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If I lived in Ca I would be pissed

Wry were i moved to the first very noticeable thing was .....A LOT LESS PEOPLE....back in Anaheim no matter the time of day or day of week....freeways crowded,some days it took a half hour by freeway to go 10 miles....out here if there is fucking 15 cars on it.... its crowded....i can at least say i lived in California during the time when it may have been the greatest place on the planet to live....the way it has got over the last 20-25 years,i dont regret leaving at all....
40 million Californians dont care if you left or not. Millions did life goes on. It is still the best state, best economy, home to best of everything nothing changed.
thats because you refuse to look at the not so great part of the state....and maybe 30 years ago it was the best of everything,now its like i said....you refuse to acknowledge the negative things going on today which was nothing 30 years ago,but are major problems today....take the California flag out of your ass issa and take a look around,you might see many struggling to make ends meet,still many inland without jobs.....roads that need at least repair...homelessness increasing daily..... the list goes on...

Homelessness is a problem throughout the United States; I've not seen a study to prove CA has more per capita than other states.

The issue is not local politics, or of the State of CA's governance. It is the fault of The Congress which has not engaged in honest debates to reduce the numbers of this nationwide malady.

The War on Drugs is a failure, Mental health is not funded at a level necessary; thus the serious mentally ill end up in jails and prisons or left on the streets.

Drug addicts and alcoholics spend more time in jail than in treatment, they too add to the problem which cries for a solution, yet The Congress walks down the sidewalk and steps over those sleeping in doorways (metaphorically).
no but there are many here who think most of the homeless are from other states.....approx 75% of the homeless in and around LA are Californians.....
Pohahaha bullshit...if most Californians are not even from Here how can 75% the homeless be from here?
I live on the west side of LA around 75% white, anyone older than 30 I'll be shocked if they tell me they are from here most are feom different states....my wife was born here and she is 50 and she is like a treasure hardly anyone her age is from here.
Throughout the years I spoke to many homeless and we get tons of them due to the help they get....I can safely say 90% are white and 90% are from outside of California.
I always say the homeless problem in the west in general and specifically the US is a cultural problem, where family values are lost, selfishness is the main motor of society.

You can “safely” say? Again you are wrong and spout misinformation. The homeless do not flock to California due to the help they get, the help is no different than anywhere else. Secondly only 13% of the California homeless are from other states.

As California, Oregon and Washington are having large homeless issues, mainly from their own states. Look for what all three have in common.

Dispelling myths about California’s homeless
Myth #1: California’s homeless are from somewhere else -- and moved here for the mild weather and social services.

Reality: Experts say this is one of the most common and inaccurate assumptions about homeless Californians.

"People when they become homeless, more often than not are from the community in which they’re living homeless," said Ben Avey, a spokesman with Sacramento Steps Forward, a nonprofit dedicated to ending homelessness in the Capital City. "And they often move to the streets very near where they lived in the past. You may not recognize them. But they are members of your community."

Chris Martin, an expert on homeless policy for the nonprofit Housing California, added that the stereotype "is just not true."

Martin cited a study from May 2018 by the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority, which found 75 percent of the people on the street in Los Angeles County had a home in that same county before they lost it. It also showed that 65 percent of the unsheltered homeless had lived in that county for at least 20 years. Only 13 percent were from out of state.
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Wry were i moved to the first very noticeable thing was .....A LOT LESS PEOPLE....back in Anaheim no matter the time of day or day of week....freeways crowded,some days it took a half hour by freeway to go 10 miles....out here if there is fucking 15 cars on it.... its crowded....i can at least say i lived in California during the time when it may have been the greatest place on the planet to live....the way it has got over the last 20-25 years,i dont regret leaving at all....
40 million Californians dont care if you left or not. Millions did life goes on. It is still the best state, best economy, home to best of everything nothing changed.
thats because you refuse to look at the not so great part of the state....and maybe 30 years ago it was the best of everything,now its like i said....you refuse to acknowledge the negative things going on today which was nothing 30 years ago,but are major problems today....take the California flag out of your ass issa and take a look around,you might see many struggling to make ends meet,still many inland without jobs.....roads that need at least repair...homelessness increasing daily..... the list goes on...

Homelessness is a problem throughout the United States; I've not seen a study to prove CA has more per capita than other states.

