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If I lived in Ca I would be pissed

They're one of the world's largest economies.

They must be doing something right.

Sent from my SM-N976V using Tapatalk
which is the reason so many are leaving....its called people congestion or pollution....take your pick....

For the Record:


Look over the demographics, and compare to your state.
Wry were i moved to the first very noticeable thing was .....A LOT LESS PEOPLE....back in Anaheim no matter the time of day or day of week....freeways crowded,some days it took a half hour by freeway to go 10 miles....out here if there is fucking 15 cars on it.... its crowded....i can at least say i lived in California during the time when it may have been the greatest place on the planet to live....the way it has got over the last 20-25 years,i dont regret leaving at all....
40 million Californians dont care if you left or not. Millions did life goes on. It is still the best state, best economy, home to best of everything nothing changed.

California is fourth in economies in the US. Pretend all you want. https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/rankings/economy


California is now the world's fifth-largest economy, surpassing United Kingdom

BEST economies, not largest. Please comprehend what you read. You can have a huge economy but it may not be the best.
They're one of the world's largest economies.

They must be doing something right.

Sent from my SM-N976V using Tapatalk
Our (CA) biggest trading state partners are WA and, which soon will be blue, TX. Lump that all together.
They're one of the world's largest economies.

They must be doing something right.

Sent from my SM-N976V using Tapatalk

First, they are part of the worlds largest economy. Without the world's largest economy, they would struggle. Secondly, they are the four best economy in the US. And finally, if their economy is as great as the left is claiming, then why don't they just pay for the rail themselves and leave the federal government out of it all together?

Maybe you should read your link. My experience, when ICE was INS, and we had an undocumented person in our jail, we would call INS and rarely get a response.

Thus the City and the County paid for the board and care while awaiting trial in jail, an attorney (usually the PD), a trial, a probation report and incarceration and a period of Probation; not a penny spent enforcing on any of these costs by the Federal Government.
So what your saying is that this is the line in the sand that they make their stand on? Good grief
If they were more consistent with the oversight, it could have been believable.

Kinda sad about Kathryn Steinle, isn't it?

The cost was one factor, ethics another. Using Kathryn Steinle as a prop is despicable, not that I'm surprised coming from you.

Your city allowed that to happen, what IS despicable is your attitude to the laws that would have prevented it. POS

The facts in your little rant are wrong. Below is a synopsis of the death of Ms. Steinle, the trial and the appeal.

Conviction overturned for undocumented immigrant charged in death of Kate Steinle

It seems you are the POS a neo fascist who cares not for justice, but for revenge.
He shouldn't have been there.....that is the entire point. But, the lack of enforcing your laws
allowed him to do what he did. It's NOT that difficult to follow, wry.
Trains move without needing energy. Everyone in California knows that.

Tax people who ride on Amtrak then. Tax people who ride on CalTrans, or Bart or various other rail systems, but dont take gas taxes to pay for it.

The California High Speed rail, doesn't even move at all and had cost us Billions ...and is an admitted failure... all those billions thrown away by Newsom and people just like him. But , sure... I'm sure he knows what he's doing this time. California legislators need to donate their entire salary, and sell their second homes to pay back the citizens of California for their absolute failure and misappropriation of taxpayer funds.

People who believe the crap you've posted can't think out of the box that was locked after your brainwash.

Some things to consider:
  • The air corridor between Northern and Southern California has reached its limit.
  • Building Transit Villages create jobs, and reduces traffic on already overcrowded freeways.
  • High speed rail in Europe and Asia is proof the CA Project is not a train to nowhere; it connects major metro areas, from Sacramento to San Diego with a spur into San Jose, Silicon Valley and San Francisco.

Delays, more delays, the the cost has risen from $10 billion to $77 billion and by the time it is finished could see it rise to over $100, scheduled to open in 2023, now, 2034 and more delays are expected. It's sucking money and no end in sight. Sad what California is going through. But not your money, right?

I wonder what the Transcontinental Railroad would have cost in 2019 dollars?

