If Justice Kennedy Had Known A Christian Would Be Jailed Less Than 3 Months Later...

Kennedy would've voted "no" on federal gay marriage if he had a crystal ball & saw Davis in jail.

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He ruled on the Constitution, not some religious nut's beliefs. I don't see his decision being any different.

Which part of the Constitution guarantees "just some repugnant minority deviant sex behaviors but not others" the "rights to equality and access to all priveleges others enjoy"? If you argue that the 14th is about "equal rights" then polygamy and incest are already as legal as "gay marriage" across the 50 states.

That little soon-to-unravel embarassing legal fuck up is one thing, but Kennedy being in charge of the Constitution no doubt has read the 1st Amendment and the 9th which enforces its potency. You act as if there is only one constitutional guarantee (which plainly does not exist) while you give a complete pass to the 1st and 9th Amendments.
Your delusions persist. Incest is not legalized because of this ruling. :cuckoo:

Incest was, and is, illegal. Therefore, there is a compelling interest to maintain bans on such marriages. There is no such compelling interest to ban gay marriages since homosexuality is not illegal. This is where your argument collapses -- just as it always does. Sadly, you do not possess the required acumen to comprehend this ... which is why you persist in pressing this idiocy of yours.

Hmm...why is incest illegal? And, since polygamy was recently decriminalized in Utah, what is preventing polygamists from being able to legally marry there? Certainly not June 2015's SCOTUS decision. In the name of equality now each and every legal sexual kink may marry in all states where that arrangement is legal. Your thoughts?
He ruled on the Constitution, not some religious nut's beliefs. I don't see his decision being any different.

Which part of the Constitution guarantees "just some repugnant minority deviant sex behaviors but not others" the "rights to equality and access to all priveleges others enjoy"? If you argue that the 14th is about "equal rights" then polygamy and incest are already as legal as "gay marriage" across the 50 states.

That little soon-to-unravel embarassing legal fuck up is one thing, but Kennedy being in charge of the Constitution no doubt has read the 1st Amendment and the 9th which enforces its potency. You act as if there is only one constitutional guarantee (which plainly does not exist) while you give a complete pass to the 1st and 9th Amendments.
Your delusions persist. Incest is not legalized because of this ruling. :cuckoo:

Incest was, and is, illegal. Therefore, there is a compelling interest to maintain bans on such marriages. There is no such compelling interest to ban gay marriages since homosexuality is not illegal. This is where your argument collapses -- just as it always does. Sadly, you do not possess the required acumen to comprehend this ... which is why you persist in pressing this idiocy of yours.

Hmm...why is incest illegal? And, since polygamy was recently decriminalized in Utah, what is preventing polygamists from being able to legally marry there? Certainly not June 2015's SCOTUS decision. In the name of equality now each and every legal sexual kink may marry in all states where that arrangement is legal. Your thoughts?
"Why" is irrelevant. It is illegal and therefore, a compelling interest to maintain bans on such marriages.

Do you have a compelling argument to establish or are you going to just persist in presenting your delusions as though they are real to anyone besides you?
Government has a interests in and rational basis for sustaining sexual normalcy and never MORE SO than in the very nucleus of civilization, OKA: Marriage, and the Progs could not care less about that.

If you can't see that, then you're hopelessly blind to reality.

Your hostility toward the inclusion of people you despise based solely on your idea of "sexual normalcy" is not a rational basis for depriving them of liberty and equal protection under the law.

See, Debra K is just reminding Keys of the fact that incest and polygamy are now just as "legal" as gay marriage is across the 50 states that want nothing to do with any of them, .

See Silhouette is just lying again.

Not what Debra said. Incest and Polygamous marriage are still illegal.

Silhouette is just lying- i.e. posting- again.
He ruled on the Constitution, not some religious nut's beliefs. I don't see his decision being any different.

Which part of the Constitution guarantees "just some repugnant minority deviant sex behaviors but not others" the "rights to equality and access to all priveleges others enjoy"? If you argue that the 14th is about "equal rights" then polygamy and incest are already as legal as "gay marriage" across the 50 states.

That little soon-to-unravel embarassing legal fuck up is one thing, but Kennedy being in charge of the Constitution no doubt has read the 1st Amendment and the 9th which enforces its potency. You act as if there is only one constitutional guarantee (which plainly does not exist) while you give a complete pass to the 1st and 9th Amendments.
Your delusions persist. Incest is not legalized because of this ruling. :cuckoo:

Incest was, and is, illegal. Therefore, there is a compelling interest to maintain bans on such marriages. There is no such compelling interest to ban gay marriages since homosexuality is not illegal. This is where your argument collapses -- just as it always does. Sadly, you do not possess the required acumen to comprehend this ... which is why you persist in pressing this idiocy of yours.

