If Lincoln sends slaves home to Africa and Reagan doesn’t sign the Amnesty Bill...

The only way to know that is to ask those of us who have lived in both worlds. And let me tell you, living in an all white world was great.
Where is this all white world?

When I say world I mean environment of course. No violent crime, you could sleep at night because everybody worked or did work in their lives, and respect the people who need to get some sleep who do work, clean, not enough buildings for companies to open up stores, increasing housing prices, walk at night without a gun, police so bored that they have nothing better to do than traffic stops, it was fantastic.
You didn’t answer the question. Where? I’ve never needed a gun.

Neither have I. I'll always wonder in what hell holes these right-wingers live that they think that they have to be armed at home and wherever they go. I've lived in the NY/NJ and DC areas all of my life, and I stopped asking my father to check under the bed for monsters somewhere way before I hit the age of ten.

You people aren't really as retarded as you sound right now...are you?
You realize that nobody NEEDS a gun until that moment they do...right?
Which seems to be never. Just a gun lobby boogeyman.
Where is the OP hoping to go with this thread? If Lincoln send slaves home...…..

What does today’s America look like...politically speaking of course?

Exactly like the Archie Bunker old white guy sitting on his couch (favorite chair) berating his wife,
cheering on the current day Hannity and Carlson.
it's a hypothetical! all you lefties love hypothetical's.
Where is this all white world?

When I say world I mean environment of course. No violent crime, you could sleep at night because everybody worked or did work in their lives, and respect the people who need to get some sleep who do work, clean, not enough buildings for companies to open up stores, increasing housing prices, walk at night without a gun, police so bored that they have nothing better to do than traffic stops, it was fantastic.
You didn’t answer the question. Where? I’ve never needed a gun.

Neither have I. I'll always wonder in what hell holes these right-wingers live that they think that they have to be armed at home and wherever they go. I've lived in the NY/NJ and DC areas all of my life, and I stopped asking my father to check under the bed for monsters somewhere way before I hit the age of ten.

You people aren't really as retarded as you sound right now...are you?
You realize that nobody NEEDS a gun until that moment they do...right?
Which seems to be never. Just a gun lobby boogeyman.

Right...what if Mollie Tibbetts would have been armed...would that wetback have killed her?
What does today’s America look like...politically speaking of course?

The only way to know that is to ask those of us who have lived in both worlds. And let me tell you, living in an all white world was great.
Where is this all white world?

When I say world I mean environment of course. No violent crime, you could sleep at night because everybody worked or did work in their lives, and respect the people who need to get some sleep who do work, clean, not enough buildings for companies to open up stores, increasing housing prices, walk at night without a gun, police so bored that they have nothing better to do than traffic stops, it was fantastic.
You didn’t answer the question. Where? I’ve never needed a gun.

Neither have I. I'll always wonder in what hell holes these right-wingers live that they think that they have to be armed at home and wherever they go. I've lived in the NY/NJ and DC areas all of my life, and I stopped asking my father to check under the bed for monsters somewhere way before I hit the age of ten.
BrokeLoser I told you, they only like hypotheticals that they write up. So where's the XponentialChaos dude from the hypothetical thread to tell us how much the left love hypotheticals. doesn't seem like the leftist wish to play hypothetical here. hmmmmmmmmm Schitt's played hypothetical under oath from his chairman position
What does today’s America look like...politically speaking of course?

The only way to know that is to ask those of us who have lived in both worlds. And let me tell you, living in an all white world was great.
Where is this all white world?

When I say world I mean environment of course. No violent crime, you could sleep at night because everybody worked or did work in their lives, and respect the people who need to get some sleep who do work, clean, not enough buildings for companies to open up stores, increasing housing prices, walk at night without a gun, police so bored that they have nothing better to do than traffic stops, it was fantastic.
You didn’t answer the question. Where? I’ve never needed a gun.

Neither have I. I'll always wonder in what hell holes these right-wingers live that they think that they have to be armed at home and wherever they go. I've lived in the NY/NJ and DC areas all of my life, and I stopped asking my father to check under the bed for monsters somewhere way before I hit the age of ten.

