If Jesus couldn't keep HIMSELF out of trouble...

Did you ever think of a justification for your sense of superiority?

Your existence.
Ahhh. So you really have nothing you can point to. Well, unmerited arrogance is common among leftists. Very rarely do you find one with actual accomplishments to point to. As my signature shows, it's usually a variant of "I'm a liberal!!"

So you're a liberal. Whoopty shit. You don't deserve respect for that, no matter how much you stamp your feet and pout, kid.

What kind of accomplishments do you expect from messageboard posters? Why is it necessary to generalize about liberals and leftists?
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Your existence.
Ahhh. So you really have nothing you can point to. Well, unmerited arrogance is common among leftists. Very rarely do you find one with actual accomplishments to point to. As my signature shows, it's usually a variant of "I'm a liberal!!"

So you're a liberal. Whoopty shit. You don't deserve respect for that, no matter how much you stamp your feet and pout, kid.

You have set yourself up as some kind of judge of a person's accomplishments. In order to do that, you must have your own sense of superiority.

What kind of accomplishments do you expect from messageboard posters?
I haven't judged any of Wonky's accomplishments, because he hasn't posted any. And I've asked him several times.
Your existence.
Ahhh. So you really have nothing you can point to. Well, unmerited arrogance is common among leftists. Very rarely do you find one with actual accomplishments to point to. As my signature shows, it's usually a variant of "I'm a liberal!!"

So you're a liberal. Whoopty shit. You don't deserve respect for that, no matter how much you stamp your feet and pout, kid.

You have set yourself up as some kind of judge of a person's accomplishments. In order to do that, you must have your own sense of superiority.

What kind of accomplishments do you expect from messageboard posters?

Message board posters who are anonymous, no less?
Ahhh. So you really have nothing you can point to. Well, unmerited arrogance is common among leftists. Very rarely do you find one with actual accomplishments to point to. As my signature shows, it's usually a variant of "I'm a liberal!!"

So you're a liberal. Whoopty shit. You don't deserve respect for that, no matter how much you stamp your feet and pout, kid.

You have set yourself up as some kind of judge of a person's accomplishments. In order to do that, you must have your own sense of superiority.

What kind of accomplishments do you expect from messageboard posters?
I haven't judged any of Wonky's accomplishments, because he hasn't posted any. And I've asked him several times.

Why are you asking him about his accomplishments? Why is it you presume that anyone with left leaning politics has accomplished nothing?

It's pretty ridiculous. This is an anonymous message board. No way to check accomplishments.
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geezus you are one dumb bitch.....and i do mean bitch.....im the one who just got through saying that "God" and Jesus are indeed Alien beings much different than we are (the bolded part at the top)......and you have the audacity to say what you said in the bolded part at the bottom?....:lol:......but dont worry i dont put Bitchy posters on ignore......oh and by the way...Jesus would love the way you try and say what he was about with your Bitchy mannerisms.....im sure he would tell you to go sit down and shut the fuck up.......

You may not be a bitch (don't know, don't care), but you sure the fuck are dumb.

Feel free to ignore me any time the horror and stress of someone actually disagreeing with you and contradicting the voices in your head gets to be too much. I never stop chickenshits from running away, tails between their legs.

While you're huddled in the corner, licking your wounds and mumbling, "I AM brilliant and imaginative, the universe CAN'T contain anything I can't picture in my head" to yourself, take some time to learn the difference between ellipses and periods, by the way, because I've seen third-graders with a better understanding of punctuation than you have, and being called "stupid" by someone who writes like you might make me pull something from laughing too hard.

Shoo, poltroon.

in other words i was wrong in saying what i said about you so instead of admitting it.....ill pick on his grammar......your not only a Bitch....your a Fucking useless Bitch.....:lol:......dont worry....Jesus loves Bitches too.....he understands why your so Bitchy.....maybe the Whips and Chains have something to do with it......but hey im not into Domination.....:lol:.......not that there is anything wrong with that.....:lol:

No, Noah Webster. In other words, I was RIGHT, he's a punk-ass bitch running for cover, AND someone should point out to him what an utter pain in the ass it is to have to dig through his shitty punctuation and composition to suss out the pathetic attempt at a point in his posts.

Sorry if my first post had words of too many syllables for you.

Say, weren't you going to prance off in high dudgeon and ignore me? So I guess you're a liar, too.
And that is a problem...scripture doesn't contradict Christ.

And we're already a Christian nation. Nobody wants to *make* it anything. It already is.

this is not an offical Christian nation, but it is a nation with alot of christians.

And alot of those Christians want to make America a Christian nation.

And "alot"[sic] of those non-Christians want to make America a Christian-hating nation. Apparently, it's only a bad thing to want to influence the direction of the nation if you do it for moral reasons, rather than completely selfish ones.
You may not be a bitch (don't know, don't care), but you sure the fuck are dumb.

Feel free to ignore me any time the horror and stress of someone actually disagreeing with you and contradicting the voices in your head gets to be too much. I never stop chickenshits from running away, tails between their legs.

While you're huddled in the corner, licking your wounds and mumbling, "I AM brilliant and imaginative, the universe CAN'T contain anything I can't picture in my head" to yourself, take some time to learn the difference between ellipses and periods, by the way, because I've seen third-graders with a better understanding of punctuation than you have, and being called "stupid" by someone who writes like you might make me pull something from laughing too hard.

