If Negros Had Been Left To Their Own Devices...

Well, he made a lot of good points on hardwired racial characteristics.
If you say so. Thats kind of like digging through a dumpster to find something edible to eat instead of just going to the store and buying something.

Rushton sourced a couple dozen variables which put Asians on one spectrum, Whites intermediate, and Blacks on the opposite spectrum.

That's important, because it supports strong genetic ties of race.

The truly hilarious part is that Blacks continue to claim that it is some grandiose White conspiracy that is holding them all back...and yet a brief review of overall patterns of Black cultural stasis and deterioration around the globe would correlate with the IQ scale...both in the U.S. during the Civil Rights period, and in South Africa Black leaders promised a cultural transcendence would accompany liberation...in both cases--America and South Africa---the Black population remained mired in poverty and internecine savagery and crime...South Africa is instructive to the extent that Johanesberg and Pretoria exemplified the regression, with Pretoria taking the title of 'child rape capital of the world'

Indeed, as I've long touted Estonia colonized for close to 1,000 years is now #1 in Europe in educational PISA scores, and a producer of Skype, and Kazaa, while Ethiopia which wasn't colonized, is far behind even the average of Africa.

Something just doesn't add up here.

...actually everything adds up in this respect...the contrast correlates with prevalent IQ scores

Well, I meant something doesn't add up in Liberals saying that Blacks are behind because of colonization, if so then why isn't Ethiopia like Japan, and Estonia colonized for 1,000 years like Ethiopia?
You try so desperately to convince yourself that you annoy or agitate me when for the most part I simply laugh at you...you are out of your element here: you casually accuse posters who are smarter and considerably more knowledgeable of being 'stupid' or 'racist'...but you offer nothing in the way of proof---that is what makes you a sullen idiot...

I am not trying to annoy you ... Glad you are able to laugh.
You wouldn't know my element if it slapped you across the face (that's obvious enough as is).

Again ... I accused you only of what you had accused me of (used pretty much the exact same words you used) ... I offered the same mindless nothing you presented.
If you are too stupid to figure that out ... Even with a road map ... Shut the fuck up nit-wit ... :thup:

You try so desperately to convince yourself that you annoy or agitate me when for the most part I simply laugh at you...you are out of your element here: you casually accuse posters who are smarter and considerably more knowledgeable of being 'stupid' or 'racist'...but you offer nothing in the way of proof---that is what makes you a sullen idiot...

I am not trying to annoy you ... Glad you are able to laugh.
You wouldn't know my element if it slapped you across the face (that's obvious enough as is).

Again ... I accused you only of what you had accused me of (used pretty much the exact same words you used) ... I offered the same mindless nothing you presented.
If you are too stupid to figure that out ... Even with a road map ... Shut the fuck up nit-wit ... :thup:


Wrong yet again princess...your particular element is ignorance and empty swagger masquerading as knowledge: You presented nada in the was of proof...by contrast I presented peer-reviewed scientific documentation pertaining to the IQ gap between Blacks and Whites...you are too brazen and silly to even acknowledge your disadvantage in this exchange...stay in touch now!!! LOL
Wrong yet again princess...your particular element is ignorance and empty swagger masquerading as knowledge: You presented nada in the was of proof...by contrast I presented peer-reviewed scientific documentation pertaining to the IQ gap between Blacks and Whites...you are too brazen and silly to even acknowledge your disadvantage in this exchange...stay in touch now!!! LOL

Like I said nit-wit ... I didn't present anything ... I had fun mocking your stupid ass.
Why am I not surprised you are still getting that wrong ... Are you fricken Canadian ... :dunno:

If you say so. Thats kind of like digging through a dumpster to find something edible to eat instead of just going to the store and buying something.

Rushton sourced a couple dozen variables which put Asians on one spectrum, Whites intermediate, and Blacks on the opposite spectrum.

That's important, because it supports strong genetic ties of race.

The truly hilarious part is that Blacks continue to claim that it is some grandiose White conspiracy that is holding them all back...and yet a brief review of overall patterns of Black cultural stasis and deterioration around the globe would correlate with the IQ scale...both in the U.S. during the Civil Rights period, and in South Africa Black leaders promised a cultural transcendence would accompany liberation...in both cases--America and South Africa---the Black population remained mired in poverty and internecine savagery and crime...South Africa is instructive to the extent that Johanesberg and Pretoria exemplified the regression, with Pretoria taking the title of 'child rape capital of the world'

Indeed, as I've long touted Estonia colonized for close to 1,000 years is now #1 in Europe in educational PISA scores, and a producer of Skype, and Kazaa, while Ethiopia which wasn't colonized, is far behind even the average of Africa.

