If libs believe the Bible is a fairy tale why do they quote it.

They say the Bible is fake news. But they quote it quite often when it suits their purpose.

11 Times The Anti-Bible Democrats Cited The Bible To Defend Their Big Government Programs

Collectivists will try to use anything at their disposal to further their agenda.

The Constitution and the Bible are the same in that both are only used as a tool by collectivists. If either of them disagree with what they want then there is either an interpretation issue or it is just pure bunk. However, if it defends their position then it is the Holy Grail and should be revered.

In short, they have no soul or integrity. Truth is relative. In other words, truth is nonexistent. All that matters is winning elections and wars and obtaining power.
Same goes for science. They worship science but are the first to reject it when it suits their purposes.
If libs believe the Bible is a fairy tale why do they quote it.[sic]

You ah.... you do realize that "libs" is politics and "the bible" is religion, right?
Dafuck does one have to do with the other?

They say the Bible is fake news.

Do they now.

---- Link?
Quite a lot, actually, when hypocritical democrats cite the Bible to support their policies.
They say the Bible is fake news. But they quote it quite often when it suits their purpose.

11 Times The Anti-Bible Democrats Cited The Bible To Defend Their Big Government Programs
God is giving Christians their chance and opening to witness and spread the Gospel to non believers.

the Lord works in mysterious ways....

It's too bad your are not following His cue... :( And are following the cue of the Divisive One....
Based on?
They say the Bible is fake news. But they quote it quite often when it suits their purpose.

11 Times The Anti-Bible Democrats Cited The Bible To Defend Their Big Government Programs
First of all, most liberals in America identify as being Christian. Republicans don't own God.

The religious right likes to use the Bible to bludgeon their opponents on certain social issues - particularly homosexuality even though Jesus never mentioned it. They bring up Leviticus and Paul. While they are beating up gays figuratively with the Bible, they ignore parts of the Bible they don't like and don't follow the example of Christ - helping the poor, feeding the hungry, sheltering the destitute, healing the sick, promoting peace. You know... things that don't necessarily involve turning a profit. And God forbid that the government does any of those things. They have a cow over that stuff.
Interesting you quote scriptures from Leviticus and the writings of Paul and yet reject them.
Sorta like the topic sentence of my thread.
They say the Bible is fake news. But they quote it quite often when it suits their purpose.

11 Times The Anti-Bible Democrats Cited The Bible To Defend Their Big Government Programs
God is giving Christians their chance and opening to witness and spread the Gospel to non believers.

the Lord works in mysterious ways....

It's too bad your are not following His cue... :( And are following the cue of the Divisive One....
Based on?
I should have said, you all....instead of just plain You.

But I see it all the time here....Christian posters get angry or miffed when an assumed non believer quotes scripture to point out what "God" says about a particular topic of discussion....

To me, instead of being miffed, it's the perfect opportunity to take a deep breath and engage this person in discussion of that particular scripture....

Not be upset that they are using scripture, but overjoyed that they are using Scripture and God is working on them.

This is NOT the time to point out they are not following The Word on abortion as example, when they are trying to discuss the Bible and poverty.
They say the Bible is fake news. But they quote it quite often when it suits their purpose.

11 Times The Anti-Bible Democrats Cited The Bible To Defend Their Big Government Programs
God is giving Christians their chance and opening to witness and spread the Gospel to non believers.

the Lord works in mysterious ways....

It's too bad your are not following His cue... :( And are following the cue of the Divisive One....
Based on?
I should have said, you all....instead of just plain You.

But I see it all the time here....Christian posters get angry or miffed when an assumed non believer quotes scripture to point out what "God" says about a particular topic of discussion....

To me, instead of being miffed, it's the perfect opportunity to take a deep breath and engage this person in discussion of that particular scripture....

Not be upset that they are using scripture, but overjoyed that they are using Scripture and God is working on them.

This is NOT the time to point out they are not following The Word on abortion as example, when they are trying to discuss the Bible and poverty.
The left makes generalizations about Christians on this forum. Like we don't feed the hungry or we beat up on gays.
The paradox is that they want us to donate more to social causes and then when we due they accuse the Church of being rich. Their view of Christianity is the television church.
They say the Bible is fake news. But they quote it quite often when it suits their purpose.