The issue is not local politics, or of the State of CA's governance. It is the fault of The Congress which has not engaged in honest debates to reduce the numbers of this nationwide malady.

The War on Drugs is a failure, Mental health is not funded at a level necessary; thus the serious mentally ill end up in jails and prisons or left on the streets.

Drug addicts and alcoholics spend more time in jail than in treatment, they too add to the problem which cries for a solution, yet The Congress walks down the sidewalk and steps over those sleeping in doorways (metaphorically).
no but there are many here who think most of the homeless are from other states.....approx 75% of the homeless in and around LA are Californians.....
Pohahaha bullshit...if most Californians are not even from Here how can 75% the homeless be from here?
I live on the west side of LA around 75% white, anyone older than 30 I'll be shocked if they tell me they are from here most are feom different states....my wife was born here and she is 50 and she is like a treasure hardly anyone her age is from here.
Throughout the years I spoke to many homeless and we get tons of them due to the help they get....I can safely say 90% are white and 90% are from outside of California.
I always say the homeless problem in the west in general and specifically the US is a cultural problem, where family values are lost, selfishness is the main motor of society.
are you that stupid?....do you know what a legal resident of California is?...most homeless in and around LA are people who are residents of California...you know someone who had a house or an apt in the state at one time and lost it all due to some personal financial problem and became homeless,they are still considered Californians,even if they were from somewhere else....come out of your bubble once in a while issa...
No they don't. I have solar so electricity is basically free and food is not that expensive if you know how to cook and are frugal. You just can't see how a person can live with very little money. I did it all my life when I had a business I gave away lots of service to people who couldn't afford the work.
hey if thats the way you want to live....go for it...
40 million Californians dont care if you left or not. Millions did life goes on. It is still the best state, best economy, home to best of everything nothing changed.
thats because you refuse to look at the not so great part of the state....and maybe 30 years ago it was the best of everything,now its like i said....you refuse to acknowledge the negative things going on today which was nothing 30 years ago,but are major problems today....take the California flag out of your ass issa and take a look around,you might see many struggling to make ends meet,still many inland without jobs.....roads that need at least repair...homelessness increasing daily..... the list goes on...

Homelessness is a problem throughout the United States; I've not seen a study to prove CA has more per capita than other states.

The issue is not local politics, or of the State of CA's governance. It is the fault of The Congress which has not engaged in honest debates to reduce the numbers of this nationwide malady.

The War on Drugs is a failure, Mental health is not funded at a level necessary; thus the serious mentally ill end up in jails and prisons or left on the streets.

Drug addicts and alcoholics spend more time in jail than in treatment, they too add to the problem which cries for a solution, yet The Congress walks down the sidewalk and steps over those sleeping in doorways (metaphorically).
no but there are many here who think most of the homeless are from other states.....approx 75% of the homeless in and around LA are Californians.....
Pohahaha bullshit...if most Californians are not even from Here how can 75% the homeless be from here?
I live on the west side of LA around 75% white, anyone older than 30 I'll be shocked if they tell me they are from here most are feom different states....my wife was born here and she is 50 and she is like a treasure hardly anyone her age is from here.
Throughout the years I spoke to many homeless and we get tons of them due to the help they get....I can safely say 90% are white and 90% are from outside of California.
I always say the homeless problem in the west in general and specifically the US is a cultural problem, where family values are lost, selfishness is the main motor of society.
Its the weather. If it sucked, they would be somewhere else.

Again another myth. Only 13% of the homeless in California are from other states. California produces The vast majority of their homeless.
California is ranked 2 on state tax per gallon of gas at 55.5 cents. Thats mind boggling expensive. They should have the best highways in the universe with that type of tax.
I don't know if they have the best but they sure have a bunch of them. The highway network in and around LA never ceases to amaze me. That and the fact that traffic is backed up on ALL of them! :confused-84:
and most of the time its 7 days a week....

Or he may have bought the home in 1980, and by 2019 he had over a million dollars in equity. For a person who claims to be a thinker, your post(s) is (are) very funny.
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I wonder what the Transcontinental Railroad would have cost in 2019 dollars?

Fiscal Conservatism is not always, and is mostly not, fiscally responsible. Delays cost money, and you didn't mention the cause of the delays in your post.

How much did the invasion and occupation of Iraq cost the taxpayer? How about the over budget cost of the F-35? Why did
Ryan and Trump cut taxes, when every year we add to the national debt?

