If Jesus couldn't keep HIMSELF out of trouble...

She gets it. It just doesn't fit in with the message that she wants to broadcast. So she lies.
Great Gaea's gargantuan gazongas. I wish to hell you'd read what I write and respond to that, instead of making shit up.

Where the hell did I say Wonky had no right to his opinion? No where, that's where. I've said several times I'm not saying ANYone has no right to their opinion. I've told YOU that.

You'd be interesting to talk to if you'd stop being so damn dishonest.

Isn't she a treat. She'd like to respond to you, but the conversation she's having with herself is always much more compelling...
I'm thinking there's really not much point in me continuing, since she's having an argument with the voices in her head. :cuckoo:

You're right. There is no point in continuing to talk to you.

You're not willing to see things from my point of view. I see your point of view, but you refuse to see mine.

That's not a conversation. It's you telling me what I should think. You don't have to agree with me, all I'm asking for is for you to understand my point of view.

Rather than talk TO me, you'd rather talk to someone about me.

Take care dave. It seems you'd rather just talk to people who agree with you.
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Isn't she a treat. She'd like to respond to you, but the conversation she's having with herself is always much more compelling...
I'm thinking there's really not much point in me continuing, since she's having an argument with the voices in her head. :cuckoo:

You're right. There is no point in continuing to talk to you.

You're not willing to see things from my point of view. I see your point of view, but you refuse to see mine.

That's not a conversation. It's you telling me what I should think. You don't have to agree with me, all I'm asking for is for you to understand my point of view.

Rather than talk TO me, you'd rather talk to someone about me.
You're a liar. You keep intentionally distorting what I say.

So fuck off.
I'm thinking there's really not much point in me continuing, since she's having an argument with the voices in her head. :cuckoo:

You're right. There is no point in continuing to talk to you.

You're not willing to see things from my point of view. I see your point of view, but you refuse to see mine.

That's not a conversation. It's you telling me what I should think. You don't have to agree with me, all I'm asking for is for you to understand my point of view.

Rather than talk TO me, you'd rather talk to someone about me.
You're a liar. You keep intentionally distorting what I say.

So fuck off.

Goodbye dave. Have fun talking to people who agree with you.
...how do you expect him to save you? :eusa_eh:

This seems like a fatal theological flaw if ever there was one.

Why don't you read (and try to COMPREHEND) about Yeshua? Then you would know for yourself. If you don't want to do the whole Bible, read Genesis (it is important to understand why the muslims are sooooo, angry), then Jerimiah (compare to Middle ages Europe), then Ezekiel (to see what really makes the Lord, angry), and then the Gospels. Take your time. Say a small prayer for comprehension before you start reading each time, and learn! You may even find some things that are happening, currently.
You're right. There is no point in continuing to talk to you.

You're not willing to see things from my point of view. I see your point of view, but you refuse to see mine.

That's not a conversation. It's you telling me what I should think. You don't have to agree with me, all I'm asking for is for you to understand my point of view.

Rather than talk TO me, you'd rather talk to someone about me.
You're a liar. You keep intentionally distorting what I say.

So fuck off.

Goodbye dave. Have fun talking to people who agree with you.
I have fun talking to people who disagree with me, too.

But I don't have fun talking to people who lie and distort my views.
...how do you expect him to save you? :eusa_eh:

This seems like a fatal theological flaw if ever there was one.

Why don't you read (and try to COMPREHEND) about Yeshua? Then you would know for yourself. If you don't want to do the whole Bible, read Genesis (it is important to understand why the muslims are sooooo, angry), then Jerimiah (compare to Middle ages Europe), then Ezekiel (to see what really makes the Lord, angry), and then the Gospels. Take your time. Say a small prayer for comprehension before you start reading each time, and learn! You may even find some things that are happening, currently.
He's got his mind made up. He's not interested in anything that contradicts it.
...how do you expect him to save you? :eusa_eh:

This seems like a fatal theological flaw if ever there was one.

Why don't you read (and try to COMPREHEND) about Yeshua? Then you would know for yourself. If you don't want to do the whole Bible, read Genesis (it is important to understand why the muslims are sooooo, angry), then Jerimiah (compare to Middle ages Europe), then Ezekiel (to see what really makes the Lord, angry), and then the Gospels. Take your time. Say a small prayer for comprehension before you start reading each time, and learn! You may even find some things that are happening, currently.
He's got his mind made up. He's not interested in anything that contradicts it.

And you're different how? You've made your mind up about me and you're not interested in hearing anything that contradicts that.

