If Joe Biden is the best the Democrats can do, they're in big trouble...

And if the man who called Tim Cook, 'Tim Apple' and than was so juvenile that he later said it was intentional to 'save time' and that he said 'cook' but silently///if that is the savior of the Republican party - they are in deep doodoo indeed.
...Joe Biden has run for President before, and he's never been too successful. He's kind of a moron. He once said he would do well in the South because his home state of Delaware was once a :"slave state." Really, he said this on TV, I saw it happen.

Manchin would be there best choice but he is White and not AOC approved so no chance.
Actually as a Democrat, Manchin might be a competitive candidate for President.

He is the only one on my list.

Andrew Cuomo and Joe Biden will never be approved by AOC and her supporters...

Those that are AOC approved like Sanders and Warren are too fringed and Sanders chance went by when he bent over and kissed Hillary ass in 2016.

As for Manchin he is too Conservative for the new Democratic Party and even though he would be a great candidate there is no way AOC will endorse him at all.

So with that unless Trump just goes full bonkers enjoy him and Pence another four years...
There are a lot of Democrats who vote that are not Progressive Socialists or do not agree with all of their policies. But their votes end up supporting Progressive Socialist agendas. Manchin may actually work with Repubs and be removed from Schumer/Reid type pressure.
Elizabeth Warren committed academic fraud, which is a big deal for those of us who don't believe that it's OK to advance your career through fraud.

How much of a role do you think that played in her getting the job? Do you think she wouldn't have been deemed qualified otherwise? Do you think Harvard will just hire any dumb ass that claims to be a Native American?
It doesn't negate her guilt to say that she might have been hired anyway. She is a fraud, and a cheat, and a liar. In some circles, character still matters.

In your circles? Really? You think so?
...Joe Biden has run for President before, and he's never been too successful. He's kind of a moron. He once said he would do well in the South because his home state of Delaware was once a :"slave state." Really, he said this on TV, I saw it happen.

Manchin would be there best choice but he is White and not AOC approved so no chance.
Actually as a Democrat, Manchin might be a competitive candidate for President.

He is the only one on my list.

Andrew Cuomo and Joe Biden will never be approved by AOC and her supporters...

Those that are AOC approved like Sanders and Warren are too fringed and Sanders chance went by when he bent over and kissed Hillary ass in 2016.

As for Manchin he is too Conservative for the new Democratic Party and even though he would be a great candidate there is no way AOC will endorse him at all.

So with that unless Trump just goes full bonkers enjoy him and Pence another four years...
There are a lot of Democrats who vote that are not Progressive Socialists or do not agree with all of their policies. But their votes end up supporting Progressive Socialist agendas. Manchin may actually work with Repubs and be removed from Schumer/Reid type pressure.

Reid, Schumer and Manchin are nothing like Sanders and Cortez.

I may not agree with Schumer or thought Reid was a puppet for Pelosi and Obama but they are to the right of Cortez and Sanders.

Sanders awoke the Democratic Socialist beast within the party knowing that now is the time to strike.

As many thought Trump would split the GOP it look like Cortez just might split the Democratic Party if Pelosi does not put a stake into the heart of Cortez political ambitions.

The Democrats are at a crossroads that might see them turn into something that many of us will vote against.

So as much as I like Manchin he has no chance for the nomination and neither does Biden because Cortez will never approve of them and her being the new darling of the left she will sway the college vote in 2020...
...Joe Biden has run for President before, and he's never been too successful. He's kind of a moron. He once said he would do well in the South because his home state of Delaware was once a :"slave state." Really, he said this on TV, I saw it happen.

Manchin would be there best choice but he is White and not AOC approved so no chance.

So their!
Reid, Schumer and Manchin are nothing like Sanders and Cortez.

I may not agree with Schumer or thought Reid was a puppet for Pelosi and Obama but they are to the right of Cortez and Sanders.

Sanders awoke the Democratic Socialist beast within the party knowing that now is the time to strike.

As many thought Trump would split the GOP it look like Cortez just might split the Democratic Party if Pelosi does not put a stake into the heart of Cortez political ambitions.

The Democrats are at a crossroads that might see them turn into something that many of us will vote against.

So as much as I like Manchin he has no chance for the nomination and neither does Biden because Cortez will never approve of them and her being the new darling of the left she will sway the college vote in 2020...

The only people I see obsessing about AOC are the crazy wingnuts who have lost their minds that this little Hispanic girl is talking back to them.
...Joe Biden has run for President before, and he's never been too successful. He's kind of a moron. He once said he would do well in the South because his home state of Delaware was once a :"slave state." Really, he said this on TV, I saw it happen.

Manchin would be there best choice but he is White and not AOC approved so no chance.

So their!

Would you like to explain to the board why your are trolling a civil conversation?

I made a mistake and that is your best option?

The other person I am conversing with fully understood what I wrote but you for some reason have to play the grammar police.

So am I upsetting you with the reality that Trump might win another term in office because your political party is lunging far left?

Am I upsetting you with the reality Cortez is the voice of the youth movement within your political party?

