If Jesus couldn't keep HIMSELF out of trouble...

Do you really expect an atheist to respect religion? I agree that the OP was making fun of Jesus at Christians expense. As for him being disrespectful and mocking, that seems to be an equal opportunity posting experience here. I read plenty of posts by Christians who are disrespectful and mocking of non-christians.

If the bible isn't your spiritual book, why bother reading it?

I've read the bible from cover to cover. What interests me in the bible, no christian here is interested in talking about.

I'm interested in mysticism. Folks here, a bunch of them, seem to take the bible literally.

I think the bible is full of allegory and metaphor.

As it happens, yes, I DO expect an atheist to be able to respect religion. After all, no one questions the idea that I should be able to respect religious beliefs other than my own. Are you suggesting that the entire basis for atheist beliefs is merely a visceral hatred of and hostility toward any and all religion? I thought they boasted of having come to their beliefs through calm, reasoned logic, which would seem to lend itself to respecting the differing decisions and beliefs of others. :confused:

I do so love the "well, everyone else does it, or at least I'm claiming that they do, so that makes it okay for the person I agree with to do it" argument. It's so incredibly juvenile, and always the last resort of someone who knows himself revealed as a hypocritical poltroon.

Why should an atheist respect your religion when you don't respect their views?

You seem to have no problem feeling hostile toward atheists, yet you think they shouldn't feel hostile toward you.

Who ever said I don't respect their views? I realize liberal snivelers interpret anything other than "You are SOOO brilliant! May I buff your ass cheeks with my lips a little more?!" as disrespectful, but the fact remains that I have never once indicated that I don't respect honest atheism and people's right to hold that belief.

What I treat with extreme contempt is the ATTITUDE that seems to be near-universal with atheists: "I'm an atheist because I'm so goddamned smart, and it's the only POSSIBLE choice for smart people, and religious people are all ignorant, three-toothed hicks."
As it happens, yes, I DO expect an atheist to be able to respect religion. After all, no one questions the idea that I should be able to respect religious beliefs other than my own. Are you suggesting that the entire basis for atheist beliefs is merely a visceral hatred of and hostility toward any and all religion? I thought they boasted of having come to their beliefs through calm, reasoned logic, which would seem to lend itself to respecting the differing decisions and beliefs of others. :confused:

I do so love the "well, everyone else does it, or at least I'm claiming that they do, so that makes it okay for the person I agree with to do it" argument. It's so incredibly juvenile, and always the last resort of someone who knows himself revealed as a hypocritical poltroon.

Why should an atheist respect your religion when you don't respect their views?

You seem to have no problem feeling hostile toward atheists, yet you think they shouldn't feel hostile toward you.

Who ever said I don't respect their views? I realize liberal snivelers interpret anything other than "You are SOOO brilliant! May I buff your ass cheeks with my lips a little more?!" as disrespectful, but the fact remains that I have never once indicated that I don't respect honest atheism and people's right to hold that belief.

What I treat with extreme contempt is the ATTITUDE that seems to be near-universal with atheists: "I'm an atheist because I'm so goddamned smart, and it's the only POSSIBLE choice for smart people, and religious people are all ignorant, three-toothed hicks."
:lol: .... "buff your ass cheeks".

You have GOT to be fucking kidding me. "You would substantiate that"? Really, ass clown? Did you hit your head last night and just wake up in a whole new world this morning, where the entire multiple-page thread of various people explaining why your post was a steaming pile of bigot-shit never happened and didn't exist? Or do you just WISH something could allow you to live in a world where your bullshit hadn't been torn to ribbons and shoved back down your throat? :cuckoo:

Magical thinking. He believes what he says defines reality. Oh, granted, it works inside his head, but out here in the real world -- not so much.

It never fails. I put someone on ignore and they continue to follow me like a lovesick puppy.

Call me Petruchio; another shrew is tamed. :lol:
I saw a story on Space.com this morning. It said the world doesn't revolve around you.