Well then you should be thankful. My neighborhood was the best until minorities moved in, that's when I had to get a gun.
Politically speaking it would be the western version of the Taliban.

I seriously doubt the US would erupt into tribal warfare if not for the presence of blacks and mexicans.

Even assuming that "tribal warfare" is taking place or might, how would that be the fault of "blacks and mexicans," neither of whom seem to be pushing "tribal warfare," rather than other groups? The only people who seem to be pushing for "tribal warfare" are Caucasians from our lowest, least educated, and least civilized ranks. The rest of us get along with our neighbors.

Sure do
San Francisco

What do these three major, thriving U.S. cities have to do with "tribal warfare"? They merely are more densely populated than wherever it is that you live. What are you afraid of? People?
The only way to know that is to ask those of us who have lived in both worlds. And let me tell you, living in an all white world was great.
Where is this all white world?

When I say world I mean environment of course. No violent crime, you could sleep at night because everybody worked or did work in their lives, and respect the people who need to get some sleep who do work, clean, not enough buildings for companies to open up stores, increasing housing prices, walk at night without a gun, police so bored that they have nothing better to do than traffic stops, it was fantastic.
You didn’t answer the question. Where? I’ve never needed a gun.

In the Cleveland suburbs, that's where. And I never needed a gun either until the change. In fact I never touched a real gun until I was 30 years old. When it was a white suburb, you didn't need a gun. We had one murder every 20 years. Now we have one murder every couple of months. In fact, the last one about a mile from my home two weeks ago.
So what year we talking?

I moved to this house in 1985, so I would say about the later 90's. I rented here until the owners wanted to sell it, and I got a damn good price because he didn't want to advertise and scare all the tenants out. I bought this place 25 years ago, and today, it's worth a little less than when I bought it all the way back then thanks to the blacks moving in.
The only way to know that is to ask those of us who have lived in both worlds. And let me tell you, living in an all white world was great.
Where is this all white world?

When I say world I mean environment of course. No violent crime, you could sleep at night because everybody worked or did work in their lives, and respect the people who need to get some sleep who do work, clean, not enough buildings for companies to open up stores, increasing housing prices, walk at night without a gun, police so bored that they have nothing better to do than traffic stops, it was fantastic.
You didn’t answer the question. Where? I’ve never needed a gun.

In the Cleveland suburbs, that's where. And I never needed a gun either until the change. In fact I never touched a real gun until I was 30 years old. When it was a white suburb, you didn't need a gun. We had one murder every 20 years. Now we have one murder every couple of months. In fact, the last one about a mile from my home two weeks ago.

I live in Cleveland too. Moved here as a child in the late 80s from "backward, inbred" West Virginia and it was a total culture shock especially when just a few days after I arrived the hispanic lady next door turned up murdered and stuffed into a box in the attic by her brother. I had never had anyone pull a knife on me before I came here.

I don't have to tell you what goes on there then. But I was born in Slavic Village in the 60's. It was such a great place back then. My grandparents (who lived downstairs from us) didn't believe in air conditioning. So in the summer, they used to sleep with the front door wide open and didn't even lock the screen door half the time. Many of the people were the same way. Nobody ever had a problem back then.

Now you wouldn't even want to even be driving on Fleet Ave at night without a gun.
What does today’s America look like...politically speaking of course?
Like the most of the fly over states. When I see the best surgeons, physicians, scientists, innovators are of immigrant background it is damn sure that without the influx of immigrant this country wouldn't be where it is now.
Politically speaking it would be the western version of the Taliban.

Dumbass, the fact that so many of the best surgeons, physicians, scientists and innovators in this country today has nothing to do with immigration but everything to do with our fucked up educational institutions and our crumbling social and moral standards.
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Where is this all white world?

When I say world I mean environment of course. No violent crime, you could sleep at night because everybody worked or did work in their lives, and respect the people who need to get some sleep who do work, clean, not enough buildings for companies to open up stores, increasing housing prices, walk at night without a gun, police so bored that they have nothing better to do than traffic stops, it was fantastic.
You didn’t answer the question. Where? I’ve never needed a gun.

