If Jesus couldn't keep HIMSELF out of trouble...

Here is what I don't understand. Wonky isn't a Christian. Why should he pray to your God, the one he doesn't believe in, or read the Bible?

It doesn't make sense. Are you trying to convert him? Is your goal that he value the Bible the way you do?

He asked a question. His question was disrespectful and mocking. I suggested he go to the source. I even suggested an abbreviated path so he could have a clue about the Lord. I did not suggest that he should "believe". I suggested that he should comprehend. If you want to have a conversation, it is easier if you understand what the other person is trying to say. His question suggested that he did not understand anything of Yeshua.
If he reads that, I believe that question will change. Since he would then have some comprehension of the subject, his question(s) would make more sense to those of us that try to comprehend the Bible.

I have no interest in "converting" him. I gave him a choice. The Lord gave him the ability to reason. We will see if he chooses to use it.

I have read about your faith from time to time. I am aware that I do not understand it fully. If I meet someone that I respect in that faith, I will ask them questions and try to understand why they made that choice. It does not mean that I am interested in converting.

Do you really expect an atheist to respect religion? I agree that the OP was making fun of Jesus at Christians expense. As for him being disrespectful and mocking, that seems to be an equal opportunity posting experience here. I read plenty of posts by Christians who are disrespectful and mocking of non-christians.

If the bible isn't your spiritual book, why bother reading it?

I've read the bible from cover to cover. What interests me in the bible, no christian here is interested in talking about.

I'm interested in mysticism. Folks here, a bunch of them, seem to take the bible literally.

I think the bible is full of allegory and metaphor.

What does this have to do with "his" question?
Why don't you read (and try to COMPREHEND) about Yeshua? Then you would know for yourself. If you don't want to do the whole Bible, read Genesis (it is important to understand why the muslims are sooooo, angry), then Jerimiah (compare to Middle ages Europe), then Ezekiel (to see what really makes the Lord, angry), and then the Gospels. Take your time. Say a small prayer for comprehension before you start reading each time, and learn! You may even find some things that are happening, currently.

If you're as logical as your screen name, surely you can explain it to me.

If you are as intelligent as your avitar looks, you will do your research.

Done. I've read the Bible and many interpretations of many books and chapters therein. Your turn.
You couldn't cite so much as one example. I rest my case.
Really? Are you claiming I've never offered links to back up my claims?


Reality says you're wrong. But you never let that get in your way before, have you?

Too little, too late.
Sticking your fingers in your ears and shouting LA LA LA LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!

How very typical.
Absolutely wrong. I want evidence that your views are based on something concrete.
Yes, I expect that's what comprises the bulk of your resume.
The only thing that anyone here can base their views on is outside evidence. Not their self-proclaimed accomplishments, which can't be verified. You rarely point to outside evidence...
...which is why you're so looked down on.
And now you feel qualified to speak for others?

My, what an arrogant asshole.
And, typically, WP didn't respond to the first and third parts of my post.

See, if he pretends they're not there, it's like they don't really exist.

Magical thinking.
If you are as intelligent as your avitar looks, you will do your research.

Done. I've read the Bible and many interpretations of many books and chapters therein. Your turn.
And obviously, you didn't understand what you read.

And just as obviously, you're not qualified to speak on the subject, or you would substantiate that.

It amazes me that anyone else here wastes time on your ramblings....
Done. I've read the Bible and many interpretations of many books and chapters therein. Your turn.
And obviously, you didn't understand what you read.

And just as obviously, you're not qualified to speak on the subject, or you would substantiate that.
I did that already, too.
Hi Wonky Pundit,

I am not sure what point you are trying to make.
Can you explain how Jesus, trouble and being saved are connected?


It stands to reason that keeping yourself out of physical peril is necessary before you can save even your own soul, much less billions of others.

If you have a logical way to resolve that dilemma, I'd love to hear it.
As has been repeatedly explained to you, there is no dilemma. Jesus' purpose on Earth was to be the perfect sacrifice, the Lamb of God.
It really is immature of you, pretending things you don't like don't exist.
It amazes me that anyone else here wastes time on your ramblings....
It amazes me how big a sissy bedwetter you are.

Grow up, kid.
Done. I've read the Bible and many interpretations of many books and chapters therein. Your turn.
And obviously, you didn't understand what you read.

And just as obviously, you're not qualified to speak on the subject, or you would substantiate that.