How much does President Trump's security cost each time he flies to Florida, and his agents who rent golf carts from which he profits?

How much does President Trump's security cost each time he flies to Florida, and his agents who rent golf carts from which he profits?

You guys are pathetic and ridiculous when you post this.

1. Trump is a free man and can go anywhere on vacation, the US has no choice but to protect the President.


3. And profits off of golf cart and hotel fees?

That tells us right there you are a broke ass moron, if you think that's a significant amount, its chump change to a billionaire

God damn .


Yep, and Obama was attacked for going to Hawaii with his family, and playing less golf in 8 years than Trump has in one year.

Hypocrisy is the
True, law suits to protect frogs and native plants continue to road block many developments, mostly they fail but it takes up time, and time is money.

Stop with the ad hominems, they make you one of the right wing nuts.

Thanks for conceding.

You can't stop being a smart ass. I haven't conceded, and you haven't won anything.

You claimed it was right wingers that have caused the project to soar, so prove it.

All Republicans are right wingers, IMO. They don't have the balls to toss Trump under the bus, they pretend to be fiscally conservative, but are in fact fiscally irresponsible, and they lie and lie and lie.

I didn't make a claim that one variable is the be all end all of anything; yet you make that claim and that is proof you are a damn liar.

I wrote this:

Then we can expect NIMBY's, and fiscal conservatives to put up road blocks, special interests to lobby against heavy and light rail (i.e. the Oil, Battery and Tire Industry in this case).

There are cost-deficits and cost benefits in all major efforts to complete or even begin to build public transportation; not because they are not needed, but because other industries object to competition. They then lobby the public to vote against their own best interests.

So it is just an opinion with no proof?[/QUOTE]

Which part of my comments were in your opinion, my opinions?

Or he may have bought the home in 1980, and by 2019 he had over a million dollars in equity. For a person who claims to be a thinker, your post(s) is (are) very funny.

Wow, you sure seem to be hung up on my user name. With property taxes at $3,800, home insurance possibly around $2,700, that leaves $625/month, of course that doesn't include maybe $200/month for utilities, perhaps a car and car insurance. You ought to do some thinking on your own and quit whining about my user name....dumbass.

Or he may have bought the home in 1980, and by 2019 he had over a million dollars in equity. For a person who claims to be a thinker, your post(s) is (are) very funny.

Wow, you sure seem to be hung up on my user name. With property taxes at $3,800, home insurance possibly around $2,700, that leaves $625/month, of course that doesn't include maybe $200/month for utilities, perhaps a car and car insurance. You ought to do some thinking on your own and quit whining about my user name....dumbass.

LOL, and if he had $1,000,000 + or more in equity he might have taken a reverse mortgage. Then he can pay for all of those items which you noted.

Or he may have bought the home in 1980, and by 2019 he had over a million dollars in equity. For a person who claims to be a thinker, your post(s) is (are) very funny.

Wow, you sure seem to be hung up on my user name. With property taxes at $3,800, home insurance possibly around $2,700, that leaves $625/month, of course that doesn't include maybe $200/month for utilities, perhaps a car and car insurance. You ought to do some thinking on your own and quit whining about my user name....dumbass.

LOL, and if he had $1,000,000 + or more in equity he might have taken a reverse mortgage. Then he can pay for all of those items which you noted.

Yep, wouldn't be surprised, libs are stupid enough to do something like that.

Or he may have bought the home in 1980, and by 2019 he had over a million dollars in equity. For a person who claims to be a thinker, your post(s) is (are) very funny.

Wow, you sure seem to be hung up on my user name. With property taxes at $3,800, home insurance possibly around $2,700, that leaves $625/month, of course that doesn't include maybe $200/month for utilities, perhaps a car and car insurance. You ought to do some thinking on your own and quit whining about my user name....dumbass.

LOL, and if he had $1,000,000 + or more in equity he might have taken a reverse mortgage. Then he can pay for all of those items which you noted.
why would someone with a million in equity do a reverse mortgage?....

Or he may have bought the home in 1980, and by 2019 he had over a million dollars in equity. For a person who claims to be a thinker, your post(s) is (are) very funny.

Equity is great, but how does he use it? Reverse mortgage? But then you are agreeing with us there is no way he can live in Burlingame on 14k a year as he claims.
Prop 13 made it easy for me to pay my property taxes of 3, 800 a year.