Shoo, poltroon.

in other words i was wrong in saying what i said about you so instead of admitting it.....ill pick on his grammar......your not only a Bitch....your a Fucking useless Bitch.....:lol:......dont worry....Jesus loves Bitches too.....he understands why your so Bitchy.....maybe the Whips and Chains have something to do with it......but hey im not into Domination.....:lol:.......not that there is anything wrong with that.....:lol:

This is funny, not only because C's a complete hypocrite who has a longer ignore list than most, but because she thinks people ignore her out of cowardice.

In reality, they ignore her because she doesn't have the people skills to work even as a two-dollar whore.

You would probably be the expert around here on two-dollar whores and how well they work with people. I bow to your greater experience on the subject.

Meanwhile, I - unlike you - have never started a thread for the single and sole purpose of bashing people for my bigoted hatred of their religious beliefs, so excuse me while I laugh my ass off at your pitiable attempt to claim the moral high ground of "people skills". I must have missed that page in "How to Win Friends and Influence People".
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this is not an offical Christian nation, but it is a nation with alot of christians.

And alot of those Christians want to make America a Christian nation.

And "alot"[sic] of those non-Christians want to make America a Christian-hating nation. Apparently, it's only a bad thing to want to influence the direction of the nation if you do it for moral reasons, rather than completely selfish ones.


The Founders envisioned a country where our citizens would be free to worship or not, as they choose.

That's all I'm interested in. I don't want to live in a theocracy. Christian, Muslim or otherwise.
I'm not a christian, but according to the Bible it seems like he wanted to get in trouble (crucifixion) to absolve people of their sins.

According to the Bible, he had no interest in getting into THAT kind of trouble.

That's why he said "My Lord, my Lord, why have you abandoned me?" when he was on the cross.

You're a fucking idiot. Joshua Molina should kick your ass for putting him in your avatar.
in other words i was wrong in saying what i said about you so instead of admitting it.....ill pick on his grammar......your not only a Bitch....your a Fucking useless Bitch.....:lol:......dont worry....Jesus loves Bitches too.....he understands why your so Bitchy.....maybe the Whips and Chains have something to do with it......but hey im not into Domination.....:lol:.......not that there is anything wrong with that.....:lol:

This is funny, not only because C's a complete hypocrite who has a longer ignore list than most, but because she thinks people ignore her out of cowardice.

In reality, they ignore her because she doesn't have the people skills to work even as a two-dollar whore.
Did you ever think of a justification for your sense of superiority?

That would be his lack of self-awareness. If he could actually see the hate-filled, pompous, hypocritical, imbecilic bigot the rest of us see when we look at him, he'd probably commit suicide, instead of coming here and letting us all laugh derisively at him.
That's where faith comes in. You simply have to have faith in Gods word, and no logic by a human brain has anyplace in it.

I can't accept faith as a valid argument.

BUT Wonky Pundant should have at least a cursory knowledge of the subject prior to getting into a debate on it - obviously he has no knowledge at all.
I take it that you think there is only ONE correct interpretation of Jesus' words on the cross.
And alot of those Christians want to make America a Christian nation.

And "alot"[sic] of those non-Christians want to make America a Christian-hating nation. Apparently, it's only a bad thing to want to influence the direction of the nation if you do it for moral reasons, rather than completely selfish ones.


The Founders envisioned a country where our citizens would be free to worship or not, as they choose.

That's all I'm interested in. I don't want to live in a theocracy. Christian, Muslim or otherwise.

Please, hearing an illiterate twat like you blather sententiously about what "the Founders envisioned" makes me nearly as queasy as hearing you preach about what the Bible says. In all the endless, boring, worthless posts I've seen you put on this board, I can't remember offhand ONCE that you ever spoke about something you knew shit about, or that anyone with two brain cells to rub together would respect your opinion on.

CS Lewis wrote about what a marvelous game Satan thought it was to convince idiot humans to rail against the social situation which was the least of dangers to them, while embracing the greatest danger to them as a virtue. Watching you cower in faux-terror of a "theocracy" that no one is espousing, while openly working for an atheistic despotism just shows me how correct he was. I just can't decide if it's because you're a liar, or because you're too illiterate to know what a "theocracy" is. Probably both.
Aw. Your marriage is slavery?

Wow, a post that Sky utterly, wholly, and completely misunderstood. Color me . . . unsurprised, since I already knew she was an illiterate twit. If she ever actually reads English correctly, THAT might be shocking.

Some people have no sense of humor.

I have a wonderful sense of humor. However, I have no desire to see you naked. Some jokes are just TOO over the top.
You have set yourself up as some kind of judge of a person's accomplishments. In order to do that, you must have your own sense of superiority.

What kind of accomplishments do you expect from messageboard posters?
I haven't judged any of Wonky's accomplishments, because he hasn't posted any. And I've asked him several times.

Why are you asking him about his accomplishments? Why is it you presume that anyone with left leaning politics has accomplished nothing?

It's pretty ridiculous. This is an anonymous message board. No way to check accomplishments.
Amazing that Wonky doesn't get that, huh? He lacks the wit to even make something up. :lol:

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