Wonky asked a question, irreverent as it was. Who's actually answered it?
You're a liar. You keep intentionally distorting what I say.

So fuck off.

Goodbye dave. Have fun talking to people who agree with you.
I have fun talking to people who disagree with me, too.

But I don't have fun talking to people who lie and distort my views.

Let's examine that. You caught me making a broadbush statement. I admitted it.

I've misunderstood your position. I interpreted some of what you said incorrectly. You're calling that deliberate distortion and lies.

I'm relieved that you aren't talking to me anymore.

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...how do you expect him to save you? :eusa_eh:

This seems like a fatal theological flaw if ever there was one.

Why don't you read (and try to COMPREHEND) about Yeshua? Then you would know for yourself. If you don't want to do the whole Bible, read Genesis (it is important to understand why the muslims are sooooo, angry), then Jerimiah (compare to Middle ages Europe), then Ezekiel (to see what really makes the Lord, angry), and then the Gospels. Take your time. Say a small prayer for comprehension before you start reading each time, and learn! You may even find some things that are happening, currently.

Here is what I don't understand. Wonky isn't a Christian. Why should he pray to your God, the one he doesn't believe in, or read the Bible?

It doesn't make sense. Are you trying to convert him? Is your goal that he value the Bible the way you do?
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...how do you expect him to save you? :eusa_eh:

This seems like a fatal theological flaw if ever there was one.

Why don't you read (and try to COMPREHEND) about Yeshua? Then you would know for yourself. If you don't want to do the whole Bible, read Genesis (it is important to understand why the muslims are sooooo, angry), then Jerimiah (compare to Middle ages Europe), then Ezekiel (to see what really makes the Lord, angry), and then the Gospels. Take your time. Say a small prayer for comprehension before you start reading each time, and learn! You may even find some things that are happening, currently.

Here is what I don't understand. Wonky isn't a Christian. Why should he pray to your God, the one he doesn't believe in, or read the Bible?

It doesn't make sense. Are you trying to convert him? Is your goal that he value the Bible the way you do?

He asked a question. His question was disrespectful and mocking. I suggested he go to the source. I even suggested an abbreviated path so he could have a clue about the Lord. I did not suggest that he should "believe". I suggested that he should comprehend. If you want to have a conversation, it is easier if you understand what the other person is trying to say. His question suggested that he did not understand anything of Yeshua.
If he reads that, I believe that question will change. Since he would then have some comprehension of the subject, his question(s) would make more sense to those of us that try to comprehend the Bible.

I have no interest in "converting" him. I gave him a choice. The Lord gave him the ability to reason. We will see if he chooses to use it.

I have read about your faith from time to time. I am aware that I do not understand it fully. If I meet someone that I respect in that faith, I will ask them questions and try to understand why they made that choice. It does not mean that I am interested in converting.
Then why did you whine like a little bitch demanding to see my resume and then claim I lied when I did?

Take your time. I can tell you haven't given this any thought. At all.

Was wondering when you'd tumble....

I "asked" for proof of what you said for a simple reason: to show that it was IMPOSSIBLE to prove or disprove any of it on an anonymous forum like this one.

Starting to get it now?
Interesting backpedal. Not convincing, but interesting. :lol:

And it's incorrect. I could post my performance reports and decoration citations to prove everything I've said. Butthurt sissy bedwetters would still claim it's all faked, though.

Look, I know you're probably bitter that you haven't really accomplished anything. But you only have yourself to blame.

The fact that you even CARE whether I've accomplished anything is, by itself, ample proof that you don't want debate.
...how do you expect him to save you? :eusa_eh:

This seems like a fatal theological flaw if ever there was one.

Why don't you read (and try to COMPREHEND) about Yeshua? Then you would know for yourself. If you don't want to do the whole Bible, read Genesis (it is important to understand why the muslims are sooooo, angry), then Jerimiah (compare to Middle ages Europe), then Ezekiel (to see what really makes the Lord, angry), and then the Gospels. Take your time. Say a small prayer for comprehension before you start reading each time, and learn! You may even find some things that are happening, currently.

If you're as logical as your screen name, surely you can explain it to me.
Isn't she a treat. She'd like to respond to you, but the conversation she's having with herself is always much more compelling...
I'm thinking there's really not much point in me continuing, since she's having an argument with the voices in her head. :cuckoo:

You're right. There is no point in continuing to talk to you.

You're not willing to see things from my point of view. I see your point of view, but you refuse to see mine.

That's not a conversation. It's you telling me what I should think. You don't have to agree with me, all I'm asking for is for you to understand my point of view.

