If it weren’t for illegals, Mexifornia may still be a bright red state...no?

Shouting "FEAR", or "RACISM" is an admission that you cannot refute the point you are trying to refute.

YOu lose, and you know it. We all know it.
Conservatives have damned their cause with all this. Like always your refusal to see yourselves honestly will hurt you. This time the self-inflicted wound may be fatal.

More bullshit.

You want the cultural and political change that comes from Third World Immigration, and all your shit is just lies to hide that fact.
I want to live in a free country where policy is based in reality. I am also unable to forget the central warning of fascism: If they will do it to "them" they will do it to you. Cultural shift is like the tide, only fools think they can stand against it.
Cultural Shift ????? You mean your shift from freedom to facism ??? Yes you do.
Are you suggesting that democrats successfully engineered a plan that lasts decades and accomplishes the impossible? Man I wish they were that good. I've always wondered how conservatives can simultaneously see liberals as cowardly wimps and audaciously brilliant monsters.
Did you just define "nerds" ?
Shouting "FEAR", or "RACISM" is an admission that you cannot refute the point you are trying to refute.

YOu lose, and you know it. We all know it.
Conservatives have damned their cause with all this. Like always your refusal to see yourselves honestly will hurt you. This time the self-inflicted wound may be fatal.

More bullshit.

You want the cultural and political change that comes from Third World Immigration, and all your shit is just lies to hide that fact.
I want to live in a free country where policy is based in reality. I am also unable to forget the central warning of fascism: If they will do it to "them" they will do it to you. Cultural shift is like the tide, only fools think they can stand against it.
Cultural Shift ????? You mean your shift from freedom to facism ??? Yes you do.
Are you suggesting that democrats successfully engineered a plan that lasts decades and accomplishes the impossible? Man I wish they were that good. I've always wondered how conservatives can simultaneously see liberals as cowardly wimps and audaciously brilliant monsters.
The Globalists have been around a long time. They have been patient. And they have slowly manuvered the planet into a potential world government. There are different outlines of 20th century history then what is officially taught. You see it around you today and are still blind. In this scenario what was the United States will be poorer. In theory it is a good idea. But it is who the boss is that we all may have concern. Good or bad. Propaganda can teach people a lot of things. The smart ones are the ones coercing us and admonishing us for our beliefs everyday. They are paid well. And have no guilt or concern except for their sellout ways. The ones who listen to them are the cowardly wimps who are actually aggressive. But no one fights them back at this point although it has picked up a bit.
Conservatives have damned their cause with all this. Like always your refusal to see yourselves honestly will hurt you. This time the self-inflicted wound may be fatal.

More bullshit.

You want the cultural and political change that comes from Third World Immigration, and all your shit is just lies to hide that fact.
I want to live in a free country where policy is based in reality. I am also unable to forget the central warning of fascism: If they will do it to "them" they will do it to you. Cultural shift is like the tide, only fools think they can stand against it.
Cultural Shift ????? You mean your shift from freedom to facism ??? Yes you do.
Are you suggesting that democrats successfully engineered a plan that lasts decades and accomplishes the impossible? Man I wish they were that good. I've always wondered how conservatives can simultaneously see liberals as cowardly wimps and audaciously brilliant monsters.
The Globalists have been around a long time. They have been patient. And they have slowly manuvered the planet into a potential world government. There are different outlines of 20th century history then what is officially taught. You see it around you today and are still blind. In this scenario what was the United States will be poorer. In theory it is a good idea. But it is who the boss is that we all may have concern. Good or bad. Propaganda can teach people a lot of things. The smart ones are the ones coercing us and admonishing us for our beliefs everyday. They are paid well. And have no guilt or concern except for their sellout ways. The ones who listen to them are the cowardly wimps who are actually aggressive. But no one fights them back at this point although it has picked up a bit.
If there is an identifiable enemy in the nation's mist, then why does the nation allow an enemy to go free in order to stir up trouble, and to undermine a nation at it's very core ??
Shouting "FEAR", or "RACISM" is an admission that you cannot refute the point you are trying to refute.

YOu lose, and you know it. We all know it.
Conservatives have damned their cause with all this. Like always your refusal to see yourselves honestly will hurt you. This time the self-inflicted wound may be fatal.

More bullshit.

