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If I Were Prime Minister Of Israel

Shalom slams ?barbaric act? - Israel News, Ynetnews

"youngsters looted whatever they could find, including tables, chairs, and other furniture.

Palestinian police officers were stunned in the face of the mob and were unable to contain it. Palestinian officers complained the force deployed at the community was too small, about 300 troops, and could not handle the rioters."


What a few hundred idiot teenagers just like the idiot Israeli teenagers vandalize mosques, Islamic holy texts, and beat Palestinians to death? Are you using that as some kind of excuse for idfs brutal occupation? Of course that's the first thing the Israeli goverment did is denounce all Palestinians as miserable people that can't do peace okay let's bomb gaza. Which they did in 2006 big time bombed gaza.

It seems to me you're now using the occupation card to justify barbaric acts made by the Palestinians.

Tell me now, is that excuse gonna catch if we start discussing the murder of the Fogel family? Or Shalhevet Pass?

I didn't say it's justified, and fogel murderers acted on their own and I'm glad those sick bastards got what they deserved.

But of course the Israeli goverment always makes excuses to bomb gaza it's so apparent anyone can see, now they shifted away from that a little bit because they know their bullshit
We all agree there can never be any peace between Israel & the Palestinians until Israel ends the occupation. The problem is where else can the Palestinians live when not a single Arab country, who know the Palestinians best, will allow them a right of return back to their indigenous homelands?

What a few hundred idiot teenagers just like the idiot Israeli teenagers vandalize mosques, Islamic holy texts, and beat Palestinians to death? Are you using that as some kind of excuse for idfs brutal occupation? Of course that's the first thing the Israeli goverment did is denounce all Palestinians as miserable people that can't do peace okay let's bomb gaza. Which they did in 2006 big time bombed gaza.

It seems to me you're now using the occupation card to justify barbaric acts made by the Palestinians.

Tell me now, is that excuse gonna catch if we start discussing the murder of the Fogel family? Or Shalhevet Pass?

I didn't say it's justified, and fogel murderers acted on their own and I'm glad those sick bastards got what they deserved.

But of course the Israeli goverment always makes excuses to bomb gaza it's so apparent anyone can see, now they shifted away from that a little bit because they know their bullshit
That damn Zionist Sharon granted the Palestinians their own Jew free Gaza knowing fully well that to do so would result in Palestinians massacring themselves in record numbers. And Netanyahu actually approves of the Palestinian having their own land with self determination to continue their genocide on themselves.

As to the security fence, I'm happy you agree with me that in no way does it benefit the Palestinians. Just another Zionist ploy to keep the Palestinians miserable & captives in Israel instead of trying to free them back to their indigenous homelands.

This is what Zionism has become.

What land concessions? And how does a "security fence" benefit them exactly?

I don't get how a Zionist doesn't support Sharon the biggest Zionist, I guess no one shares your views, so let's call you a Zionist alien
That MJB is certainly one sneaky and sly individual, ain't he?
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Lets deal with weather The Irish are a Race or not first. There are basically two academic definitions for race. One is strictly biological and in that one genetics is the deciding factor. The Irish are a sub-species of the Caucasion Race just as the Jews are. Actually ( biology is not my strong suit ) but the so called Caucasian Race is a sub species of the Human Race. Caucasians Negroes and Mongoloids are able to interbreed and thus they are sub-species. The biological definitions have been blurred over the past 50 to 70 years and to a large extent have become outmoded.

The other intellectual field the deals with Race is that of sociology and that is where it becomes much more interesting. In this discipline race is determined by a variety of factors. The factors mainly dealing with ethnicity, geographical location and language. Taking these factors into consideration The Irish along with the Manx, Scots, Welsh, Britons and, I'm sorry I forget one maybe Seal can help me out here. They definitely meet all of the qualifications of a race and thus it is possible to use racial slurs against them. Seal is also right that the Irish fit this definition of race much more easily that the Jews do. Anyway a slur is a slur weather it is racial or ethnic, when I was in third grade I did not Know the difference between the two regardless they hurt.

Patty and Paddy can be used interchangeably and they both mean the same thing as ****** or Jew-boy they are highly offensive and demeaning and should not be used. Patty first came into use in the 1890's maybe a little earlier and it was used to denote a supposedly drunken Irishman that was just off the boat who was also slandered by saying they were just plain lazy and stupid. He was the fall guy and everything was blamed on him.

It is not used very much any more in the US except in Boston and NYC but it is still used in Canada ,Northern Ireland ,and England especially in London.