You have property taxes of $3,800? And you live on $14,000 SS. So mommy and daddy must have left you with some cash and a house.

Or he may have bought the home in 1980, and by 2019 he had over a million dollars in equity. For a person who claims to be a thinker, your post(s) is (are) very funny.

Wow, you sure seem to be hung up on my user name. With property taxes at $3,800, home insurance possibly around $2,700, that leaves $625/month, of course that doesn't include maybe $200/month for utilities, perhaps a car and car insurance. You ought to do some thinking on your own and quit whining about my user name....dumbass.

LOL, and if he had $1,000,000 + or more in equity he might have taken a reverse mortgage. Then he can pay for all of those items which you noted.
why would someone with a million in equity do a reverse mortgage?....

To pay for a lifestyle that anyone with a brain knows is impossible
You have property taxes of $3,800? And you live on $14,000 SS. So mommy and daddy must have left you with some cash and a house.

Or he may have bought the home in 1980, and by 2019 he had over a million dollars in equity. For a person who claims to be a thinker, your post(s) is (are) very funny.

Wow, you sure seem to be hung up on my user name. With property taxes at $3,800, home insurance possibly around $2,700, that leaves $625/month, of course that doesn't include maybe $200/month for utilities, perhaps a car and car insurance. You ought to do some thinking on your own and quit whining about my user name....dumbass.

LOL, and if he had $1,000,000 + or more in equity he might have taken a reverse mortgage. Then he can pay for all of those items which you noted.
why would someone with a million in equity do a reverse mortgage?....

To pay for a lifestyle that anyone with a brain knows is impossible
well taxman did say he makes lots of money to pay for that gas...
Or he may have bought the home in 1980, and by 2019 he had over a million dollars in equity. For a person who claims to be a thinker, your post(s) is (are) very funny.

Wow, you sure seem to be hung up on my user name. With property taxes at $3,800, home insurance possibly around $2,700, that leaves $625/month, of course that doesn't include maybe $200/month for utilities, perhaps a car and car insurance. You ought to do some thinking on your own and quit whining about my user name....dumbass.

LOL, and if he had $1,000,000 + or more in equity he might have taken a reverse mortgage. Then he can pay for all of those items which you noted.
why would someone with a million in equity do a reverse mortgage?....

To pay for a lifestyle that anyone with a brain knows is impossible
well taxman did say he makes lots of money to pay for that gas...

There are three ways that taxman can live as he claims.

1. His mom's basement. Most likely

2. A cardboard box. Possible but not likely.

3. Mental health facility. Not likely. You have to have a brain first to need mental health intervention
thats because you refuse to look at the not so great part of the state....and maybe 30 years ago it was the best of everything,now its like i said....you refuse to acknowledge the negative things going on today which was nothing 30 years ago,but are major problems today....take the California flag out of your ass issa and take a look around,you might see many struggling to make ends meet,still many inland without jobs.....roads that need at least repair...homelessness increasing daily..... the list goes on...

Homelessness is a problem throughout the United States; I've not seen a study to prove CA has more per capita than other states.

The issue is not local politics, or of the State of CA's governance. It is the fault of The Congress which has not engaged in honest debates to reduce the numbers of this nationwide malady.

The War on Drugs is a failure, Mental health is not funded at a level necessary; thus the serious mentally ill end up in jails and prisons or left on the streets.

Drug addicts and alcoholics spend more time in jail than in treatment, they too add to the problem which cries for a solution, yet The Congress walks down the sidewalk and steps over those sleeping in doorways (metaphorically).
no but there are many here who think most of the homeless are from other states.....approx 75% of the homeless in and around LA are Californians.....
Pohahaha bullshit...if most Californians are not even from Here how can 75% the homeless be from here?
I live on the west side of LA around 75% white, anyone older than 30 I'll be shocked if they tell me they are from here most are feom different states....my wife was born here and she is 50 and she is like a treasure hardly anyone her age is from here.
Throughout the years I spoke to many homeless and we get tons of them due to the help they get....I can safely say 90% are white and 90% are from outside of California.
I always say the homeless problem in the west in general and specifically the US is a cultural problem, where family values are lost, selfishness is the main motor of society.
Its the weather. If it sucked, they would be somewhere else.

Again another myth. Only 13% of the homeless in California are from other states. California produces The vast majority of their homeless.
Wow, you defy logic. When I become homeless, I'm moving to where the weather sucks.
Homelessness is a problem throughout the United States; I've not seen a study to prove CA has more per capita than other states.

