If it weren’t for illegals, Mexifornia may still be a bright red state...no?

More bullshit.

You want the cultural and political change that comes from Third World Immigration, and all your shit is just lies to hide that fact.
I want to live in a free country where policy is based in reality. I am also unable to forget the central warning of fascism: If they will do it to "them" they will do it to you. Cultural shift is like the tide, only fools think they can stand against it.
Cultural Shift ????? You mean your shift from freedom to facism ??? Yes you do.
Are you suggesting that democrats successfully engineered a plan that lasts decades and accomplishes the impossible? Man I wish they were that good. I've always wondered how conservatives can simultaneously see liberals as cowardly wimps and audaciously brilliant monsters.
Did you just define "nerds" ?

Hey now.!
Was talking about his analysis upon how one can appear cowardly, yet be audaciously brilliant monsters too ? That is the very definition of a "nerd". They do appear cowardly, weak, and weird, but they are brilliant monsters all at the same time.

They (not all of them) are just smart enough in a sinister way, to manipulate others (getting them to do), what they as being these nerds can't or won't do themselves.
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Like it or not the question of illegal immigration is a hot button political issue. The right basing all their positions on fear and racism has done nothing to resolve the issue.

Can you explain why Obama failed from 2009 to 2011 to resolve this hot button issue when he had the votes in the House and Senate?
For the same reason that no one else has, it's a losing proposition for congress to even take up debates on immigration side issues.

So why just blame one side and not everyone?
Conservative lawmakers know they sound like jackasses when debating immigration and avoid it like the plague. They only talk about it at election time in the broadest terms and hope to God nothing comes up later that will cost them support and votes.

Conservative lawmakers know that touching on the issue, gives their enemies in the Press, perfect fodder for their vile race baiting and demagoguery.

And they are afraid.
They ought to be afraid, republicans usually lose when they have to make their case outside the conservative echo chamber. Seems they suck at explaining themselves to people who don't just swallow their bullshit.
Can you explain why Obama failed from 2009 to 2011 to resolve this hot button issue when he had the votes in the House and Senate?
For the same reason that no one else has, it's a losing proposition for congress to even take up debates on immigration side issues.

So why just blame one side and not everyone?
Conservative lawmakers know they sound like jackasses when debating immigration and avoid it like the plague. They only talk about it at election time in the broadest terms and hope to God nothing comes up later that will cost them support and votes.

Conservative lawmakers know that touching on the issue, gives their enemies in the Press, perfect fodder for their vile race baiting and demagoguery.

And they are afraid.
They ought to be afraid, republicans usually lose when they have to make their case outside the conservative echo chamber. Seems they suck at explaining themselves to people who don't just swallow their bullshit.

Except that the problem is real. The pain is real.

It is the lies of people like you that are made up.

And so our people suffer, while politicians play it safe, and the liberals have their way.

Oh, and blaming the people you lie about, for not being able to outshout you,

is a perfect plan, if you want civil violence.
For the same reason that no one else has, it's a losing proposition for congress to even take up debates on immigration side issues.

"Side issues"?

Look at what the wall did to the republicans. It will be 20 years before you get them to touch immigration again.

What did the Wall do to REpublicans?
It cost them every last swing voter, they had you no matter what atrocity they imposed on America but a lot of people have cast the last republican vote they will ever cast.

Trump didn't move on the Wall till AFTER the mid terms.

If anything, I think he realized that NOT moving on the Wall cost him.
Do you actually think the Wall shutdown disaster was a calculated thing? The problem was that Trump had no next move planned after his initial tantrum leaving it all up to people who did not want the shutdown to begin with.
"Side issues"?

Look at what the wall did to the republicans. It will be 20 years before you get them to touch immigration again.

What did the Wall do to REpublicans?
It cost them every last swing voter, they had you no matter what atrocity they imposed on America but a lot of people have cast the last republican vote they will ever cast.

Trump didn't move on the Wall till AFTER the mid terms.

If anything, I think he realized that NOT moving on the Wall cost him.
Do you actually think the Wall shutdown disaster was a calculated thing? The problem was that Trump had no next move planned after his initial tantrum leaving it all up to people who did not want the shutdown to begin with.

I don't know. Doesn't really matter.

ONly an enemy of the people could be against controlling who and what enters our nation.