In the Cleveland suburbs, that's where. And I never needed a gun either until the change. In fact I never touched a real gun until I was 30 years old. When it was a white suburb, you didn't need a gun. We had one murder every 20 years. Now we have one murder every couple of months. In fact, the last one about a mile from my home two weeks ago.
So what year we talking?

I moved to this house in 1985, so I would say about the later 90's. I rented here until the owners wanted to sell it, and I got a damn good price because he didn't want to advertise and scare all the tenants out. I bought this place 25 years ago, and today, it's worth a little less than when I bought it all the way back then thanks to the blacks moving in.
In general crime was much higher back then.
So what happens to these girls who marry young? Why are you trying to shove girls into a particular lifestyle? What about their futures? Doctors, lawyers, teachers, physicists, microbiologists, etc. have families, too. Any two people can get together and successfully raise children. My previous boss and his wife did it. They "tag-teamed." what it takes is commitment and effort on the part of both, working together.
I just told you what they do

So your female graduates and professionals are? They can make a living on today's economy?have lived independently, including serving in the military? They are well-traveled or at least familiar with other cultures? They are well-able to discuss what is going on in politics today? They have met a variety of men before choosing one as a life partner? Have they been exposed to our classic literature? Are they familiar with how our government operates?
Our woman are well versed in history and current events, they saw woman that live this life style commit suicide, become very depressed because they have no children or family, and have choose the proper lifestyle of a progressive woman. The most important job in America a mother.

Who are "our wom[e]n"? What's the "our" for? What are their professions, interests, and hobbies? Where are their children's fathers? Do their children's fathers expect them to wait on them, as well? Are they equipped to make a living for themselves? When their kids have grown up, are their lazy, good-for-nothing husbands going to pay for their university degrees to enter a profession and for their travels?

Who in the hell are you to say what is the "proper lifestyle" for anyone else. You are not worthy of assigning someone else a "place" in life. You have some gall.

What America needs is good marriages of committed people who understand the vows they take and the effort, love, friendship, and camaraderie it takes to build a successful family.
My mother’s interest was cooking cleaning, ceramics, hobbies, making me sandwiches, collecting coupons to save the family money, she likes the rodeo, Cowboys, talking about how she grew up poor in Boston, what her family taught her.. what else you want to know?

I doubt that your mother was "interested" in cooking, cleaning, making you sandwiches, and collecting coupons. My mother did these things, too, given her position as a post-war wife. Her personal interests were in art, education, and travel.

She often took me to Washington Square, Greenwich Village, NYC, to the art shows and look around and to Radio City to see the Rockettes. She loved opera, especially Puccini, which my father referred to as "uproar." We also went to NYC's museums to look at the cool stuff. I remember the dark, rainy day when I was about 12. She packed up snacks and took me to the theater to see Gone With the Wind. She was a wonderful seamstress, but absolutely hated cooking. I still have her "Just say no to cooking" sign hanging in my kitchen. I think that she was totally bored by domestic stuff, but she had already helped my grandparents raise a several kids because she was the oldest girl in her family before she got married.

Why do you expect everyone to like the same things? What stuff are you into? Carpentry? Fixing plumbing? Building cabinets? Mowing the lawn? Fixing cars? Racing cars? Sports? Hunting? Fishing? Rodeo? Playing the stock market? Do you expect every man to like what you like just because they are men?
I just told you what they do

So your female graduates and professionals are? They can make a living on today's economy?have lived independently, including serving in the military? They are well-traveled or at least familiar with other cultures? They are well-able to discuss what is going on in politics today? They have met a variety of men before choosing one as a life partner? Have they been exposed to our classic literature? Are they familiar with how our government operates?
Our woman are well versed in history and current events, they saw woman that live this life style commit suicide, become very depressed because they have no children or family, and have choose the proper lifestyle of a progressive woman. The most important job in America a mother.