Fiscal Conservatism is not always, and is mostly not, fiscally responsible. Delays cost money, and you didn't mention the cause of the delays in your post.

How much did the invasion and occupation of Iraq cost the taxpayer? How about the over budget cost of the F-35? Why did
Ryan and Trump cut taxes, when every year we add to the national debt?

How much does President Trump's security cost each time he flies to Florida, and his agents who rent golf carts from which he profits?

I dislike Trump's fiscal policies, I didn't vote for him for that reason, that and he and Hillary couldn't tell the truth to save their lives. I am all for bring all the troops home and letting the world police itself.

Now, back to the subject. The cost of the rail went from $10 billion in the 90's to $33 billion in 2008, with their shovel ready project to $66 billion under Obama, now we are up to $77 billion. So to recap, we added $33 billion with Obama and $11 billion with Trump and it will continue to grow whether this country elects a Democrat or a Republican President in 2020. Not sure why the President matters, however you brought it up.

There is mismanagement from acquiring land to planning, then you have California's bureaucracy and environmentalism. add to it the government printing money. It all adds up to higher and higher costs and higher and higher expenses.

In most projects mismanagement is to be expected, the Bay Bridge was over the initial budget, and when completed there were problems which needed additional costs.

We can't blame government exclusively since the bid was made by the Private Sector in every major gov't project it seems the bid never meets expectations in costs, time or outcome.

Then we can expect NIMBY's, and fiscal conservatives to put up road blocks, special interests to lobby against heavy and light rail (i.e. the Oil, Battery and Tire Industry in this case).

There are cost-deficits and cost benefits in all major efforts to complete or even begin to build public transportation; not because they are not needed, but because other industries object to competition. They then lobby the public to vote against their own best interests.
Trains move without needing energy. Everyone in California knows that.

Tax people who ride on Amtrak then. Tax people who ride on CalTrans, or Bart or various other rail systems, but dont take gas taxes to pay for it.

The California High Speed rail, doesn't even move at all and had cost us Billions ...and is an admitted failure... all those billions thrown away by Newsom and people just like him. But , sure... I'm sure he knows what he's doing this time. California legislators need to donate their entire salary, and sell their second homes to pay back the citizens of California for their absolute failure and misappropriation of taxpayer funds.

People who believe the crap you've posted can't think out of the box that was locked after your brainwash.

Some things to consider:
  • The air corridor between Northern and Southern California has reached its limit.
  • Building Transit Villages create jobs, and reduces traffic on already overcrowded freeways.
  • High speed rail in Europe and Asia is proof the CA Project is not a train to nowhere; it connects major metro areas, from Sacramento to San Diego with a spur into San Jose, Silicon Valley and San Francisco.

Youve got to be kidding me. You tell me... how many billions and how many miles of rail has actually been built?

the rail will not even be high speed as advertised, should the project ever be completed.

Yes, having a nice HS rail built like they have in Europe would be a fantastic thing, but not for the price tag created by our leaders here in California. Its not justifiable. tell me how this farce and fleecing of taxpayers is justifiable?
DO you realize those billions of dollars could have been used elsewhere in transportation? Its estimated the cost could be 98 billion. its 77 billion now.

They should have built a smaller HS rail project first to weed out problems and shady subcontractors. Maybe something going from the SF bay area to Sacramento. At least it might have been something useful, but these people spend money before they even know what they are doing.

“Regardless of what this business plan said, the political and funding reality was that they don’t really have enough money to build what they want to do — certainly not statewide,” said Ethan Elkind, the climate program director at UC Berkeley School of Law and an expert on California transit and rail issues. “Basically they can complete this initial 119-mile segment in the Central Valley, but it will be a bit of a stranded asset until they can connect it at least to the [San Francisco] Bay area.”

Added Elkind: “In the interim, they are sort of looking at a fallback option of just basically building a new rail right-of-way that Amtrak could use and benefit from and make some revenue on it. But it’s certainly not high-speed rail and it’s certainly not connecting the major parts of the state together.”
The issue is a sanctuary state, and yes, they do flock to sanctuary states for......sanctuary.
Gotta have a little common sense to figure these things out..

