had a fling or two.

It's the nature of the beast. Men are hardwired to have sex...and with lots of partners. Kudos to those who do not..but people who are in leadership roles generally have a greater libdo then the rest of the population.


It doesn't matter who oes it Just because I may agree with someone on one subject doesn't mean I agree with every thing they say or do. Violating the marriage vows is wrong.

That's fine. And I agree. You should not get married if you are going to sleep around.

But it has nothing to do with politics..nor should it.
Oh gosh.

Even George Washington..who was the father of our country..was proported to have had a fling or two.

It's the nature of the beast. Men are hardwired to have sex...and with lots of partners. Kudos to those who do not..but people who are in leadership roles generally have a greater libdo then the rest of the population.


It doesn't matter who oes it Just because I may agree with someone on one subject doesn't mean I agree with every thing they say or do. Violating the marriage vows is wrong.

That's fine. And I agree. You should not get married if you are going to sleep around.

But it has nothing to do with politics..nor should it.

but both sides use when they want to pretend they are on the moral high ground.
It doesn't matter who oes it Just because I may agree with someone on one subject doesn't mean I agree with every thing they say or do. Violating the marriage vows is wrong.

That's fine. And I agree. You should not get married if you are going to sleep around.

But it has nothing to do with politics..nor should it.

but both sides use when they want to pretend they are on the moral high ground.


And I don't agree with that.
Right now, there appears to be one clear front-runner in the race for the Republican presidential nomination: ambivalence.

According to a new New York Times/CBS News poll, nearly 60 percent of Republicans say there is no single candidate that sparks their enthusiasm.

Poll shows GOP voters ambivalent about presidential aspirants - latimes.com

I would have to put myself in the same catagory of those 60% that say the current crop of candidates that have shown an interest in running for 2012 on the Republican side hold little interest or little chance of winning the Whitehouse. Frankly, this field of candidates reminds me of 1996 somewhat in terms of the excitement level and candidates that have a chance in 2012. It would be nice to see a candidate step forward to give the President a run for his money.
Deflective analogy.

It is human nature to demean someone that you fear. You do all you can to minimize their importance in an effort to elevate yourself, in your own eyes, above them.

It is human nature becuase you are seeking a way to eliminate the fear...and when you articulate your disdain of the one you fear to others you are looking for them to concur....giving you reason to stop fearing them.

It is an obvious attempt to minimize your own insecurity.

I'm not sure what human behavior you are talking about but people don't make fun of buffoons because they fear them. They make fun of people because they are buffoons.

Politically, there isn't much difference between Huckabee and Palin but you don't see many people making fun of Huckabee, who has a much better chance of becoming President than Palin. What does the Left have to fear about Trump? He would be the most leftist candidate to run for President as a Republican for decades. It's not just the Left who thinks he is a buffoon, so do many Republicans. People don't mock FL governor Rick Scott, who may be the most Tea Party governor in the union, because he is very sharp, whatever one might think of his politics.

No, people trot out the "they fear Palin/Trump/whomever" because of their own insecurities.

I remember when Reagan was made fun of.

That's because he did make dumb statements, i.e. "trees cause acid rain." They didn't make fun of Margaret Thatcher.
Why would anyone step forward yet? Look at the disgraceful behavior of our media towards any potential candidate. Our political system has become one of 'soap opera' scandal, innuendo and total bullshit. What decent individual would put their family through that shit?
Why would anyone step forward yet? Look at the disgraceful behavior of our media towards any potential candidate. Our political system has become one of 'soap opera' scandal, innuendo and total bullshit. What decent individual would put their family through that shit?

Would take someone who has "courage" to ignore the people who have nothing but their own interests in mind and not the nations. While I agree our political process has become more like a reality TV show, it's people that can take it back. You know it will take a person willing to look past the cameras to the people in the audience and address them as they are the ones who do the hiring here and as of late we have let the media have that responsibility so perhaps its time we take it back?
Jesse Ventura talked about putting this option on ballots, "None of the above."

