If Lincoln sends slaves home to Africa and Reagan doesn’t sign the Amnesty Bill...

What does today’s America look like...politically speaking of course?

The only way to know that is to ask those of us who have lived in both worlds. And let me tell you, living in an all white world was great.

Born in the 70’s, I missed out on the golden era...I close my eyes and dream about 1950’s-60’s America at least once daily.
View attachment 294429
Nice try.

Here's right wing extremism:


What does today’s America look like...politically speaking of course?

The only way to know that is to ask those of us who have lived in both worlds. And let me tell you, living in an all white world was great.
Where is this all white world?

When I say world I mean environment of course. No violent crime, you could sleep at night because everybody worked or did work in their lives, and respect the people who need to get some sleep who do work, clean, not enough buildings for companies to open up stores, increasing housing prices, walk at night without a gun, police so bored that they have nothing better to do than traffic stops, it was fantastic.
You didn’t answer the question. Where? I’ve never needed a gun.

In the Cleveland suburbs, that's where. And I never needed a gun either until the change. In fact I never touched a real gun until I was 30 years old. When it was a white suburb, you didn't need a gun. We had one murder every 20 years. Now we have one murder every couple of months. In fact, the last one about a mile from my home two weeks ago.
What does today’s America look like...politically speaking of course?

The only way to know that is to ask those of us who have lived in both worlds. And let me tell you, living in an all white world was great.
Where is this all white world?

When I say world I mean environment of course. No violent crime, you could sleep at night because everybody worked or did work in their lives, and respect the people who need to get some sleep who do work, clean, not enough buildings for companies to open up stores, increasing housing prices, walk at night without a gun, police so bored that they have nothing better to do than traffic stops, it was fantastic.
You didn’t answer the question. Where? I’ve never needed a gun.

In the Cleveland suburbs, that's where. And I never needed a gun either until the change. In fact I never touched a real gun until I was 30 years old. When it was a white suburb, you didn't need a gun. We had one murder every 20 years. Now we have one murder every couple of months. In fact, the last one about a mile from my home two weeks ago.

But, but, but...you and I both know it was “POVERTY” that committed that murder...it was poverty that forced that black dude to pull that trigger.
What does today’s America look like...politically speaking of course?

The only way to know that is to ask those of us who have lived in both worlds. And let me tell you, living in an all white world was great.
Where is this all white world?

When I say world I mean environment of course. No violent crime, you could sleep at night because everybody worked or did work in their lives, and respect the people who need to get some sleep who do work, clean, not enough buildings for companies to open up stores, increasing housing prices, walk at night without a gun, police so bored that they have nothing better to do than traffic stops, it was fantastic.
You didn’t answer the question. Where? I’ve never needed a gun.

In the Cleveland suburbs, that's where. And I never needed a gun either until the change. In fact I never touched a real gun until I was 30 years old. When it was a white suburb, you didn't need a gun. We had one murder every 20 years. Now we have one murder every couple of months. In fact, the last one about a mile from my home two weeks ago.

I live in Cleveland too. Moved here as a child in the late 80s from "backward, inbred" West Virginia and it was a total culture shock especially when just a few days after I arrived the hispanic lady next door turned up murdered and stuffed into a box in the attic by her brother. I had never had anyone pull a knife on me before I came here.
What does today’s America look like...politically speaking of course?

The only way to know that is to ask those of us who have lived in both worlds. And let me tell you, living in an all white world was great.
Where is this all white world?

When I say world I mean environment of course. No violent crime, you could sleep at night because everybody worked or did work in their lives, and respect the people who need to get some sleep who do work, clean, not enough buildings for companies to open up stores, increasing housing prices, walk at night without a gun, police so bored that they have nothing better to do than traffic stops, it was fantastic.
You didn’t answer the question. Where? I’ve never needed a gun.

In the Cleveland suburbs, that's where. And I never needed a gun either until the change. In fact I never touched a real gun until I was 30 years old. When it was a white suburb, you didn't need a gun. We had one murder every 20 years. Now we have one murder every couple of months. In fact, the last one about a mile from my home two weeks ago.
So what year we talking?
Politically speaking it would be the western version of the Taliban.

I seriously doubt the US would erupt into tribal warfare if not for the presence of blacks and mexicans.