You want the cultural and political change that comes from Third World Immigration, and all your shit is just lies to hide that fact.
I want to live in a free country where policy is based in reality. I am also unable to forget the central warning of fascism: If they will do it to "them" they will do it to you. Cultural shift is like the tide, only fools think they can stand against it.

SO which is it? Is illegal immigration a "tide that only fools think they can stand against"?

Or is it only a problem in the minds of "racists"?

Inquiring minds want to know.
You simply cannot understand how to have a reasonable but tough policy about illegal immigration without demonizing and alienating all immigrants.

1. Sure I can. It's easy. We would be doing it now, if not for the obstruction of people like you.

2. I see that you were unable to answer a simple, clear and very serious question about the contradiction in your position. We both know why that is. Because you are lying on both counts. The problem is huge, and it can be fought against.
Leftists learned a long time ago that they can't win on their ideas. No wonder, the ideas are utter shit.

So since that's not possible what to do? Import bunch of third worlders promise THEM the fruits of Americans and let the votes flow to the coffers.
Conservatives have damned their cause with all this. Like always your refusal to see yourselves honestly will hurt you. This time the self-inflicted wound may be fatal.

More bullshit.

You want the cultural and political change that comes from Third World Immigration, and all your shit is just lies to hide that fact.
I want to live in a free country where policy is based in reality. I am also unable to forget the central warning of fascism: If they will do it to "them" they will do it to you. Cultural shift is like the tide, only fools think they can stand against it.
Cultural Shift ????? You mean your shift from freedom to facism ??? Yes you do.
Are you suggesting that democrats successfully engineered a plan that lasts decades and accomplishes the impossible? Man I wish they were that good. I've always wondered how conservatives can simultaneously see liberals as cowardly wimps and audaciously brilliant monsters.
Did you just define "nerds" ?

Hey now.!
Politically speaking, Mexifornia kinda sets the tone for the rest of the nation...unfortunately. So when you think the political influence of illegals is contained within the border states you might want to think again....Your thoughts?

My thoughts:

Arizona, New Mexico and Texas are far from being like Kalifornia...

Kalifornia is another level of retardation like Oregon and Washington State...
Like it or not the question of illegal immigration is a hot button political issue. The right basing all their positions on fear and racism has done nothing to resolve the issue.

Can you explain why Obama failed from 2009 to 2011 to resolve this hot button issue when he had the votes in the House and Senate?
Like it or not the question of illegal immigration is a hot button political issue. The right basing all their positions on fear and racism has done nothing to resolve the issue.

Can you explain why Obama failed from 2009 to 2011 to resolve this hot button issue when he had the votes in the House and Senate?
For the same reason that no one else has, it's a losing proposition for congress to even take up debates on immigration side issues.
Like it or not the question of illegal immigration is a hot button political issue. The right basing all their positions on fear and racism has done nothing to resolve the issue.

Can you explain why Obama failed from 2009 to 2011 to resolve this hot button issue when he had the votes in the House and Senate?
For the same reason that no one else has, it's a losing proposition for congress to even take up debates on immigration side issues.

"Side issues"?

Like it or not the question of illegal immigration is a hot button political issue. The right basing all their positions on fear and racism has done nothing to resolve the issue.

Can you explain why Obama failed from 2009 to 2011 to resolve this hot button issue when he had the votes in the House and Senate?
For the same reason that no one else has, it's a losing proposition for congress to even take up debates on immigration side issues.

So why just blame one side and not everyone?
Well, anything coming out of Californication has made it's track across this country over time. It's like a cancer spreading across this nation with no end in sight.
Yup. when I was a pup in VA the dirtiest 2 mags around anywhere were Penthouse and Playboy, in paper bags, behind the cashier. Bikinis were unheard of except in Hollyweird and parts of Miami. Titty bars were Vegas(or Reno) only.
Then came the drugs. There was a little crappy Mexican weed around amd the occasional screwball would show up with some acid from DC or NY. The truck drivers had their speed(mostly caffeine tabs) but that was pretty much it.
America is Dead.
Like it or not the question of illegal immigration is a hot button political issue. The right basing all their positions on fear and racism has done nothing to resolve the issue.

Can you explain why Obama failed from 2009 to 2011 to resolve this hot button issue when he had the votes in the House and Senate?
For the same reason that no one else has, it's a losing proposition for congress to even take up debates on immigration side issues.

"Side issues"?