I'll give you a moment to get over the shock.

Arrogant prick.
Magical thinking. He believes what he says defines reality. Oh, granted, it works inside his head, but out here in the real world -- not so much.

It never fails. I put someone on ignore and they continue to follow me like a lovesick puppy.

Call me Petruchio; another shrew is tamed. :lol:
I saw a story on Space.com this morning. It said the world doesn't revolve around you.

I'll give you a moment to get over the shock.

Arrogant prick.

The only part of space you're likely ever to understand is Uranus.
It never fails. I put someone on ignore and they continue to follow me like a lovesick puppy.

Call me Petruchio; another shrew is tamed. :lol:
I saw a story on Space.com this morning. It said the world doesn't revolve around you.

I'll give you a moment to get over the shock.

Arrogant prick.

The only part of space you're likely ever to understand is Uranus.
Oooh...someone doesn't like to be reminded that he's a mere mortal. :lol:
As it happens, yes, I DO expect an atheist to be able to respect religion. After all, no one questions the idea that I should be able to respect religious beliefs other than my own. Are you suggesting that the entire basis for atheist beliefs is merely a visceral hatred of and hostility toward any and all religion? I thought they boasted of having come to their beliefs through calm, reasoned logic, which would seem to lend itself to respecting the differing decisions and beliefs of others. :confused:

I do so love the "well, everyone else does it, or at least I'm claiming that they do, so that makes it okay for the person I agree with to do it" argument. It's so incredibly juvenile, and always the last resort of someone who knows himself revealed as a hypocritical poltroon.

Why should an atheist respect your religion when you don't respect their views?

You seem to have no problem feeling hostile toward atheists, yet you think they shouldn't feel hostile toward you.

Who ever said I don't respect their views? I realize liberal snivelers interpret anything other than "You are SOOO brilliant! May I buff your ass cheeks with my lips a little more?!" as disrespectful, but the fact remains that I have never once indicated that I don't respect honest atheism and people's right to hold that belief.

What I treat with extreme contempt is the ATTITUDE that seems to be near-universal with atheists: "I'm an atheist because I'm so goddamned smart, and it's the only POSSIBLE choice for smart people, and religious people are all ignorant, three-toothed hicks."

Actually, we usually hear about how you're so smart and anyone who disagrees with you is stupid.

Can't we just accept that those of us who are atheists do so for our own, valid reasons, and those who are religious practice their religions for their own, valid, reasons?

You continually call liberals by contemptuous names or labels. It doesn't make for an interesting discussion. It's flaming.
Why should an atheist respect your religion when you don't respect their views?

You seem to have no problem feeling hostile toward atheists, yet you think they shouldn't feel hostile toward you.

Who ever said I don't respect their views? I realize liberal snivelers interpret anything other than "You are SOOO brilliant! May I buff your ass cheeks with my lips a little more?!" as disrespectful, but the fact remains that I have never once indicated that I don't respect honest atheism and people's right to hold that belief.

What I treat with extreme contempt is the ATTITUDE that seems to be near-universal with atheists: "I'm an atheist because I'm so goddamned smart, and it's the only POSSIBLE choice for smart people, and religious people are all ignorant, three-toothed hicks."
:lol: .... "buff your ass cheeks".


Sure you like that. Ridicule is your shtick. I don't know what it means, myself. I never heard anyone say it before.
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Why should an atheist respect your religion when you don't respect their views?

You seem to have no problem feeling hostile toward atheists, yet you think they shouldn't feel hostile toward you.

Who ever said I don't respect their views? I realize liberal snivelers interpret anything other than "You are SOOO brilliant! May I buff your ass cheeks with my lips a little more?!" as disrespectful, but the fact remains that I have never once indicated that I don't respect honest atheism and people's right to hold that belief.

What I treat with extreme contempt is the ATTITUDE that seems to be near-universal with atheists: "I'm an atheist because I'm so goddamned smart, and it's the only POSSIBLE choice for smart people, and religious people are all ignorant, three-toothed hicks."

