If Jesus couldn't keep HIMSELF out of trouble...

You know........according to the Gospel of Judas (recently found), Judas wasn't expecting Yeshua to get turned over to the Roman authorities. When the Jewish leaders turned Yeshua over to the Romans (who are the ones responsible for His crucifixion) it upset Judas enough to the point that he hung himself in front of Caiphas' family tomb to desecrate it forever.

No.........I don't think anyone was expecting things to turn out like they did.

There is no gospel of Judas.

Yes and no. It exists, but it's not recognized by anyone - except Gnostics and anti-Christian bigots - as being part of the Bible.
Really? You were posting to Daveman . . . by quoting MY post? See, that's where that whole "illiterate ****" thing keeps tripping you up. People who understand English would have known they needed to add that little word called a "name" to specify a poster different from the one you're quoting.

Of course you aren't thinking about me naked. Unlike you, I don't have to strip to get a laugh.

Check the post again. I was responding to daveman. He had responded to you, so your post was included.

One thing I never do, is use the c word, to anyone. Even someone as unpleasant as you.

And if you ever become someone I respect enough to piss on when you're on fire, let alone someone I want to model my behavior after, I might care about that.

Since you actually remind me strongly of something I need to scrape off of my shoe, you have, once again, said something that's an utter waste of screen space.

Very Christian of you. I can see my posts really get under your skin. Why not put me on ignore?

Believe me if you aggravated me to the point where I'd use the C word, (which I've never used in my life), I'd put YOU on ignore.
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Why does that enrage you?

Stupidity (defined as "ignorance which is proud of itself") offends me. You should know by now, given how many times you've been slapped around for it.

The idea that the Bible SHOULD be read by everyone is arrogance, pure and simple.

That's exactly what the OP is addressing in a comical way.

Hey, wow, ANOTHER post you were too illiterate to understand!

I never said the Bible should be read by everyone, flatliner. I said it should be read by everyone who wants to shoot off their mouths about its contents. Only a mouthbreather like you would think it appropriate for someone who has no idea what the Bible actually says to preach to Christians about its contents. You probably also endorse lectures to English professors on the works of Shakespeare given by someone who's only seen the movies.
...how do you expect him to save you? :eusa_eh:

This seems like a fatal theological flaw if ever there was one.

Again, I'm stunned that this is continuing to foul the religion forum as if it's a serious discussion. It's a bait thread, and belongs in the ROMPER ROOM.

Mention Obama's birth certificate questions and see how long you last on the open forum. Kinda interesting.
Check the post again. I was responding to daveman. He had responded to you, so your post was included.

One thing I never do, is use the c word, to anyone. Even someone as unpleasant as you.

And if you ever become someone I respect enough to piss on when you're on fire, let alone someone I want to model my behavior after, I might care about that.

Since you actually remind me strongly of something I need to scrape off of my shoe, you have, once again, said something that's an utter waste of screen space.

Very Christian of you. I can see my posts really get under your skin. Why not put me on ignore?

Believe me if you aggravated me to the point where I'd use the C word, (which I've never used in my life), I'd put YOU on ignore.

Because we all know that anything she does that is objectionable is ALWAYS someone else's fault.

The perpetual passive aggressive victim, is Sky.
Stupidity (defined as "ignorance which is proud of itself") offends me. You should know by now, given how many times you've been slapped around for it.

The idea that the Bible SHOULD be read by everyone is arrogance, pure and simple.

That's exactly what the OP is addressing in a comical way.

Hey, wow, ANOTHER post you were too illiterate to understand!

I never said the Bible should be read by everyone, flatliner. I said it should be read by everyone who wants to shoot off their mouths about its contents. Only a mouthbreather like you would think it appropriate for someone who has no idea what the Bible actually says to preach to Christians about its contents. You probably also endorse lectures to English professors on the works of Shakespeare given by someone who's only seen the movies.

This is a messageboard. Nobody has to be a Christian scholar to comment on Bible passages that we've all been exposed to, whether we chose it or not.

If I were you, I would consider how posting like this helps you as a Christian.
Check the post again. I was responding to daveman. He had responded to you, so your post was included.

One thing I never do, is use the c word, to anyone. Even someone as unpleasant as you.

And if you ever become someone I respect enough to piss on when you're on fire, let alone someone I want to model my behavior after, I might care about that.