Look at what the wall did to the republicans. It will be 20 years before you get them to touch immigration again.
Like it or not the question of illegal immigration is a hot button political issue. The right basing all their positions on fear and racism has done nothing to resolve the issue.

Can you explain why Obama failed from 2009 to 2011 to resolve this hot button issue when he had the votes in the House and Senate?
For the same reason that no one else has, it's a losing proposition for congress to even take up debates on immigration side issues.

"Side issues"?

Look at what the wall did to the republicans. It will be 20 years before you get them to touch immigration again.

Neither side want to fix the issue when it is the perfect wedge issue of the times...
Like it or not the question of illegal immigration is a hot button political issue. The right basing all their positions on fear and racism has done nothing to resolve the issue.

Can you explain why Obama failed from 2009 to 2011 to resolve this hot button issue when he had the votes in the House and Senate?
For the same reason that no one else has, it's a losing proposition for congress to even take up debates on immigration side issues.

"Side issues"?

Look at what the wall did to the republicans. It will be 20 years before you get them to touch immigration again.

What did the Wall do to REpublicans?
Like it or not the question of illegal immigration is a hot button political issue. The right basing all their positions on fear and racism has done nothing to resolve the issue.

Can you explain why Obama failed from 2009 to 2011 to resolve this hot button issue when he had the votes in the House and Senate?
For the same reason that no one else has, it's a losing proposition for congress to even take up debates on immigration side issues.

So why just blame one side and not everyone?
Conservative lawmakers know they sound like jackasses when debating immigration and avoid it like the plague. They only talk about it at election time in the broadest terms and hope to God nothing comes up later that will cost them support and votes.
Like it or not the question of illegal immigration is a hot button political issue. The right basing all their positions on fear and racism has done nothing to resolve the issue.

Can you explain why Obama failed from 2009 to 2011 to resolve this hot button issue when he had the votes in the House and Senate?
For the same reason that no one else has, it's a losing proposition for congress to even take up debates on immigration side issues.

So why just blame one side and not everyone?
Conservative lawmakers know they sound like jackasses when debating immigration and avoid it like the plague. They only talk about it at election time in the broadest terms and hope to God nothing comes up later that will cost them support and votes.

Conservative lawmakers know that touching on the issue, gives their enemies in the Press, perfect fodder for their vile race baiting and demagoguery.

And they are afraid.
Like it or not the question of illegal immigration is a hot button political issue. The right basing all their positions on fear and racism has done nothing to resolve the issue.

Can you explain why Obama failed from 2009 to 2011 to resolve this hot button issue when he had the votes in the House and Senate?
For the same reason that no one else has, it's a losing proposition for congress to even take up debates on immigration side issues.

"Side issues"?

Look at what the wall did to the republicans. It will be 20 years before you get them to touch immigration again.

What did the Wall do to REpublicans?
It cost them every last swing voter, they had you no matter what atrocity they imposed on America but a lot of people have cast the last republican vote they will ever cast.
Like it or not the question of illegal immigration is a hot button political issue. The right basing all their positions on fear and racism has done nothing to resolve the issue.

Can you explain why Obama failed from 2009 to 2011 to resolve this hot button issue when he had the votes in the House and Senate?
For the same reason that no one else has, it's a losing proposition for congress to even take up debates on immigration side issues.

So why just blame one side and not everyone?
Conservative lawmakers know they sound like jackasses when debating immigration and avoid it like the plague. They only talk about it at election time in the broadest terms and hope to God nothing comes up later that will cost them support and votes.

I can say the same thing about Progressive Politicians.

When you have idiots calling ICE Nazis and ICE to be done away with, well that is beyond stupid!

Also my favorite thing was when the GOP took the House in 2010 and in 2011 Obama demanded they pass Immigration Reform while knowing that would never happen!

So come on and let admit both sides has it share of idiots or don't and just focus on Conservatives...
Can you explain why Obama failed from 2009 to 2011 to resolve this hot button issue when he had the votes in the House and Senate?
For the same reason that no one else has, it's a losing proposition for congress to even take up debates on immigration side issues.

"Side issues"?

Look at what the wall did to the republicans. It will be 20 years before you get them to touch immigration again.

What did the Wall do to REpublicans?
It cost them every last swing voter, they had you no matter what atrocity they imposed on America but a lot of people have cast the last republican vote they will ever cast.

Trump didn't move on the Wall till AFTER the mid terms.

If anything, I think he realized that NOT moving on the Wall cost him.

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