If liberals are genuinly concerned about voter integrity


Gold Member
Oct 26, 2016
Why won't they turn voting records over to the feds?

They act as though the election was corrupted because they lost. They blame the Russians for their loss, and blame Trump with not a shred of evidence. But actions speak louder than words. Their words are the result of the pain they've felt since November. Their actions prove it's all talk, they're partisan and have something to hide. It's just another demonstration they're not rational people and intellectually dishonest.
Why won't they turn voting records over to the feds?

They act as though the election was corrupt, because they lost, so they blame the Russians. They blame Trump with not a shred of evidence. But actions speak louder than words. Their words are the result of the pain they've felt since November. Their actions prove it's all talk, they're partisan and have something to hide. It's just another demonstration they're not rational people.
Lots of conservatives aren't either. Trump wants to behave like a tyrant, and people, of course, oppose that.
Why won't they turn voting records over to the feds?

They act as though the election was corrupted because they lost. They blame the Russians for their loss, and blame Trump with not a shred of evidence. But actions speak louder than words. Their words are the result of the pain they've felt since November. Their actions prove it's all talk, they're partisan and have something to hide. It's just another demonstration they're not rational people and intellectually dishonest.

Wouldn't the voting records information be already available in the public domain?

The actual reason they are refusing is that the Democrats political survival is based on adding Illegal Immigrants to their voter pool, so giving any information to The Trump Administration would blow the lid off that thing.
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Why won't they turn voting records over to the feds?

They act as though the election was corrupted because they lost. They blame the Russians for their loss, and blame Trump with not a shred of evidence. But actions speak louder than words. Their words are the result of the pain they've felt since November. Their actions prove it's all talk, they're partisan and have something to hide. It's just another demonstration they're not rational people and intellectually dishonest.

Wouldn't the voting records information be already available in the public domain?

The actual reason they are refusing is that the Democrats political survival is based on adding Illegal Immigrants to their voter pool, so giving any information to The Trump Administration would blow the lid of that thing.

100% correct
They do not.

Obama lied to everyone about Russia hacking the election because he thought Hillary would win.

The situation is that the Leftists are saying that no Illegal Immigrants have been voting in order to rig votes in favour of Democrats and anyone who says that there are is a Conspiracy Theorist and at the same time they are pushing Conspiracy Theories about Russia hacking elections, they actually are insane at this point.
Why won't they turn voting records over to the feds?

They act as though the election was corrupted because they lost. They blame the Russians for their loss, and blame Trump with not a shred of evidence. But actions speak louder than words. Their words are the result of the pain they've felt since November. Their actions prove it's all talk, they're partisan and have something to hide. It's just another demonstration they're not rational people and intellectually dishonest.

This is a study into the 2008 Presidential Election and the 2012 Presidential Election.




Here's the rest of the article.

Noncitizen illegal vote number higher than estimated

If you read the above full article, you'll notice it mentions Virginia where Illegal Immigrants have been given drivers licences and that's how they were added to the voter rolls. Virginia has voted solidly Republican in Presidential Elections UNTIL 2008 and 2012 when Virginia was added to the Obama column and in 2016 when Virginia was added to Hillary's column, also the Governor of Virginia allowed PRISONERS to vote in 2016.

California also decided to give Illegal Immigrants drivers licences and probably did the same as Virginia added them via their drivers licences to the voter rolls.




So there are THREE MILLION Illegal Immigrants in California, the Democrats who run the State are crapping themselves because beginning this year in 2017 this AB 60 and AB 1461 will AUTOMATICALLY register those THREE MILLION Illegal Immigrants to vote.

Here's the full article.

California Issues 806,000 Driver’s Licenses To Illegals In Two Years

So of course the actual reason the Democrats don't want to hand ANY voter information to The Trump Administration is because the lid on their dirty way of rigging elections will be blown off, various Democrats certainly will be arrested and Democrats might never win an election ever again.

Leftists in ALL Western nations always have to rig elections, the majority of Mainstream people do NOT support the Leftist Agenda.
Why won't they turn voting records over to the feds?

They act as though the election was corrupted because they lost. They blame the Russians for their loss, and blame Trump with not a shred of evidence. But actions speak louder than words. Their words are the result of the pain they've felt since November. Their actions prove it's all talk, they're partisan and have something to hide. It's just another demonstration they're not rational people and intellectually dishonest.

This is a study into the 2008 Presidential Election and the 2012 Presidential Election.

View attachment 136481
View attachment 136483
View attachment 136484

Here's the rest of the article.

Noncitizen illegal vote number higher than estimated

If you read the above full article, you'll notice it mentions Virginia where Illegal Immigrants have been given drivers licences and that's how they were added to the voter rolls. Virginia has voted solidly Republican in Presidential Elections UNTIL 2008 and 2012 when Virginia was added to the Obama column and in 2016 when Virginia was added to Hillary's column, also the Governor of Virginia allowed PRISONERS to vote in 2016.

