If it weren’t for illegals, Mexifornia may still be a bright red state...no?

I guess I have to be more explicit with you....

My point is that "Mexifornia" is nothing new. California has always been "Mexifornia". There has always been a large influence on Californian politics by Hispanic people...and there has always been a large population of Mexican 'illegals' in "Mexifornia".

Also, FYI - California IS a border state.

Spit it out pussy....you believe wetbacks have a right to invade because they’ve been invading for years...Is that your point?

OMG! We're being invaded by people who want to work for extremely low wages! How horrible!

We should all be Soooo jealous of all those people that get invaded by legions of tanks and are lucky enough to get executed in mass! Those are the lucky ones!

They can NEVER understand the horror of these hard working Latinos coming here to find jobs and work for low wages!


We're being invaded by people who want to work for extremely low wages! Yup, the same ones you want to give $15/hour...dumbass.

Yup. If it were up to me all illegals would have to register and would be subject to employment laws...as would their employers.

So yes. I support a $15/hr minimum wage for everyone.

I also support allowing entry to meet the market demands for labor.

Haha...you just don’t support the things you speak of happening by our own discretion...you believe desperate thirdworlders should tell us when they need to be here...right?
Also, you studied Econ...did you learn that fewer people standing in line for X job = higher wage offering?
Guess what that means...can you connect the dots?

If pure supply vs. demand determined worker wages & conditions, 90% of Americans wouldn't have a pot to piss in.

That's why we have a minimum wage and other employment laws.

We have a huge demand for labor. The current immigration laws are outdated and have been for years.
What we need is called "Comprehensive Immigration Reform", not a wall.
I guess I have to be more explicit with you....

My point is that "Mexifornia" is nothing new. California has always been "Mexifornia". There has always been a large influence on Californian politics by Hispanic people...and there has always been a large population of Mexican 'illegals' in "Mexifornia".

Also, FYI - California IS a border state.

Spit it out pussy....you believe wetbacks have a right to invade because they’ve been invading for years...Is that your point?

OMG! We're being invaded by people who want to work for extremely low wages! How horrible!

We should all be Soooo jealous of all those people that get invaded by legions of tanks and are lucky enough to get executed in mass! Those are the lucky ones!

They can NEVER understand the horror of these hard working Latinos coming here to find jobs and work for low wages!


We're being invaded by people who want to work for extremely low wages! Yup, the same ones you want to give $15/hour...dumbass.

Yup. If it were up to me all illegals would have to register and would be subject to employment laws...as would their employers.

So yes. I support a $15/hr minimum wage for everyone.

I also support allowing entry to meet the market demands for labor.

What a surprise, your slave labor is expensive.

Yes, it certainly is...which is why it's not "slave" labor.

$15/hr is not a lot of money. American business people can afford it easily.

It just means that they will have to drive a Lexus instead of a Lamborghini.
Politically speaking, Mexifornia kinda sets the tone for the rest of the nation...unfortunately. So when you think the political influence of illegals is contained within the border states you might want to think again....Your thoughts?

Somebody needs to provide evidence that there has been any massive voter fraud by undocumented immigrants or anyone else. So far, there has been absolutely nothing.

If they can imagine it, it MUST be true!
Spit it out pussy....you believe wetbacks have a right to invade because they’ve been invading for years...Is that your point?

OMG! We're being invaded by people who want to work for extremely low wages! How horrible!

We should all be Soooo jealous of all those people that get invaded by legions of tanks and are lucky enough to get executed in mass! Those are the lucky ones!

They can NEVER understand the horror of these hard working Latinos coming here to find jobs and work for low wages!


We're being invaded by people who want to work for extremely low wages! Yup, the same ones you want to give $15/hour...dumbass.

Yup. If it were up to me all illegals would have to register and would be subject to employment laws...as would their employers.

So yes. I support a $15/hr minimum wage for everyone.

I also support allowing entry to meet the market demands for labor.

Haha...you just don’t support the things you speak of happening by our own discretion...you believe desperate thirdworlders should tell us when they need to be here...right?
Also, you studied Econ...did you learn that fewer people standing in line for X job = higher wage offering?
Guess what that means...can you connect the dots?

If pure supply vs. demand determined worker wages & conditions, 90% of Americans wouldn't have a pot to piss in.

That's why we have a minimum wage and other employment laws.

We have a huge demand for labor. The current immigration laws are outdated and have been for years.
What we need is called "Comprehensive Immigration Reform", not a wall.

What the hell are you trying to suggest, 90% of Americans are getting minimum wage?
Because it used to be part of the Spanish Empire.

What is your point? Do you even have a point?

I guess I have to be more explicit with you....

My point is that "Mexifornia" is nothing new. California has always been "Mexifornia". There has always been a large influence on Californian politics by Hispanic people...and there has always been a large population of Mexican 'illegals' in "Mexifornia".

Also, FYI - California IS a border state.

Spit it out pussy....you believe wetbacks have a right to invade because they’ve been invading for years...Is that your point?

