If Justice Kennedy Had Known A Christian Would Be Jailed Less Than 3 Months Later...

Kennedy would've voted "no" on federal gay marriage if he had a crystal ball & saw Davis in jail.

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Always looks for Keys' lies. They are Big Lies, like this one.

"The simple truth is that while homosexuals comprise only 2% of the human population, they account for over 30% of sexual abuse of children."

The fact is that homosexuals and heterosexuals commit assault against children and youth at about the same rates. Both groups of -sexuals commit pedophiliac crimes at about the same rates.
Polygamous marriage is still illegal in Utah. They aren't issued marriage licenses because it is still illegal.

Polygamy has been decriminalized in Utah. ...

You're wrong, Silhouette. The portion of the law that rendered cohabitation illegal was struck down as unconstitutional. Simply living together is not the same as being married.

You could start off every reply to Silhouette or for that matter Keys with those same three words.

It applies to EVERY single post that they make.
Always looks for Keys' lies. They are Big Lies, like this one.

"The simple truth is that while homosexuals comprise only 2% of the human population, they account for over 30% of sexual abuse of children."

The fact is that homosexuals and heterosexuals commit assault against children and youth at about the same rates. Both groups of -sexuals commit pedophiliac crimes at about the same rates.

Hardly a shock that Keys lies.

It is more of a surprise if anyone can figure out what the hell Keys thinks he is saying.
The simple truth is that while homosexuals comprise only 2% of the human population, they account for over 30% of sexual abuse of children..

The simple truth of the matter is that not only are you lying- you don't give a damn about whether kids are sexually abused or not.

Except as a tool to attack homosexuals.
Always looks for Keys' lies. They are Big Lies, like this one.

"The simple truth is that while homosexuals comprise only 2% of the human population, they account for over 30% of sexual abuse of children."

The fact is that homosexuals and heterosexuals commit assault against children and youth at about the same rates. Both groups of -sexuals commit pedophiliac crimes at about the same rates.

Mayo Clinic Special Article 2007....Pedophiles are usually attracted to a particular age range
and/or sex of child. Research categorizes male pedophiles
by whether they are attracted to only male children (homosexual
pedophilia), female children (heterosexual pedophilia),
or children from both sexes (bisexual pedophilia).
3,6,10,29 ...The percentage of homosexual pedophiles
ranges from 9% to 40%, which is approximately 4 to 20
times higher than the rate of adult men attracted to other
adult men

So, of ALL child molestation, a demographic which makes up just 2% of the population is responsible for up to 40% of ALL molestations.

That's what you call a propensity within a demographic.

Also, what does this have to do with Kennedy's decision having known a Christian would be jailed less than 3 months later?
Sil is telling the Big Lie. She is using Dr. R. Hall, a noted homophobe and mediocre doctor, as a source. Pwnd.

And you are right, your argument about supposedly sexually deviant behaviors were ignored by the Justice and all of his peers.

You don't have an argument that makes sense.
Sil is telling the Big Lie. She is using Dr. R. Hall, a noted homophobe and mediocre doctor, as a source. Pwnd.

And you are right, your argument about supposedly sexually deviant behaviors were ignored by the Justice and all of his peers.

You don't have an argument that makes sense.
Why hasn't the Mayo Clinic retracted their blessing and listing of the publication then? Are we now to listen only to the "CQR" American Psycho Association? Or can age old revered institutions also weigh in on psychology?

You know, the Nazi party had a similar way of "cleansing" the ranks of professionals who disagreed with their cult too.
Sil, publication does not mean approval in journal, as you well know.

Your screed 'about sexual deviant behaviors' means nothing in law, you know that.
"If Justice Kennedy Had Known A Christian Would Be Jailed Less Than 3 Months Later..."

Justice Kennedy wouldn't have 'known' anything of the sort, given the fact no Christian was 'jailed' because of her faith.

Davis made the decision to be in contempt of court, and also made the decision to go to jail of her own free will, at liberty to leave whenever she wanted.

If Justice Kennedy would have known that an officer of a state, who swore to obey the Constitution and its case law – Article VI in particular – would have willfully violated that oath and refused to obey a just, proper, and Constitutional court order, he'd have no problem with her indeed being found in contempt of court, or her decision to go to jail.
"If Justice Kennedy Had Known A Christian Would Be Jailed Less Than 3 Months Later..."