Something just doesn't add up here.

...actually everything adds up in this respect...the contrast correlates with prevalent IQ scores

Well, I meant something doesn't add up in Liberals saying that Blacks are behind because of colonization, if so then why isn't Ethiopia like Japan, and Estonia colonized for 1,000 years like Ethiopia?

You are quite correct...I was agreeing with you when I said 'everything adds' up perfectly...Liberals are essentially more concerned with the fashionable appearance of being 'tolerant and progressive'...yet no one is more clueless!! the argument that 'colonization' handicapped Blacks is absurd to the extent that other 'colonized' peoples occupy much higher levels of assimilation and educational success...take India for example: the British colonized India for 300 years, even established an English-oriented educational system, and yet today Indians excel in areas of higher education and elite professions: investment banking...medicine...law...real estate...etc
Wrong yet again princess...your particular element is ignorance and empty swagger masquerading as knowledge: You presented nada in the was of proof...by contrast I presented peer-reviewed scientific documentation pertaining to the IQ gap between Blacks and Whites...you are too brazen and silly to even acknowledge your disadvantage in this exchange...stay in touch now!!! LOL

Like I said nit-wit ... I didn't present anything ... I had fun mocking your stupid ass.
Why am I not surprised you are still getting that wrong ... Are you fricken Canadian ... :dunno:


Judging by your strangled sociolectics and belligerent street swag I'm guessing you are quite young and equally stupid and bigoted...you sound a bit angry princess...wanna talk about it? ROTFLMAO
Judging by your strangled sociolectics and belligerent street swag I'm guessing you are quite young and equally stupid and bigoted...you sound a bit angry princess...wanna talk about it? ROTFLMAO

Your guesses are about as reliable as the rest of the garbage you have posted ... :thup:
I am really more amused that you think your responses are any indication you aren't as dumb as a box of rocks.
I mean seriously ... Your 10 days here and wealth of knowledge about me ... Wow!

What's to be angry about that ... All I can say is welcome aboard.

Judging by your strangled sociolectics and belligerent street swag I'm guessing you are quite young and equally stupid and bigoted...you sound a bit angry princess...wanna talk about it? ROTFLMAO

Your guesses are about as reliable as the rest of the garbage you have posted ... :thup:
I am really more amused that you think your responses are any indication you aren't as dumb as a box of rocks.
I mean seriously ... Your 10 days here and wealth of knowledge about me ... Wow!

What's to be angry about that ... All I can say is welcome aboard.


Merely a quick reminder princess: to dismiss anything I've stated here as 'stupid' without the obligatory proof renders you a flamboyant twit...I mean at least take a fleeting stab at something a bit more involved than empty street-swag...you still cannot post a whisper of an argument...now that's funny!!!
Merely a quick reminder princess: to dismiss anything I've stated here as 'stupid' without the obligatory proof renders you a flamboyant twit...I mean at least take a fleeting stab at something a bit more involved than empty street-swag...you still cannot post a whisper of an argument...now that's funny!!!

I don't have to prove what you posted is stupid ... You do a good enough job of that yourself ... :dunno:
To argue with an idiot would certainly be less than a productive endeavor ... To mock you doesn't require swag ... Just a sense of humor.

Keep on rambling ... Bucket up nit-wit ... ;)

They would still be living out their existence much in the manner observed in the quote that follows. Its past time that blacks started expressing their appreciation, for all that the civilized world has done for them. Because petty gripes, and century old grievances aside... The outside world has done far more for Negros; than Negros ever have, or ever will for the non-Negro.