OMG! We're being invaded by people who want to work for extremely low wages! How horrible!

We should all be Soooo jealous of all those people that get invaded by legions of tanks and are lucky enough to get executed in mass! Those are the lucky ones!

They can NEVER understand the horror of these hard working Latinos coming here to find jobs and work for low wages!


Haha...there it is again...you retarded parrots can’t get out of your own way....”We need slaves DAMNIT!”

The U.S. economy has always been partially based on immigrant labor. The come here they work for relatively low wages. Their children get educated and move up the economic ladder generation by generation.

We have a name for this. It's called "The American Dream".

What you begging brown folks don’t realize is that the “American Dream” is reserved for Americans and for those who We The People INVITE to partake. We The People fund and run this nation, why would you be against us deciding who joins us? Isn’t that kind of weird? Imagine if companies had no say and had to hire whoever showed up at their place of business. Come on man...yank that head from your ass once.
Spit it out pussy....you believe wetbacks have a right to invade because they’ve been invading for years...Is that your point?

OMG! We're being invaded by people who want to work for extremely low wages! How horrible!

We should all be Soooo jealous of all those people that get invaded by legions of tanks and are lucky enough to get executed in mass! Those are the lucky ones!

They can NEVER understand the horror of these hard working Latinos coming here to find jobs and work for low wages!


We're being invaded by people who want to work for extremely low wages! Yup, the same ones you want to give $15/hour...dumbass.

Yup. If it were up to me all illegals would have to register and would be subject to employment laws...as would their employers.

So yes. I support a $15/hr minimum wage for everyone.

I also support allowing entry to meet the market demands for labor.

What a surprise, your slave labor is expensive.

Yes, it certainly is...which is why it's not "slave" labor.

$15/hr is not a lot of money. American business people can afford it easily.

It just means that they will have to drive a Lexus instead of a Lamborghini.

You really don't know how businesses operate do you?
Politically speaking, Mexifornia kinda sets the tone for the rest of the nation...unfortunately. So when you think the political influence of illegals is contained within the border states you might want to think again....Your thoughts?

Somebody needs to provide evidence that there has been any massive voter fraud by undocumented immigrants or anyone else. So far, there has been absolutely nothing.

Who said anything about voter fraud?
Oh wait, I see, you’re unaware that illegal wetbacks = Litters of barely legal Mexicrat voting wetbacks. Did I clarify?
Just produce all of this massive evidence.

You didn’t know that desperate, needy, filthy degenerates vote Mexicrat?
Like it or not the question of illegal immigration is a hot button political issue. The right basing all their positions on fear and racism has done nothing to resolve the issue.

Racism? Is it racist to be concerned about the problem of illegal immigration?
Politically speaking, Mexifornia kinda sets the tone for the rest of the nation...unfortunately. So when you think the political influence of illegals is contained within the border states you might want to think again....Your thoughts?
Politically speaking, Mexifornia kinda sets the tone for the rest of the nation...unfortunately. So when you think the political influence of illegals is contained within the border states you might want to think again....Your thoughts?

Los Angeles, San Diego, San Fransico....

Have you ever considered why so many cities in California have Spanish names?

I'll bet you haven't!

Because it used to be part of the Spanish Empire.

What is your point? Do you even have a point?

I guess I have to be more explicit with you....

My point is that "Mexifornia" is nothing new. California has always been "Mexifornia". There has always been a large influence on Californian politics by Hispanic people...and there has always been a large population of Mexican 'illegals' in "Mexifornia".

Also, FYI - California IS a border state.

Can you support that claim? How many illegals were living there in 1950 for example? Or in 1967 when Ronald Reagan was elected governor of that once fine American state?
Because it used to be part of the Spanish Empire.

What is your point? Do you even have a point?

I guess I have to be more explicit with you....

My point is that "Mexifornia" is nothing new. California has always been "Mexifornia". There has always been a large influence on Californian politics by Hispanic people...and there has always been a large population of Mexican 'illegals' in "Mexifornia".

Also, FYI - California IS a border state.

Spit it out pussy....you believe wetbacks have a right to invade because they’ve been invading for years...Is that your point?

OMG! We're being invaded by people who want to work for extremely low wages! How horrible!

We should all be Soooo jealous of all those people that get invaded by legions of tanks and are lucky enough to get executed in mass! Those are the lucky ones!

They can NEVER understand the horror of these hard working Latinos coming here to find jobs and work for low wages!


Haha...there it is again...you retarded parrots can’t get out of your own way....”We need slaves DAMNIT!”

The U.S. economy has always been partially based on immigrant labor. The come here they work for relatively low wages. Their children get educated and move up the economic ladder generation by generation.

We have a name for this. It's called "The American Dream".

So, thanks for being honest in your support of Open Borders.

Tell me what do you think of those lefties who claim they are against it? Can you see any real policy difference between their lies and your truth?
Politically speaking, Mexifornia kinda sets the tone for the rest of the nation...unfortunately. So when you think the political influence of illegals is contained within the border states you might want to think again....Your thoughts?

