If Joe Biden is the best the Democrats can do, they're in big trouble...

...Joe Biden has run for President before, and he's never been too successful. He's kind of a moron. He once said he would do well in the South because his home state of Delaware was once a :"slave state." Really, he said this on TV, I saw it happen.

By election day Democrats will still have zero legislative successes and a trail of nothing but TDS failures. Joe is the perfect representation of an outraged and impotent political party.
They'll have a huge string of popular bills that were never even taken up for a vote in the Senate. That's gonna point out the need for Democratic Senators
Listen up all Dem candidates! If AOC gives you her support, you will win the Dem nomination. Nobody else has a chance. You heard it from a really smart USMB "conservative".

Just like the troll you are...

Can not handle the reality the young lady has a following?

Does it hurt you I am not really bashing her but realizing the fact she is loved by Hollywood, Minorities and College voters?

Yeah, just toss her and remember Hillary won the Popular Vote while losing the Electoral College Vote because who need those votes!
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...Joe Biden has run for President before, and he's never been too successful. He's kind of a moron. He once said he would do well in the South because his home state of Delaware was once a :"slave state." Really, he said this on TV, I saw it happen.

They are flirting with running the fake Indian.

Yes, they are in trouble.
Elizabeth Warren committed academic fraud, which is a big deal for those of us who don't believe that it's OK to advance your career through fraud.

How much of a role do you think that played in her getting the job? Do you think she wouldn't have been deemed qualified otherwise? Do you think Harvard will just hire any dumb ass that claims to be a Native American?
It doesn't negate her guilt to say that she might have been hired anyway. She is a fraud, and a cheat, and a liar. In some circles, character still matters.

In your circles? Really? You think so?

Actually it does.

I know you will say they have no right to write that when they voted for Trump, which is true because like you Trump is a joke.


If you voted for his buddy Hillary Clinton then you have no right to question someone statement because let face it you will vote for trash.

So pot you are black as the kettle...
Listen up all Dem candidates! If AOC gives you her support, you will win the Dem nomination. Nobody else has a chance. You heard it from a really smart USMB "conservative".

Just like the troll you are...

Can not handle the reality the young lady has a following?

Does it hurt you I am not really bashing her but realizing the fact she is loved by Hollywood, Minorities and College voters?

Yeah, jus toss her and remember Hillary won the Popular Vote while losing the Electoral College Vote because who need those votes!

She has supporters. There are a lot of people, young and old, who are inspired by her. She is not a kingmaker. Far, far from it.

You have, in typical USMB conservative style, opted to make a declarative statement which you cannot possibly support. Then you got upset when someone called you on it. So sad.
Biden and Sanders are the top two contenders for the Democrat nomination for President. Two old white guys. Funny.
Elizabeth Warren committed academic fraud, which is a big deal for those of us who don't believe that it's OK to advance your career through fraud.

How much of a role do you think that played in her getting the job? Do you think she wouldn't have been deemed qualified otherwise? Do you think Harvard will just hire any dumb ass that claims to be a Native American?
It doesn't negate her guilt to say that she might have been hired anyway. She is a fraud, and a cheat, and a liar. In some circles, character still matters.

In your circles? Really? You think so?

Actually it does.

I know you will say they have no right to write that when they voted for Trump, which is true because like you Trump is a joke.


If you voted for his buddy Hillary Clinton then you have no right to question someone statement because let face it you will vote for trash.

So pot you are black as the kettle...

Yeah. You nailed it. Hillary is trash. She lacks character and integrity. She's a murderer and she sold Uranium to Russia.
Listen up all Dem candidates! If AOC gives you her support, you will win the Dem nomination. Nobody else has a chance. You heard it from a really smart USMB "conservative".

Just like the troll you are...

Can not handle the reality the young lady has a following?

Does it hurt you I am not really bashing her but realizing the fact she is loved by Hollywood, Minorities and College voters?

Yeah, jus toss her and remember Hillary won the Popular Vote while losing the Electoral College Vote because who need those votes!

She has supporters. There are a lot of people, young and old, who are inspired by her. She is not a kingmaker. Far, far from it.

You have, in typical USMB conservative style, opted to make a declarative statement which you cannot possibly support. Then you got upset when someone called you on it. So sad.

You just admitted she has young and old supporters, so yes she can be a King or Queen maker.