"Since the dawn of history the negro has owned the continent of Africa - rich beyond the dream of a poet's fancy, crunching acres of diamonds beneath his bare black feet. Yet he never picked one up from the dust until a white man showed to him its glittering light. His land swarmed with powerful and docile animals, yet he never dreamed a harness, cart, or sled. A hunter by necessity, he never made an axe, spear, or arrowhead worth preserving beyond the moment of its use. He lived as an ox, content to graze for an hour. In a land of stone and timber he never sawed a foot of lumber, carved a block, or built a house save of broken sticks and mud. With league on league of ocean strand and miles of inland seas, for four thousand years he watched their surface ripple under the wind, heard the thunder of the surf on his beach, the howl of the storm over his head, gazed on the dim blue horizon calling him to worlds that lie beyond, and yet he never dreamed a sail." - Thomas Dixon

is there some reason you think this white supremacist garbage is appropriate you lowlife white trash pos?
They would still be living out their existence much in the manner observed in the quote that follows. Its past time that blacks started expressing their appreciation, for all that the civilized world has done for them. Because petty gripes, and century old grievances aside... The outside world has done far more for Negros; than Negros ever have, or ever will for the non-Negro.

"Since the dawn of history the negro has owned the continent of Africa - rich beyond the dream of a poet's fancy, crunching acres of diamonds beneath his bare black feet. Yet he never picked one up from the dust until a white man showed to him its glittering light. His land swarmed with powerful and docile animals, yet he never dreamed a harness, cart, or sled. A hunter by necessity, he never made an axe, spear, or arrowhead worth preserving beyond the moment of its use. He lived as an ox, content to graze for an hour. In a land of stone and timber he never sawed a foot of lumber, carved a block, or built a house save of broken sticks and mud. With league on league of ocean strand and miles of inland seas, for four thousand years he watched their surface ripple under the wind, heard the thunder of the surf on his beach, the howl of the storm over his head, gazed on the dim blue horizon calling him to worlds that lie beyond, and yet he never dreamed a sail." - Thomas Dixon

is there some reason you think this white supremacist garbage is appropriate you lowlife white trash pos?

Yet another imbecile who substitutes racist profanity and name-calling for an actual argument...
They would still be living out their existence much in the manner observed in the quote that follows. Its past time that blacks started expressing their appreciation, for all that the civilized world has done for them. Because petty gripes, and century old grievances aside... The outside world has done far more for Negros; than Negros ever have, or ever will for the non-Negro.

"Since the dawn of history the negro has owned the continent of Africa - rich beyond the dream of a poet's fancy, crunching acres of diamonds beneath his bare black feet. Yet he never picked one up from the dust until a white man showed to him its glittering light. His land swarmed with powerful and docile animals, yet he never dreamed a harness, cart, or sled. A hunter by necessity, he never made an axe, spear, or arrowhead worth preserving beyond the moment of its use. He lived as an ox, content to graze for an hour. In a land of stone and timber he never sawed a foot of lumber, carved a block, or built a house save of broken sticks and mud. With league on league of ocean strand and miles of inland seas, for four thousand years he watched their surface ripple under the wind, heard the thunder of the surf on his beach, the howl of the storm over his head, gazed on the dim blue horizon calling him to worlds that lie beyond, and yet he never dreamed a sail." - Thomas Dixon

is there some reason you think this white supremacist garbage is appropriate you lowlife white trash pos?

Yet another imbecile who substitutes racist profanity and name-calling for an actual argument...

so says white supremacist trash.

your opinion is worth less than zero... which is probably a generous estimate of your IQ

as for "argument". sorry... there is no "argument" with racist pond scum
Merely a quick reminder princess: to dismiss anything I've stated here as 'stupid' without the obligatory proof renders you a flamboyant twit...I mean at least take a fleeting stab at something a bit more involved than empty street-swag...you still cannot post a whisper of an argument...now that's funny!!!

I don't have to prove what you posted is stupid ... You do a good enough job of that yourself ... :dunno:
To argue with an idiot would certainly be less than a productive endeavor ... To mock you doesn't require swag ... Just a sense of humor.

Keep on rambling ... Bucket up nit-wit ... ;)


In point of fact you are helpless to disprove one word of anything I've posted princess, and to the the contrary you are indeed obligated to prove your accusations...keep spinning your wheels and I'll keep laughing...
In point of fact you are helpless to disprove one word of anything I've posted princess, and to the the contrary you are indeed obligated to prove your accusations...keep spinning your wheels and I'll keep laughing...

If you are trying to convince me you aren't Canadian ... It's not working ... Are you related to Pencildick Rushton ... :dunno:

So tell me ... Why do Canadians put labels on bottles of horse piss and call it beer ... I mean does anyone actually buy that shit or is it government subsidized?
I never thought I would say it ... But the damn Japanese make better beer than the Canadians.