California also decided to give Illegal Immigrants drivers licences and probably did the same as Virginia added them via their drivers licences to the voter rolls.

View attachment 136486
View attachment 136487
View attachment 136488

So there are THREE MILLION Illegal Immigrants in California, the Democrats who run the State are crapping themselves because beginning this year in 2017 this AB 60 and AB 1461 will AUTOMATICALLY register those THREE MILLION Illegal Immigrants to vote.

Here's the full article.

California Issues 806,000 Driver’s Licenses To Illegals In Two Years

So of course the actual reason the Democrats don't want to hand ANY voter information to The Trump Administration is because the lid on their dirty way of rigging elections will be blown off, various Democrats certainly will be arrested and Democrats might never win an election ever again.

Leftists in ALL Western nations always have to rig elections, the majority of Mainstream people do NOT support the Leftist Agenda.

Lucy is clearly racist.

These must all be lies.

Snowflakes swear that voter fraud does not exist.

My favorite bullshit justification is when snowflakes say it's ok to illegally register someone if they didn't actually vote in the most recent election.

It's like saying it's ok to give a drivers license to a 10 year old if they never actually drove a vehicle.

Stupid fucks.

They are stacking the voter rolls with illegals so they can gain power.

The lib strategy is so simple. Get into power by promising free shit to poor people. Once in power, expand government as much as possible.

Lather, rinse, repeat until the USA becomes Venezuela. You know that paradise Venezuela that so many snowflakes love as a perfect and righteous nation.
Why won't they turn voting records over to the feds?

They act as though the election was corrupted because they lost. They blame the Russians for their loss, and blame Trump with not a shred of evidence. But actions speak louder than words. Their words are the result of the pain they've felt since November. Their actions prove it's all talk, they're partisan and have something to hide. It's just another demonstration they're not rational people and intellectually dishonest.



This McAuliffe then defied this order and personally signed 13,000 individual orders, this went up to more than the 13,000 if you read the second article. Lol this criminal McAuliffe says that not allowing him to allow Felons to vote is "an overtly political act" and he cites the Leftists Manta of Muh Human Rights and Muh Civil Rights.

Yes it is an overtly political act that is designed to prevent Democrats from stealing elections via allowing Felons along with Illegal Immigrants to vote.

The Leftists Election Coalition comprises predominantly of Criminals, Illegal Immigrants and Black people and Mexicans. They cannot win an election without dirty and underhanded rigging of votes by allowing people to vote who legally are not allowed to vote.

This is why Leftists across the Western world are fanatical about importing more Muslims and Africans into Western nations, well one of the reasons, these are their New Voters, all Illegal, all to be added to their Voting Bloc at election times.

- Snip -


Here's the full article.

Virginia Court Overturns Order That Restored Voting Rights To Felons



Here's the full article, I love how the Leftist hack justifies this McAuliffe's defying the Supreme Court of Virginia, yes you guessed it it's because of Muh Human Rights and Muh Civil Rights.

Virginia Governor Bypasses Court Ruling To Help 200,000 Ex-Felons Vote
Why won't they turn voting records over to the feds?

They act as though the election was corrupted because they lost. They blame the Russians for their loss, and blame Trump with not a shred of evidence. But actions speak louder than words. Their words are the result of the pain they've felt since November. Their actions prove it's all talk, they're partisan and have something to hide. It's just another demonstration they're not rational people and intellectually dishonest.

This is a study into the 2008 Presidential Election and the 2012 Presidential Election.

View attachment 136481
View attachment 136483
View attachment 136484

Here's the rest of the article.

Noncitizen illegal vote number higher than estimated

If you read the above full article, you'll notice it mentions Virginia where Illegal Immigrants have been given drivers licences and that's how they were added to the voter rolls. Virginia has voted solidly Republican in Presidential Elections UNTIL 2008 and 2012 when Virginia was added to the Obama column and in 2016 when Virginia was added to Hillary's column, also the Governor of Virginia allowed PRISONERS to vote in 2016.

California also decided to give Illegal Immigrants drivers licences and probably did the same as Virginia added them via their drivers licences to the voter rolls.

View attachment 136486
View attachment 136487
View attachment 136488

So there are THREE MILLION Illegal Immigrants in California, the Democrats who run the State are crapping themselves because beginning this year in 2017 this AB 60 and AB 1461 will AUTOMATICALLY register those THREE MILLION Illegal Immigrants to vote.

Here's the full article.

California Issues 806,000 Driver’s Licenses To Illegals In Two Years

So of course the actual reason the Democrats don't want to hand ANY voter information to The Trump Administration is because the lid on their dirty way of rigging elections will be blown off, various Democrats certainly will be arrested and Democrats might never win an election ever again.

Leftists in ALL Western nations always have to rig elections, the majority of Mainstream people do NOT support the Leftist Agenda.

Lucy is clearly racist.

These must all be lies.

Snowflakes swear that voter fraud does not exist.

