If masks work why haven't they been a prescribed treatment?

No they suggest the use.

And in the case of a sprain an ACE bandage is actually a treatment for the injury that provides compression and support. An ACE bandage does not prevent a sprain
No they prescribe them. When they write them on the prescription pad they are officially prescribed. And a ace bandage is a preventative measure for further sprain flare up.
No they prescribe them. When they write them on the prescription pad they are officially prescribed.
I've never seen one

But regardless a bandage is actually a treatment for a sprain as I said earlier.

Preventative measures are not
Masks don't work or you would have seen more people using them in the past during pollen season.
I use and have used them every year for working outside during allergy season. Have since long before the pandemic.
This time of year sucks for me. It was better when I was younger but the last ten years, I've worn a mask when working outside this time of year.
We since you're a couch potato you've never sprained your ankle. Of course you've wouldn't see it.

I have been a runner since 1974, have ran 1000s of races and a few marathons. Spent 20 years in the Marine Corps during which time only 5 times did I not break 18 minutes for the 3 miles portion of the PFT.

I have without a doubt had more sprained ankles, wrist, knees and more than you would have ever dreamed possible.
I have been a runner since 1974, have ran 1000s of races and a few marathons. Spent 20 years in the Marine Corps during which time only 5 times did I not break 18 minutes for the 3 miles portion of the PFT.

I have without a doubt had more sprained ankles, wrist, knees and more than you would have ever dreamed possible.
Sure you are but stop detailing the thread. Mask mask mask mask
I use and have used them every year for working outside during allergy season. Have since long before the pandemic.
This time of year sucks for me. It was better when I was younger but the last ten years, I've worn a mask when working outside this time of year.
Of course you do. But you still are infected with allergy flare ups.
Masks work, or hospital staff wouldn't wear them. I have used one for years to prevent breathing dust from various sources at work.
Masks work, or hospital staff wouldn't wear them. I have used one for years to prevent breathing dust from various sources at work.
Sure they work in a sterile environment that has been cleaned in operation rooms. But for allergy suffers the doctors have not prescribed that method in an open environment.
Sure they work in a sterile environment that has been cleaned in operation rooms. But for allergy suffers the doctors have not prescribed that method in an open environment.
Perhaps allergens enter the body through eyes and skin as well as nose and mouth, thus the need for drugs.
The whole mask thing was a joke because:
  1. It never differentiated between a good mask like an N95 and the common, cheap cloth mask coverings 90% of the people wore.
  2. The government should have made them easily available and in sufficient quantity to be useful and healthy.
  3. Low income people unable to afford case after case of masks should have been offered them.
  4. The mask industry devolved into nothing but a market for expensive designer masks with logos on them as a fashion statement.
The mask thing only existed to get the slaves accustomed to wearing them as a sign of submission.
Sure you are but stop detailing the thread. Mask mask mask mask

yes mask. Some people choose to wear them, some do not. They are not the sort of thing a doctor would ever "prescribe" though they might suggest them.

I am really not sure why this is so confusing for you.
I had seasonal allergies mostly tree pollens, really bad atm. I can't imagine the mask will do any good. I'll stick with Claritin. Do masks really work for allergies?

Yes, they really do work for allergies as they filter out most of the pollen causing them. It is not 100% effective as the allergies can get into your body through more than just your nose and mouth.

If you do not want to wear a mask, then do not Just do not be a dick and judge those that have a different view
Yes, they really do work for allergies as they filter out most of the pollen causing them. It is not 100% effective as the allergies can get into your body through more than just your nose and mouth.

If you do not want to wear a mask, then do not Just do not be a dick and judge those that have a different view
You know. I do keep my feelings in check and I'm don't overtly express my disapproval especially to parents with young kids. They might sense it from me, but I will mentally send them blessing as we each go our separate ways.
Yes, they really do work for allergies as they filter out most of the pollen causing them. It is not 100% effective as the allergies can get into your body through more than just your nose and mouth.

If you do not want to wear a mask, then do not Just do not be a dick and judge those that have a different view
Sure they do 😆😅😆😅😁
"Is there a deliberate plan to destroy the United States from within?" Nayib Bukele, President of El Salvador commenting on President Brandon's Make China Great Again approach.

Leaders and pundits have been saying this for generations. It looks like our enemies are finally taking it seriously.

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