If it comes down between Mitt Romney (R)/Obama 2012...Who will you vote for.

Who will you vote for in the general election

  • Barack Hussein Obama

    Votes: 26 25.5%
  • Mitt Romney

    Votes: 61 59.8%
  • Third party

    Votes: 15 14.7%

  • Total voters


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Your two choices are Barack Hussein Obama and Mitt Romney for the presidency 2012. This is a poll of USMB members.

I put the choice of third party too...So we will see who wins!
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I'm not voting for the National League OR the American League in their fake World Series Election. I'm writing in Ron Paul, I don't care if he drops dead right before the election.

I aint voting for a puppet anymore.
I'm not voting for the National League OR the American League in their fake World Series Election. I'm writing in Ron Paul, I don't care if he drops dead right before the election.

I aint voting for a puppet anymore.
thats a vote for Obama !!!:cuckoo:

Nobody's vote belongs to the demopblicraticans.

False dichotomy is the last refuge of the loser who can't give me a good enough reason to vote for him.
No more pussyfooting, or talking about the field sucks....Barry sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Romney...How anyone could be thinking about it, is beyond my comprehension.
Obama, because I wouldn't want to give the LDS Cult control of my country...

I'll probably promptly puke afterwards...
I like Mitt Romney. I have liked him since he was governor of Massachusetts. I will be voting for him in the primary, donating the maximum allowable to his campaign for this year and next year, and will be voting for him for President when he wins the nomination.

For those of you who are conservative and oppose him, I suggest you read his book. He wrote it 2 years ago and he lays out his positions on a whole array of issues. He is a conservative. Period.
No more pussyfooting, or talking about the field sucks....Barry sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Romney...How anyone could be thinking about it, is beyond my comprehension.
If the GOP is so gutless as to trot out a waffling, milquetoast, mealy-mouthed shoe salesman, against the absolutely most horrible occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania since LBJ, then they deserve to lose like the flea-ridden dogs that they are.
I like Mitt Romney. I have liked him since he was governor of Massachusetts. I will be voting for him in the primary, donating the maximum allowable to his campaign for this year and next year, and will be voting for him for President when he wins the nomination.

For those of you who are conservative and oppose him, I suggest you read his book. He wrote it 2 years ago and he lays out his positions on a whole array of issues. He is a conservative. Period.

End of the day, he still belongs to a scary cult that wants to impose God's Kingdom On Earth...

Yeah, two years ago he was conservative. Ten years ago he was moderate/centrist. 18 years ago, he was liberal.
I'll prolly do a write in for Ron Paul again. Why vote for 2 people that say whatever is popular at the time and back up unconstitutional shit with "I feel."

None of you have a clue what Mitt would do once in office and that can be based off his record of Mr. Flip Flop.

Besides, I don’t like that both Obama and Mitt feel they “deserve” to be president.

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No, he isn't. As much as I despise Romney and Mormons, even I will be fair enough to admit he isn't.

Two points, though.

Once Romney secures the nomination, expect the Democrats to hang people like Jeffs around his neck. They won't do it now, but they will when he gets the nomination.

Second point. Hate to say it, Warren Jeffs practices Mormonism a lot closer to what Joseph Smith (dum-dum-dum-dum-dum) and Brigham Young did. There is a lot of really, really ugly history and crazy beliefs there, and the Mainstream Media will be happy to educate us once Romney is the nominee.
Jeffs is no more representative of mainstream LDS, than are pederast priests representative of Catholicism.

Get a fucking grip, dude.
Mormons have an ugly history. Apparently Mormonism is based on a Jewish settlement that supposedly once existed somewhere in what is now New York. However, absolutely no evidence has ever been found or produced to prove it once existed. Interesting...

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