If I have to Put up with a Bazillion Trump aka neuveua Palin Threads ....

Who do you trust more?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 38 67.9%
  • Barrack Obama

    Votes: 18 32.1%

  • Total voters
If calling someone of krauthammer's political magnitude is an indication of how he'll run his campaign, then his political acuity and savvy are evident.
You better believe the obama camp is worried... And that good for our side, and the country.

sav·vy/ˈsavē/Noun: Shrewdness and practical knowledge, esp. in politics or business.
Verb: Know or understand. obama has none.
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the new olberman lunatic on msnbc tried so hard to paint trump as a racist, but he didn't emotionally invest so heavily last night in trump is not running which was his centerpiec the night or two before. the democrat emit great political fear.. you can sense it. i love the deniers that think he's not running. he is, trust me on this. every time he speaks he's picking up momentum, dims are scared because he is saying all the right things. charles krauthammer took trump's phone call and said he was very impressed, obama's out of stream, his new mantra is "we may not get there in twenty years". he only speaks in sweeping generalities. he has no substance, never has.
the birther issue is fundemental and is no joke, and it won't be dismissed by people like me.

trump continues to lead in the only poll that matters, the usmb scientific control study group at the top of this page, accepted by the world as fact.

He may or may not be racist..but the birther movement most definitely is..

not true shallow... any more than is obama for saying "the republican's are hoping blacks will stay home on voting day" justify that. do you watch the new olberman guy ? if you play the race card now, what will you do for the election, people don't buy that shit, they simply don't. maybe you're a racist birdman. or whatever the fuck that is. trump will be ahead of the information curve, unlike obama who throws shit at the wall and see what sticks, he's out gunned with this challenge, "the american people", are sick of the loser.
trump's message is better than anyone elses.
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the new olberman lunatic on msnbc tried so hard to paint trump as a racist, but he didn't emotionally invest so heavily last night in trump is not running which was his centerpiec the night or two before. the democrat emit great political fear.. you can sense it. i love the deniers that think he's not running. he is, trust me on this. every time he speaks he's picking up momentum, dims are scared because he is saying all the right things. charles krauthammer took trump's phone call and said he was very impressed, obama's out of stream, his new mantra is "we may not get there in twenty years". he only speaks in sweeping generalities. he has no substance, never has.
the birther issue is fundemental and is no joke, and it won't be dismissed by people like me.

trump continues to lead in the only poll that matters, the usmb (al gore inspired) scientific control study group at the top of this page, accepted by the world as fact. there is consensus among voters that the donald will win.

barrak husein obama mmm... mmm... mmm... alna grayson... he's our man...

YouTube - buffoon

Damien.... this is for you !......

Grayson was right.

See: Jan Brewer.

Nuff said.
the new olberman lunatic on msnbc tried so hard to paint trump as a racist, but he didn't emotionally invest so heavily last night in trump is not running which was his centerpiec the night or two before. the democrat emit great political fear.. you can sense it. i love the deniers that think he's not running. he is, trust me on this. every time he speaks he's picking up momentum, dims are scared because he is saying all the right things. charles krauthammer took trump's phone call and said he was very impressed, obama's out of stream, his new mantra is "we may not get there in twenty years". he only speaks in sweeping generalities. he has no substance, never has.
the birther issue is fundemental and is no joke, and it won't be dismissed by people like me.

trump continues to lead in the only poll that matters, the usmb scientific control study group at the top of this page, accepted by the world as fact.

He may or may not be racist..but the birther movement most definitely is..

not true shallow... any more than is obama for saying "the republican's are hoping blacks will stay home on voting day" justify that. do you watch the new olberman guy ?

It's very true.

Conservatives wanted to get rid of that whole clause when they thought that Arnold was a "good fellow" until they discovered he cared about kids. And they ran McCain, who wasn't even born in this country.

And this is the first time it's ever come into question with more mainstream republicans.

What's changed?

Oh yeah..we have our first black President.
So what.

Right now Obama is raising the costs of everything.

Are you really this stupid? As far as the price of gasoline at the pump the reason is that the refineries is getting U S and Canadian crude at the inflated price of 108 dollars a barrel and selling it as if it cost 131 dollars a barrel which is the price of North Atlantic Crude oil taken North of the British Isles. The refineries are making record profits under this scam. It has nothing to do with Obama. You sir are a liar and an idiot. As long as morons like you have their say we will NEVER get to the truth and do something about it. It is liars and idiots like you that help perpetuate this thievery. Thanks asshole! Keep deflecting to Obama..that's what the thieves are counting on.

So you claim Obama has nothing to do with scupper-lip?

You sir are a liar.

Obama has no authority to set the price of crude oil or prevent the refineries from using the false pricing scam. Bush did have a cozy relationship with the oil people. Do you remember that infamous secret "energy meeting" that Cheney orchestrated two months into their first term? The one where they refused congress the transcripts from the meetings?
Are you really this stupid? As far as the price of gasoline at the pump the reason is that the refineries is getting U S and Canadian crude at the inflated price of 108 dollars a barrel and selling it as if it cost 131 dollars a barrel which is the price of North Atlantic Crude oil taken North of the British Isles. The refineries are making record profits under this scam. It has nothing to do with Obama. You sir are a liar and an idiot. As long as morons like you have their say we will NEVER get to the truth and do something about it. It is liars and idiots like you that help perpetuate this thievery. Thanks asshole! Keep deflecting to Obama..that's what the thieves are counting on.

So you claim Obama has nothing to do with scupper-lip?

You sir are a liar.

Obama has no authority to set the price of crude oil or prevent the refineries from using the false pricing scam. Bush did have a cozy relationship with the oil people. Do you remember that infamous secret "energy meeting" that Cheney orchestrated two months into their first term? The one where they refused congress the transcripts from the meetings?

Congress wanted to go on a witch hunt.

I'd like to be a fly on the wall during some of the Dems meetings. Like the one the White House had with the Standards and Poors directors, attempting to keep them from releasing their findings this week.

Obama has control of the value of the dollar. After all he has pull with the Fed Chairman and the Treasury Sec.
omg, here we go.

I though Palin was the Dangerfield of politics.

As we see this week it's Trump.
Is anyone getting sick of Ravi hanging out by Trump's cock for the past week with all these useless threads about him he makes?
Interestingly enough Huggy, the price of the specualtion on oil and gas done by the Wall St. investors actually costs 38 cents/gal of gas in extra costs to the consumer.

The current spike in gas at the pump is indeed a two headed devil. Artificial barrel price driven by speculators along with the record profit taking by refineries buying crude at the lowest available inflated price and selling it based on the highest available price needs to be stopped. These people have no conscience. Another example of how the oil industry rips of the American public.
Trump is a smart and savvy guy and only he knows what his end game is at this time. I don't think he's serious about being president simply because he'd find it a very constrained lifestyle compared to what he's used to. IMO it's all just to get folks to open their eyes and ears to what's going on in the world and how it relates to the U.S., and perhaps he'll then throw his support to whomever he feels is most aligned with what he's espousing.
I think its more the right who are "hanging out by Trumps cock" by observing the polls.

The right keeps embracing as their new RONNIE anything that looks new right up until they realize their
"New Ronnie" is all about making a big buck and cares nothing for truely governing.
doe obama have the authorty to release his birth certificate, not the one that looks like a car title ??

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