Who are "our wom[e]n"? What's the "our" for? What are their professions, interests, and hobbies? Where are their children's fathers? Do their children's fathers expect them to wait on them, as well? Are they equipped to make a living for themselves? When their kids have grown up, are their lazy, good-for-nothing husbands going to pay for their university degrees to enter a profession and for their travels?

Who in the hell are you to say what is the "proper lifestyle" for anyone else. You are not worthy of assigning someone else a "place" in life. You have some gall.

What America needs is good marriages of committed people who understand the vows they take and the effort, love, friendship, and camaraderie it takes to build a successful family.
My mother’s interest was cooking cleaning, ceramics, hobbies, making me sandwiches, collecting coupons to save the family money, she likes the rodeo, Cowboys, talking about how she grew up poor in Boston, what her family taught her.. what else you want to know?

I doubt that your mother was "interested" in cooking, cleaning, making you sandwiches, and collecting coupons. My mother did these things, too, given her position as a post-war wife. Her personal interests were in art, education, and travel.

She often took me to Washington Square, Greenwich Village, NYC, to the art shows and look around and to Radio City to see the Rockettes. She loved opera, especially Puccini, which my father referred to as "uproar." We also went to NYC's museums to look at the cool stuff. I remember the dark, rainy day when I was about 12. She packed up snacks and took me to the theater to see Gone With the Wind. She was a wonderful seamstress, but absolutely hated cooking. I still have her "Just say no to cooking" sign hanging in my kitchen. I think that she was totally bored by domestic stuff, but she had already helped my grandparents raise a several kids because she was the oldest girl in her family before she got married.

Why do you expect everyone to like the same things? What stuff are you into? Carpentry? Fixing plumbing? Building cabinets? Mowing the lawn? Fixing cars? Racing cars? Sports? Hunting? Fishing? Rodeo? Playing the stock market? Do you expect every man to like what you like just because they are men?
Now just imagine she never did those things with you because she was stuck in a office 8 hours a day.... and you grew up not seeing that stuff and you took the path of a meth head... yes we had it lucky because she was smart. Hehe enjoy the rest of your day
When I say world I mean environment of course. No violent crime, you could sleep at night because everybody worked or did work in their lives, and respect the people who need to get some sleep who do work, clean, not enough buildings for companies to open up stores, increasing housing prices, walk at night without a gun, police so bored that they have nothing better to do than traffic stops, it was fantastic.
You didn’t answer the question. Where? I’ve never needed a gun.

In the Cleveland suburbs, that's where. And I never needed a gun either until the change. In fact I never touched a real gun until I was 30 years old. When it was a white suburb, you didn't need a gun. We had one murder every 20 years. Now we have one murder every couple of months. In fact, the last one about a mile from my home two weeks ago.
So what year we talking?

I moved to this house in 1985, so I would say about the later 90's. I rented here until the owners wanted to sell it, and I got a damn good price because he didn't want to advertise and scare all the tenants out. I bought this place 25 years ago, and today, it's worth a little less than when I bought it all the way back then thanks to the blacks moving in.
In general crime was much higher back then.

Yet never any crime where I lived. Oh, there was some crime, but nothing destructive. Nobody lived in fear because some kid turned on their outside faucet. Property value didn't go down because some teens turfed a tree lawn. Nobody had to buy a gun because they were getting crank phone calls.

I remember going for walks on nice summer nights, or when I was a kid riding my bike. Now it's a good idea to take your gun with you if you take out the garbage at night, which is what the city recommends.
You didn’t answer the question. Where? I’ve never needed a gun.

In the Cleveland suburbs, that's where. And I never needed a gun either until the change. In fact I never touched a real gun until I was 30 years old. When it was a white suburb, you didn't need a gun. We had one murder every 20 years. Now we have one murder every couple of months. In fact, the last one about a mile from my home two weeks ago.
So what year we talking?

I moved to this house in 1985, so I would say about the later 90's. I rented here until the owners wanted to sell it, and I got a damn good price because he didn't want to advertise and scare all the tenants out. I bought this place 25 years ago, and today, it's worth a little less than when I bought it all the way back then thanks to the blacks moving in.
In general crime was much higher back then.