11 Times The Anti-Bible Democrats Cited The Bible To Defend Their Big Government Programs
God is giving Christians their chance and opening to witness and spread the Gospel to non believers.

the Lord works in mysterious ways....

It's too bad your are not following His cue... :( And are following the cue of the Divisive One....
Based on?
I should have said, you all....instead of just plain You.

But I see it all the time here....Christian posters get angry or miffed when an assumed non believer quotes scripture to point out what "God" says about a particular topic of discussion....

To me, instead of being miffed, it's the perfect opportunity to take a deep breath and engage this person in discussion of that particular scripture....

Not be upset that they are using scripture, but overjoyed that they are using Scripture and God is working on them.

This is NOT the time to point out they are not following The Word on abortion as example, when they are trying to discuss the Bible and poverty.
The left makes generalizations about Christians on this forum. Like we don't feed the hungry or we beat up on gays.
The paradox is that they want us to donate more to social causes and then when we due they accuse the Church of being rich. Their view of Christianity is the television church.
They do that...I see it all the time...and the only way to combat that imo, is to show them our walk and not just our talk, in our every day lives....

And also, look at the story of the good Samaritan, the two religious figures, the Priest and the Levite, passed the injured left to be dead man by, but the Samaritan man, who was considered part of a lowly tribe by the so called religious Jews, actually stopped, and helped the injured man, and brought him to a hotel, and paid his room and board for a few days.....this Samaritan man, didn't turn a blind eye to him or wait for donations to be given to the Church and the Church to rescue him... And the Priest and the Levite I had read in a back interpretation of the verse probably did not stop because it was the Sabbath and they were not suppose to work on the Sabbath or it had to do with Blood being considered unclean or one of their rules and regs.... And Christ was trying to teach in my opinion, that rules and regs were being interpreted wrongly....and the man who was not considered religious, the good Samaritan man, was THE ONE THAT WAS ACTUALLY FOLLOWING GOD...not the religious ones who thought they were the ones following God and His rules and regulations....

So I personally think we Christians need to humble ourselves, and stop thinking of "the left" as always in the wrong and piously of ourselves... when we may very well be the LEVITE AND THE PRIEST in that parable example... and they may actually be, the Good Samaritan...in a round about way.

I don't think Christianity and giving to all in need, when in need, can be separated....by doing one thing with your Church and nothing at all in our own every day lives or when involved in our government....

To me, it's a mindset... that's heart felt, and not separated by whether you are in Church, at work, walking down the street, OR IMO paying taxes that will go to help the needy....I've never seen that as being forced to take care of the needy, I've always willingly given a portion of my taxes for this cause.
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The left makes generalizations about....

The paradox is that that sentence fragment is ITSELF a generalization. Which is where I started when I came in here, the question you ran away from.

None so blind.
They say the Bible is fake news. But they quote it quite often when it suits their purpose.

11 Times The Anti-Bible Democrats Cited The Bible To Defend Their Big Government Programs

They erroneously believe that they have influence in such matters by citing it, but the Christian Left is based in "social justice" nonsense, not the teachings of Christ.

No one pays attention but themselves.
Do the teachings of Christ refute social justice?
They say the Bible is fake news. But they quote it quite often when it suits their purpose.

11 Times The Anti-Bible Democrats Cited The Bible To Defend Their Big Government Programs

They erroneously believe that they have influence in such matters by citing it, but the Christian Left is based in "social justice" nonsense, not the teachings of Christ.

No one pays attention but themselves.
Do the teachings of Christ refute social justice?
No but it is a personal message not a societal one. All of his teachings were that way. If you scatter seed not all of it will take root.
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The left makes generalizations about....

The paradox is that that sentence fragment is ITSELF a generalization. Which is where I started when I came in here, the question you ran away from.

None so blind.

Once again --- 28 is not your post, nor does it even make any point about anything. You have no answer.
son of a gun. jakestarkey has a twin bro.
You should feel honored.

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