If Negros Had Been Left To Their Own Devices...

Left to their own devices, blacks probably wouldn't even go to school. And if some did, only an infinitesimal amount of them would make it through university.
El Salvador? It barely has any blacks at all, so right away everyone can see your statistics are meaningless. Why don't you post a country with no blacks at all? Black crime rate will be a big fat 0!

Violent crime that puts you in prison is not profitable. You really think murdering someone in a street fight is profitable?

I'm sorry you don't understand the simple post I wrote.
I understand just fine that you're trying to whitewash negroes by posting statistics of countries with barely any negroes. El Salvador's black population is a fraction of a percentage of the country's total population. You may as well post a country with no blacks and point out that 0 blacks were responsible for crime there. WTF would that prove? You post countries in the Americas but leave out the most glaring one: USA (over 10%). It's obvious you have an agenda.

I posted the top five countries for homicide in the world. I didn't whitewash anything at all. I simply went and took the top five countries.
Wonderful. So what's your point? That Latinos are violent, too?
Seems you're the one trying to whitewash things by being incapable of understand simple statistics.

Yes, as I pointed out El Salvador has a black population which is 0.01% of the country, almost nothing, as I also pointed out, it has the worst murder rate per capita in the world. Do you disagree with either of these two statistics?

But seriously dude, if you can't grasp the point I'm making, can I suggest enrolling in school again? It's FUCKING SIMPLE.
1, 2, and 3 show that Mestizos are violent, too. 4 and 5 show blacks are violent when a majority, too. And even that's a bit of a guess since you're only posting intentional homicide. There's far more to violent crime (intentional homicide is generally a minority of the crime).

Analyzing the USA would let you control for the environment (same country) and compare blacks to whites to let you determine if blacks can become as nonviolent and smart as whites if placed in the same country.

You said that black people lead the violent crime statistics. I was proving you wrong.

How am I supposed to not post international homicides? Should I post interstellar homicide rates?

Look, if you want to post other violent crime, go ahead. The issue here is that a murder is a murder in almost any country. Violent crime changes, statistics are almost impossible to understand in every country you're looking at, and to see how a comparative would be made.

For example the UK and the US probably have similar violent crime rates, yet the US's crime stats make it look LOWER.

Yes, analyzing the US would give you certain information. But you'd be cherry picking information to make a case.

If your argument is that black people are more violent, and you ONLY stick with the US, you'll never prove that black people are more violent.

In fact there are plenty of black African countries with lower murder rates than the US.


Rushton and Whitney (2002) analyzed the 1993–1996 INTERPOL Yearbooks and found that across 100 countries, the rate of murder, rape, and serious assault is four times higher in African and Caribbean countries than elsewhere in the world. In violent crimes per 100,000 people, the rate for African countries was 149; for European, 42; and for Asian, 35. These results are similar to those carried out on other data sets from INTERPOL and the United Nations. They show the Black overrepresentation in violent crime to be a worldwide phenomenon.
The primary reason for the lack of progress in Africa compared to Europe and Asia was due to the geography. We all began as Africans but like many other species we found life outside of our original home much easier.

However, because we evolved in Africa, it is the one place where the ecosystem evolved alongside us. For example the large African animals evolved ways of dealing with us by being either ultra-aggressive or ultra-wary. This meant that the African equivalent of the horse, the zebra, became virtually un-tamable, similarly the elephant and the wild dog. At the other end of the scale there was no shortage of bugs, worms, flies and other critters that were more than happy to use us as part of their life cycle. Thus Africa became a pretty tough place in which to survive. In fact, the 19th century Victorians call West Africa the “white man’s graveyard”.

When the ancestors of modern day Europeans, Asians and other peoples left Africa some 60,000 years ago, many found better places to live, milder climates, animals capable of domestication, and fewer things wanting to eat them either directly or from the inside out. A few found themselves in less hospitable places, such as Australia or parts of South America, but for the most the world outside of Africa was a better place.

Unlike Sub-Saharan Africa with Desert to the north and surrounded by 3 oceans, travel through Europe and Asia presented few geographic obstacles. In time, more sophisticated societies developed where they could interact, trade, and learn from their neighbors both near and far thus they advanced much faster than the Africans who remained isolated. The Romans got principals of government and art and culture from the Greeks, the Europeans copied gunpowder from the Chinese, mathematics from the Arabs. Those in Europe and Asia that were connected developed faster and faster and those that were isolated in Africa progressed slowly and became vulnerable to exploitation. It’s not that the Europeans and Asians were better than Africans, they were just able to progress faster because they were able to leave Africa.
And now that the negroes have left Africa, they lead the violent crime statistics. Explain that.
There is high correlation between poverty and crime throughout the world. Since the poverty rate among blacks is much higher that whites, one would expect higher crime rates.

But the main problem with that is blacks do not have a higher crime rate. And I'm not going to play the per capita game. .
So what is the black crime rate?

.You've been shown that whites commit the most crimes and the numbers.
And you've been shown, and recoiled from the indisputable fact that Negros commit crimes at a significantly overall higher rate. And nothing you post will ever show that to be different. It doesn't really matter if you dont like the fact that per capita matters. Because to the people who do matter; it matters...
The thing about this thread is that we have a white man known to frequent stormfront making a claim about how blacks would be if not for whites. The end of that story was written at the OP.
Known to frequent storm front? Back that up. Show us.