Politically speaking, Mexifornia kinda sets the tone for the rest of the nation...unfortunately. So when you think the political influence of illegals is contained within the border states you might want to think again....Your thoughts?

My thoughts:

Arizona, New Mexico and Texas are far from being like Kalifornia...

Kalifornia is another level of retardation like Oregon and Washington State...
I know people who know people from Washington State, and they tell me that there is an exodus going on there because of the liberalism taking over.
For the same reason that no one else has, it's a losing proposition for congress to even take up debates on immigration side issues.

So why just blame one side and not everyone?
Conservative lawmakers know they sound like jackasses when debating immigration and avoid it like the plague. They only talk about it at election time in the broadest terms and hope to God nothing comes up later that will cost them support and votes.

Conservative lawmakers know that touching on the issue, gives their enemies in the Press, perfect fodder for their vile race baiting and demagoguery.

And they are afraid.
They ought to be afraid, republicans usually lose when they have to make their case outside the conservative echo chamber. Seems they suck at explaining themselves to people who don't just swallow their bullshit.

Except that the problem is real. The pain is real.

It is the lies of people like you that are made up.

And so our people suffer, while politicians play it safe, and the liberals have their way.

Oh, and blaming the people you lie about, for not being able to outshout you,

is a perfect plan, if you want civil violence.
It is the greatest mystery to you why all the white people are not Trumpbots and susceptible to the same propaganda you are. In a nation of immigrants the presence of immigrants causes you pain. Find something else to cry about.
Well, anything coming out of Californication has made it's track across this country over time. It's like a cancer spreading across this nation with no end in sight.
Yup. when I was a pup in VA the dirtiest 2 mags around anywhere were Penthouse and Playboy, in paper bags, behind the cashier. Bikinis were unheard of except in Hollyweird and parts of Miami. Titty bars were Vegas(or Reno) only.
Then came the drugs. There was a little crappy Mexican weed around amd the occasional screwball would show up with some acid from DC or NY. The truck drivers had their speed(mostly caffeine tabs) but that was pretty much it.
America is Dead.
It has reached critical mass, but it is being ignored due to the brainwashing that has gone on for decades now unchecked until Trump came along to spoil the party.
Look at what the wall did to the republicans. It will be 20 years before you get them to touch immigration again.

What did the Wall do to REpublicans?
It cost them every last swing voter, they had you no matter what atrocity they imposed on America but a lot of people have cast the last republican vote they will ever cast.

Trump didn't move on the Wall till AFTER the mid terms.

If anything, I think he realized that NOT moving on the Wall cost him.
Do you actually think the Wall shutdown disaster was a calculated thing? The problem was that Trump had no next move planned after his initial tantrum leaving it all up to people who did not want the shutdown to begin with.

I don't know. Doesn't really matter.

ONly an enemy of the people could be against controlling who and what enters our nation.

No one is against border security, they are against a fascist takeover of border policy.
So why just blame one side and not everyone?
Conservative lawmakers know they sound like jackasses when debating immigration and avoid it like the plague. They only talk about it at election time in the broadest terms and hope to God nothing comes up later that will cost them support and votes.

Conservative lawmakers know that touching on the issue, gives their enemies in the Press, perfect fodder for their vile race baiting and demagoguery.

And they are afraid.
They ought to be afraid, republicans usually lose when they have to make their case outside the conservative echo chamber. Seems they suck at explaining themselves to people who don't just swallow their bullshit.

Except that the problem is real. The pain is real.

It is the lies of people like you that are made up.

And so our people suffer, while politicians play it safe, and the liberals have their way.

Oh, and blaming the people you lie about, for not being able to outshout you,

is a perfect plan, if you want civil violence.
It is the greatest mystery to you why all the white people are not Trumpbots and susceptible to the same propaganda you are. In a nation of immigrants the presence of immigrants causes you pain. Find something else to cry about.

1. YOur race baiting is noted and dismissed.

2. Calling my political position "trumpbot" is just an admission that you cannot refute anything I said. YOu lose.

3. YOur conflating of "illegals" with "immigrants" shows that you are an open border lunatic.
What did the Wall do to REpublicans?
It cost them every last swing voter, they had you no matter what atrocity they imposed on America but a lot of people have cast the last republican vote they will ever cast.

Trump didn't move on the Wall till AFTER the mid terms.