Actually, we usually hear about how you're so smart and anyone who disagrees with you is stupid.

Can't we just accept that those of us who are atheists do so for our own, valid reasons, and those who are religious practice their religions for their own, valid, reasons?

You continually call liberals by contemptuous names or labels. It doesn't make for an interesting discussion. It's flaming.

1) I AM smart, and I have no intention of apologizing for it or hiding it just so you and your ilk won't feel intimidated.

2) I don't consider my religious views to be prima facie evidence of my smartness, or (most) other people's religious beliefs to be evidence of their ignorance. I judge such things solely based on their individual actions.

3) Not everyone who disagrees with me is stupid, or even viewed as stupid by me. It's not the disagreeing with me that's the problem. It's the doing it for pig-stupid reasons, or doing it so incoherently I can barely tell that you ARE disagreeing, or why.

For example, if a person says that abortion should remain legal because fetuses have much less claim on society than their mothers' interests do, I very much disagree with that person and think he's wrong. I DON'T, however, think he's stupid. It's simply a matter of opinion: arguable, but not necessarily factually incorrect.

On the other hand, a person who says abortion should remain legal because fetuses aren't people, or because they're part of the mother's body, or they're not alive and "blobs of tissue", then THAT person is stupid, and will be told so . . . not because he disagreed with me, but because he did so on a premise that is factually, provably wrong by any 10th-grade biology textbook.

4) I have no problem accepting that people make belief choices that differ from mine, so long as they don't feel their choices make them superior to others, or are the result of being superior. THAT attitude is going to earn a smackdown.

5) Of course I call liberals contemptuous names. That's because most of them have richly earned my contempt, and virtually all of their political positions are based on fallacies. It's hard to respect that, although there ARE some liberals on this board who have managed to be thoughtful and interesting enough to earn my courtesy. You just don't happen to be one of them.
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Who ever said I don't respect their views? I realize liberal snivelers interpret anything other than "You are SOOO brilliant! May I buff your ass cheeks with my lips a little more?!" as disrespectful, but the fact remains that I have never once indicated that I don't respect honest atheism and people's right to hold that belief.

What I treat with extreme contempt is the ATTITUDE that seems to be near-universal with atheists: "I'm an atheist because I'm so goddamned smart, and it's the only POSSIBLE choice for smart people, and religious people are all ignorant, three-toothed hicks."
:lol: .... "buff your ass cheeks".


Sure you like that. Ridicule is your shtick. I don't know what it means, myself. I never heard anyone say it before.

It means you think "respect" is defined as "having your ass kissed."

English must not be your first language.
Who ever said I don't respect their views? I realize liberal snivelers interpret anything other than "You are SOOO brilliant! May I buff your ass cheeks with my lips a little more?!" as disrespectful, but the fact remains that I have never once indicated that I don't respect honest atheism and people's right to hold that belief.

What I treat with extreme contempt is the ATTITUDE that seems to be near-universal with atheists: "I'm an atheist because I'm so goddamned smart, and it's the only POSSIBLE choice for smart people, and religious people are all ignorant, three-toothed hicks."
:lol: .... "buff your ass cheeks".


Sure you like that. Ridicule is your shtick. I don't know what it means, myself. I never heard anyone say it before.

Piss off, bitch. I'm not making your projections the topic.
:lol: .... "buff your ass cheeks".


Sure you like that. Ridicule is your shtick. I don't know what it means, myself. I never heard anyone say it before.

It means you think "respect" is defined as "having your ass kissed."English must not be your first language.

Not at all. . Do you have a problem with people whose first language isn't english?

You throw that out as an insult. A person who speaks more than one language is to be admired.
Sure you like that. Ridicule is your shtick. I don't know what it means, myself. I never heard anyone say it before.

It means you think "respect" is defined as "having your ass kissed."English must not be your first language.

Not at all. . Do you have a problem with people whose first language isn't english?

You throw that out as an insult. A person who speaks more than one language is to be admired.