The issue is not local politics, or of the State of CA's governance. It is the fault of The Congress which has not engaged in honest debates to reduce the numbers of this nationwide malady.

The War on Drugs is a failure, Mental health is not funded at a level necessary; thus the serious mentally ill end up in jails and prisons or left on the streets.

Drug addicts and alcoholics spend more time in jail than in treatment, they too add to the problem which cries for a solution, yet The Congress walks down the sidewalk and steps over those sleeping in doorways (metaphorically).
no but there are many here who think most of the homeless are from other states.....approx 75% of the homeless in and around LA are Californians.....
Pohahaha bullshit...if most Californians are not even from Here how can 75% the homeless be from here?
I live on the west side of LA around 75% white, anyone older than 30 I'll be shocked if they tell me they are from here most are feom different states....my wife was born here and she is 50 and she is like a treasure hardly anyone her age is from here.
Throughout the years I spoke to many homeless and we get tons of them due to the help they get....I can safely say 90% are white and 90% are from outside of California.
I always say the homeless problem in the west in general and specifically the US is a cultural problem, where family values are lost, selfishness is the main motor of society.
Its the weather. If it sucked, they would be somewhere else.

Again another myth. Only 13% of the homeless in California are from other states. California produces The vast majority of their homeless.
Wow, you defy logic. When I become homeless, I'm moving to where the weather sucks.

No, he's just stating facts. The fact that they don't conform to your paradigm is on you, not him.
no but there are many here who think most of the homeless are from other states.....approx 75% of the homeless in and around LA are Californians.....
Pohahaha bullshit...if most Californians are not even from Here how can 75% the homeless be from here?
I live on the west side of LA around 75% white, anyone older than 30 I'll be shocked if they tell me they are from here most are feom different states....my wife was born here and she is 50 and she is like a treasure hardly anyone her age is from here.
Throughout the years I spoke to many homeless and we get tons of them due to the help they get....I can safely say 90% are white and 90% are from outside of California.
I always say the homeless problem in the west in general and specifically the US is a cultural problem, where family values are lost, selfishness is the main motor of society.
Its the weather. If it sucked, they would be somewhere else.

Again another myth. Only 13% of the homeless in California are from other states. California produces The vast majority of their homeless.
Wow, you defy logic. When I become homeless, I'm moving to where the weather sucks.

No, he's just stating facts. The fact that they don't conform to your paradigm is on you, not him.
Ha ha

Or he may have bought the home in 1980, and by 2019 he had over a million dollars in equity. For a person who claims to be a thinker, your post(s) is (are) very funny.

He would of had to owned the home prior to 1978, once he sold Prop 13 would not apply, at least that is how I read it.
Homelessness is a problem throughout the United States; I've not seen a study to prove CA has more per capita than other states.

The issue is not local politics, or of the State of CA's governance. It is the fault of The Congress which has not engaged in honest debates to reduce the numbers of this nationwide malady.

The War on Drugs is a failure, Mental health is not funded at a level necessary; thus the serious mentally ill end up in jails and prisons or left on the streets.

Drug addicts and alcoholics spend more time in jail than in treatment, they too add to the problem which cries for a solution, yet The Congress walks down the sidewalk and steps over those sleeping in doorways (metaphorically).
no but there are many here who think most of the homeless are from other states.....approx 75% of the homeless in and around LA are Californians.....
Pohahaha bullshit...if most Californians are not even from Here how can 75% the homeless be from here?
I live on the west side of LA around 75% white, anyone older than 30 I'll be shocked if they tell me they are from here most are feom different states....my wife was born here and she is 50 and she is like a treasure hardly anyone her age is from here.
Throughout the years I spoke to many homeless and we get tons of them due to the help they get....I can safely say 90% are white and 90% are from outside of California.
I always say the homeless problem in the west in general and specifically the US is a cultural problem, where family values are lost, selfishness is the main motor of society.
Its the weather. If it sucked, they would be somewhere else.

Again another myth. Only 13% of the homeless in California are from other states. California produces The vast majority of their homeless.
Wow, you defy logic. When I become homeless, I'm moving to where the weather sucks.

I am not defying anything, I am stating what is the facts about the homeless in California.

Dispelling myths about California’s homeless

Go argue with them.

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