CA is allowing the illegals to vote in our elections.
It's a voting rights violation because it cancels-out the vote of American citizens.
Politically speaking, Mexifornia kinda sets the tone for the rest of the nation...unfortunately. So when you think the political influence of illegals is contained within the border states you might want to think again....Your thoughts?
Politically speaking, Mexifornia kinda sets the tone for the rest of the nation...unfortunately. So when you think the political influence of illegals is contained within the border states you might want to think again....Your thoughts?

Los Angeles, San Diego, San Fransico....

Have you ever considered why so many cities in California have Spanish names?

I'll bet you haven't!

Because it used to be part of the Spanish Empire.

What is your point? Do you even have a point?

I guess I have to be more explicit with you....

My point is that "Mexifornia" is nothing new. California has always been "Mexifornia". There has always been a large influence on Californian politics by Hispanic people...and there has always been a large population of Mexican 'illegals' in "Mexifornia".

Also, FYI - California IS a border state.

Spit it out pussy....you believe wetbacks have a right to invade because they’ve been invading for years...Is that your point?

OMG! We're being invaded by people who want to work for extremely low wages! How horrible!

We should all be Soooo jealous of all those people that get invaded by legions of tanks and are lucky enough to get executed in mass! Those are the lucky ones!

They can NEVER understand the horror of these hard working Latinos coming here to find jobs and work for low wages!

A fair days wage for a fair days work should apply to them just as it does for American's.

The undermining of our workforce by a people whom are gullable and vulnerable to be placed "on purpose" as deal breakers over the fair practices we have honored and stood by for decades between employers and workers is unexceptable.

The crap needs to end, and dignity and honor should be restored to the American worker's, and to those whom come here to help out.
Politically speaking, Mexifornia kinda sets the tone for the rest of the nation...unfortunately. So when you think the political influence of illegals is contained within the border states you might want to think again....Your thoughts?

CA is allowing the illegals to vote in our elections.
It's a voting rights violation because it cancels-out the vote of American citizens.
If proven, lawsuits by the federal government should ensue immediately against California or anywhere else for that matter.
Los Angeles, San Diego, San Fransico....

Have you ever considered why so many cities in California have Spanish names?

I'll bet you haven't!

Because it used to be part of the Spanish Empire.

What is your point? Do you even have a point?

I guess I have to be more explicit with you....

My point is that "Mexifornia" is nothing new. California has always been "Mexifornia". There has always been a large influence on Californian politics by Hispanic people...and there has always been a large population of Mexican 'illegals' in "Mexifornia".

Also, FYI - California IS a border state.

Spit it out pussy....you believe wetbacks have a right to invade because they’ve been invading for years...Is that your point?

OMG! We're being invaded by people who want to work for extremely low wages! How horrible!

We should all be Soooo jealous of all those people that get invaded by legions of tanks and are lucky enough to get executed in mass! Those are the lucky ones!

They can NEVER understand the horror of these hard working Latinos coming here to find jobs and work for low wages!

A fair days wage for a fair days work should apply to them just as it does for American's.

The undermining of our workforce by a people whom are gullable and vulnerable to be placed "on purpose" as deal breakers over the fair practices we have honored and stood by for decades between employers and workers is unexceptable.

The crap needs to end, and dignity and honor should be restored to the American worker's, and to those whom come here to help out.

A “fair days wage” should be paid to those here illegally?
Because it used to be part of the Spanish Empire.

What is your point? Do you even have a point?

I guess I have to be more explicit with you....

My point is that "Mexifornia" is nothing new. California has always been "Mexifornia". There has always been a large influence on Californian politics by Hispanic people...and there has always been a large population of Mexican 'illegals' in "Mexifornia".

Also, FYI - California IS a border state.

Spit it out pussy....you believe wetbacks have a right to invade because they’ve been invading for years...Is that your point?

OMG! We're being invaded by people who want to work for extremely low wages! How horrible!

We should all be Soooo jealous of all those people that get invaded by legions of tanks and are lucky enough to get executed in mass! Those are the lucky ones!

They can NEVER understand the horror of these hard working Latinos coming here to find jobs and work for low wages!

A fair days wage for a fair days work should apply to them just as it does for American's.

The undermining of our workforce by a people whom are gullable and vulnerable to be placed "on purpose" as deal breakers over the fair practices we have honored and stood by for decades between employers and workers is unexceptable.

The crap needs to end, and dignity and honor should be restored to the American worker's, and to those whom come here to help out.

A “fair days wage” should be paid to those here illegally?
No.... If they become legal to work here as it should be only, then yes they should make a fair wage just the same as any other does in pertaining to the skills they bring to the table. Treating people like slaves who have no value in their labor, just brings about more and more long term hatred of those who used them, and of those who exploited them.

These sorry employers who do these things could care less about their children's future, their grandchildren's future, along with their children and grandchildren's future... This is because they won't be around to catch hell from the actions that they acted out for the love of greed over or instead of being a good people.

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