If anything, I think he realized that NOT moving on the Wall cost him.
Do you actually think the Wall shutdown disaster was a calculated thing? The problem was that Trump had no next move planned after his initial tantrum leaving it all up to people who did not want the shutdown to begin with.

I don't know. Doesn't really matter.

ONly an enemy of the people could be against controlling who and what enters our nation.

No one is against border security, they are against a fascist takeover of border policy.

Says the man that just called "illegals" "immigrants" and ridiculed me for having a problem with their presence.

You are for an open border, and you are lying. As are the vast majority of your political leaders.
Politically speaking, Mexifornia kinda sets the tone for the rest of the nation...unfortunately. So when you think the political influence of illegals is contained within the border states you might want to think again....Your thoughts?

Los Angeles, San Diego, San Fransico....

Have you ever considered why so many cities in California have Spanish names?

I'll bet you haven't!
Conservative lawmakers know they sound like jackasses when debating immigration and avoid it like the plague. They only talk about it at election time in the broadest terms and hope to God nothing comes up later that will cost them support and votes.

Conservative lawmakers know that touching on the issue, gives their enemies in the Press, perfect fodder for their vile race baiting and demagoguery.

And they are afraid.
They ought to be afraid, republicans usually lose when they have to make their case outside the conservative echo chamber. Seems they suck at explaining themselves to people who don't just swallow their bullshit.

Except that the problem is real. The pain is real.

It is the lies of people like you that are made up.

And so our people suffer, while politicians play it safe, and the liberals have their way.

Oh, and blaming the people you lie about, for not being able to outshout you,

is a perfect plan, if you want civil violence.
It is the greatest mystery to you why all the white people are not Trumpbots and susceptible to the same propaganda you are. In a nation of immigrants the presence of immigrants causes you pain. Find something else to cry about.

1. YOur race baiting is noted and dismissed.

2. Calling my political position "trumpbot" is just an admission that you cannot refute anything I said. YOu lose.

3. YOur conflating of "illegals" with "immigrants" shows that you are an open border lunatic.
Conservative politicians really hate that people like you are controlling their side of the immigration debate.
Politically speaking, Mexifornia kinda sets the tone for the rest of the nation...unfortunately. So when you think the political influence of illegals is contained within the border states you might want to think again....Your thoughts?

Los Angeles, San Diego, San Fransico....

Have you ever considered why so many cities in California have Spanish names?

I'll bet you haven't!

Because it used to be part of the Spanish Empire.

What is your point? Do you even have a point?
It cost them every last swing voter, they had you no matter what atrocity they imposed on America but a lot of people have cast the last republican vote they will ever cast.

Trump didn't move on the Wall till AFTER the mid terms.

If anything, I think he realized that NOT moving on the Wall cost him.
Do you actually think the Wall shutdown disaster was a calculated thing? The problem was that Trump had no next move planned after his initial tantrum leaving it all up to people who did not want the shutdown to begin with.

I don't know. Doesn't really matter.

ONly an enemy of the people could be against controlling who and what enters our nation.

No one is against border security, they are against a fascist takeover of border policy.

Says the man that just called "illegals" "immigrants" and ridiculed me for having a problem with their presence.

You are for an open border, and you are lying. As are the vast majority of your political leaders.
The immigration hard-liners probably just lost their last great battle and you have no one to blame but yourselves and your leader. Trump did a tremendous disservice to your cause and you don't even seem mad at just how badly he handled it all.
Like it or not the question of illegal immigration is a hot button political issue. The right basing all their positions on fear and racism has done nothing to resolve the issue.

Can you explain why Obama failed from 2009 to 2011 to resolve this hot button issue when he had the votes in the House and Senate?
For the same reason that no one else has, it's a losing proposition for congress to even take up debates on immigration side issues.

So why just blame one side and not everyone?
Conservative lawmakers know they sound like jackasses when debating immigration and avoid it like the plague. They only talk about it at election time in the broadest terms and hope to God nothing comes up later that will cost them support and votes.
This use of the immigration issue as leverage in order to gain votes in the 2020 election, (by the Democrats) who equate the issue of immigration to racism when it is attempted to be reformed as it should be, is about as low as it can get with these crats.