My favorite bullshit justification is when snowflakes say it's ok to illegally register someone if they didn't actually vote in the most recent election.

It's like saying it's ok to give a drivers license to a 10 year old if they never actually drove a vehicle.

Stupid fucks.

They are stacking the voter rolls with illegals so they can gain power.

The lib strategy is so simple. Get into power by promising free shit to poor people. Once in power, expand government as much as possible.

Lather, rinse, repeat until the USA becomes Venezuela. You know that paradise Venezuela that so many snowflakes love as a perfect and righteous nation.

The Leftists like to say that Hillary won the Popular Vote, I think if a full investigation is FORCED by perhaps Jeff Sessions, I think you'll find that Donald Trump also won the Popular Vote along with the Electoral College vote, simply basing this on the absolute number of Illegal Immigrants in California plus the Felons in Virginia, take those away and Trump won the Popular Vote as well.

This is another reason why the Democrats fear an investigation and are refusing to hand the voter information to The Trump Administration.

The Donald was correct all along, when he said that millions of Illegal Immigrants voted for Hillary. The Donald has always been right about EVERYTHING.

The Leftists and the Beta Cuck Faggots in the Republican Party like John "Psycho" McCain and Miss Lindsay Graham have been pushing the Russia Hacking The Election crap without ANY concrete evidence and the Propaganda MSM who have hated Trump from day one with an organic and visceral fanaticism ALL said that The Donald was just a Conspiracy Theorist for saying that millions of Illegal Immigrants voted for Hillary....so why not hand the voter information in to see IF The Donald is right or wrong? Of course they by refusing to hand that voter information in says The Donald was right and is right.

What are the Democrats afraid of? Yes people should know exactly what they are afraid of.
Why won't they turn voting records over to the feds?

They act as though the election was corrupted because they lost. They blame the Russians for their loss, and blame Trump with not a shred of evidence. But actions speak louder than words. Their words are the result of the pain they've felt since November. Their actions prove it's all talk, they're partisan and have something to hide. It's just another demonstration they're not rational people and intellectually dishonest.

Because your president, that lump of shit 71 year old white boy with yellow straw glued to his brains, asked for not only names, but partial ss #'s, arrest records, their voting history, etc...shit that he knows good and damned well, states can not provide based on voters rights and its integrity, not to mention the cost to get all that information gathered...he did this knowing states would refuse, thus given him yet another sound bite to keep the voter fraud shit alive, only this time throwing the states that refuse this request under the trump bus. The guy is a genius at playing mf's for suckers!!
Why won't they turn voting records over to the feds?

They act as though the election was corrupt, because they lost, so they blame the Russians. They blame Trump with not a shred of evidence. But actions speak louder than words. Their words are the result of the pain they've felt since November. Their actions prove it's all talk, they're partisan and have something to hide. It's just another demonstration they're not rational people.
Lots of conservatives aren't either. Trump wants to behave like a tyrant, and people, of course, oppose that.

/--- If Trump were a tyrant he'd send federal marshals in and confiscate the records and you know it.. Now go ask mommy for a cookie.

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Why won't they turn voting records over to the feds?

They act as though the election was corrupt, because they lost, so they blame the Russians. They blame Trump with not a shred of evidence. But actions speak louder than words. Their words are the result of the pain they've felt since November. Their actions prove it's all talk, they're partisan and have something to hide. It's just another demonstration they're not rational people.
Lots of conservatives aren't either. Trump wants to behave like a tyrant, and people, of course, oppose that.

/--- If Trump were a tyrant he'd send federal marshals in and confiscate the records and you know it.. Now go ask mommy for a cookie.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
I said he wants to. And he looks stupider every time he's told he can't. Now go ask daddy for some balls to gargle.
Why won't they turn voting records over to the feds?

They act as though the election was corrupted because they lost. They blame the Russians for their loss, and blame Trump with not a shred of evidence. But actions speak louder than words. Their words are the result of the pain they've felt since November. Their actions prove it's all talk, they're partisan and have something to hide. It's just another demonstration they're not rational people and intellectually dishonest.
There is very little to hide.

It's far more about not trusting the Federal Government - and a Trump Administration, especially - with such personally-identifiable political information, nationwide.
They're only concerned about staying in power and hiding the illegal immigrant and dead people vote.
Oh, the DimWits do, indeed, hide Illegal Beaners... it's just that they don't vote in any substantive numbers, and Americans don't trust the Feds - and Trump's Feds, to boot - with political choice information as part of a nationwide Big Brother Political Affiliation database.

Got it, now?
They're only concerned about staying in power and hiding the illegal immigrant and dead people vote.
Oh, the DimWits do, indeed, hide Illegal Beaners... it's just that they don't vote in any substantive numbers, and Americans don't trust the Feds - and Trump's Feds, to boot - with political choice information as part of a nationwide Big Brother Political Affiliation database.

Got it, now?
There is zero proof of any widespread voter fraud. Its just a right wing excuse to keep people from voting.

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