If it weren’t for illegals, Mexifornia may still be a bright red state...no?

I don't know. Doesn't really matter.

ONly an enemy of the people could be against controlling who and what enters our nation.

No one is against border security, they are against a fascist takeover of border policy.

Says the man that just called "illegals" "immigrants" and ridiculed me for having a problem with their presence.

You are for an open border, and you are lying. As are the vast majority of your political leaders.
The immigration hard-liners probably just lost their last great battle and you have no one to blame but yourselves and your leader. Trump did a tremendous disservice to your cause and you don't even seem mad at just how badly he handled it all.


But your answer, of surrendering, would have been a loss too. So, your talk of blaming ourselves or badly handling shit,

is just shit.

How old are you?
Old enough. Trump lacks the ability to pick his battles, an alarming trait in a national leader. It is comforting that congress protected it's power from one who would usurp them via hostage crisis.

Then you will be here to deal with the results of even more decades of unlimited Third World Immigration.

AND decades of the purposeful and active division of this nation by lefties like yourself.
Cast some clarity for us...be honest, what part of that filthy shithole Mexico are you from and how long have you been fucking REAL Americans over?

Cute, You have a lot in common with democrats on border security except for one thing. Your insistence that we treat the most vulnerable people in America like garbage. We are not monsters we do not want monstrous things done in our name.
Cast some clarity for us...be honest, what part of that filthy shithole Mexico are you from and how long have you been fucking REAL Americans over?

Cute, You have a lot in common with democrats on border security except for one thing. Your insistence that we treat the most vulnerable people in America like garbage. We are not monsters we do not want monstrous things done in our name.
Sending illegals back to their nation of origin is being monsterous ??? If their nation is so bad, then why are we just sitting back doing nothing about it for these lost souls you have all this so called compassion for ??

We can't just take in people from other nations like this, because we really don't know who the people are. They might be the actual problem instead of who we think they might be.

Some nations might be saying so long to those who wouldn't willingly be a civilized part of their society and nation. If this is the case, then we need to be aware of those individuals always, but with no meaningful way of vetting such people, we would be crazy to just accept them into this nation out of a mis-placed compassion over such issues.
Cast some clarity for us...be honest, what part of that filthy shithole Mexico are you from and how long have you been fucking REAL Americans over?

Cute, You have a lot in common with democrats on border security except for one thing. Your insistence that we treat the most vulnerable people in America like garbage. We are not monsters we do not want monstrous things done in our name.

Haha...your head is so far up your brown ass that it’s fascinating....we are treating REAL Americans like garbage by FORCING them to pay illegal wetbacks to ruin their country. WE are not and should not be required by law to spoon feed the worlds filth simply because they broke in, sat at our dinner table and demanded to be fed.
Cast some clarity for us...be honest, what part of that filthy shithole Mexico are you from and how long have you been fucking REAL Americans over?

Cute, You have a lot in common with democrats on border security except for one thing. Your insistence that we treat the most vulnerable people in America like garbage. We are not monsters we do not want monstrous things done in our name.
Sending illegals back to their nation of origin is being monsterous ??? If their nation is so bad, then why are we just sitting back doing nothing about it for these lost souls you have all this so called compassion for ??

We can't just take in people from other nations like this, because we really don't know who the people are. They might be the actual problem instead of who we think they might be.

Some nations might be saying so long to those who wouldn't willingly be a civilized part of their society and nation. If this is the case, then we need to be aware of those individuals always, but with no meaningful way of vetting such people, we would be crazy to just accept them into this nation out of a mis-placed compassion over such issues.
Ever notice how quickly public opinion turns on hardliner immigration policy? That's not the media, that's people not liking the human face of harsh public policy. You cannot understand such altruism, you just have to accept the reality of it just like I accept that some people are dicks.
Politically speaking, Mexifornia kinda sets the tone for the rest of the nation...unfortunately. So when you think the political influence of illegals is contained within the border states you might want to think again....Your thoughts?