Now I think Hoss used it more out of ignorance than in any attempt to demean and I think now that He knows about it he will not use it again. I am however not so sure about others on this board I think there are some who will use it in a race baiting manner
Sayit AKA Bayts comes to mind. Really Baytsem did you think we would not recognize you !!! I did not go nor did I ever suggest that I went to U Penn and my name is Patrick not Patty, please remember it in the future. At least I have the balls to use my real name and not try to hide like you. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

PS I read Seal's posts and he used no where near the racial slurs that you did !!!

You don't know Seal as I do, Patty, and I do remember Baytsem but not much about her.
Your powers of deduction are no better than your ability to reason.
You are armed with only those ignorant little voices in your head which renders you pretty much defenseless.
Patty and Paddy can be used interchangeably and they both mean the same thing as ****** or Jew-boy they are highly offensive and demeaning and should not be used. Patty first came into use in the 1890's maybe a little earlier and it was used to denote a supposedly drunken Irishman that was just off the boat who was also slandered by saying they were just plain lazy and stupid. He was the fall guy and everythin).g was blamed on him.

i didn't refer to you as "a Paddy" or "a Patty," I referred to you by your name (Patty is common for effeminate Patricks). Got it now? Frankly, I truncated your post because it was about the lamest post I have read in years (and I've read a lot of Seal's posts).
Just curious , why is it that you will not answer my question ? I have asked it twice in this thread and you seem to be running away from it. Here I will ask it again !!!

i, as one who has been and is totally opposed to the state of israel based upon my anti-colonial stance and principle, would support an ISRAELI state based upon the provisions of UNGA resolution 181, considering the pragmatic realities of the situation; and i am quite sure the many, many countries of the world that now are opposed to a zionist, jewish israel would do so also.

i would not object at all to UN peacekeeping forces or NATO forces being used to protect israel based upon UNGA 181 and i think you would find that the most adamant pro-palestinian posters who are not anti-semites feel the same as i.

there would, of course, have to be some consideration given to the many refugees and their children caused by al-nakba but that is pretty much a bookkeeping thing.

so there you go. other than some minor issues, israel gains the respect of the world, recognition by the arab league and the opening of diplomatic channels, and borders as secure as any borders in the world other than that between U.S. and canada (that "we need secure borders" was a boolshite argument anyway. if you want secure borders, you make peace instead of attacking your neighbours and rattling your sabers every chance you get.)

but is that enough??? i am sure it would be for the great majority of israelis, particularly the sabra, but israelis march to the tune of the american klezmer band, and american jews don't care one single damn about the the lives of the israelis if it interferes with their dream of some mythical "ersatz ysrael", complete from river to river, undivided capital, a destruction of the dome of the rock, and etc. after all, they have been stuffing their pennies on those little blue cookie tins for half a century now and have been maintaining their hegemony over the indigenous arab peoples by paying the way for ne'er to well brooklyn gunslingers and jack booted soviet neo-nais to people their land of milk and honey and replace those jews wealthy enough to flee.

and so the genocide marches forward slowly, day by day, until the reality of a palestinian nation and people is slowly extinguished, which will be a bad thing...and a by product of that slow genocide will be another bad thing. judaism and the jewish people will also cease to exist, because your children will leave your religion and deny a valuable culture in droves, not wishing to be associated that genocide.


You really should learn a bit about the conflict's history before opening your ignorant piehole.
I do believe Israel has had some experience with UN "peacekeeping" forces and precious little of it has been a positive thing. The UN has served as an extension of the Arab League and frankly, I'd rather see Arab League "peacekeepers."
NATO troops would include Americans and there is no way in hell I'd want to see our people in that position.
As for that genocide thing, you must know, as MJ so often reminds us, that a few hundred thousand "Palestinians" has been whittled down to something over 5 million.
You remain, as always, the comsummate idiot.:clap2::clap2::clap2:
I despise them for their brutal treatment of the Palestinians with their peace offerings, security fence & land concessions so the Palestinians will remain captives in Israel. I assure you that I would never treat the Palestinians like those damn Zionist leaders in Israel do.

Mj do you think prime ministers in Israel have shit in their brains like you?

What land concessions? And how does a "security fence" benefit them exactly?