Even assuming that "tribal warfare" is taking place or might, how would that be the fault of "blacks and mexicans," neither of whom seem to be pushing "tribal warfare," rather than other groups? The only people who seem to be pushing for "tribal warfare" are Caucasians from our lowest, least educated, and least civilized ranks. The rest of us get along with our neighbors.
Ann Coulter spells it out. Diversity is not a strength but could be our demise.
Politically speaking it would be the western version of the Taliban.

I seriously doubt the US would erupt into tribal warfare if not for the presence of blacks and mexicans.

Even assuming that "tribal warfare" is taking place or might, how would that be the fault of "blacks and mexicans," neither of whom seem to be pushing "tribal warfare," rather than other groups? The only people who seem to be pushing for "tribal warfare" are Caucasians from our lowest, least educated, and least civilized ranks. The rest of us get along with our neighbors.
Ann Coulter spells it out. Diversity is not a strength but could be our demise.

She nailed it...and we’re already seeing it.
Maybe we would be more like Europe, they pretty white.

How awful that would be! Just look at this dump!
Yes it is a nice place. But politically they are far more liberal. That wouldn’t make our righties happy.

That's Poland, you nonce. Full of Nazis, according to the Marxists in the EU. Sounds like my kind of place.
Then you are rather brain dead.
Poland. Free health care...23% VAT...32% top income tax bracket...23% payroll tax for social and health programs...

Looks like they are WAY more liberal than the US.

Liberalism is for less government, equality" more rights & more freedom.
That's the only definition I've seen.

Poland's in reality far Right to the USA where in the US Gays, Abortion, Islamic refugees & especially Jews are top priorities.
Not the case in Poland.
Genetic diversity has many advantages over "racial purity". The American mutt is the greatest beast that has ever walked the Earth.

And what someone said about immigration is also true. The continuation of our country's economic growth is going to depend more and more upon immigration, especially since our birth rate is declining.

A lot of American mutts are typically White trash.
It's actually newer arrivals who are usually further ahead today.
Such as Asians, Jews, White Catholics etc.
I seriously doubt the US would erupt into tribal warfare if not for the presence of blacks and mexicans.

Even assuming that "tribal warfare" is taking place or might, how would that be the fault of "blacks and mexicans," neither of whom seem to be pushing "tribal warfare," rather than other groups? The only people who seem to be pushing for "tribal warfare" are Caucasians from our lowest, least educated, and least civilized ranks. The rest of us get along with our neighbors.

Most American dysfunction is directly related to our "diversity" which speaks truth to the lie that it makes us stronger.

You have no right to an "all-white America." You are not special in any context but your own, personal achievements and the respect that you personally have earned from others.There is no basis for your assertion that "Most American dysfunction is directly related to our "diversity"." You, yourself, are contributing to what you call "American dysfunction."

I live in an extremely diverse community near D.C., with people from all nations, and there is no trouble other than what your own neighborhood might experience. We treat each other politely and with respect.

Just yesterday, I took the bus to do a whole bunch of errands. I first had to go to the metro station to get my pass validated (fluke in the metro pass procedure), and boarded the bus back north. The same bus driver (a black man with an African accent) who had driven me to the station was astonished to see me again and he automatically stopped where I usually get off. He called to me that this was my stop (he knew), and I had to tell him that I wanted to continue on the route to go shopping.

On the way back, the African-American driver and I began to chat about dumb drivers who give you "the finger" when they are the ones at fault and ignore yield signs. But I interrupted him when I saw, through the windshield, the yellow full moon that had just come up to encourage him to have a look. We were just two people enjoying the beauty of nature together. This is how we all get along. We don't march around with tiki torches chanting ridiculous slogans and we don't form "militia" gangs to run around in the woods playing soldier.

Anecdotes about your personal experiences won't change the reality that black people commit a disproportionate amount of crime with Hispanics a runner up. Subtract them from the equation and the crime rate would drop at least 50%, probably more if you factor in the Arabs and others that crime statistics erroneously count as "white".