And your side of the aisle claims to be Christian and steps over the sleeping homeless without a thought. The issue is the failure of Congress, the bigotry of people like you, and for the last 3 years Trump's hate and fear rhetoric which created Sanctuary Cities and States.

Empathy is not only a word, it is a moral value, and something too many in power, and those who put them in power, don't have.

And you claiming to be a LEO turns a blind eye to the rule of law has no business telling others about morality. pathetic
How many homeless are you letting tent up in your backyard and feeding there, wry? Hypocrite much?

a) Discernment, is part of the makeup of good enforcement, that is, acuteness of judgment and understanding.
b) You and others don't bat an eye when you see someone, another human being, living on the streets.
c) All law enforcement personnel are human beings too, some have empathy, some don't. Some will make an arrest, some will awaken them with the baton, and others will offer them an alternative.
d) I support several alternatives which benefit the homeless. The Salvation Army for the substance abusers, and the Mental Health Assoc. of San Francisco.
e) I do not invite homeless people to put up a tent in my backyard; I'm not an enabler
f) I understand you can lead a conservative to morality, but you can't make them accept it.

What's funny is when they do studies about giving the conservatives outgive progressives by over 10 to one. One of those studies was done in San Francisco back in the 1990's. The ratio there was over 100 to one. Your claims are not born out by actual, rigorous studies.

LOL, giving to the NRA or anyone of the right wing NGO's isn't charity.

No, it ain't. That's why they were monitoring the homeless on the streets of San Francisco. I am about to stop treating you with the respect that you so desire, but so don't deserve.
Trains move without needing energy. Everyone in California knows that.

Tax people who ride on Amtrak then. Tax people who ride on CalTrans, or Bart or various other rail systems, but dont take gas taxes to pay for it.

The California High Speed rail, doesn't even move at all and had cost us Billions ...and is an admitted failure... all those billions thrown away by Newsom and people just like him. But , sure... I'm sure he knows what he's doing this time. California legislators need to donate their entire salary, and sell their second homes to pay back the citizens of California for their absolute failure and misappropriation of taxpayer funds.

People who believe the crap you've posted can't think out of the box that was locked after your brainwash.

Some things to consider:
  • The air corridor between Northern and Southern California has reached its limit.
  • Building Transit Villages create jobs, and reduces traffic on already overcrowded freeways.
  • High speed rail in Europe and Asia is proof the CA Project is not a train to nowhere; it connects major metro areas, from Sacramento to San Diego with a spur into San Jose, Silicon Valley and San Francisco.

Delays, more delays, the the cost has risen from $10 billion to $77 billion and by the time it is finished could see it rise to over $100, scheduled to open in 2023, now, 2034 and more delays are expected. It's sucking money and no end in sight. Sad what California is going through. But not your money, right?

I wonder what the Transcontinental Railroad would have cost in 2019 dollars?

Fiscal Conservatism is not always, and is mostly not, fiscally responsible. Delays cost money, and you didn't mention the cause of the delays in your post.

How much did the invasion and occupation of Iraq cost the taxpayer? How about the over budget cost of the F-35? Why did
Ryan and Trump cut taxes, when every year we add to the national debt?

How much does President Trump's security cost each time he flies to Florida, and his agents who rent golf carts from which he profits?

That railroad actually accomplished something. This Cali rail is from nowhere, to nowhere, so why do it?

Maybe you should read your link. My experience, when ICE was INS, and we had an undocumented person in our jail, we would call INS and rarely get a response.

Thus the City and the County paid for the board and care while awaiting trial in jail, an attorney (usually the PD), a trial, a probation report and incarceration and a period of Probation; not a penny spent enforcing on any of these costs by the Federal Government.
So what your saying is that this is the line in the sand that they make their stand on? Good grief
If they were more consistent with the oversight, it could have been believable.

Kinda sad about Kathryn Steinle, isn't it?

The cost was one factor, ethics another. Using Kathryn Steinle as a prop is despicable, not that I'm surprised coming from you.