Shoot! Just consider the anguish not suffered by the mothers of those would-be homicide bombers who no longer can ply their trade! That fence saves lives, Princess, and for someone who claims to know something, you sure don't know jackshit.
You really should learn a bit about the conflict's history before opening your ignorant piehole.
I do believe Israel has had some experience with UN "peacekeeping" forces and precious little of it has been a positive thing. The UN has served as an extension of the Arab League and frankly, I'd rather see Arab League "peacekeepers."
NATO troops would include Americans and there is no way in hell I'd want to see our people in that position.
As for that genocide thing, you must know, as MJ so often reminds us, that a few hundred thousand "Palestinians" has been whittled down to something over 5 million.
You remain, as always, the comsummate idiot.:clap2::clap2::clap2:

this "comsummate idiot" made a reasonable and polite attempt to answer your question and this "comsummate idiot" bothers to look up the generally accepted definition of genocide as detailed by the 1948 UNCPPCG rather than shoot off his mouth like some feeble old man who fancies himself a lady killer and a doo wop idol as he chokes to death from emphysema and lights another cigarette...and this "comsummate idiot" knows how to spell the word "consummate."

i also just gave you everything jews and zionists have been whining about forever and it still isn't enough, which essentially proves my point...thst israel and american jews do not care one single teeny tiny fook about a bona fide peace or the safety of the children of israel and only use them as propaganda chattel as they continue their relentless drive towards that mythical ersatz ysrael.
this "comsummate idiot" made a reasonable and polite attempt to answer your question and this "comsummate idiot" bothers to look up the generally accepted definition of genocide as detailed by the 1948 UNCPPCG rather than shoot off his mouth like some feeble old man who fancies himself a lady killer and a doo wop idol as he chokes to death from emphysema and lights another cigarette...and this "comsummate idiot" knows how to spell the word "consummate."

i also just gave you everything jews and zionists have been whining about forever and it still isn't enough, which essentially proves my point...thst israel and american jews do not care one single teeny tiny fook about a bona fide peace or the safety of the children of israel and only use them as propaganda chattel as they continue their relentless drive towards that mythical ersatz ysrael.

You gave me nothing, Princess, because you have nothing to give, and I'll remind you of this when next you have a typo (BTW, "thst" is spelled "that," Idiot.)
As for how you would guarantee Israel's security, I say it's been tried (UN - Sinai and Lebanon) and failed miserably. Thanks but no thanks.
The fact is only Israel and her "peaceful" Arab neighbors can insure Israel's security and I say we let the Israelis decide what they need to effect that security.
I certainly would not leave those decisions in the hands of bigoted fucktards like you.

You gave me nothing, Princess, because you have nothing to give, and I'll remind you of this when next you have a typo (BTW, "thst" is spelled "that," Idiot.)
As for how you would guarantee Israel's security, I say it's been tried (UN - Sinai and Lebanon) and failed miserably. Thanks but no thanks.
The fact is only Israel and her "peaceful" Arab neighbors can insure Israel's security and I say we let the Israelis decide what they need to effect that security.
I certainly would not leave those decisions in the hands of bigoted fucktards like you.

Gee, you seem to have glossed over the part of the issue that asks why Israel is entitled to "security"....security for what----???? stealing...terrorizing...killing indiscriminately...flouting UN sanctions...punishing the native population??? The fkg Israelis deserve the same security concerns as the Nazis might've....

Lets deal with weather The Irish are a Race or not first. There are basically two academic definitions for race. One is strictly biological and in that one genetics is the deciding factor. The Irish are a sub-species of the Caucasion Race just as the Jews are. Actually ( biology is not my strong suit ) but the so called Caucasian Race is a sub species of the Human Race. Caucasians Negroes and Mongoloids are able to interbreed and thus they are sub-species. The biological definitions have been blurred over the past 50 to 70 years and to a large extent have become outmoded.

The other intellectual field the deals with Race is that of sociology and that is where it becomes much more interesting. In this discipline race is determined by a variety of factors. The factors mainly dealing with ethnicity, geographical location and language. Taking these factors into consideration The Irish along with the Manx, Scots, Welsh, Britons and, I'm sorry I forget one maybe Seal can help me out here. They definitely meet all of the qualifications of a race and thus it is possible to use racial slurs against them. Seal is also right that the Irish fit this definition of race much more easily that the Jews do. Anyway a slur is a slur weather it is racial or ethnic, when I was in third grade I did not Know the difference between the two regardless they hurt.

Patty and Paddy can be used interchangeably and they both mean the same thing as ****** or Jew-boy they are highly offensive and demeaning and should not be used. Patty first came into use in the 1890's maybe a little earlier and it was used to denote a supposedly drunken Irishman that was just off the boat who was also slandered by saying they were just plain lazy and stupid. He was the fall guy and everything was blamed on him.

It is not used very much any more in the US except in Boston and NYC but it is still used in Canada ,Northern Ireland ,and England especially in London.