It amazes me that anyone else here wastes time on your ramblings....

People who read the Bible and live by it's teachings are qualified to speak about it.
Can't argue the point, so you attack? Join the club; it's big around here.
What is your point? State an example where Jesus couldn't keep himself out of trouble? You know what, you can't. So your post is stupid. Get a life.

Of course I can: even the trolls on this thread know what the reference is to.

Crucifixion is trouble, unless you're a suicidal masochist.

The operative word isn't "trouble", ass clown. It's "couldn't".
Here is what I don't understand. Wonky isn't a Christian. Why should he pray to your God, the one he doesn't believe in, or read the Bible?

It doesn't make sense. Are you trying to convert him? Is your goal that he value the Bible the way you do?

He asked a question. His question was disrespectful and mocking. I suggested he go to the source. I even suggested an abbreviated path so he could have a clue about the Lord. I did not suggest that he should "believe". I suggested that he should comprehend. If you want to have a conversation, it is easier if you understand what the other person is trying to say. His question suggested that he did not understand anything of Yeshua.
If he reads that, I believe that question will change. Since he would then have some comprehension of the subject, his question(s) would make more sense to those of us that try to comprehend the Bible.

I have no interest in "converting" him. I gave him a choice. The Lord gave him the ability to reason. We will see if he chooses to use it.

I have read about your faith from time to time. I am aware that I do not understand it fully. If I meet someone that I respect in that faith, I will ask them questions and try to understand why they made that choice. It does not mean that I am interested in converting.

Do you really expect an atheist to respect religion? I agree that the OP was making fun of Jesus at Christians expense. As for him being disrespectful and mocking, that seems to be an equal opportunity posting experience here. I read plenty of posts by Christians who are disrespectful and mocking of non-christians.

If the bible isn't your spiritual book, why bother reading it?

I've read the bible from cover to cover. What interests me in the bible, no christian here is interested in talking about.

I'm interested in mysticism. Folks here, a bunch of them, seem to take the bible literally.

I think the bible is full of allegory and metaphor.

As it happens, yes, I DO expect an atheist to be able to respect religion. After all, no one questions the idea that I should be able to respect religious beliefs other than my own. Are you suggesting that the entire basis for atheist beliefs is merely a visceral hatred of and hostility toward any and all religion? I thought they boasted of having come to their beliefs through calm, reasoned logic, which would seem to lend itself to respecting the differing decisions and beliefs of others. :confused:

I do so love the "well, everyone else does it, or at least I'm claiming that they do, so that makes it okay for the person I agree with to do it" argument. It's so incredibly juvenile, and always the last resort of someone who knows himself revealed as a hypocritical poltroon.
Do you really expect an atheist to respect religion? I agree that the OP was making fun of Jesus at Christians expense. As for him being disrespectful and mocking, that seems to be an equal opportunity posting experience here. I read plenty of posts by Christians who are disrespectful and mocking of non-christians.

If the bible isn't your spiritual book, why bother reading it?

I've read the bible from cover to cover. What interests me in the bible, no christian here is interested in talking about.

I'm interested in mysticism. Folks here, a bunch of them, seem to take the bible literally.

I think the bible is full of allegory and metaphor.

Good for you.

And so?

Clearly, discussing my understanding of the mystical meaning of the bible isn't the topic here.

Nope. If you want to talk about YOUR insulting opinions about the Bible, you'll have to start a thread for it. THIS thread is about Wonky's insulting opinion about the Bible.
I brought it up because the discussion is about bible teachings and the meaning of Jesus. I have my own opinions about that.

It seems that unless a poster is a practicing Christian, some of you Christian folks would rather we didn't post anything about Jesus.

No, it isn't. A topic like that would require a serious, thoughtful, respectful OP to introduce it, and we don't have one of those.

The topic here is, "How big an uneducated, adolescent troll is Wonky, really, and how many times can we smack him into the dirt before Sky stops apologizing for him and trying to pretend he's worth pissing on if he were on fire?"

A poster who is not a Christian is more than welcome to post concerning Christianity, provided he does so with the same amount of courtesy and respect thereto as would be demanded for any OTHER religion. Otherwise, he will receive the same short shrift any other religionist would feel more than entitled to give in the same situation, and the same as YOU would defend if it were not Christianity being attacked.
Done. I've read the Bible and many interpretations of many books and chapters therein. Your turn.
And obviously, you didn't understand what you read.