Los Angeles, San Diego, San Fransico....

Have you ever considered why so many cities in California have Spanish names?

I'll bet you haven't!

Because it used to be part of the Spanish Empire.

What is your point? Do you even have a point?

I guess I have to be more explicit with you....

My point is that "Mexifornia" is nothing new. California has always been "Mexifornia". There has always been a large influence on Californian politics by Hispanic people...and there has always been a large population of Mexican 'illegals' in "Mexifornia".

Also, FYI - California IS a border state.
Politically speaking, Mexifornia kinda sets the tone for the rest of the nation...unfortunately. So when you think the political influence of illegals is contained within the border states you might want to think again....Your thoughts?

Los Angeles, San Diego, San Fransico....

Have you ever considered why so many cities in California have Spanish names?

I'll bet you haven't!

Because it used to be part of the Spanish Empire.

What is your point? Do you even have a point?

I guess I have to be more explicit with you....

My point is that "Mexifornia" is nothing new. California has always been "Mexifornia". There has always been a large influence on Californian politics by Hispanic people...and there has always been a large population of Mexican 'illegals' in "Mexifornia".

Also, FYI - California IS a border state.

Spit it out pussy....you believe wetbacks have a right to invade because they’ve been invading for years...Is that your point?
Politically speaking, Mexifornia kinda sets the tone for the rest of the nation...unfortunately. So when you think the political influence of illegals is contained within the border states you might want to think again....Your thoughts?

Los Angeles, San Diego, San Fransico....

Have you ever considered why so many cities in California have Spanish names?

I'll bet you haven't!

Because it used to be part of the Spanish Empire.

What is your point? Do you even have a point?

I guess I have to be more explicit with you....

My point is that "Mexifornia" is nothing new. California has always been "Mexifornia". There has always been a large influence on Californian politics by Hispanic people...and there has always been a large population of Mexican 'illegals' in "Mexifornia".

Also, FYI - California IS a border state.

Spit it out pussy....you believe wetbacks have a right to invade because they’ve been invading for years...Is that your point?

OMG! We're being invaded by people who want to work for extremely low wages! How horrible!

We should all be Soooo jealous of all those people that get invaded by legions of tanks and are lucky enough to get executed in mass! Those are the lucky ones!

They can NEVER understand the horror of these hard working Latinos coming here to find jobs and work for low wages!

Just south of the border, a little farther south of TJ, is a very nice little place to live. My better half drove her Mercedes around for almost a year with dead tags and the cops don't even care. I think she got a ticket for speeding once, but that was taken care of on the spot. Heh heh. The people aren't as mean spirited as their American counterparts. In fact, they're not mean spirited at all. The people there are very family oriented. And it's pretty much the least expensive place in the world to live. If all works out well, I'd like for us to retire down there, screw this country, it's a police state. The politicians are robbing us for everything we have. People are too hateful in America, and over stupid stuff.

Travel around the world and you'll see that this country is more of a third world country than others which are said to be.
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Just south of the border, a little farther south of TJ, is a very nice little place to live. My better half droveher Mercedez around for almost a year with dead tags and the cops don't even care. I think she got a ticket for speeding once, but that was taken care of on the spot. Heh heh. The people aren't as mean spirited as their American counterparts. In fact, they;re not mean spirited at al. The people there are very family oriented. And it's pretty much the least expensive place in the world to live. If all works out well, I'd like for us to retire down there, screw this country, it's a police state. The politicians are robbing us for everything we have. People are too hateful in America, and over stupid stuff.

Take about 30 million beaners with you please. Good luck.
Politically speaking, Mexifornia kinda sets the tone for the rest of the nation...unfortunately. So when you think the political influence of illegals is contained within the border states you might want to think again....Your thoughts?

Los Angeles, San Diego, San Fransico....

Have you ever considered why so many cities in California have Spanish names?

I'll bet you haven't!

Because it used to be part of the Spanish Empire.

What is your point? Do you even have a point?