Now I think Hoss used it more out of ignorance than in any attempt to demean and I think now that He knows about it he will not use it again. I am however not so sure about others on this board I think there are some who will use it in a race baiting manner
Sayit AKA Bayts comes to mind. Really Baytsem did you think we would not recognize you !!! I did not go nor did I ever suggest that I went to U Penn and my name is Patrick not Patty, please remember it in the future. At least I have the balls to use my real name and not try to hide like you. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

PS I read Seal's posts and he used no where near the racial slurs that you did !!!

You don't know Seal as I do, Patty, and I do remember Baytsem but not much about her.
Your powers of deduction are no better than your ability to reason.
You are armed with only those ignorant little voices in your head which renders you pretty much defenseless.

i didn't refer to you as "a Paddy" or "a Patty," I referred to you by your name (Patty is common for effeminate Patricks). Got it now? Frankly, I truncated your post because it was about the lamest post I have read in years (and I've read a lot of Seal's posts).

If it walks like a Bayts, talks like a Bayts, and is arrogant like a Bayts, then it is a Bayts !!! Live with it ! You have all of the trademarks of Baytsem, of course I might be being a little arrogant in assuming those things but I think I have pretty much hit the nail on the head with this one.

As for arrogance when it comes to that particular trait compared to you I am a minor leaguer compared to your hall of fame career. It does not need to have an a in front of it to make it a slur, some examples of this would be " Hey Patty ", " Get the *&^( out of here Patty " " Screw you Patty ".
[/COLOR]" Got it now ? " !!! As for the reason that I did not answer you question, good guess Your butchering the meaning of my original post by truncating it pissed me off . By the way that was a typical tactic of Baytsem and is another dead give away as to your character. Another question that comes to mind is how come you know so much about Seal and I and so little about Baytsem, he was one of the most prolific writers on that board that you refer to.

When you ask a question it is generally a prelude to a conversation. You did so and Seal answered it and your immediate come back was condescending, insulting and arrogant. If this is going to be your typical response then why should anyone take the time to answer you Also your answer is a dead give away to your bigotry, instead of wasting your time trying to sound intelligent you should have said what you meant, if we don't get all of the west bank and more then it is no deal. That is what you want right.

Also, knock off the princess crap or people are going to start thinking that you have unresolved sexual issues !!!
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Another thing I would do as prime minister of Israel is welcome Iran to the nuclear club & thank them for giving Israel a test site for our nukes. See ya real soon Nejad. Oh, & have a nice day.
If I were prime minister of Israel my first initiative would be to abandon Israel's failed Zionist agenda of peace offerrings, the security fence & land concessions to Palestinians.

Next I would recognize Hamas as the dully elected government of the Palestinian people. Invite & encourage all Hamas leaders to attend peace talks in Tel Aviv where they would be thanked, welcomed, wined & dined in the finest of accommodations.

Then I would make the following announcement before opening the session for discussion --- From now on, each time you kill an Israeli, Israel will retaliate by killing 10,000 Palestinians. Is there anything else you care to discusss?

MJ, the one thing you could do to make yourself popular and ensure re-election would be to announce on radio/TV that as of this moment, Gaza, Judea and Samaria are now open for settlement.(Then get out of the way of the stampede)
I thank you sir for an excellent suggestion. I'll call it Israel's right of return policy.

If I were prime minister of Israel my first initiative would be to abandon Israel's failed Zionist agenda of peace offerrings, the security fence & land concessions to Palestinians.

Next I would recognize Hamas as the dully elected government of the Palestinian people. Invite & encourage all Hamas leaders to attend peace talks in Tel Aviv where they would be thanked, welcomed, wined & dined in the finest of accommodations.

Then I would make the following announcement before opening the session for discussion --- From now on, each time you kill an Israeli, Israel will retaliate by killing 10,000 Palestinians. Is there anything else you care to discusss?

MJ, the one thing you could do to make yourself popular and ensure re-election would be to announce on radio/TV that as of this moment, Gaza, Judea and Samaria are now open for settlement.(Then get out of the way of the stampede)
If I were Prime Minister of Israel ----I would EMULATE AL NABI I would grant all muslims in the land ----the same rights that christians and hindus and jews ENJOY in the holy land of AL NABI SAUDI ARABIA----the holy land of the two mosques----the EPITOME OF TRUTH AND JUSTICE
Israelis finally elected a woman Prime Minister in since Golda Meir 70 years ago in Attilla Roseis. She promised to Kill ‘em all in her campaign. Roseis is a nice Jewish Grandma who loves her grandchildren in which she teaches them how to kill Arabs.

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