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If I Were A Woman There's No Way I Would Support Any Religion


Senior Member
Sep 13, 2011
"Rape Prevention Saudi Arabia: Sentence Rape Victim to 90 Lashes"

They have figured out a way to keep the victims from reporting their hardship.

Shucks....they should consider themselves lucky. Christians put millions to death by burning them alive because the bible says, "Thou Shalt Not Suffer A Witch To Live"
"Rape Prevention Saudi Arabia: Sentence Rape Victim to 90 Lashes"

They have figured out a way to keep the victims from reporting their hardship.

Shucks....they should consider themselves lucky. Christians put millions to death by burning them alive because the bible says, "Thou Shalt Not Suffer A Witch To Live"

Maybe if you were intelligent enough to differentiate between differing religions you would. But clearly you are too stupid for that.
"Rape Prevention Saudi Arabia: Sentence Rape Victim to 90 Lashes"

They have figured out a way to keep the victims from reporting their hardship.

Shucks....they should consider themselves lucky. Christians put millions to death by burning them alive because the bible says, "Thou Shalt Not Suffer A Witch To Live"

Maybe if you were intelligent enough to differentiate between differing religions you would. But clearly you are too stupid for that.

Maybe he doesn't want to be religious in the first place.
Meh, you're only a man when a non-family female decides to loan you a pair from her purse.

I wear the pants in our family. My wife picks the color and length.

Shucks....they should consider themselves lucky. Christians put millions to death by burning them alive because the bible says, "Thou Shalt Not Suffer A Witch To Live"

Christianity hasn't been behind burning "millions" for being witches. What caused you to reach this wrong conclusion? Could it be you think women are witches?
"Rape Prevention Saudi Arabia: Sentence Rape Victim to 90 Lashes"

They have figured out a way to keep the victims from reporting their hardship.

Shucks....they should consider themselves lucky. Christians put millions to death by burning them alive because the bible says, "Thou Shalt Not Suffer A Witch To Live"

Maybe if you were intelligent enough to differentiate between differing religions you would. But clearly you are too stupid for that.

Hey numbnuts...I read the bible and the book of Mormon before I was 20 years old. The childhood brainwashing didn't work on me the way it was supposed to. I lived in the church till I was over 60 years old and at that point knew I wouldn't believe that fairy tale if I lived to 100. I'll speak up against that load of horseshit for the rest of my life. Put me in this camp:

"I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own--a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human fraility. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotism. It is enough for me to contemplate the mystery of conscious life perpetuating itself through all eternity, to reflect upon the marvelous structure of the universe which we can dimly perceive, and to try humbly to comprehend even an infinitesimal part of the intelligence manifested in nature." ~Dr. Albert Einstein~
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"Rape Prevention Saudi Arabia: Sentence Rape Victim to 90 Lashes"

They have figured out a way to keep the victims from reporting their hardship.

Shucks....they should consider themselves lucky. Christians put millions to death by burning them alive because the bible says, "Thou Shalt Not Suffer A Witch To Live"

Maybe if you were intelligent enough to differentiate between differing religions you would. But clearly you are too stupid for that.

Hey numbnuts...I read the bible and the book of Mormon before I was 20 years old. The childhood brainwashing didn't work on me the way it was supposed to. I lived in the church till I was over 60 years old and at that point knew I wouldn't believe that fairy tale if I lived to 100. I'll speak up against that load of horseshit for the rest of my life.

So you're a bigot. OK, noted. So what?
Maybe if you were intelligent enough to differentiate between differing religions you would. But clearly you are too stupid for that.

Hey numbnuts...I read the bible and the book of Mormon before I was 20 years old. The childhood brainwashing didn't work on me the way it was supposed to. I lived in the church till I was over 60 years old and at that point knew I wouldn't believe that fairy tale if I lived to 100. I'll speak up against that load of horseshit for the rest of my life.

So you're a bigot. OK, noted. So what?

I couldn't care less what you call me. I won't and never will believe the fables written by ignorant primitives who believed in witches and thought the earth was flat. If ol' Gawd stopped by one time thousands of years ago and left the only keys to the kingdom with that crew of shepherds who had to start a fire at night to see and lived in caves to stay away from animals any time they traveled more than a few miles....... he has one helluva sense of humor.
Christians put millions to death by burning them alive because the bible says, "Thou Shalt Not Suffer A Witch To Live"

While I am not a Christian, I think it's worth pointing out that central planners have put many more to death over the years than any religion...because their "books" say they know what's best for everyone else.

The top 10 mass murderers of the 20th century...central planners all of them:
  1. Mao Ze-Dong (China, 1958-61 and 1966-69, Tibet 1949-50)...49-78,000,000
  2. Jozef Stalin (USSR, 1932-39)...23,000,000 (the purges plus Ukraine's famine)
  3. Adolf Hitler (Germany, 1939-1945)...12,000,000 (concentration camps and civilians WWII)
  4. Leopold II of Belgium (Congo, 1886-1908)...8,000,000
  5. Hideki Tojo (Japan, 1941-44)...5,000,000 (civilians in WWII)
  6. Ismail Enver (Turkey, 1915-20)...1,200,000 Armenians (1915) + 350,000 Greek Pontians and 480,000 Anatolian Greeks (1916-22) + 500,000 Assyrians (1915-20)
  7. Pol Pot (Cambodia, 1975-79)...1,700,000
  8. Kim Il Sung (North Korea, 1948-94)...1.6 million (purges and concentration camps)
  9. Menghistu (Ethiopia, 1975-78)...1,500,000
  10. Yakubu Gowon (Biafra, 1967-1970...1,000,000

Your overt hatred toward religion is well documented but I wonder if you'll also stand against central planners, the real pros when it comes to mass murders.
You dont support religion anyway. How would being a woman significantly change that?