Those like Biden and Manchin stand no chance at obtaining the nomination because to do so they will need Cortez approval which is not happening.
...Joe Biden has run for President before, and he's never been too successful. He's kind of a moron. He once said he would do well in the South because his home state of Delaware was once a :"slave state." Really, he said this on TV, I saw it happen.

Manchin would be there best choice but he is White and not AOC approved so no chance.
Actually as a Democrat, Manchin might be a competitive candidate for President.

He is the only one on my list.

Andrew Cuomo and Joe Biden will never be approved by AOC and her supporters...

Those that are AOC approved like Sanders and Warren are too fringed and Sanders chance went by when he bent over and kissed Hillary ass in 2016.

As for Manchin he is too Conservative for the new Democratic Party and even though he would be a great candidate there is no way AOC will endorse him at all.

So with that unless Trump just goes full bonkers enjoy him and Pence another four years...
There are a lot of Democrats who vote that are not Progressive Socialists or do not agree with all of their policies. But their votes end up supporting Progressive Socialist agendas. Manchin may actually work with Repubs and be removed from Schumer/Reid type pressure.

Reid, Schumer and Manchin are nothing like Sanders and Cortez.

I may not agree with Schumer or thought Reid was a puppet for Pelosi and Obama but they are to the right of Cortez and Sanders.

Sanders awoke the Democratic Socialist beast within the party knowing that now is the time to strike.

As many thought Trump would split the GOP it look like Cortez just might split the Democratic Party if Pelosi does not put a stake into the heart of Cortez political ambitions.

The Democrats are at a crossroads that might see them turn into something that many of us will vote against.

So as much as I like Manchin he has no chance for the nomination and neither does Biden because Cortez will never approve of them and her being the new darling of the left she will sway the college vote in 2020...
I have mixed my votes over the decades. As of now it is still Trump for me. Clinton worked with Repubs after the 1994 vote. And probably could have done more.
Manchin would be there best choice but he is White and not AOC approved so no chance.
Actually as a Democrat, Manchin might be a competitive candidate for President.

He is the only one on my list.

Andrew Cuomo and Joe Biden will never be approved by AOC and her supporters...

Those that are AOC approved like Sanders and Warren are too fringed and Sanders chance went by when he bent over and kissed Hillary ass in 2016.

As for Manchin he is too Conservative for the new Democratic Party and even though he would be a great candidate there is no way AOC will endorse him at all.

So with that unless Trump just goes full bonkers enjoy him and Pence another four years...
There are a lot of Democrats who vote that are not Progressive Socialists or do not agree with all of their policies. But their votes end up supporting Progressive Socialist agendas. Manchin may actually work with Repubs and be removed from Schumer/Reid type pressure.

Reid, Schumer and Manchin are nothing like Sanders and Cortez.

I may not agree with Schumer or thought Reid was a puppet for Pelosi and Obama but they are to the right of Cortez and Sanders.

Sanders awoke the Democratic Socialist beast within the party knowing that now is the time to strike.

As many thought Trump would split the GOP it look like Cortez just might split the Democratic Party if Pelosi does not put a stake into the heart of Cortez political ambitions.

The Democrats are at a crossroads that might see them turn into something that many of us will vote against.

So as much as I like Manchin he has no chance for the nomination and neither does Biden because Cortez will never approve of them and her being the new darling of the left she will sway the college vote in 2020...
I have mixed my votes over the decades. As of now it is still Trump for me. Clinton worked with Repubs after the 1994 vote. And probably could have done more.

The major issue for me with Bill Clinton was his lying to Congress and his international mistakes from Yugoslavia to attacking Iraq on the eve of his impeachment.

His failure in Waco is well noted also for domestic issue and the up tick of terrorism with our own people from the OKC bombing to the Atlanta Bombing.

On working with Gingrich I will say Clinton did a better job than expected and better than Obama did with Boehner or Ryan.

In the end the road lead through Cortez and her approval as much as the left will deny this.

She holds the attention of the College voter at this point...
...Joe Biden has run for President before, and he's never been too successful. He's kind of a moron. He once said he would do well in the South because his home state of Delaware was once a :"slave state." Really, he said this on TV, I saw it happen.

Manchin would be there best choice but he is White and not AOC approved so no chance.

So their!

Would you like to explain to the board why your are trolling a civil conversation?

I made a mistake and that is your best option?

The other person I am conversing with fully understood what I wrote but you for some reason have to play the grammar police.

So am I upsetting you with the reality that Trump might win another term in office because your political party is lunging far left?

Am I upsetting you with the reality Cortez is the voice of the youth movement within your political party?

Those like Biden and Manchin stand no chance at obtaining the nomination because to do so they will need Cortez approval which is not happening.

Because what you said was dumb. Cortez does not have anywhere near the pull that you are attributing to her. You've exposed yourself as someone who will say really stupid things.

Happy now?
...Joe Biden has run for President before, and he's never been too successful. He's kind of a moron. He once said he would do well in the South because his home state of Delaware was once a :"slave state." Really, he said this on TV, I saw it happen.

By election day Democrats will still have zero legislative successes and a trail of nothing but TDS failures. Joe is the perfect representation of an outraged and impotent political party.
...Joe Biden has run for President before, and he's never been too successful. He's kind of a moron. He once said he would do well in the South because his home state of Delaware was once a :"slave state." Really, he said this on TV, I saw it happen.