Rather than talk TO me, you'd rather talk to someone about me.

Take care dave. It seems you'd rather just talk to people who agree with you.

It would be very difficult to see things from your point of view. Even if I could get my head that far up my ass, it would then require major surgery to remove it, and I'm not sure my insurance covers that.

Show of hands, everyone who thinks Sky sees HER IMAGINING of what others' points of view are, rather than the actual points of view? :eusa_hand:

On the other hand, I'd say daveman and Allie understand your point of view pretty well . . . which is probably why you're so pissy at them now.
...how do you expect him to save you? :eusa_eh:

This seems like a fatal theological flaw if ever there was one.

Why don't you read (and try to COMPREHEND) about Yeshua? Then you would know for yourself. If you don't want to do the whole Bible, read Genesis (it is important to understand why the muslims are sooooo, angry), then Jerimiah (compare to Middle ages Europe), then Ezekiel (to see what really makes the Lord, angry), and then the Gospels. Take your time. Say a small prayer for comprehension before you start reading each time, and learn! You may even find some things that are happening, currently.

What on Earth made you think Wonky was actually interested in understanding anything about Christians, Christianity, or God? His entire purpose here is to be insulting and offensive, and thereby convince himself that he's a very clever fellow (dullards often mistake offensiveness for incisiveness, for some reason).
Why don't you read (and try to COMPREHEND) about Yeshua? Then you would know for yourself. If you don't want to do the whole Bible, read Genesis (it is important to understand why the muslims are sooooo, angry), then Jerimiah (compare to Middle ages Europe), then Ezekiel (to see what really makes the Lord, angry), and then the Gospels. Take your time. Say a small prayer for comprehension before you start reading each time, and learn! You may even find some things that are happening, currently.
He's got his mind made up. He's not interested in anything that contradicts it.

And you're different how? You've made your mind up about me and you're not interested in hearing anything that contradicts that.

Wonky asked a question, irreverent as it was. Who's actually answered it?

Multiple people have answered it, multiple times. The fact that it wasn't the answer he wanted to hear, aka. "You're so right, Christianity is obviously a pile of shit, HOW could I have been so foolish all this time as to believe it?" doesn't negate the fact that answers were provided, and with a great deal more depth of thought than Wonky offered or deserved.
...how do you expect him to save you? :eusa_eh:

This seems like a fatal theological flaw if ever there was one.

Why don't you read (and try to COMPREHEND) about Yeshua? Then you would know for yourself. If you don't want to do the whole Bible, read Genesis (it is important to understand why the muslims are sooooo, angry), then Jerimiah (compare to Middle ages Europe), then Ezekiel (to see what really makes the Lord, angry), and then the Gospels. Take your time. Say a small prayer for comprehension before you start reading each time, and learn! You may even find some things that are happening, currently.

Here is what I don't understand. Wonky isn't a Christian. Why should he pray to your God, the one he doesn't believe in, or read the Bible?

It doesn't make sense. Are you trying to convert him? Is your goal that he value the Bible the way you do?

Why should he read the Bible? Because he's presuming to wander around criticizing it, that's why. What would you say if I started a thread suggesting that the teachings of Buddha were nothing but the rantings of a lunatic who spent way too much time by himself and probably needed to get laid more? I know what you'd say, and so do you, if you could bring yourself to be honest enough to admit it. You'd say, "Have you actually READ them?"

How about if I then responded with, "I don't need to read them. I'm not a Buddhist. I have a right to express an opinion about anything I want, whether I've studied it or not"? You'd dismiss me as an ignorant pissant who wants nothing more than to be offensive and insulting just to get attention, and you'd be right to do so.

However, since it was CHRISTIANITY that was being attacked without a shred of information and education . . . well, THAT'S different. NOW it's a valid observation that deserves to be answered with respect and deep thought, regardless of the fact that it's founded on an ignorance of the Bible so profound that I'm starting to wonder if your asshole buddy has ever even SEEN a Bible.

Hypocrisy, thy name is, as always, Sky Dancer. And don't even waste our time trying to deny any of it.
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I'm not a christian, but according to the Bible it seems like he wanted to get in trouble (crucifixion) to absolve people of their sins.

According to the Bible, he had no interest in getting into THAT kind of trouble.

That's why he said "My Lord, my Lord, why have you abandoned me?" when he was on the cross.
Hold on one fucking minute. I thought Geeziss was Gawd ? They must have drugged him if he was talking to himself :confused:
Possibly with ......................
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hnYT7cheob0]‪Manna - psilocybin mushroom documentary‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

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