If Jesus couldn't keep HIMSELF out of trouble...

I haven't judged any of Wonky's accomplishments, because he hasn't posted any. And I've asked him several times.

Why are you asking him about his accomplishments? Why is it you presume that anyone with left leaning politics has accomplished nothing?

It's pretty ridiculous. This is an anonymous message board. No way to check accomplishments.
Amazing that Wonky doesn't get that, huh? He lacks the wit to even make something up. :lol:

I lack only the motivation. You're certainly not worth the effort.
I take it that you think there is only ONE correct interpretation of Jesus' words on the cross.

Yeah, well, I realize this whole "language as a form of communication" concept is a bit hard for you to grasp, but see, most of humanity attributes these things called "definitions" to words, which allows them to convey meanings to other people. That would be what differentiates words from meaningless Neanderthal grunts . . . which is probably the point where we lost you.
This is funny, not only because C's a complete hypocrite who has a longer ignore list than most, but because she thinks people ignore her out of cowardice.

In reality, they ignore her because she doesn't have the people skills to work even as a two-dollar whore.
Did you ever think of a justification for your sense of superiority?

That would be his lack of self-awareness. If he could actually see the hate-filled, pompous, hypocritical, imbecilic bigot the rest of us see when we look at him, he'd probably commit suicide, instead of coming here and letting us all laugh derisively at him.
Oh, I hope he doesn't off himself. He'd deprive us of such entertainment.
Wow, a post that Sky utterly, wholly, and completely misunderstood. Color me . . . unsurprised, since I already knew she was an illiterate twit. If she ever actually reads English correctly, THAT might be shocking.

Some people have no sense of humor.

I have a wonderful sense of humor. However, I have no desire to see you naked. Some jokes are just TOO over the top.

First of all, I wasn't posting to YOU. I was posting to daveman.

Second, I think it's funny you would think about me being naked. I have no such thoughts of you.
That's where faith comes in. You simply have to have faith in Gods word, and no logic by a human brain has anyplace in it.

I can't accept faith as a valid argument.

BUT Wonky Pundant should have at least a cursory knowledge of the subject prior to getting into a debate on it - obviously he has no knowledge at all.

The point I was trying to make is that he seems to be astounded at not being able to understand Gods mind as pertaining to scripture. He doesn't understand so it can't be true is his line of thinking. A Christian puts away self and takes Gods word by faith.
Did you ever think of a justification for your sense of superiority?

That would be his lack of self-awareness. If he could actually see the hate-filled, pompous, hypocritical, imbecilic bigot the rest of us see when we look at him, he'd probably commit suicide, instead of coming here and letting us all laugh derisively at him.
Oh, I hope he doesn't off himself. He'd deprive us of such entertainment.

That's kind of you to wish for his long life. He sure knows how to get on your nerves.
Did you ever think of a justification for your sense of superiority?

That would be his lack of self-awareness. If he could actually see the hate-filled, pompous, hypocritical, imbecilic bigot the rest of us see when we look at him, he'd probably commit suicide, instead of coming here and letting us all laugh derisively at him.
Oh, I hope he doesn't off himself. He'd deprive us of such entertainment.

You realize that cc looks down on you as much as she does on everyone else, right?
Did you ever think of a justification for your sense of superiority?

That would be his lack of self-awareness. If he could actually see the hate-filled, pompous, hypocritical, imbecilic bigot the rest of us see when we look at him, he'd probably commit suicide, instead of coming here and letting us all laugh derisively at him.
Oh, I hope he doesn't off himself. He'd deprive us of such entertainment.

No worries. People (and I use the term loosely) like Wonky are incapable of introspection.
I take it that you think there is only ONE correct interpretation of Jesus' words on the cross.

The sequence and phrasing were precise enough to be constructed from a checklist.

What do I really think? That the myth makers were very careful to place the correct phrases in the mouth of "Jesus" to ensure that he fit as the Messiah. You have to understand, from what I have studied, the "Jesus" of the gospels never actually existed. This makes doubly ignorant the claims of WP - who foolishly claimed that the phrase "My God, My God, Why have you forsaken me?" The phrase of King David regarding the Lamb, disparages the divinity of Christ. Quite the opposite, it was very deliberately used to fulfill Psalms 22. Whether by a god with a plan, or a cult with specific intent is up to others to decide for themselves.
Some people have no sense of humor.

