If Joe Biden becomes president

I'm curious to hear people's opinion on this one.

If Biden becomes president, are you of the opinion that this would make George Soros the first foreign born leader of our nation or the second?
George who?
China and Iran are rooting for Biden big time. That should be all you need to know about who to vote for.

The whole world outside of Putin is cheering for Biden... they liked dealing with a sane United States
No. They liked dealing with a fucking coin operated pushover. Biden and his sissy-assed boss were both easy makes.

China and Iran love dealing with pussy cat presidents and their appeasing, easily corrupted Secretaries of State.

They really hate dealing with a strong President who wants nothing more than fair trade agreements and peace.

To hell with the CCP and the Iranian Theocracy of Islam.

To hell with any and all anti-American assholes that favor the socialism represented by Joe Biden's string-pulling puppeteers.
China and Iran are rooting for Biden big time. That should be all you need to know about who to vote for.

The whole world outside of Putin is cheering for Biden... they liked dealing with a sane United States
You talking about sanity is like Rosie O'Donnell talking about beauty.

Joe may be a popular choice, but it is the fact he is an influence peddler that makes him one.
No. They liked dealing with a fucking coin operated pushover. Biden and his sissy-assed boss were both easy makes.

China and Iran love dealing with pussy cat presidents and their appeasing, easily corrupted Secretaries of State.

They really hate dealing with a strong President who wants nothing more than fair trade agreements and peace.

To hell with the CCP and the Iranian Theocracy of Islam.

To hell with any and all anti-American assholes that favor the socialism represented by Joe Biden's string-pulling puppeteers.

Hey, Dummy, China isn't paying those tariffs, you are.

It's not just China and Iran who dislike Trump breaking every agreement made in the past, it's our European Allies, it's our Asian allies, and so on. The whole world is going to be happy to see Trump gone.
No. They liked dealing with a fucking coin operated pushover. Biden and his sissy-assed boss were both easy makes.

China and Iran love dealing with pussy cat presidents and their appeasing, easily corrupted Secretaries of State.

They really hate dealing with a strong President who wants nothing more than fair trade agreements and peace.

To hell with the CCP and the Iranian Theocracy of Islam.

To hell with any and all anti-American assholes that favor the socialism represented by Joe Biden's string-pulling puppeteers.

Hey, Dummy, China isn't paying those tariffs, you are.

It's not just China and Iran who dislike Trump breaking every agreement made in the past, it's our European Allies, it's our Asian allies, and so on. The whole world is going to be happy to see Trump gone.
China just recently made the largest purchase of corn from the United States...EVER. China needs us a lot more than we need them.

I don't much of what is made in China. When our tariffs on products from China get high, purchasers move to other sources.
China just recently made the largest purchase of corn from the United States...EVER. China needs us a lot more than we need them.

I don't much of what is made in China. When our tariffs on products from China get high, purchasers move to other sources.

Are you quite possibly retarded? Corn purchases have nothing to do with Trump or Tariffs...

Okay. China makes a Widget for 2.00. Trump throws a fifty cent Tariff on it for 2.50. It's still cheaper than the American made widget that costs 3.00. Soooooo- Who is paying that fifty cents? Not China. It's the consumer/end user.

So Trump raises your taxes and you cheer him because... reasons.
I don't much of what is made in China. When our tariffs on products from China get high, purchasers move to other sources.

Well, maybe you should do your research before flapping your gums.

The reality is, they won't be made here. They won't be made here because it's too expensive to make them.

So some big corporation moves their factory from Shanghai to Ho Chi Mihn City. They were doing that anyway because Chinese labor is becoming more expensive as the country becomes more affluent, but the Vietnamese will work for dirt cheap.
If Biden gets elected it will be like a billionaire who leaves his company to his kid and the kid runs it into the ground in a year. Biden and his marxist-communist party will turn this country into a dangerous third world shithole within a year. But there will be a lot more billionaire Democrat politicians.
China just recently made the largest purchase of corn from the United States...EVER. China needs us a lot more than we need them.

I don't much of what is made in China. When our tariffs on products from China get high, purchasers move to other sources.

Are you quite possibly retarded? Corn purchases have nothing to do with Trump or Tariffs...

Okay. China makes a Widget for 2.00. Trump throws a fifty cent Tariff on it for 2.50. It's still cheaper than the American made widget that costs 3.00. Soooooo- Who is paying that fifty cents? Not China. It's the consumer/end user.

So Trump raises your taxes and you cheer him because... reasons.
The real issue is how long we can continue to have others make out products and keep our sovereignty. A lot has vanished already. Those nations want their large middle class also. They won't need us after awhile anymore.

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