It is your foolishness that blinds you and I am being honest unlike you, but you thought Hillary was going to be Queen of Amerika, so you are a fool in my eyes...
Elizabeth Warren committed academic fraud, which is a big deal for those of us who don't believe that it's OK to advance your career through fraud.

How much of a role do you think that played in her getting the job? Do you think she wouldn't have been deemed qualified otherwise? Do you think Harvard will just hire any dumb ass that claims to be a Native American?
It doesn't negate her guilt to say that she might have been hired anyway. She is a fraud, and a cheat, and a liar. In some circles, character still matters.

In your circles? Really? You think so?

Actually it does.

I know you will say they have no right to write that when they voted for Trump, which is true because like you Trump is a joke.


If you voted for his buddy Hillary Clinton then you have no right to question someone statement because let face it you will vote for trash.

So pot you are black as the kettle...

Yeah. You nailed it. Hillary is trash. She lacks character and integrity. She's a murderer and she sold Uranium to Russia.

Wow, added more than I wrote.

Please feel free to support your comment with any words by me claiming she murdered anyone or sold uranium to the Russians.

If not then can you explain to the kind board why you made that comment?
...Joe Biden has run for President before, and he's never been too successful. He's kind of a moron. He once said he would do well in the South because his home state of Delaware was once a :"slave state." Really, he said this on TV, I saw it happen.

And he’s kicking Trumps ass by wide margins in every poll. Which is irrelevant considering the fact 56% don’t want him re-elected and only 37% do.

Did I mention the fact he doesn’t have Michigan, Wisconsin, or Pennsylvania night cat time around?

Which isn’t good when you lost the popular vote by 3 million the first time, and barely won the electoral vote by 78,000 votes in those three states.
...Joe Biden has run for President before, and he's never been too successful. He's kind of a moron. He once said he would do well in the South because his home state of Delaware was once a :"slave state." Really, he said this on TV, I saw it happen.

By election day Democrats will still have zero legislative successes and a trail of nothing but TDS failures. Joe is the perfect representation of an outraged and impotent political party.
They'll have a huge string of popular bills that were never even taken up for a vote in the Senate. That's gonna point out the need for Democratic Senators

Even if that was true, which it won't be, all Dem. legislative failures will be muted by needless and divisive TDS investigations.. (so, some good news for you)

Trump has Democrats/Fake News exactly where he wants them... as usual..
...Joe Biden has run for President before, and he's never been too successful. He's kind of a moron. He once said he would do well in the South because his home state of Delaware was once a :"slave state." Really, he said this on TV, I saw it happen.

By election day Democrats will still have zero legislative successes and a trail of nothing but TDS failures. Joe is the perfect representation of an outraged and impotent political party.
They'll have a huge string of popular bills that were never even taken up for a vote in the Senate. That's gonna point out the need for Democratic Senators

Even if that was true, which it won't be, all Dem. legislative failures will be muted by needless and divisive TDS investigations..

Trump has Democrats/Fake News exactly where he wants them... as usual..

That is the funniest part that the left refuses to see is Trump in his childish and very simplistic way is making the left look more radical than him...

How can you fight the King of Tabloids when he even admitted negative news is good news or something like that!?!
...Joe Biden has run for President before, and he's never been too successful. He's kind of a moron. He once said he would do well in the South because his home state of Delaware was once a :"slave state." Really, he said this on TV, I saw it happen.

By election day Democrats will still have zero legislative successes and a trail of nothing but TDS failures. Joe is the perfect representation of an outraged and impotent political party.
They'll have a huge string of popular bills that were never even taken up for a vote in the Senate. That's gonna point out the need for Democratic Senators

Even if that was true, which it won't be, all Dem. legislative failures will be muted by needless and divisive TDS investigations..

Trump has Democrats/Fake News exactly where he wants them... as usual..

That is the funniest part that the left refuses to see is Trump in his childish and very simplistic way is making the left look more radical than him...

How can you fight the King of Tabloids when he even admitted negative news is good news or something like that!?!
/—-/ I’m not quite sure how to rate your backhanded compliment.
...Joe Biden has run for President before, and he's never been too successful. He's kind of a moron. He once said he would do well in the South because his home state of Delaware was once a :"slave state." Really, he said this on TV, I saw it happen.