How can any legit system run properly and effectively if you have people in power who abuse their power in these deplorable ways ?? It's liken to one thinking as kids that your friends will play fair, but then you find that your friends weren't your friends at all, and their goal was to destroy you if at all possible. Sad state of affairs.
Conservative lawmakers know that touching on the issue, gives their enemies in the Press, perfect fodder for their vile race baiting and demagoguery.

And they are afraid.
They ought to be afraid, republicans usually lose when they have to make their case outside the conservative echo chamber. Seems they suck at explaining themselves to people who don't just swallow their bullshit.

Except that the problem is real. The pain is real.

It is the lies of people like you that are made up.

And so our people suffer, while politicians play it safe, and the liberals have their way.

Oh, and blaming the people you lie about, for not being able to outshout you,

is a perfect plan, if you want civil violence.
It is the greatest mystery to you why all the white people are not Trumpbots and susceptible to the same propaganda you are. In a nation of immigrants the presence of immigrants causes you pain. Find something else to cry about.

1. YOur race baiting is noted and dismissed.

2. Calling my political position "trumpbot" is just an admission that you cannot refute anything I said. YOu lose.

3. YOur conflating of "illegals" with "immigrants" shows that you are an open border lunatic.
Conservative politicians really hate that people like you are controlling their side of the immigration debate.

Yes. I'm sure they are jealous of the way dem voters can be pissed on, and told it is raining, and they just suck it up.

In Traditional America, we still expect our elected representatives to represent US, and we get testy when they do not.

Your inability to refute my points, is not forgotten.
Trump didn't move on the Wall till AFTER the mid terms.

If anything, I think he realized that NOT moving on the Wall cost him.
Do you actually think the Wall shutdown disaster was a calculated thing? The problem was that Trump had no next move planned after his initial tantrum leaving it all up to people who did not want the shutdown to begin with.

I don't know. Doesn't really matter.

ONly an enemy of the people could be against controlling who and what enters our nation.

No one is against border security, they are against a fascist takeover of border policy.

Says the man that just called "illegals" "immigrants" and ridiculed me for having a problem with their presence.

You are for an open border, and you are lying. As are the vast majority of your political leaders.
The immigration hard-liners probably just lost their last great battle and you have no one to blame but yourselves and your leader. Trump did a tremendous disservice to your cause and you don't even seem mad at just how badly he handled it all.


But your answer, of surrendering, would have been a loss too. So, your talk of blaming ourselves or badly handling shit,

is just shit.

How old are you?
Do you actually think the Wall shutdown disaster was a calculated thing? The problem was that Trump had no next move planned after his initial tantrum leaving it all up to people who did not want the shutdown to begin with.

I don't know. Doesn't really matter.

ONly an enemy of the people could be against controlling who and what enters our nation.

No one is against border security, they are against a fascist takeover of border policy.

Says the man that just called "illegals" "immigrants" and ridiculed me for having a problem with their presence.

You are for an open border, and you are lying. As are the vast majority of your political leaders.
The immigration hard-liners probably just lost their last great battle and you have no one to blame but yourselves and your leader. Trump did a tremendous disservice to your cause and you don't even seem mad at just how badly he handled it all.


But your answer, of surrendering, would have been a loss too. So, your talk of blaming ourselves or badly handling shit,

is just shit.

How old are you?
Old enough. Trump lacks the ability to pick his battles, an alarming trait in a national leader. It is comforting that congress protected it's power from one who would usurp them via hostage crisis.
Trump didn't move on the Wall till AFTER the mid terms.

If anything, I think he realized that NOT moving on the Wall cost him.
Do you actually think the Wall shutdown disaster was a calculated thing? The problem was that Trump had no next move planned after his initial tantrum leaving it all up to people who did not want the shutdown to begin with.

I don't know. Doesn't really matter.

ONly an enemy of the people could be against controlling who and what enters our nation.

No one is against border security, they are against a fascist takeover of border policy.

Says the man that just called "illegals" "immigrants" and ridiculed me for having a problem with their presence.

You are for an open border, and you are lying. As are the vast majority of your political leaders.
The immigration hard-liners probably just lost their last great battle and you have no one to blame but yourselves and your leader. Trump did a tremendous disservice to your cause and you don't even seem mad at just how badly he handled it all.

Cast some clarity for us...be honest, what part of that filthy shithole Mexico are you from and how long have you been fucking REAL Americans over?

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