Hmm...why is incest illegal? And, since polygamy was recently decriminalized in Utah, what is preventing polygamists from being able to legally marry there?

If you can't think of any reasons why incest is illegal- or should be illegal- that really is your problem.

Polygamous marriage is still illegal in Utah. They aren't issued marriage licenses because it is still illegal.
Polygamous marriage is still illegal in Utah. They aren't issued marriage licenses because it is still illegal.

Polygamy has been decriminalized in Utah. And since deviant sex behaviors just gained "rights" to marry across all 50 states, you can't pick and choose which ones you like arbitrarily. That's not how "marriage-equality" works, dear.. :popcorn: One behavior has the same rights as all if they aren't against the law.

Or, could it be that you are arguing that the state of Utah has the right to still exclude some legal deviant sex behaviors based on Utah's majority and legislative powers finding them repugnant?
Polygamous marriage is still illegal in Utah. They aren't issued marriage licenses because it is still illegal.

Polygamy has been decriminalized in Utah. And since deviant sex behaviors just gained "rights" to marry across all 50 states, you can't pick and choose which ones you like arbitrarily. That's not how "marriage-equality" works, dear.. :popcorn: One behavior has the same rights as all if they aren't against the law.

Decriminlization is not the same thing as legalization- just another example of you not understanding the law.

Sexual behavior between consenting adults is legal- and that has nothing to do with marriage.

Marriage is legal in all 50 states for two adults, regardless of the gender of who they marry.
This "deviant sex behaviors just gained "rights" is simply false.

Several of my friends are judges, both federal and state.

Nice speaking, Sil, they say you are full of shit.
Polygamous marriage is still illegal in Utah. They aren't issued marriage licenses because it is still illegal.

Polygamy has been decriminalized in Utah. And since deviant sex behaviors just gained "rights" to marry across all 50 states, you can't pick and choose which ones you like arbitrarily. That's not how "marriage-equality" works, dear.. :popcorn: One behavior has the same rights as all if they aren't against the law.

Or, could it be that you are arguing that the state of Utah has the right to still exclude some legal deviant sex behaviors based on Utah's majority and legislative powers finding them repugnant?
Sex between close family members is illegal. Sex between two consenting adults of the same gender is not.

Not really hard to figure out why same-sex marriage protected by the 14th Amendment while incest is not.
Polygamy has been decriminalized in Utah.

Why do you keep lying? Polygamy (being legally married to more than one person) was not decriminalized in Utah.

Co-habitation with more than one person was decriminalized in Utah. Nothing in that case made it legal to be Civilly Married to more than one person.

Polygamy has been decriminalized in Utah.

Why do you keep lying? Polygamy (being legally married to more than one person) was not decriminalized in Utah.

Co-habitation with more than one person was decriminalized in Utah. Nothing in that case made it legal to be Civilly Married to more than one person.


The supreme legislature decriminalized polygamy, incestuous marriage and marriages which rest in bestiality... .

What's more it set the stage for legalizing or normalizing pedophilia... The only thing between now and legalized pedophilia is for the APA to vote favorably that children are capable of sexual consent and the supreme legislature to vote on stripping the legs code of an age of consent.

In effect the supreme legislature erased any kinship between their existence, common sense and the U.S. Constitution.
I see the same old tired arguments here from the anti-gay bigots. YAWN

The ABSOLUTE COOLEST thing about the use of the word "bigot", is that the use of such demonstrates that the user is such.

I never seem to tire of watching idiots define themselves as that which they come to lament.

It is HYSTERICAL... (In every sense of the word).
The stupidest comment of the day is "The supreme legislature decriminalized polygamy, incestuous marriage and marriages which rest in bestiality... .". Time again and again the bigot Keys the rationalizer has been show to be absolutely wrong.
"Why" is irrelevant. It is illegal and therefore, a compelling interest to maintain bans on such marriages.

Do you have a compelling argument to establish or are you going to just persist in presenting your delusions as though they are real to anyone besides you?

LOL... Another Relativist Parade.

Go figure.

Again Reader, what you see in the above drivel, is a classic demonstration of Relativism.