By election day Democrats will still have zero legislative successes and a trail of nothing but TDS failures. Joe is the perfect representation of an outraged and impotent political party.
They'll have a huge string of popular bills that were never even taken up for a vote in the Senate. That's gonna point out the need for Democratic Senators

Is that the reason the Democrats lost the Senate because Reid tabled everything?
How much of a role do you think that played in her getting the job? Do you think she wouldn't have been deemed qualified otherwise? Do you think Harvard will just hire any dumb ass that claims to be a Native American?
It doesn't negate her guilt to say that she might have been hired anyway. She is a fraud, and a cheat, and a liar. In some circles, character still matters.

In your circles? Really? You think so?

Actually it does.

I know you will say they have no right to write that when they voted for Trump, which is true because like you Trump is a joke.


If you voted for his buddy Hillary Clinton then you have no right to question someone statement because let face it you will vote for trash.

So pot you are black as the kettle...

Yeah. You nailed it. Hillary is trash. She lacks character and integrity. She's a murderer and she sold Uranium to Russia.

Wow, added more than I wrote.

Please feel free to support your comment with any words by me claiming she murdered anyone or sold uranium to the Russians.

If not then can you explain to the kind board why you made that comment?

The name... Seth Rich?
Listen up all Dem candidates! If AOC gives you her support, you will win the Dem nomination. Nobody else has a chance. You heard it from a really smart USMB "conservative".

Just like the troll you are...

Can not handle the reality the young lady has a following?

Does it hurt you I am not really bashing her but realizing the fact she is loved by Hollywood, Minorities and College voters?

Yeah, just toss her and remember Hillary won the Popular Vote while losing the Electoral College Vote because who need those votes!
/—-/ Gov Palin has a following too. She drew bigger crowds than McCain. Did that cause you to support her? Well, did it punk?
It doesn't negate her guilt to say that she might have been hired anyway. She is a fraud, and a cheat, and a liar. In some circles, character still matters.

In your circles? Really? You think so?

Actually it does.

I know you will say they have no right to write that when they voted for Trump, which is true because like you Trump is a joke.


If you voted for his buddy Hillary Clinton then you have no right to question someone statement because let face it you will vote for trash.

So pot you are black as the kettle...

Yeah. You nailed it. Hillary is trash. She lacks character and integrity. She's a murderer and she sold Uranium to Russia.

Wow, added more than I wrote.

Please feel free to support your comment with any words by me claiming she murdered anyone or sold uranium to the Russians.

If not then can you explain to the kind board why you made that comment?

The name... Seth Rich?

As I wrote I have never made the claim nor will even entertain it.

Listen up all Dem candidates! If AOC gives you her support, you will win the Dem nomination. Nobody else has a chance. You heard it from a really smart USMB "conservative".

Just like the troll you are...

Can not handle the reality the young lady has a following?

Does it hurt you I am not really bashing her but realizing the fact she is loved by Hollywood, Minorities and College voters?

Yeah, just toss her and remember Hillary won the Popular Vote while losing the Electoral College Vote because who need those votes!
/—-/ Gov Palin has a following too. She drew bigger crowds than McCain. Did that cause you to support her? Well, did it punk?

Why are you calling me a punk?

What part of my response to lone laughter upset you?
...Joe Biden has run for President before, and he's never been too successful. He's kind of a moron. He once said he would do well in the South because his home state of Delaware was once a :"slave state." Really, he said this on TV, I saw it happen.

By election day Democrats will still have zero legislative successes and a trail of nothing but TDS failures. Joe is the perfect representation of an outraged and impotent political party.
They'll have a huge string of popular bills that were never even taken up for a vote in the Senate. That's gonna point out the need for Democratic Senators

Even if that was true, which it won't be, all Dem. legislative failures will be muted by needless and divisive TDS investigations..

Trump has Democrats/Fake News exactly where he wants them... as usual..

That is the funniest part that the left refuses to see is Trump in his childish and very simplistic way is making the left look more radical than him...

How can you fight the King of Tabloids when he even admitted negative news is good news or something like that!?!

Well, I wouldn't say childish but I'd go with simplistic, Trump just knows which buttons to push for a desired response, he manipulates Democrats into making fools of themselves (TDS Democrats/Fake News think they're smarter .. lol), he's a master at it.

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Manchin would be there best choice but he is White and not AOC approved so no chance.

Senator Manchin can run on all the wonderful things he has done for West Virginia. What he will do with the rest of the minute is anybody’s guess.

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