Those are just the facts. Another fact is that white men are far less likely to rape and abuse women than anyone else in the world. I've never raped or murdered anyone. What on earth have I done to get this horrible reputation that the media, college professors and the political left makes me out to be the villain? Because of that one fat girl who died in Charlottesville? I wasn't there and it wasn't my fault. Sorry, not sorry.
White men are far more likely to enslave people and rape their slaves. There are a few of you in this topic who would love that opportunity.

Deep down inside, I am positive that is BrokeLoser's dream.

Oh yeah?
Tell that to people still enslaved in places like Africa, Arabia, South Asia, North Korea etc.
"Encouraged" by whom? It is the parents who have charge of raising their daughters either for a future as an educated, independent, and competent adult in a modern world or a limited future underneath a fundie guy. The latter parents view their offspring as mere flesh and cooperate with the adult hunters of their teenage children. Yes, I care about age. Criminalize child marriage.

Why are these supposed "adults" so weak that they cannot marry with other adults their own age?
A girl getting married young is reality, America needs families, America needs a mother at home, look at all the shot hole cities, all have woman woman working 30-40 hours a week, kids are over dosing, shitting in streets .. that ain’t happening in Alabama.. why? Because they marry young . Deal with The progressive movement, Republican families are progressive

So what happens to these girls who marry young? Why are you trying to shove girls into a particular lifestyle? What about their futures? Doctors, lawyers, teachers, physicists, microbiologists, etc. have families, too. Any two people can get together and successfully raise children. My previous boss and his wife did it. They "tag-teamed." what it takes is commitment and effort on the part of both, working together.
I just told you what they do

So your female graduates and professionals are? They can make a living on today's economy?have lived independently, including serving in the military? They are well-traveled or at least familiar with other cultures? They are well-able to discuss what is going on in politics today? They have met a variety of men before choosing one as a life partner? Have they been exposed to our classic literature? Are they familiar with how our government operates?
Our woman are well versed in history and current events, they saw woman that live this life style commit suicide, become very depressed because they have no children or family, and have choose the proper lifestyle of a progressive woman. The most important job in America a mother.

Who are "our wom[e]n"? What's the "our" for? What are their professions, interests, and hobbies? Where are their children's fathers? Do their children's fathers expect them to wait on them, as well? Are they equipped to make a living for themselves? When their kids have grown up, are their lazy, good-for-nothing husbands going to pay for their university degrees to enter a profession and for their travels?

Who in the hell are you to say what is the "proper lifestyle" for anyone else. You are not worthy of assigning someone else a "place" in life. You have some gall.

What America needs is good marriages of committed people who understand the vows they take and the effort, love, friendship, and camaraderie it takes to build a successful family.
A girl getting married young is reality, America needs families, America needs a mother at home, look at all the shot hole cities, all have woman woman working 30-40 hours a week, kids are over dosing, shitting in streets .. that ain’t happening in Alabama.. why? Because they marry young . Deal with The progressive movement, Republican families are progressive

So what happens to these girls who marry young? Why are you trying to shove girls into a particular lifestyle? What about their futures? Doctors, lawyers, teachers, physicists, microbiologists, etc. have families, too. Any two people can get together and successfully raise children. My previous boss and his wife did it. They "tag-teamed." what it takes is commitment and effort on the part of both, working together.
I just told you what they do

So your female graduates and professionals are? They can make a living on today's economy?have lived independently, including serving in the military? They are well-traveled or at least familiar with other cultures? They are well-able to discuss what is going on in politics today? They have met a variety of men before choosing one as a life partner? Have they been exposed to our classic literature? Are they familiar with how our government operates?
Our woman are well versed in history and current events, they saw woman that live this life style commit suicide, become very depressed because they have no children or family, and have choose the proper lifestyle of a progressive woman. The most important job in America a mother.

Who are "our wom[e]n"? What's the "our" for? What are their professions, interests, and hobbies? Where are their children's fathers? Do their children's fathers expect them to wait on them, as well? Are they equipped to make a living for themselves? When their kids have grown up, are their lazy, good-for-nothing husbands going to pay for their university degrees to enter a profession and for their travels?

Who in the hell are you to say what is the "proper lifestyle" for anyone else. You are not worthy of assigning someone else a "place" in life. You have some gall.