I have a wonderful sense of humor. However, I have no desire to see you naked. Some jokes are just TOO over the top.

First of all, I wasn't posting to YOU. I was posting to daveman.

Second, I think it's funny you would think about me being naked. I have no such thoughts of you.

Really? You were posting to Daveman . . . by quoting MY post? See, that's where that whole "illiterate ****" thing keeps tripping you up. People who understand English would have known they needed to add that little word called a "name" to specify a poster different from the one you're quoting.

Of course you aren't thinking about me naked. Unlike you, I don't have to strip to get a laugh.
That would be his lack of self-awareness. If he could actually see the hate-filled, pompous, hypocritical, imbecilic bigot the rest of us see when we look at him, he'd probably commit suicide, instead of coming here and letting us all laugh derisively at him.
Oh, I hope he doesn't off himself. He'd deprive us of such entertainment.

You realize that cc looks down on you as much as she does on everyone else, right?

Wow, there's really no end of subjects on which you can make a totally incorrect jackass of yourself.

I like dave just fine. HE isn't an uneducated, hate-filled bigot.
Not big on reading, are you?

You mean the way you didn't bother to read the Bible before coming in here and shooting your mouth off about it (and misquoting it in the process)? THAT sort of "not big on reading"?

Why does that enrage you?

Stupidity (defined as "ignorance which is proud of itself") offends me. You should know by now, given how many times you've been slapped around for it.
I have a wonderful sense of humor. However, I have no desire to see you naked. Some jokes are just TOO over the top.

First of all, I wasn't posting to YOU. I was posting to daveman.

Second, I think it's funny you would think about me being naked. I have no such thoughts of you.

Really? You were posting to Daveman . . . by quoting MY post? See, that's where that whole "illiterate ****" thing keeps tripping you up. People who understand English would have known they needed to add that little word called a "name" to specify a poster different from the one you're quoting.

Of course you aren't thinking about me naked. Unlike you, I don't have to strip to get a laugh.

Check the post again. I was responding to daveman. He had responded to you, so your post was included.

One thing I never do, is use the c word, to anyone. Even someone as unpleasant as you.
You know........according to the Gospel of Judas (recently found), Judas wasn't expecting Yeshua to get turned over to the Roman authorities. When the Jewish leaders turned Yeshua over to the Romans (who are the ones responsible for His crucifixion) it upset Judas enough to the point that he hung himself in front of Caiphas' family tomb to desecrate it forever.

No.........I don't think anyone was expecting things to turn out like they did.

There is no gospel of Judas.
First of all, I wasn't posting to YOU. I was posting to daveman.

Second, I think it's funny you would think about me being naked. I have no such thoughts of you.

Really? You were posting to Daveman . . . by quoting MY post? See, that's where that whole "illiterate ****" thing keeps tripping you up. People who understand English would have known they needed to add that little word called a "name" to specify a poster different from the one you're quoting.

Of course you aren't thinking about me naked. Unlike you, I don't have to strip to get a laugh.

Check the post again. I was responding to daveman. He had responded to you, so your post was included.

One thing I never do, is use the c word, to anyone. Even someone as unpleasant as you.

And if you ever become someone I respect enough to piss on when you're on fire, let alone someone I want to model my behavior after, I might care about that.

Since you actually remind me strongly of something I need to scrape off of my shoe, you have, once again, said something that's an utter waste of screen space.
You mean the way you didn't bother to read the Bible before coming in here and shooting your mouth off about it (and misquoting it in the process)? THAT sort of "not big on reading"?

Why does that enrage you?

Stupidity (defined as "ignorance which is proud of itself") offends me. You should know by now, given how many times you've been slapped around for it.

The idea that the Bible SHOULD be read by everyone is arrogance, pure and simple.

That's exactly what the OP is addressing in a comical way.

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