Using a productive member of society to show that at least in San Fran a worthless piece of shit like the fucker that killed her is more valued than her is not despicable. It is showing how devoid of compassion progressives truly are.

I remember back in the late 1990's some gangbanger asshole shot up the Alameda County Fair in Pleasanton. he hit 18 people I think it was. The DA there charged the prick with ADW for the crime. But then, after the outrage for filing such a weak ass complaint against the prick, the DA suddenly discovered that three of those who were shot were rival gang bangers. So he filed attempred murder charges agains the asshole for those criminals.

What a message you progressives have for the good, honest, taxpaying people of your communities, "if you are an illegal, or a violent gangbanger, your life is worth more to us, than the legit taxpayer."

And you wonder why people despise you.

Nice rant, the facts are posted below:

New Charges in Fair Shooting / Gang war believed to set off attack at county carnival

Thanks for proving what I said. A good friend of mine was the ADA in Fremont at the time and he was appalled by the DAs attitude.

Reasonable people were.
They're one of the world's largest economies.

They must be doing something right.

Sent from my SM-N976V using Tapatalk

It helps to have 44 million people. But, Colorado produces more per capita, than Cali.
Tax people who ride on Amtrak then. Tax people who ride on CalTrans, or Bart or various other rail systems, but dont take gas taxes to pay for it.

The California High Speed rail, doesn't even move at all and had cost us Billions ...and is an admitted failure... all those billions thrown away by Newsom and people just like him. But , sure... I'm sure he knows what he's doing this time. California legislators need to donate their entire salary, and sell their second homes to pay back the citizens of California for their absolute failure and misappropriation of taxpayer funds.

People who believe the crap you've posted can't think out of the box that was locked after your brainwash.

Some things to consider:
  • The air corridor between Northern and Southern California has reached its limit.
  • Building Transit Villages create jobs, and reduces traffic on already overcrowded freeways.
  • High speed rail in Europe and Asia is proof the CA Project is not a train to nowhere; it connects major metro areas, from Sacramento to San Diego with a spur into San Jose, Silicon Valley and San Francisco.

Delays, more delays, the the cost has risen from $10 billion to $77 billion and by the time it is finished could see it rise to over $100, scheduled to open in 2023, now, 2034 and more delays are expected. It's sucking money and no end in sight. Sad what California is going through. But not your money, right?

I wonder what the Transcontinental Railroad would have cost in 2019 dollars?

Fiscal Conservatism is not always, and is mostly not, fiscally responsible. Delays cost money, and you didn't mention the cause of the delays in your post.

How much did the invasion and occupation of Iraq cost the taxpayer? How about the over budget cost of the F-35? Why did
Ryan and Trump cut taxes, when every year we add to the national debt?

How much does President Trump's security cost each time he flies to Florida, and his agents who rent golf carts from which he profits?

I dislike Trump's fiscal policies, I didn't vote for him for that reason, that and he and Hillary couldn't tell the truth to save their lives. I am all for bring all the troops home and letting the world police itself.

Now, back to the subject. The cost of the rail went from $10 billion in the 90's to $33 billion in 2008, with their shovel ready project to $66 billion under Obama, now we are up to $77 billion. So to recap, we added $33 billion with Obama and $11 billion with Trump and it will continue to grow whether this country elects a Democrat or a Republican President in 2020. Not sure why the President matters, however you brought it up.

There is mismanagement from acquiring land to planning, then you have California's bureaucracy and environmentalism. add to it the government printing money. It all adds up to higher and higher costs and higher and higher expenses.

In most projects mismanagement is to be expected, the Bay Bridge was over the initial budget, and when completed there were problems which needed additional costs.

We can't blame government exclusively since the bid was made by the Private Sector in every major gov't project it seems the bid never meets expectations in costs, time or outcome.

Then we can expect NIMBY's, and fiscal conservatives to put up road blocks, special interests to lobby against heavy and light rail (i.e. the Oil, Battery and Tire Industry in this case).