It's only an insult when I know perfectly well that English IS your primary language. People who speak, read, and write their mother tongue as though they just learned it last year are NOT to be admired.
It means you think "respect" is defined as "having your ass kissed."English must not be your first language.

Not at all. . Do you have a problem with people whose first language isn't english?

You throw that out as an insult. A person who speaks more than one language is to be admired.

It's only an insult when I know perfectly well that English IS your primary language. People who speak, read, and write their mother tongue as though they just learned it last year are NOT to be admired.

Ah, it's that insult habit of yours.
You have GOT to be fucking kidding me. "You would substantiate that"? Really, ass clown? Did you hit your head last night and just wake up in a whole new world this morning, where the entire multiple-page thread of various people explaining why your post was a steaming pile of bigot-shit never happened and didn't exist? Or do you just WISH something could allow you to live in a world where your bullshit hadn't been torn to ribbons and shoved back down your throat? :cuckoo:

Magical thinking. He believes what he says defines reality. Oh, granted, it works inside his head, but out here in the real world -- not so much.

It never fails. I put someone on ignore and they continue to follow me like a lovesick puppy.

Call me Petruchio; another shrew is tamed. :lol:

Ignoring, is not taming. Silly boy.
Done. I've read the Bible and many interpretations of many books and chapters therein. Your turn.

Reading and comprehension are two, very different things.

Yes, naturally I misunderstood all that esoteric writing because - drum roll - YOU said so. :rolleyes:

So much for your logic.
No, you misunderstood all the writing because it doesn't support what you claim about it.

And you've also misunderstood everything everyone here has said to correct your misunderstanding.

Deliberately, I expect. Because you can't tolerate the idea of a power higher than yourself.
Reading and comprehension are two, very different things.

Yes, naturally I misunderstood all that esoteric writing because - drum roll - YOU said so. :rolleyes:

So much for your logic.
No, you misunderstood all the writing because it doesn't support what you claim about it.

And you've also misunderstood everything everyone here has said to correct your misunderstanding.

Deliberately, I expect. Because you can't tolerate the idea of a power higher than yourself.

Nature is more powerful than I am, Davey. I can't wipe out whole cities the way tsunamis can.

And if there is some supreme being, why should Jesus have had any different a relationship with it than most other people?
Done. I've read the Bible and many interpretations of many books and chapters therein. Your turn.

Reading and comprehension are two, very different things.

Yes, naturally I misunderstood all that esoteric writing because - drum roll - YOU said so. :rolleyes:

So much for your logic.

Okay then, you understand that the Lord created man and worked with the Hebrews to improve them spiritually?
You also understand that a covenant was set with Abraham, and renewed with Israel?
You understand that the Savior, the Christ was prosephized throughout the OT?
You understand that King David described how it would feel to die by crucifixion?
You understand that in the OT, the sins of the father were passed to his son?
You understand that in the new Covenant, the Lord will be written onto men's hearts, and there will be no need for someone to tell you there is a Lord?
You understand that covenants required a blood sacrifice?
You understand the Yeshua was the "priest" (he was wearing the official robes when he was taken into custody), He performed the ceremony of passover, He was the "sacrifice", and when He was finished, He said: it is done?
You understand that when the apostle that Yeshua loved went into the tomb, he had no understanding of why the burial cloths were there, but the Lord wasn't?
You understand that the apostles were terrified, and in hiding when Yeshua appeared to a room full of people (several witnesses)?
You understand that Yeshua called on the Holy Spirit to empower the apostles?
You understand the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit: Wisdom, Council, Understanding, Piety, Joy in the Fear of the Lord, Knowledge, and Fortitude?
You understand that these apostles went out into a hostile world to witness what they had learned?
You understand that these people and other witnesses were ridiculed, some were tortured, and some were murdered all for their faith?
You understand that none of the apostles gained (monetarily) from spreading the Good News?
You understand from the works/acts/teachings of these men, that Christianity was born?

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