What America needs is good marriages of committed people who understand the vows they take and the effort, love, friendship, and camaraderie it takes to build a successful family.
My mother’s interest was cooking cleaning, ceramics, hobbies, making me sandwiches, collecting coupons to save the family money, she likes the rodeo, Cowboys, talking about how she grew up poor in Boston, what her family taught her.. what else you want to know?
Politically speaking it would be the western version of the Taliban.

I seriously doubt the US would erupt into tribal warfare if not for the presence of blacks and mexicans.

Even assuming that "tribal warfare" is taking place or might, how would that be the fault of "blacks and mexicans," neither of whom seem to be pushing "tribal warfare," rather than other groups? The only people who seem to be pushing for "tribal warfare" are Caucasians from our lowest, least educated, and least civilized ranks. The rest of us get along with our neighbors.

Sure do
San Francisco
What does today’s America look like...politically speaking of course?
Like the most of the fly over states. When I see the best surgeons, physicians, scientists, innovators are of immigrant background it is damn sure that without the influx of immigrant this country wouldn't be where it is now.
Politically speaking it would be the western version of the Taliban.

When did those people arrive or stay here illegally?
We would still be a monoculture, and much more united.
Oh, and we'd still have went to the moon, as well as having most of the technology we now enjoy.
What does today’s America look like...politically speaking of course?

The only way to know that is to ask those of us who have lived in both worlds. And let me tell you, living in an all white world was great.
Where is this all white world?

When I say world I mean environment of course. No violent crime, you could sleep at night because everybody worked or did work in their lives, and respect the people who need to get some sleep who do work, clean, not enough buildings for companies to open up stores, increasing housing prices, walk at night without a gun, police so bored that they have nothing better to do than traffic stops, it was fantastic.
You didn’t answer the question. Where? I’ve never needed a gun.

Neither have I. I'll always wonder in what hell holes these right-wingers live that they think that they have to be armed at home and wherever they go. I've lived in the NY/NJ and DC areas all of my life, and I stopped asking my father to check under the bed for monsters somewhere way before I hit the age of ten.
What does today’s America look like...politically speaking of course?

The only way to know that is to ask those of us who have lived in both worlds. And let me tell you, living in an all white world was great.
Where is this all white world?

When I say world I mean environment of course. No violent crime, you could sleep at night because everybody worked or did work in their lives, and respect the people who need to get some sleep who do work, clean, not enough buildings for companies to open up stores, increasing housing prices, walk at night without a gun, police so bored that they have nothing better to do than traffic stops, it was fantastic.
You didn’t answer the question. Where? I’ve never needed a gun.

Neither have I. I'll always wonder in what hell holes these right-wingers live that they think that they have to be armed at home and wherever they go. I've lived in the NY/NJ and DC areas all of my life, and I stopped asking my father to check under the bed for monsters somewhere way before I hit the age of ten.

You people aren't really as retarded as you sound right now...are you?
You realize that nobody NEEDS a gun until that moment they do...right?
What does today’s America look like...politically speaking of course?

The only way to know that is to ask those of us who have lived in both worlds. And let me tell you, living in an all white world was great.
Where is this all white world?

When I say world I mean environment of course. No violent crime, you could sleep at night because everybody worked or did work in their lives, and respect the people who need to get some sleep who do work, clean, not enough buildings for companies to open up stores, increasing housing prices, walk at night without a gun, police so bored that they have nothing better to do than traffic stops, it was fantastic.
You didn’t answer the question. Where? I’ve never needed a gun.

Neither have I. I'll always wonder in what hell holes these right-wingers live that they think that they have to be armed at home and wherever they go. I've lived in the NY/NJ and DC areas all of my life, and I stopped asking my father to check under the bed for monsters somewhere way before I hit the age of ten.

"I've lived in the NY/NJ and DC areas all of my life,"

That pretty much explains it right there.
What does today’s America look like...politically speaking of course?

The only way to know that is to ask those of us who have lived in both worlds. And let me tell you, living in an all white world was great.

Born in the 70’s, I missed out on the golden era...I close my eyes and dream about 1950’s-60’s America at least once daily.
View attachment 294429
Nice try.

Here's right wing extremism:


Making up this pile of bones are thousands of people who loved, had families, had faith and prayed, lived normal lives in joy and hope and sorrow, and who never did anything wrong to anyone.

It is hard to fathom why anyone would ever do this to their fellow human beings.

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