I guess I have to be more explicit with you....

My point is that "Mexifornia" is nothing new. California has always been "Mexifornia". There has always been a large influence on Californian politics by Hispanic people...and there has always been a large population of Mexican 'illegals' in "Mexifornia".

Also, FYI - California IS a border state.

Spit it out pussy....you believe wetbacks have a right to invade because they’ve been invading for years...Is that your point?

OMG! We're being invaded by people who want to work for extremely low wages! How horrible!

We should all be Soooo jealous of all those people that get invaded by legions of tanks and are lucky enough to get executed in mass! Those are the lucky ones!

They can NEVER understand the horror of these hard working Latinos coming here to find jobs and work for low wages!


We're being invaded by people who want to work for extremely low wages! Yup, the same ones you want to give $15/hour...dumbass.
Politically speaking, Mexifornia kinda sets the tone for the rest of the nation...unfortunately. So when you think the political influence of illegals is contained within the border states you might want to think again....Your thoughts?

Los Angeles, San Diego, San Fransico....

Have you ever considered why so many cities in California have Spanish names?

I'll bet you haven't!

Because it used to be part of the Spanish Empire.

What is your point? Do you even have a point?

I guess I have to be more explicit with you....

My point is that "Mexifornia" is nothing new. California has always been "Mexifornia". There has always been a large influence on Californian politics by Hispanic people...and there has always been a large population of Mexican 'illegals' in "Mexifornia".

Also, FYI - California IS a border state.

Spit it out pussy....you believe wetbacks have a right to invade because they’ve been invading for years...Is that your point?

OMG! We're being invaded by people who want to work for extremely low wages! How horrible!

We should all be Soooo jealous of all those people that get invaded by legions of tanks and are lucky enough to get executed in mass! Those are the lucky ones!

They can NEVER understand the horror of these hard working Latinos coming here to find jobs and work for low wages!


Haha...there it is again...you retarded parrots can’t get out of your own way....”We need slaves DAMNIT!”
Take about 30 million beaners with you please. Good luck.

Oh, don't worry, we'll be sitting on a sunny beach away from all the regulators, sipping on those littlefruity things with the little blue umbrellas in em, laughing our asses off at you serfs. lolol. You're made for each other. lolol.

Los Angeles, San Diego, San Fransico....

Have you ever considered why so many cities in California have Spanish names?

I'll bet you haven't!

Because it used to be part of the Spanish Empire.

What is your point? Do you even have a point?

I guess I have to be more explicit with you....

My point is that "Mexifornia" is nothing new. California has always been "Mexifornia". There has always been a large influence on Californian politics by Hispanic people...and there has always been a large population of Mexican 'illegals' in "Mexifornia".

Also, FYI - California IS a border state.

Spit it out pussy....you believe wetbacks have a right to invade because they’ve been invading for years...Is that your point?

OMG! We're being invaded by people who want to work for extremely low wages! How horrible!

We should all be Soooo jealous of all those people that get invaded by legions of tanks and are lucky enough to get executed in mass! Those are the lucky ones!

They can NEVER understand the horror of these hard working Latinos coming here to find jobs and work for low wages!


We're being invaded by people who want to work for extremely low wages! Yup, the same ones you want to give $15/hour...dumbass.

Yup. If it were up to me all illegals would have to register and would be subject to employment laws...as would their employers.

So yes. I support a $15/hr minimum wage for everyone.

I also support allowing entry to meet the market demands for labor.
Los Angeles, San Diego, San Fransico....

Have you ever considered why so many cities in California have Spanish names?

I'll bet you haven't!

Because it used to be part of the Spanish Empire.

What is your point? Do you even have a point?

I guess I have to be more explicit with you....

My point is that "Mexifornia" is nothing new. California has always been "Mexifornia". There has always been a large influence on Californian politics by Hispanic people...and there has always been a large population of Mexican 'illegals' in "Mexifornia".

Also, FYI - California IS a border state.