The reason that the Relativist demands that "Why is irrelevant", is that where "why" is considered, it becomes impossible to legalize one means of degeneracy and not another.

Homosexuality not only deviates from the human physiological norm, it deviates as far from the human physiological norm as is possible, where the subjects remain HUMAN.

The simple truth is that while homosexuals comprise only 2% of the human population, they account for over 30% of sexual abuse of children.

Therefore, in terms of a soundly reasoned public interest to tie measures which limit public acceptance of that mental disorder, there is no greater threat to the general public then the lowly homosexual.

Yet the homosexuals at the APA voted and declared themselves normal and homosexuals on the Supreme Legislture voted make their deviancy perfectly legal... in every conceivable category of consideration.

And here we have our own in-house homos declaring that there is a compelling public interests to preclude vastly less dangerous deviancy ...


You can NOT make this crap up.
The stupidest comment of the day ...

Well it's written under Fake Malarkey... So that Spittle is guaranteed to be of the stupid variety.

But the day is young and you're bound to post something else, so don't count your stupid chickens yet, dumb-ass.
Polygamous marriage is still illegal in Utah. They aren't issued marriage licenses because it is still illegal.

Polygamy has been decriminalized in Utah. ...

You're wrong, Silhouette. The portion of the law that rendered cohabitation illegal was struck down as unconstitutional. Simply living together is not the same as being married.

There's that slippery slope you were concerned with earlier and you didn't even recognize it...
Polygamous marriage is still illegal in Utah. They aren't issued marriage licenses because it is still illegal.

Polygamy has been decriminalized in Utah. ...

You're wrong, Silhouette. The portion of the law that rendered cohabitation illegal was struck down as unconstitutional. Simply living together is not the same as being married.

There's that slippery slope you were concerned with earlier and you didn't even recognize it...

What are you saying, Keys? Are you suggesting that two adults who cohabitate are automatically "married"? Don't be silly. If that was the case, then same gender couples would not need marriage licenses ... they could just cohabitate and hold themselves out to the world as "married". Funny thing, though ... the government would no treat them as married. Again, living together is not the same as being married.
That wasn't the question Skylar. Nice Dodge though. This isn't about Kim Davis. It's about Kennedy and how he might have voted if he had a crystal ball showing him Kim Davis sitting in jail for her passive Christian refusal to accomodate a gay wedding.

For the purposes of this thread, use [insert random Christian's name here] in place of "Kim Davis", OK?

He is a judge. I am pretty sure he sent many fine upstanding Christians to jail for breaking the law.

Another christian in jail after using the 'faith' defense? Happens all the time. Should get a real lawyer that will tell you if you have a real defense(such as an infringement on your rights) versus you trying to blow smoke up the judges ass.
The stupidest comment of the day ...

Well it's written under Fake Malarkey... So that Spittle is guaranteed to be of the stupid variety.

But the day is young and you're bound to post something else, so don't count your stupid chickens yet, dumb-ass.
And the relativist imbecile our own Keys keeps on posting.

I am so glad he is here on the Board so that we can educate him.
"Why" is irrelevant. It is illegal and therefore, a compelling interest to maintain bans on such marriages.

Do you have a compelling argument to establish or are you going to just persist in presenting your delusions as though they are real to anyone besides you?

LOL... Another Relativist Parade.

Go figure.

Again Reader, what you see in the above drivel, is a classic demonstration of Relativism.

The reason that the Relativist demands that "Why is irrelevant", is that where "why" is considered, it becomes impossible to legalize one means of degeneracy and not another.

Homosexuality not only deviates from the human physiological norm, it deviates as far from the human physiological norm as is possible, where the subjects remain HUMAN.

The simple truth is that while homosexuals comprise only 2% of the human population, they account for over 30% of sexual abuse of children.

Therefore, in terms of a soundly reasoned public interest to tie measures which limit public acceptance of that mental disorder, there is no greater threat to the general public then the lowly homosexual.

Yet the homosexuals at the APA voted and declared themselves normal and homosexuals on the Supreme Legislture voted make their deviancy perfectly legal... in every conceivable category of consideration.

And here we have our own in-house homos declaring that there is a compelling public interests to preclude vastly less dangerous deviancy ...


You can NOT make this crap up.
Look folks ... here's a prime example of a brain-dead conservative who actually thinks the reasons for laws doesn't matter. To the Gay_Keys nut, it doesn't matter that incest is illegal whereas homosexuality is not. Point out the relevancy and he's drawn to the idiocy it lead him to espouse.

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