Since you actually remind me strongly of something I need to scrape off of my shoe, you have, once again, said something that's an utter waste of screen space.

Very Christian of you. I can see my posts really get under your skin. Why not put me on ignore?

Believe me if you aggravated me to the point where I'd use the C word, (which I've never used in my life), I'd put YOU on ignore.

Wow, NOW the self-proclaimed Buddhist wants to tell me whether or not my behavior is Christian. The arrogance is getting really deep in here.

Believe me, your personal view of words and how they should be used is STILL completely personal and not universal to everyone else, just as it was the LAST time you tried to impose your verbal rules on me. Let me translate into smaller words, because I know you need it: YOU consider "****" to be taboo; I don't. You don't have to aggravate me to be called one; you just have to BE one.

It's probably time you stop flattering yourself that you matter enough to upset me, aside from my general distaste for stupid people.
You know........according to the Gospel of Judas (recently found), Judas wasn't expecting Yeshua to get turned over to the Roman authorities. When the Jewish leaders turned Yeshua over to the Romans (who are the ones responsible for His crucifixion) it upset Judas enough to the point that he hung himself in front of Caiphas' family tomb to desecrate it forever.

No.........I don't think anyone was expecting things to turn out like they did.

There is no gospel of Judas.

Yes and no. It exists, but it's not recognized by anyone - except Gnostics and anti-Christian bigots - as being part of the Bible.

a text exists.

It's not a gospel.
And if you ever become someone I respect enough to piss on when you're on fire, let alone someone I want to model my behavior after, I might care about that.

Since you actually remind me strongly of something I need to scrape off of my shoe, you have, once again, said something that's an utter waste of screen space.

Very Christian of you. I can see my posts really get under your skin. Why not put me on ignore?

Believe me if you aggravated me to the point where I'd use the C word, (which I've never used in my life), I'd put YOU on ignore.

Because we all know that anything she does that is objectionable is ALWAYS someone else's fault.

The perpetual passive aggressive victim, is Sky.

Nope. I take full responsibility for my objectionable views. As far as this thread is concerned, my chief objectionable view, is that Wonky poster has a right to say whatever he choose to.
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...how do you expect him to save you? :eusa_eh:

This seems like a fatal theological flaw if ever there was one.

Again, I'm stunned that this is continuing to foul the religion forum as if it's a serious discussion. It's a bait thread, and belongs in the ROMPER ROOM.

Mention Obama's birth certificate questions and see how long you last on the open forum. Kinda interesting.

Well, the opponents of Wonky's bullshit are more than capable of slapping him down and trampling him. The opponents of the birthers couldn't put together a coherent argument if you hired them a team of Harvard lawyers to help them with it.
Very Christian of you. I can see my posts really get under your skin. Why not put me on ignore?

Believe me if you aggravated me to the point where I'd use the C word, (which I've never used in my life), I'd put YOU on ignore.

Because we all know that anything she does that is objectionable is ALWAYS someone else's fault.

The perpetual passive aggressive victim, is Sky.

Nope. I take full responsibility for my objectionable views. As far as this thread is concerned, my chief objectionable view, is that Wonky poster has a right to say whatever he choose to.

You're a fucking idiot. I never said anything about objectionable views, nutcase.

And if you ever become someone I respect enough to piss on when you're on fire, let alone someone I want to model my behavior after, I might care about that.

Since you actually remind me strongly of something I need to scrape off of my shoe, you have, once again, said something that's an utter waste of screen space.

Very Christian of you. I can see my posts really get under your skin. Why not put me on ignore?

Believe me if you aggravated me to the point where I'd use the C word, (which I've never used in my life), I'd put YOU on ignore.

Wow, NOW the self-proclaimed Buddhist wants to tell me whether or not my behavior is Christian. The arrogance is getting really deep in here.

Believe me, your personal view of words and how they should be used is STILL completely personal and not universal to everyone else, just as it was the LAST time you tried to impose your verbal rules on me. Let me translate into smaller words, because I know you need it: YOU consider "****" to be taboo; I don't. You don't have to aggravate me to be called one; you just have to BE one.

It's probably time you stop flattering yourself that you matter enough to upset me, aside from my general distaste for stupid people.

I'm not calling you any names, am I? I'm not putting you down. I find it ironic that you get so angry about someone misquoting the Bible.

