If Jesus couldn't keep HIMSELF out of trouble...

I'm not calling you any names, am I? I'm not putting you down. I find it ironic that you get so angry about someone misquoting the Bible.

Why does that bother you so much? There are no requirements here for people to be Bible scholars in order to have an opinion.

As for your use of the C word. I never use it. I think it's one of the most offensive words a woman can be called. I'm sorry that you are so careless in your speech that you use it.

And I continue to wait in vain for you to say something relevant.

I don't care what language you do or don't use. Why should I? You've long since proven you don't understand the concept of "language", anyway, so it hardly makes a difference how you wield a tool you don't comprehend.

Why does arrogant stupidity bother me? If you have to ask, it's just another thing you don't understand.

I'll agree with you on one thing: I think "****" is one of the most offensive words a woman can be called. That's why I use it so sparingly, and only on women who richly deserve it. There's nothing "careless" about it.

If you think my posts on this thread are SO OFFENSIVE that you are FORCED to use the C word, I feel sorry for you.

You are very easily bothered. I would never use that word on anyone.

You silly bitch, your posts aren't "so offensive I'm forced to use" anything. You simply ARE one, and I am simply calling 'em like I see 'em. It's not a hardship.

And again I say (because one is usually required to repeat things to you several times in order for them to sink through your rock skull) you should stop flattering yourself that you matter enough to upset me. Trashing dumbasses like you and Wonky is what I do for FUN, not something I'm "forced" to do because you're so important and meaningful. :lol:
Oh, I hope he doesn't off himself. He'd deprive us of such entertainment.

No worries. People (and I use the term loosely) like Wonky are incapable of introspection.
You hush. Wonky says you think you're better than me. :lol:

I think I'm better than everybody. :eusa_whistle: But in your case, it's just because of my natural superiority, as opposed to Wonky's case, where it would require radical rethinking of the laws of physics to be WORSE than he is. :razz:
I support people who post here no matter what educational background they have. Everyone has a right to state their opinion.

Jesus spoke gently and kindly. He wasn't "kickass" or militant, like you are.

It's funny how much easier it is to be nice to people when you know you could smite them with a thunderbolt, and just choose not to.

Everyone has a purpose in life. Mine doesn't happen to be being the Messiah. And I should point out that when JESUS got upset about how people were perverting His Father's teachings, HE grabbed a whip and drove them out of the temple. All I'm doing is using rough language. Wimp much?

If everyone has a right to state their opinion, how come you feel you have a right to jump my shit for stating my opinion that Wonky is an uneducated shitwad spouting off about a subject he knows nothing about? I'm not sure I even said he shouldn't talk about it, or if I just said he shouldn't expect anyone to respect what he has to say about it.

You're right. I shouldn't have commented on anything you say.

Jesus showed anger one time. To cast greed and hypocrisy out of the temple.

If you think you and Wonky are getting mauled for your false prophecy, you should see me when I take after an actual Christian who's screwing the pooch. I at least EXPECT the two of you to be woefully uninformed about Christianity.
That's not true. Wonky has a right to post his opinion, and so do you. His posts aren't as ugly as yours are.

I'm sure that you consider this OP to be kind, thoughtful, and innocently attempting to open a meaningful dialogue, rather than constituting an ill-mannered, crass attack on Christians that is utterly undeserving of anything but contempt:

If Jesus couldn't keep HIMSELF out of trouble...


...how do you expect him to save you?

This seems like a fatal theological flaw if ever there was one.

On the other hand, I believe we've already established that you're a brain-damaged, agenda-driven, bigoted hypocrite.

My feeling is, if you throw the first punch, you have no business whining about getting hit back. And if you jump into the fight on the side of the idiot who started it, you have no business whining if you get your ass stomped alongside him.

Snivel to someone who thinks you and your butt-buddy, Wonky, have done something here to deserve a modicum of courtesy. I think you're getting exactly what you both asked for.

I don't think he's written anything worthy of the contempt you have shown him. The OP is tongue in cheek.

Thanks for proving me right about you.
I'm sure you haven't read it, yet you have an opinion about it. Just sayin....

I'm interested in Gnostic writings. This is the first I've heard about the Gospel of Judas. National Geographic is doing a special on it.

I also haven't read "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion". I don't have to pore over something to know it's a pile of shit and a hoax . . . although if I wanted to hold forth at length on SPECIFIC PARTS of it, I would at that point feel compelled to at least read them once, which is what differentiates me from your soulmate, Wonky.

Be interested in whatever the flip you want. Who cares? Just don't try to foist them onto our religion as sacred texts.

Gnostic gospels are revered by Gnostics. No one is asking you to read them or accept them.

I find them interesting because I am more interested in mystical Christianity than fundamentalism.

As to your criticism that wonky or anyone else besides a Christian SHOULD read the Bible and committ it's passages to memory, I think that's ridiculous.