Justice Kennedy wouldn't have 'known' anything of the sort, given the fact no Christian was 'jailed' because of her faith.

Davis made the decision to be in contempt of court, and also made the decision to go to jail of her own free will, at liberty to leave whenever she wanted.

If Justice Kennedy would have known that an officer of a state, who swore to obey the Constitution and its case law – Article VI in particular –

Her attorney will argue that Kennedy & pals pinched Davis into this corral.

1. Abide by perverted behaviors that her faith told her she must not participate in any way in the normalizing thereof or

2. Lose her career.

When she took her oath she had no way on earth of knowing that part of it would require her to defy the Commandment against a mortal sin in her faith: Christianity. So, she cannot be forced or required to quit working as the Clerk because five jackasses in DC couldn't tell the difference between behaviors and race.
"Her attorney" unsuccessfully "will argue that Kennedy & pals pinched Davis into this corral."

False dilemma. No one has told Davis she had to participate in sexual behaviors the which she abhors.

Issuing a government marriage certificant is not a "Commandment against a mortal sin in her faith: Christianity."

So, yes, she can do her job or quit because SCOTUS has the authority to say so.
The Bible has told Kim Davis that she cannot participate in the normalizing of homosexuality within a culture. Not "participate in sexual behaviors". I love how you smoothly insert a strawman and then start to argue it. The key and pivotal point is her promoting homosexuality as normal within her culture. THAT is what is forbidden to her under pain of eternal soul death for failing to abide by the warning.

Actually, boiled down it was a choice for Davis between her immortal soul and her career. That choice cannot be required of someone.
The Bible says no such thing, but Jesus said to serve Caesar with that which is Caesar's and God with that which is God's.

If there is a question of free agency here, it is that of Davis.

SCOTUS has every right to order her to do her job.
The Bible says no such thing, but Jesus said to serve Caesar with that which is Caesar's and God with that which is God's.

If there is a question of free agency here, it is that of Davis.

SCOTUS has every right to order her to do her job.
Caesar isn't around. The US Constitution is though. And in it is the 1st and 9th Amendments. And, there is in fact a Commandment, direct, clear, undeniable, for Christians to not EVER assist the spread of homosexuality throughout a culture. Under pain of eternal soul-death for failing.
Well we don't really have to guess now about what Kennedy would say about Kim Davis being in jail for following her religious conscience.

From the actual June 15 "gay marriage mandate/Constitutional-revision" decision here are Kennedy's own words directly to the point:
Finally, it must be emphasized that religions, and those who adhere to religious doctrines, may continue to advocate with utmost, sincere conviction that, by divine precepts, same-sex marriage should not be condoned. The First Amendment ensures that religious organizations and persons are given proper protection as they seek to teach the principles that are so fulfilling and so central to their lives and faiths, and to their own deep aspirations to continue the family structure they have long revered. The same is true of those who oppose same-sex marriage for other reasons."

So if the 1st Amendment and a Christian being jailed for failing to play along with "gay marriage" comes before Kennedy next year, I think we can reasonably predict how Kennedy will lean on that question.... In fact, a Christian being jailed so soon after he wrote those words in the Opinion might even be seen by himself as contempt of Court.

By writing what he did, he was saying to gay practitioners: "OK, you want tax breaks and to call yourself married? Fine. But don't push it.." 3 months later a Christian sat in jail because she wouldn't kneel at the ass-sex-as-married altar. I'm thinking the Justice might be a little grumpy about that level of hubris directed at his words and warning to LGBTs..
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Well we don't really have to guess now about what Kennedy would say about Kim Davis being in jail for following her religious conscience.

Nope we probably don't have to guess what he would say about an agent of the government using that government position to discriminate against citizens.

How? The SCOTUS denied Ms. Davis's stay request to put the District Court Judges decision on hold pending appeal.

That tells us a lot about the likelihood of Ms. Davis, as a government agent, being able to shut down the functioning of her office (as it pertains to Civil Marriage) just to deny issuing licenses to same-sex couples.


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