Yet never any crime where I lived. Oh, there was some crime, but nothing destructive. Nobody lived in fear because some kid turned on their outside faucet. Property value didn't go down because some teens turfed a tree lawn. Nobody had to buy a gun because they were getting crank phone calls.

I remember going for walks on nice summer nights, or when I was a kid riding my bike. Now it's a good idea to take your gun with you if you take out the garbage at night, which is what the city recommends.
My neighborhood as a kid was all white and mostly safe. But I remember bikes stolen, garage broken into, screen door broken into.... now I live in a very diverse subdivision and it’s safe and I don’t hear of anything being stolen. It’s really not a race thing.
In the Cleveland suburbs, that's where. And I never needed a gun either until the change. In fact I never touched a real gun until I was 30 years old. When it was a white suburb, you didn't need a gun. We had one murder every 20 years. Now we have one murder every couple of months. In fact, the last one about a mile from my home two weeks ago.
So what year we talking?

I moved to this house in 1985, so I would say about the later 90's. I rented here until the owners wanted to sell it, and I got a damn good price because he didn't want to advertise and scare all the tenants out. I bought this place 25 years ago, and today, it's worth a little less than when I bought it all the way back then thanks to the blacks moving in.
In general crime was much higher back then.

Yet never any crime where I lived. Oh, there was some crime, but nothing destructive. Nobody lived in fear because some kid turned on their outside faucet. Property value didn't go down because some teens turfed a tree lawn. Nobody had to buy a gun because they were getting crank phone calls.

I remember going for walks on nice summer nights, or when I was a kid riding my bike. Now it's a good idea to take your gun with you if you take out the garbage at night, which is what the city recommends.
My neighborhood as a kid was all white and mostly safe. But I remember bikes stolen, garage broken into, screen door broken into.... now I live in a very diverse subdivision and it’s safe and I don’t hear of anything being stolen. It’s really not a race thing.

Depends on your definition of diverse. They are okay when they make up ten, fifteen, even twenty percent of the population. Anything after that is when the trouble starts. The more minorities, the worse it gets.

We no longer have any department stores in the city. They all closed up because of theft and armed robberies. Even many of the convenience stores had to shut down. Now they are nail salons, cell phone/pager stores, or daycare centers.

To have any nice shopping experience, I have to drive to the other side of town.
If Lincoln sends slaves home to Africa and Reagan doesn’t sign the Amnesty Bill... What does today’s America look like...politically speaking of course?

It's really hard to see how the second half (Reagan's Amnesty) would have played out unless we see how the first question plays out, so I'm just going to tackle the first...

What would happen to the South if there are no African slaves to exploit and hate? What would be the effect on Southern representation in Congress? The slaves were counted as 3/5s a person for census/representation, so the inflated representation the Southerners had would be diminished in the House of Representatives. How much of an impact I don't know. Toward the end of Reconstruction onward, Democrats had control of the House 16 of 20 years from 1875-1895, so in the new timeline, there could be longer periods of Republican control in the House. The Senate would have only been affected if the length of Reconstruction was shortened allowing Southern states earlier re-entry. Differing representation would also affect the Electoral College results.

Andrew Johnson may have still been impeached and still survived a Senate vote. Would Grover Cleveland and later Woodrow Wilson ever rise to President? Depends how the timeline plays out.

The income tax (16th Amendment) and other "Progressive" ideas would have been delayed. Women's suffrage may have come sooner, or without the support of the former black slaves for women's suffrage, maybe it plays out the same.

Would Democrats have started the Ku Klux Klan? Remember, it was initially created to terrorize those who would vote Republican. Because blacks would all be voting Republican, they became easy targets to terrorize, whereas whites could conceal their loyalties.

Without those of African ancestry, we'd lose out on early representatives and others who contributed mightily to this nation...


The next quesion is would those who were shipped back to Africa be better for it or worse off? With all of the genocide and crimes against humanity we've seen in the past hundred years in most African nations, worse off in the long term for their posterity.

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