If Jesus couldn't keep HIMSELF out of trouble...

Nature is more powerful than I am, Davey. I can't wipe out whole cities the way tsunamis can.

And if there is some supreme being, why should Jesus have had any different a relationship with it than most other people?

You answered your own question: Yeshua could command nature, and did.

How do you know, without citing an account written long after his death? :doubt:
I bet you've read -- and believe -- Howard Zinn.

No, you misunderstood all the writing because it doesn't support what you claim about it.

And you've also misunderstood everything everyone here has said to correct your misunderstanding.

Deliberately, I expect. Because you can't tolerate the idea of a power higher than yourself.

Nature is more powerful than I am, Davey. I can't wipe out whole cities the way tsunamis can.
Yet nature isn't sentient.
And if there is some supreme being, why should Jesus have had any different a relationship with it than most other people?
So...you DIDN'T read the Bible.

It figures you'd try to put 2 and 2 together and end up with Wednesday.
I just love witty and funny people. Cecil is tops.

She's exeptional good at ridicule. It's easy to appreciate her when she's directing the ridicule at someone you disagree with.

She used to be clever, but subsequently got lazy. Now she's trying to pawn off drivel that even WillowTree could manage to put together.

She intelligent, too bad she feels compelled to use it in ridicule. I'd find her arguments more convincing otherwise.
Not pretending that at all. Most of the people who wrote accounts about Yeshua probably believed them to the core. That doesn't mean their accounts were accurate.

From that statement, I can say that you don't believe any of the "written" history unless there are signed documents to back it up? You don't believe in the ancient cultures because there is no "accurate" accounts? You don't believe anything written about the middle ages because there are no "accurate" accounts?

I am so relieved, because for sure you can't "believe" in evolution, because there certainly aren't any "accurate" accounts of any of that BS.

Everyone is prone to error, and of course I'm not going to take just one historian's word at face value.

Most people look at corroborating evidence when they want to determine whether something is (at least probably) true. And yes, there's all sorts of non-written evidence about ancient cultures, the medieval period, and even evidence that supports Darwin's theory (imagine that!)

And surprise, that doesn't mean that Darwin explained it all perfectly, only that it's the best explanation for the evidence that has been developed so far.

Whoa, big boy, you'll hurt yourself trying to back paddle so fast!

How funny, there is more evidence and documents supporting the Biblical events than the 90 percent of the history, and there is no documentation of evolution occurring (fossils can be anything, and they do not have the time thing covered that well), yet you want to support "those" stories, and deny the Bible. You are now officially speaking out of both sides of your mouth.

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