If I were a mod....

Are baking chocolate cookies, flying a jet fighter plane and making complicated negotiations involving cheesecake, hairy legged metrosexuals, biblical treatises, off the wall soliliques all with appropriate valium intermissions absolutely necessary?

Yes. Those are the minimum qualifications.

Real men eat their cookie dough raw.:eusa_whistle:
...If you were a mod you'd have to be able to wield a whip while simultaneously baking chocolate cookies, wearing high heels and fishnet stockings, flying a jet fighter plane and making complicated negotiations involving cheesecake, hairy legged metrosexuals, biblical treatises, off the wall soliliques all with appropriate valium intermissions...

Hell Yeah! PM me an application form...STAT!! :D

We have a complicated interview process...you sure you can handle it?

Well, I've driven a tank while wearing ladies' tights and simultaneously cooking a three course meal, so that's got to get me short listed as regards raw talent, I'm sure the company training scheme will fill in the gaps. :D
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I would NOT want buttons - buttons' suck.

I'd want a death ray and the power of life and death.


That is all.

If you were a mod you'd have to be able to wield a whip while simultaneously baking chocolate cookies, wearing high heels and fishnet stockings, flying a jet fighter plane and making complicated negotiations involving cheesecake, hairy legged metrosexuals, biblical treatises, off the wall soliliques all with appropriate valium intermissions.

Mad Cabbie...frankly, I can't even see you shaving your legs let alone any of the above :doubt:

Were this thread in the FZ (where it belongs), then what you just wrote would have been F4 Gold.

Alas, another missed opportunity...
I would NOT want buttons - buttons' suck.

I'd want a death ray and the power of life and death.


That is all.

I know exactly where that picture is from. Star Trek: Voyager episode entitled "Bride of Chaotica." That is one of Tom Paris' holodeck programs called "Captain Proton." And that is Chaotica's death ray. The guy firing the death ray is Lonzak, Chaotica's right hand man.

Yes, TK, very good. Now, can you remember the moment when the cola fell out of your hand as you were trying to cram a donut into your mouth on the couch while watching that episode?

But, are you sure that picture could not be from the sequel, "Bride of Chaotica"?

I watched all the Star Trek series too!

chaq tu' SoH mal pa'Hom qaStaHvIS!

Yeah, yeah, yeah, but have you ever watched them in German?

"Wir sind die Borg. Sie werden assimiliert werden. Ihre Eigenarten werden unseren hinzugefügt. Wiederstand ist zwecklos!"


Janeway: "Kaffee. Heiß. Schwarz."


Picard: "Mr. LaForge, wenn all Ausrüstung hochgebeamt worden ist, dann setzen sie Kurz auf Sternenbasis 43, Warp 7. Energie!"

Yes. Those are the minimum qualifications.

Too bad. I was good with the fishnets and heels, the rest? Not so much...

Well...we do value creativity....

What can you do with a glue gun, sparklers, a case of 20-yr old twinkies and a couple of chihuhuas?

Can you substitute the ability to bore an 11 inch hole into wood with an erect penis with the fishnets and heels thingy?

This is important!!!
Too bad. I was good with the fishnets and heels, the rest? Not so much...

Well...we do value creativity....

What can you do with a glue gun, sparklers, a case of 20-yr old twinkies and a couple of chihuhuas?

Can you substitute the ability to bore an 11 inch hole into wood with an erect penis with the fishnets and heels thingy?

This is important!!!

Stat, this thread is NOT about hanky-panky!


If I were a Mod, I'd marry a hot, transsexual, french-speaking, welder.

^^^ All "fired up" just thinking about it.

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