Merely a quick reminder princess: to dismiss anything I've stated here as 'stupid' without the obligatory proof renders you a flamboyant twit...I mean at least take a fleeting stab at something a bit more involved than empty street-swag...you still cannot post a whisper of an argument...now that's funny!!!

You want to know what is really funny about your argument ... I mean hang on because this is going to crack you up for sure.

You support Pencildick Rushton's theories on race ... Which make a correlation between a black man having a big dick and what he describes as a low IQ.
You then pronounce you are highly intelligent ... And want me to try and prove Pencildick is wrong.

Why in the hell would I want to prove Pencildick wrong ... When you want me to believe you are a pathetic man frustrated with his tiny dick if Pencildick is correct?

See ... Now that is funny ... :thup:

This guy is a white. He has no credibility. You actually lowered your credibility by posting him as your source.This is your proof? :laugh:


Not the imbecile's comment: he dismisses this man's 'credibility' because he is White...if there is a more solid definition of moron I am unaware of it....WOW
Yeah whites lie a lot. Besides...he some kind of sexual weirdo and racist. Why you think he is credible is something that is typical of you lice attracting white boys.

This guy is a fucking moron and little dick wimp like you. :laugh:

"Although his training is unrelated to biology or genetics, Rushton has not hesitated to spread his controversial opinions far and wide, especially through his major published work, Race, Evolution and Behavior. His findings: black people have larger genitals, breasts and buttocks — characteristics that Rushton alleges have an inverse relationship to brain size and, thus, intelligence. Although the University of Western Ontario has always been careful to defend Rushton’s academic freedom, officials did reprimand him twice for carrying out research on human subjects in 1988 without required prior approval. In the first incident, Rushton surveyed first-year psychology students, asking questions about penis length, distance of ejaculation, and number of sex partners. In the second, he surveyed customers at a Toronto shopping mall, paying 50 white people, 50 black people and 50 Asians five dollars apiece to answer questions about their sexual habits."

Rushton did a lot of good work, but not all good work.

I have larger genitals, and a huge head (Presumably a huge brain), so no I don't agree with Rushton on that one, even if I do on most other things.
Never heard of the clown. Sounds like a fucking nut case. He kind of proves my point whites are not too smart.

...and yet Whites on average are a full 15 IQ points more intelligent than Blacks...you just cannot accept the fact that you strain to defend an inferior race of barbaric idiots...
If I made up a IQ test Blacks would be 360 IQ points more intelligent than whites. Thats what happens when the home team is playing at home. You just cannot accept the fact that you are recessive and you are inferior.
Not the imbecile's comment: he dismisses this man's 'credibility' because he is White...if there is a more solid definition of moron I am unaware of it....WOW
Yeah whites lie a lot. Besides...he some kind of sexual weirdo and racist. Why you think he is credible is something that is typical of you lice attracting white boys.

This guy is a fucking moron and little dick wimp like you. :laugh:

"Although his training is unrelated to biology or genetics, Rushton has not hesitated to spread his controversial opinions far and wide, especially through his major published work, Race, Evolution and Behavior. His findings: black people have larger genitals, breasts and buttocks — characteristics that Rushton alleges have an inverse relationship to brain size and, thus, intelligence. Although the University of Western Ontario has always been careful to defend Rushton’s academic freedom, officials did reprimand him twice for carrying out research on human subjects in 1988 without required prior approval. In the first incident, Rushton surveyed first-year psychology students, asking questions about penis length, distance of ejaculation, and number of sex partners. In the second, he surveyed customers at a Toronto shopping mall, paying 50 white people, 50 black people and 50 Asians five dollars apiece to answer questions about their sexual habits."

Rushton did a lot of good work, but not all good work.

I have larger genitals, and a huge head (Presumably a huge brain), so no I don't agree with Rushton on that one, even if I do on most other things.
Never heard of the clown. Sounds like a fucking nut case. He kind of proves my point whites are not too smart.

...and yet Whites on average are a full 15 IQ points more intelligent than Blacks...you just cannot accept the fact that you strain to defend an inferior race of barbaric idiots...
If I made up a IQ test Blacks would be 360 IQ points more intelligent than whites. Thats what happens when the home team is playing at home. You just cannot accept the fact that you are recessive and you are inferior.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! If you made up an IQ test you would score in the sub-retarded range...to quote your own projections: "You just cannot accept the fact that you are recessive and you are inferior."

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