Why does that bother you so much? There are no requirements here for people to be Bible scholars in order to have an opinion.

As for your use of the C word. I never use it. I think it's one of the most offensive words a woman can be called. I'm sorry that you are so careless in your speech that you use it.
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The idea that the Bible SHOULD be read by everyone is arrogance, pure and simple.

That's exactly what the OP is addressing in a comical way.

Hey, wow, ANOTHER post you were too illiterate to understand!

I never said the Bible should be read by everyone, flatliner. I said it should be read by everyone who wants to shoot off their mouths about its contents. Only a mouthbreather like you would think it appropriate for someone who has no idea what the Bible actually says to preach to Christians about its contents. You probably also endorse lectures to English professors on the works of Shakespeare given by someone who's only seen the movies.

This is a messageboard. Nobody has to be a Christian scholar to comment on Bible passages that we've all been exposed to, whether we chose it or not.

If I were you, I would consider how posting like this helps you as a Christian.

So I was right: You ARE a proponent of people gassing away without education. What a surprise!

If I were you, I would consider how much anyone cares what YOU think about Christians. And by the way, Reverend Ignoramus, before you attempt to impose your SO-expert opinion that "Christians should be mealymouthed and ineffectual" on others, you might want to have someone read you the part about the Apostle Paul, who wasn't known for being a very nice person after his conversion, either. I figure some of us have to kick ass on behalf of all the other Christians who are too nice and inoffensive to manage it. :eusa_whistle:
Very Christian of you. I can see my posts really get under your skin. Why not put me on ignore?

Believe me if you aggravated me to the point where I'd use the C word, (which I've never used in my life), I'd put YOU on ignore.

Because we all know that anything she does that is objectionable is ALWAYS someone else's fault.

The perpetual passive aggressive victim, is Sky.

Nope. I take full responsibility for my objectionable views. As far as this thread is concerned, my chief objectionable view, is that Wonky poster has a right to say whatever he choose to.

No, your chief objectionable view - aside from the curious belief that you have something meaningful to say about the practice of a religion you don't profess - is that ONLY Wonky has a right to say whatever he chooses to.
Hey, wow, ANOTHER post you were too illiterate to understand!

I never said the Bible should be read by everyone, flatliner. I said it should be read by everyone who wants to shoot off their mouths about its contents. Only a mouthbreather like you would think it appropriate for someone who has no idea what the Bible actually says to preach to Christians about its contents. You probably also endorse lectures to English professors on the works of Shakespeare given by someone who's only seen the movies.

This is a messageboard. Nobody has to be a Christian scholar to comment on Bible passages that we've all been exposed to, whether we chose it or not.

If I were you, I would consider how posting like this helps you as a Christian.

So I was right: You ARE a proponent of people gassing away without education. What a surprise!

If I were you, I would consider how much anyone cares what YOU think about Christians. And by the way, Reverend Ignoramus, before you attempt to impose your SO-expert opinion that "Christians should be mealymouthed and ineffectual" on others, you might want to have someone read you the part about the Apostle Paul, who wasn't known for being a very nice person after his conversion, either. I figure some of us have to kick ass on behalf of all the other Christians who are too nice and inoffensive to manage it. :eusa_whistle:

I support people who post here no matter what educational background they have. Everyone has a right to state their opinion.

Jesus spoke gently and kindly. He wasn't "kickass" or militant, like you are.
Yes and no. It exists, but it's not recognized by anyone - except Gnostics and anti-Christian bigots - as being part of the Bible.

a text exists.

It's not a gospel.

It's an ancient Coptic text, dated from the third or fourth century. It is purportedly conversations between Jesus and Judas.

How much would it shock you to know that "old" does not mean "truthful"? And by the way, "gospel" is not defined as "ancient Coptic texts".

DAMN that whole language thing!
Because we all know that anything she does that is objectionable is ALWAYS someone else's fault.

The perpetual passive aggressive victim, is Sky.

Nope. I take full responsibility for my objectionable views. As far as this thread is concerned, my chief objectionable view, is that Wonky poster has a right to say whatever he choose to.

No, your chief objectionable view - aside from the curious belief that you have something meaningful to say about the practice of a religion you don't profess - is that ONLY Wonky has a right to say whatever he chooses to.

That's not true. Wonky has a right to post his opinion, and so do you. His posts aren't as ugly as yours are.

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