There are cost-deficits and cost benefits in all major efforts to complete or even begin to build public transportation; not because they are not needed, but because other industries object to competition. They then lobby the public to vote against their own best interests.

Actually, one of the biggest roadblocks was the leftwing environmentalist, they launched a bunch of lawsuits to stop the rail. So again you prove you are just a partisan hack who just blames the other side because that is what uneducated political hacks do.

Thanks for proving you are no better than the rightwing nuts.
They're one of the world's largest economies.

They must be doing something right.

Sent from my SM-N976V using Tapatalk

California is living off of the infrastructure left behind from previous generations for the most part.... well, more so true about the politicians in charge. We also have a great combination of farm land, shipping ports and technology centers, mild weather throughout the year and of course tourism.
This current lot of legislators cant take much credit for any of that. they only know how to increase taxes on us to mask their mistakes.
They're one of the world's largest economies.

They must be doing something right.

Sent from my SM-N976V using Tapatalk

California is living off of the infrastructure left behind from previous generations for the most part.... well, more so true about the politicians in charge. We also have a great combination of farm land, shipping ports and technology centers, mild weather throughout the year and of course tourism.
This current lot of legislators cant take much credit for any of that. they only know how to increase taxes on us to mask their mistakes.
There are a lot of new roads and improved dams as well as aqueducts to the land of the angels. Most water systems are in reconstruction now as they are very old.
And yes we are great!
No they don't. I have solar so electricity is basically free and food is not that expensive if you know how to cook and are frugal. You just can't see how a person can live with very little money. I did it all my life when I had a business I gave away lots of service to people who couldn't afford the work.
Trains move without needing energy. Everyone in California knows that.

Tax people who ride on Amtrak then. Tax people who ride on CalTrans, or Bart or various other rail systems, but dont take gas taxes to pay for it.

The California High Speed rail, doesn't even move at all and had cost us Billions ...and is an admitted failure... all those billions thrown away by Newsom and people just like him. But , sure... I'm sure he knows what he's doing this time. California legislators need to donate their entire salary, and sell their second homes to pay back the citizens of California for their absolute failure and misappropriation of taxpayer funds.

People who believe the crap you've posted can't think out of the box that was locked after your brainwash.

Some things to consider:
  • The air corridor between Northern and Southern California has reached its limit.
  • Building Transit Villages create jobs, and reduces traffic on already overcrowded freeways.
  • High speed rail in Europe and Asia is proof the CA Project is not a train to nowhere; it connects major metro areas, from Sacramento to San Diego with a spur into San Jose, Silicon Valley and San Francisco.

Delays, more delays, the the cost has risen from $10 billion to $77 billion and by the time it is finished could see it rise to over $100, scheduled to open in 2023, now, 2034 and more delays are expected. It's sucking money and no end in sight. Sad what California is going through. But not your money, right?

I wonder what the Transcontinental Railroad would have cost in 2019 dollars?

Fiscal Conservatism is not always, and is mostly not, fiscally responsible. Delays cost money, and you didn't mention the cause of the delays in your post.

How much did the invasion and occupation of Iraq cost the taxpayer? How about the over budget cost of the F-35? Why did
Ryan and Trump cut taxes, when every year we add to the national debt?

How much does President Trump's security cost each time he flies to Florida, and his agents who rent golf carts from which he profits?

How much does President Trump's security cost each time he flies to Florida, and his agents who rent golf carts from which he profits?

You guys are pathetic and ridiculous when you post this.

1. Trump is a free man and can go anywhere on vacation, the US has no choice but to protect the President.


3. And profits off of golf cart and hotel fees?

That tells us right there you are a broke ass moron, if you think that's a significant amount, its chump change to a billionaire

God damn .

No they don't. I have solar so electricity is basically free and food is not that expensive if you know how to cook and are frugal. You just can't see how a person can live with very little money. I did it all my life when I had a business I gave away lots of service to people who couldn't afford the work.

Once again, bullshit. You are a terrible liar because you don't know shit about what you are talking about. That's the problem with morons like you, you think everyone is as stupid as you.

We're not.

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