Manchin would be there best choice but he is White and not AOC approved so no chance.

So their!

Would you like to explain to the board why your are trolling a civil conversation?

I made a mistake and that is your best option?

The other person I am conversing with fully understood what I wrote but you for some reason have to play the grammar police.

So am I upsetting you with the reality that Trump might win another term in office because your political party is lunging far left?

Am I upsetting you with the reality Cortez is the voice of the youth movement within your political party?

Those like Biden and Manchin stand no chance at obtaining the nomination because to do so they will need Cortez approval which is not happening.

Because what you said was dumb. Cortez does not have anywhere near the pull that you are attributing to her. You've exposed yourself as someone who will say really stupid things.

Happy now?

Are you sure?

I find it stupid for someone like you to make that claim when you know very well Pelosi has her hands full with the young lady.

The dumbest thing you can do is underestimate her and her support in the minority communities and on the College and University campuses.

Only a fool that is blinded by his partisan hatred for a poster would deny Cortez influence and her growing career.

She could be your next Obama or she could crash and be forgetten, but you have shown you are a fool as usual...
Listen up all Dem candidates! If AOC gives you her support, you will win the Dem nomination. Nobody else has a chance. You heard it from a really smart USMB "conservative".
...Joe Biden has run for President before, and he's never been too successful. He's kind of a moron. He once said he would do well in the South because his home state of Delaware was once a :"slave state." Really, he said this on TV, I saw it happen.

Manchin would be there best choice but he is White and not AOC approved so no chance.

So their!

Would you like to explain to the board why your are trolling a civil conversation?

I made a mistake and that is your best option?

The other person I am conversing with fully understood what I wrote but you for some reason have to play the grammar police.

So am I upsetting you with the reality that Trump might win another term in office because your political party is lunging far left?

Am I upsetting you with the reality Cortez is the voice of the youth movement within your political party?

Those like Biden and Manchin stand no chance at obtaining the nomination because to do so they will need Cortez approval which is not happening.

Because what you said was dumb. Cortez does not have anywhere near the pull that you are attributing to her. You've exposed yourself as someone who will say really stupid things.

Happy now?

Are you sure?

I find it stupid for someone like you to make that claim when you know very well Pelosi has her hands full with the young lady.

The dumbest thing you can do is underestimate her and her support in the minority communities and on the College and University campuses.

Only a fool that is blinded by his partisan hatred for a poster would deny Cortez influence and her growing career.

She could be your next Obama or she could crash and be forgetten, but you have shown you are a fool as usual...

Yes. I'm sure.
Yea...who would want a return to normalcy and ya know...competence
Manchin would be there best choice but he is White and not AOC approved so no chance.

So their!

Would you like to explain to the board why your are trolling a civil conversation?

I made a mistake and that is your best option?

The other person I am conversing with fully understood what I wrote but you for some reason have to play the grammar police.

So am I upsetting you with the reality that Trump might win another term in office because your political party is lunging far left?

Am I upsetting you with the reality Cortez is the voice of the youth movement within your political party?

Those like Biden and Manchin stand no chance at obtaining the nomination because to do so they will need Cortez approval which is not happening.

Because what you said was dumb. Cortez does not have anywhere near the pull that you are attributing to her. You've exposed yourself as someone who will say really stupid things.

Happy now?

Are you sure?

I find it stupid for someone like you to make that claim when you know very well Pelosi has her hands full with the young lady.

The dumbest thing you can do is underestimate her and her support in the minority communities and on the College and University campuses.

Only a fool that is blinded by his partisan hatred for a poster would deny Cortez influence and her growing career.

She could be your next Obama or she could crash and be forgetten, but you have shown you are a fool as usual...

Yes. I'm sure.

Well then tell Hollywood, Minorities, and the College voters because as of now you are out of touch with reality.

Maybe read some articles and learn about the young lady.

I disagree with her but I see how she can be a voice for those that want to be heard...
Elizabeth Warren committed academic fraud, which is a big deal for those of us who don't believe that it's OK to advance your career through fraud.

How much of a role do you think that played in her getting the job? Do you think she wouldn't have been deemed qualified otherwise? Do you think Harvard will just hire any dumb ass that claims to be a Native American?
It doesn't negate her guilt to say that she might have been hired anyway. She is a fraud, and a cheat, and a liar. In some circles, character still matters.

On a scale of 1 to 10 how damaging would you say this controversy is?
/——/ For a Republican it’s a career ender. For a democRAT, fraud is a resume enhancer.
...Joe Biden has run for President before, and he's never been too successful. He's kind of a moron. He once said he would do well in the South because his home state of Delaware was once a :"slave state." Really, he said this on TV, I saw it happen.

I'm not saying he didn't say what you claim, but a link would be nice.

Also, why you afraid of uncle Joe? So much so that you seemed to be too afraid to put too much thought in your OP.

Yep, Biden was saying demographically and culturally Delaware has commonality with the South. I guess you got him.

/——/ You can’t be serious. Imagine a Republican saying it.

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