Spit it out pussy....you believe wetbacks have a right to invade because they’ve been invading for years...Is that your point?

OMG! We're being invaded by people who want to work for extremely low wages! How horrible!

We should all be Soooo jealous of all those people that get invaded by legions of tanks and are lucky enough to get executed in mass! Those are the lucky ones!

They can NEVER understand the horror of these hard working Latinos coming here to find jobs and work for low wages!


Haha...there it is again...you retarded parrots can’t get out of your own way....”We need slaves DAMNIT!”

The U.S. economy has always been partially based on immigrant labor. The come here they work for relatively low wages. Their children get educated and move up the economic ladder generation by generation.

We have a name for this. It's called "The American Dream".
Because it used to be part of the Spanish Empire.

What is your point? Do you even have a point?

I guess I have to be more explicit with you....

My point is that "Mexifornia" is nothing new. California has always been "Mexifornia". There has always been a large influence on Californian politics by Hispanic people...and there has always been a large population of Mexican 'illegals' in "Mexifornia".

Also, FYI - California IS a border state.

Spit it out pussy....you believe wetbacks have a right to invade because they’ve been invading for years...Is that your point?

OMG! We're being invaded by people who want to work for extremely low wages! How horrible!

We should all be Soooo jealous of all those people that get invaded by legions of tanks and are lucky enough to get executed in mass! Those are the lucky ones!

They can NEVER understand the horror of these hard working Latinos coming here to find jobs and work for low wages!


We're being invaded by people who want to work for extremely low wages! Yup, the same ones you want to give $15/hour...dumbass.

Yup. If it were up to me all illegals would have to register and would be subject to employment laws...as would their employers.

So yes. I support a $15/hr minimum wage for everyone.

I also support allowing entry to meet the market demands for labor.

Haha...you just don’t support the things you speak of happening by our own discretion...you believe desperate thirdworlders should tell us when they need to be here...right?
Also, you studied Econ...did you learn that fewer people standing in line for X job = higher wage offering?
Guess what that means...can you connect the dots?
Because it used to be part of the Spanish Empire.

What is your point? Do you even have a point?

I guess I have to be more explicit with you....

My point is that "Mexifornia" is nothing new. California has always been "Mexifornia". There has always been a large influence on Californian politics by Hispanic people...and there has always been a large population of Mexican 'illegals' in "Mexifornia".

Also, FYI - California IS a border state.

Spit it out pussy....you believe wetbacks have a right to invade because they’ve been invading for years...Is that your point?

OMG! We're being invaded by people who want to work for extremely low wages! How horrible!

We should all be Soooo jealous of all those people that get invaded by legions of tanks and are lucky enough to get executed in mass! Those are the lucky ones!

They can NEVER understand the horror of these hard working Latinos coming here to find jobs and work for low wages!


We're being invaded by people who want to work for extremely low wages! Yup, the same ones you want to give $15/hour...dumbass.

Yup. If it were up to me all illegals would have to register and would be subject to employment laws...as would their employers.

So yes. I support a $15/hr minimum wage for everyone.

I also support allowing entry to meet the market demands for labor.

What a surprise, your slave labor is expensive.
Take about 30 million beaners with you please. Good luck.

Oh, don't worry, we'll be sitting on a sunny beach away from all the regulators, sipping on those littlefruity things with the little blue umbrellas in em, laughing our asses off at you serfs. lolol. You're made for each other. lolol.


I'm gonna come here and troll you serf fuckers every day, too. lolol.

You know whats weird...those of us who lead a stand-up lifestyle can’t give two fucks about the “police state” that piece of shits bitch about. Many of us are already sipping cocktails on the beach...weird shit huh?
Politically speaking, Mexifornia kinda sets the tone for the rest of the nation...unfortunately. So when you think the political influence of illegals is contained within the border states you might want to think again....Your thoughts?

Somebody needs to provide evidence that there has been any massive voter fraud by undocumented immigrants or anyone else. So far, there has been absolutely nothing.

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