Your ignorance in spiritual things doesn't mean there arent good men and women in the world who arent ignorant.
"Rape Prevention Saudi Arabia: Sentence Rape Victim to 90 Lashes"

They have figured out a way to keep the victims from reporting their hardship.

Shucks....they should consider themselves lucky. Christians put millions to death by burning them alive because the bible says, "Thou Shalt Not Suffer A Witch To Live"

There is a difference.

Christians (at least in the Advanced nations) have stopped killing people due to witchcraft.

The Muslims are still beating their women.

When you think in those terms, you can bet that women enjoy the christian religion a bit more(Oh who am I kidding, awhole damn lot more!) than Islam.
"Rape Prevention Saudi Arabia: Sentence Rape Victim to 90 Lashes"

They have figured out a way to keep the victims from reporting their hardship.

Shucks....they should consider themselves lucky. Christians put millions to death by burning them alive because the bible says, "Thou Shalt Not Suffer A Witch To Live"

Maybe if you were intelligent enough to differentiate between differing religions you would. But clearly you are too stupid for that.

Good thing Christians don't burn witches anymore.
I am a woman and I don't support any religion...One might kill you, but another might be used to keep you submissive by your husband.
I am a woman and I don't support any religion...One might kill you, but another might be used to keep you submissive by your husband.

...and women do not wish to be submissive to their husband unless it is play acting, right?
You dont support religion anyway. How would being a woman significantly change that?

Your ignorance in spiritual things doesn't mean there arent good men and women in the world who arent ignorant.

My ignorance.......ROTFL

The ignorant are the ones who really believe this load of horse schit:

Two naked teens and a snake in garden determined the fate of the whole human race

There was a flood in which the water level reached a height of 29.000 ft and evaporated in a few months...even though the oceans have been holding their depth for eons.

Big fish puked up live men

Walls came tumbling at the sound of a trumpet

A virgin gave birth to the son of the god of the universe...who was also him and the holy ghost

A man was able to walk on water

People were healed of leprosy by laying hands on them

People were raised from the dead

Water was turned into fine wine

5000 hungry men plus women and children who also ate were fed with two fish and five loaves then 12 baskets of leftovers were collected

A man was hung on a cross and bled like a hog only to show up two days later fit as a fiddle

There were basically six acknowledged historians in the world at that time. Not a one of them documented any part of this.

The cannibals were taught to eat human flesh as a religious ritual and the practice continued thousands of years and when they gave it up, guess what:

A bunch of Christian missionaries taught them a new superstition to take it's place.........
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"Rape Prevention Saudi Arabia: Sentence Rape Victim to 90 Lashes"

They have figured out a way to keep the victims from reporting their hardship.

Shucks....they should consider themselves lucky. Christians put millions to death by burning them alive because the bible says, "Thou Shalt Not Suffer A Witch To Live"

Things are rarely ever as they seem to be. Not to mention, that translation is flawed, it was "poisoner"...... not witch.
"Rape Prevention Saudi Arabia: Sentence Rape Victim to 90 Lashes"

They have figured out a way to keep the victims from reporting their hardship.

Shucks....they should consider themselves lucky. Christians put millions to death by burning them alive because the bible says, "Thou Shalt Not Suffer A Witch To Live"

Things are rarely ever as they seem to be. Not to mention, that translation is flawed, it was "poisoner"...... not witch.

Seems to me there's been a lot of translation problems. What in the world do you think the creator of the universe was thinking when he turned the only keys to the kingdom over to folks who walked or rode camels every place they went and thought the earth was flat:

1) The church required infant baptism for a thousand years. After people began to doubt that a loving god would burn an infant in eternal hell and protested...the church stopped requiring it. The scripture is still there

2) The church hunted down, tortured and killed young women who had been accused of witchcraft for thousands of years. When ordinary people reali ed that there is no such thing as a witch the church stopped mentioning it. The scripture is still there.

3) The church tolerated and often accomodated slavery for thousands of years but when the "Free Man" concept began they shut up. The scripture is still there.

4) The church required the submission of women and kept them pregnant and at home for thousands of years but after the various women's movements demanded equality the church stopped mentioning it. The scripture is still there.

5) After preaching hundreds of billions of hell fire and brimstone sermons across thousands of years when the public began to reject the eternal flames concept guess what....the church began to say it was all a misunderstanding and translation problem so we now have a flame free hell. The scripture is still there.

6) The church has condemned homosexuality and been responsible for the torture and killing of enormous numbers of human's who were born a certain way and had to either hide their lifestyle or falsely reject it. This has continued since the gospel was first preached but now modern lifestyles have even accomodated membership for many homosexuals. The scripture is still there.

Religion is a man's game written because of their own interests and anyone who fails to see the truth in the conceived image of primitive mankind and the similarities to their conceived god which reflects their own weakness has either been brainwashed with the bullschit or is very ill informed or naive.
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