To show that you're here participating in the elections that you find important, but want to send the message that none of the candidates are deserving of your vote.
I just thought it was telling that some polls seem to show that the current crop of candidates are trailing "None of the Above" so it does seem to indicate the voters are little less than satisfied. I for one, seem to use the the term when it comes to those in Congress, and the White House " Is this the Best we can do? " One would think that in a nation that has given much to the world and has many very bright young people, that have so much to offer we can select a leader that has the ability to move our nation in a positive direction.
Why would anyone step forward yet? Look at the disgraceful behavior of our media towards any potential candidate. Our political system has become one of 'soap opera' scandal, innuendo and total bullshit. What decent individual would put their family through that shit?

Would take someone who has "courage" to ignore the people who have nothing but their own interests in mind and not the nations. While I agree our political process has become more like a reality TV show, it's people that can take it back. You know it will take a person willing to look past the cameras to the people in the audience and address them as they are the ones who do the hiring here and as of late we have let the media have that responsibility so perhaps its time we take it back?

I agree. The biggest problem we have is that lies become truth. And the internet has compounded that issue and blown it out of any kind of proportion. The media take one sentence and misrepresent it, and it flies around until it literally has a life of its own. Once that happens, it is almost impossible to refute it in the minds of many. It happens time and again on this forum, and if we take this forum as vaguely representative of the country.... we're in deep shit before we even start.

To me, I don't care if that person is black or white, has a D or an R after their name, if they have a background in politics or business, or even if that person is male, female or transgender. I don't care who they've slept with, whether they sleep with someone of the opposite sex or the same sex. None of it matters. I want a candidate who is honest and honorable, who can demonstrate the ability to lead the country out of the total mess that has been created by decades of corruption and mismanagement by a bunch of greedy, self serving career politicians who put party over people, and greed over doing the right thing.

Frankly, I'm sick of politicians and I'm equally sick of the American 'News' Media.
Deflective analogy.

It is human nature to demean someone that you fear. You do all you can to minimize their importance in an effort to elevate yourself, in your own eyes, above them.

It is human nature becuase you are seeking a way to eliminate the fear...and when you articulate your disdain of the one you fear to others you are looking for them to concur....giving you reason to stop fearing them.

It is an obvious attempt to minimize your own insecurity.

I'm not sure what human behavior you are talking about but people don't make fun of buffoons because they fear them. They make fun of people because they are buffoons.

Politically, there isn't much difference between Huckabee and Palin but you don't see many people making fun of Huckabee, who has a much better chance of becoming President than Palin. What does the Left have to fear about Trump? He would be the most leftist candidate to run for President as a Republican for decades. It's not just the Left who thinks he is a buffoon, so do many Republicans. People don't mock FL governor Rick Scott, who may be the most Tea Party governor in the union, because he is very sharp, whatever one might think of his politics.

No, people trot out the "they fear Palin/Trump/whomever" because of their own insecurities.


Thats the point.

Neither one of them are buffoons. One is a very successful real estate investor and the other was a very successful state governor.

Those that fear them need to make them appear as buffoons...so they attack different character items and play on them as if it is "who they are"

Palin froze during a "gotcha interview" and those that feared her jumped all over it...and she has since been known by many as a buffoon......but she is not...she has a college degree and ran a city and then a state. Not what I would call an accomplishment of a buffoon. But you see her as a buffoon.

Same thing with Bachman.
She has ALWAYS had a strong following. Is well educated. Articulate. Focused. Very strong in her beliefs.....and those that fear her? Call her a loon.

Those that fear Obama?
Call him a marxist.
Some call him an illegal alien.
Others call him a bozo.
Why would anyone step forward yet? Look at the disgraceful behavior of our media towards any potential candidate. Our political system has become one of 'soap opera' scandal, innuendo and total bullshit. What decent individual would put their family through that shit?

yeah, they've been pretty vile toward the president.

they've been awesome to trump, though.

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