And just as obviously, you're not qualified to speak on the subject, or you would substantiate that.

It amazes me that anyone else here wastes time on your ramblings....

You have GOT to be fucking kidding me. "You would substantiate that"? Really, ass clown? Did you hit your head last night and just wake up in a whole new world this morning, where the entire multiple-page thread of various people explaining why your post was a steaming pile of bigot-shit never happened and didn't exist? Or do you just WISH something could allow you to live in a world where your bullshit hadn't been torn to ribbons and shoved back down your throat? :cuckoo:
And obviously, you didn't understand what you read.

And just as obviously, you're not qualified to speak on the subject, or you would substantiate that.

It amazes me that anyone else here wastes time on your ramblings....

People who read the Bible and live by it's teachings are qualified to speak about it.

No, ignorant bitch, people who read the Bible and understand what it says are qualified to speak about it and have their opinions respected, at least marginally.
And obviously, you didn't understand what you read.

And just as obviously, you're not qualified to speak on the subject, or you would substantiate that.

It amazes me that anyone else here wastes time on your ramblings....

You have GOT to be fucking kidding me. "You would substantiate that"? Really, ass clown? Did you hit your head last night and just wake up in a whole new world this morning, where the entire multiple-page thread of various people explaining why your post was a steaming pile of bigot-shit never happened and didn't exist? Or do you just WISH something could allow you to live in a world where your bullshit hadn't been torn to ribbons and shoved back down your throat? :cuckoo:

Magical thinking. He believes what he says defines reality. Oh, granted, it works inside his head, but out here in the real world -- not so much.
He asked a question. His question was disrespectful and mocking. I suggested he go to the source. I even suggested an abbreviated path so he could have a clue about the Lord. I did not suggest that he should "believe". I suggested that he should comprehend. If you want to have a conversation, it is easier if you understand what the other person is trying to say. His question suggested that he did not understand anything of Yeshua.
If he reads that, I believe that question will change. Since he would then have some comprehension of the subject, his question(s) would make more sense to those of us that try to comprehend the Bible.

I have no interest in "converting" him. I gave him a choice. The Lord gave him the ability to reason. We will see if he chooses to use it.

I have read about your faith from time to time. I am aware that I do not understand it fully. If I meet someone that I respect in that faith, I will ask them questions and try to understand why they made that choice. It does not mean that I am interested in converting.

Do you really expect an atheist to respect religion? I agree that the OP was making fun of Jesus at Christians expense. As for him being disrespectful and mocking, that seems to be an equal opportunity posting experience here. I read plenty of posts by Christians who are disrespectful and mocking of non-christians.

If the bible isn't your spiritual book, why bother reading it?

I've read the bible from cover to cover. What interests me in the bible, no christian here is interested in talking about.

I'm interested in mysticism. Folks here, a bunch of them, seem to take the bible literally.

I think the bible is full of allegory and metaphor.

As it happens, yes, I DO expect an atheist to be able to respect religion. After all, no one questions the idea that I should be able to respect religious beliefs other than my own. Are you suggesting that the entire basis for atheist beliefs is merely a visceral hatred of and hostility toward any and all religion? I thought they boasted of having come to their beliefs through calm, reasoned logic, which would seem to lend itself to respecting the differing decisions and beliefs of others. :confused:

I do so love the "well, everyone else does it, or at least I'm claiming that they do, so that makes it okay for the person I agree with to do it" argument. It's so incredibly juvenile, and always the last resort of someone who knows himself revealed as a hypocritical poltroon.

Why should an atheist respect your religion when you don't respect their views?

You seem to have no problem feeling hostile toward atheists, yet you think they shouldn't feel hostile toward you.
And just as obviously, you're not qualified to speak on the subject, or you would substantiate that.

It amazes me that anyone else here wastes time on your ramblings....

You have GOT to be fucking kidding me. "You would substantiate that"? Really, ass clown? Did you hit your head last night and just wake up in a whole new world this morning, where the entire multiple-page thread of various people explaining why your post was a steaming pile of bigot-shit never happened and didn't exist? Or do you just WISH something could allow you to live in a world where your bullshit hadn't been torn to ribbons and shoved back down your throat? :cuckoo:

Magical thinking. He believes what he says defines reality. Oh, granted, it works inside his head, but out here in the real world -- not so much.

It never fails. I put someone on ignore and they continue to follow me like a lovesick puppy.

Call me Petruchio; another shrew is tamed. :lol:

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