Suuuure they aren't. That's why you dredged them up in the middle of a discussion on Christianity . . . because "no one is asking" us "to accept them". :eusa_liar:

Again (I believe I did point out earlier how many times one must say the same thing in order for you to even begin to possess an understanding of it?), I'm sure you DO consider it ridiculous to expect someone to learn about a topic before presuming to lecture on it. God knows, you've never done so. I hope you'll excuse me if I aspire to just a bit higher standard of relevancy than you do, though. And who knows? Wonky might someday decide he doesn't want to follow your example and be an object of ridicule.
...how do you expect him to save you? :eusa_eh:

This seems like a fatal theological flaw if ever there was one.

This question is 2000 years old.

Leave it up to a lefty to ask it and not even begin to understand the reason.

I was thinking that this was going to be something else. Now I've got a great idea for a thread.

Tell me when you start it, because it's bound to be more interesting than this is.
Is kicking people's asses a Christian value?

Depends on how badly it's needed. Again, have someone read you the part about the Apostle Paul.

I thought the teaching was "turn the other cheek", don't retaliate.

We're not talking about an attack on me personally here, Chuckles. We're talking about an attack on Christianity and the Bible, and I don't recall any teaching that says we're supposed to zip our lips and just accept false prophecy without a word. Maybe YOU can tell me which verse that's in, Reverend Idiot.

Although admittedly, I'm not very tolerant of personal attacks, either. ::shrug:: That's for God to rebuke me of, not some jumped-up non-believer with a self-awarded ordination. Hold your breath waiting for the moment when I have to answer to YOU about anything.
I don't think he's written anything worthy of the contempt you have shown him. The OP is tongue in cheek.
What is it with you leftists thinking you can read minds?

If you find out the answer to that one, see if you can get them to tell us why they insist on expecting us to be as willfully dumb as they are.
Well, if everyone's as willfully dumb as they are, they don't have to worry about backing up their claims.

Not that they back up their claims now, it's just that we'll stop asking them to.
What is it with you leftists thinking you can read minds?

If you find out the answer to that one, see if you can get them to tell us why they insist on expecting us to be as willfully dumb as they are.
Well, if everyone's as willfully dumb as they are, they don't have to worry about backing up their claims.

Not that they back up their claims now, it's just that we'll stop asking them to.

Oh, I understand why they WANT us to be as willfully dumb as they are. I just don't understand why they EXPECT it.
If you find out the answer to that one, see if you can get them to tell us why they insist on expecting us to be as willfully dumb as they are.
Well, if everyone's as willfully dumb as they are, they don't have to worry about backing up their claims.

Not that they back up their claims now, it's just that we'll stop asking them to.

Oh, I understand why they WANT us to be as willfully dumb as they are. I just don't understand why they EXPECT it.
Sheer lack of wit, I expect.
You may not be a bitch (don't know, don't care), but you sure the fuck are dumb.

Feel free to ignore me any time the horror and stress of someone actually disagreeing with you and contradicting the voices in your head gets to be too much. I never stop chickenshits from running away, tails between their legs.

While you're huddled in the corner, licking your wounds and mumbling, "I AM brilliant and imaginative, the universe CAN'T contain anything I can't picture in my head" to yourself, take some time to learn the difference between ellipses and periods, by the way, because I've seen third-graders with a better understanding of punctuation than you have, and being called "stupid" by someone who writes like you might make me pull something from laughing too hard.

Shoo, poltroon.

in other words i was wrong in saying what i said about you so instead of admitting it.....ill pick on his grammar......your not only a Bitch....your a Fucking useless Bitch.....:lol:......dont worry....Jesus loves Bitches too.....he understands why your so Bitchy.....maybe the Whips and Chains have something to do with it......but hey im not into Domination.....:lol:.......not that there is anything wrong with that.....:lol:

No, Noah Webster. In other words, I was RIGHT, he's a punk-ass bitch running for cover, AND someone should point out to him what an utter pain in the ass it is to have to dig through his shitty punctuation and composition to suss out the pathetic attempt at a point in his posts.

Sorry if my first post had words of too many syllables for you.

Say, weren't you going to prance off in high dudgeon and ignore me? So I guess you're a liar, too.

me?......:lol:.....Jesus Christ your getting so flustered you dont even know who in the Hell your posting about now......who is HE?......and who is YOU?.....AND when was i going to run off into the Dungeon?....calm down Cecil.....:lol:
in other words i was wrong in saying what i said about you so instead of admitting it.....ill pick on his grammar......your not only a Bitch....your a Fucking useless Bitch.....:lol:......dont worry....Jesus loves Bitches too.....he understands why your so Bitchy.....maybe the Whips and Chains have something to do with it......but hey im not into Domination.....:lol:.......not that there is anything wrong with that.....:lol:

No, Noah Webster. In other words, I was RIGHT, he's a punk-ass bitch running for cover, AND someone should point out to him what an utter pain in the ass it is to have to dig through his shitty punctuation and composition to suss out the pathetic attempt at a point in his posts.

Sorry if my first post had words of too many syllables for you.

Say, weren't you going to prance off in high dudgeon and ignore me? So I guess you're a liar, too.

me?......:lol:.....Jesus Christ your getting so flustered you dont even know who in the Hell your posting about now......who is HE?......and who is YOU?.....AND when was i going to run off into the Dungeon?....calm down Cecil.....:lol:

She's not the one who appears flustered.

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