Nope. I am not going to stormfront in order to prove that you are not a racist white who started a thread based in your racist beliefs that blacks would be nothing without whitey.
The primary reason for the lack of progress in Africa compared to Europe and Asia was due to the geography. We all began as Africans but like many other species we found life outside of our original home much easier.

However, because we evolved in Africa, it is the one place where the ecosystem evolved alongside us. For example the large African animals evolved ways of dealing with us by being either ultra-aggressive or ultra-wary. This meant that the African equivalent of the horse, the zebra, became virtually un-tamable, similarly the elephant and the wild dog. At the other end of the scale there was no shortage of bugs, worms, flies and other critters that were more than happy to use us as part of their life cycle. Thus Africa became a pretty tough place in which to survive. In fact, the 19th century Victorians call West Africa the “white man’s graveyard”.

When the ancestors of modern day Europeans, Asians and other peoples left Africa some 60,000 years ago, many found better places to live, milder climates, animals capable of domestication, and fewer things wanting to eat them either directly or from the inside out. A few found themselves in less hospitable places, such as Australia or parts of South America, but for the most the world outside of Africa was a better place.

Unlike Sub-Saharan Africa with Desert to the north and surrounded by 3 oceans, travel through Europe and Asia presented few geographic obstacles. In time, more sophisticated societies developed where they could interact, trade, and learn from their neighbors both near and far thus they advanced much faster than the Africans who remained isolated. The Romans got principals of government and art and culture from the Greeks, the Europeans copied gunpowder from the Chinese, mathematics from the Arabs. Those in Europe and Asia that were connected developed faster and faster and those that were isolated in Africa progressed slowly and became vulnerable to exploitation. It’s not that the Europeans and Asians were better than Africans, they were just able to progress faster because they were able to leave Africa.
And now that the negroes have left Africa, they lead the violent crime statistics. Explain that.
There is high correlation between poverty and crime throughout the world. Since the poverty rate among blacks is much higher that whites, one would expect higher crime rates.

So, why does Prince George's County, Maryland have high murder rates too, despite having low poverty rates, and high incomes?
There's only one thing about this county that's so different from other suburban counties, and it's the dominant Black population there.

Probably because it's part of an inner city urban conglomeration. The problem isn't about how much the average makes, the issue is how much individuals make.

If you have half the population living off crime and the other half raking in the money from politics, then the poorer inner city areas are going to be committing crime against the rich people.

Did you know that during a recession crime goes down. Why? People have less money.

The reality is people also flaunt their money less, they buy less, they go out less, so there are LESS opportunities to commit crime, and criminals are then poorer.

The primary reason for the lack of progress in Africa compared to Europe and Asia was due to the geography. We all began as Africans but like many other species we found life outside of our original home much easier.

However, because we evolved in Africa, it is the one place where the ecosystem evolved alongside us. For example the large African animals evolved ways of dealing with us by being either ultra-aggressive or ultra-wary. This meant that the African equivalent of the horse, the zebra, became virtually un-tamable, similarly the elephant and the wild dog. At the other end of the scale there was no shortage of bugs, worms, flies and other critters that were more than happy to use us as part of their life cycle. Thus Africa became a pretty tough place in which to survive. In fact, the 19th century Victorians call West Africa the “white man’s graveyard”.

When the ancestors of modern day Europeans, Asians and other peoples left Africa some 60,000 years ago, many found better places to live, milder climates, animals capable of domestication, and fewer things wanting to eat them either directly or from the inside out. A few found themselves in less hospitable places, such as Australia or parts of South America, but for the most the world outside of Africa was a better place.

Unlike Sub-Saharan Africa with Desert to the north and surrounded by 3 oceans, travel through Europe and Asia presented few geographic obstacles. In time, more sophisticated societies developed where they could interact, trade, and learn from their neighbors both near and far thus they advanced much faster than the Africans who remained isolated. The Romans got principals of government and art and culture from the Greeks, the Europeans copied gunpowder from the Chinese, mathematics from the Arabs. Those in Europe and Asia that were connected developed faster and faster and those that were isolated in Africa progressed slowly and became vulnerable to exploitation. It’s not that the Europeans and Asians were better than Africans, they were just able to progress faster because they were able to leave Africa.
And now that the negroes have left Africa, they lead the violent crime statistics. Explain that.
There is high correlation between poverty and crime throughout the world. Since the poverty rate among blacks is much higher that whites, one would expect higher crime rates.

So, why does Prince George's County, Maryland have high murder rates too, despite having low poverty rates, and high incomes?
There's only one thing about this county that's so different from other suburban counties, and it's the dominant Black population there.

Probably because it's part of an inner city urban conglomeration. The problem isn't about how much the average makes, the issue is how much individuals make.

If you have half the population living off crime and the other half raking in the money from politics, then the poorer inner city areas are going to be committing crime against the rich people.

Did you know that during a recession crime goes down. Why? People have less money.

The reality is people also flaunt their money less, they buy less, they go out less, so there are LESS opportunities to commit crime, and criminals are then poorer.

Isn't Staten Island, New York , more inner city than Prince George's County, Maryland?
It's also not as rich, and more expensive in cost of living.

Thing is Staten Island doesn't have a murder rate as high as PG County, Maryland, could it be because Staten Island has a lot less Blacks?

There are isolated areas of Black concentration on Staten Island, with predictable results in terms of crime, but the Black representation is lower than Brooklyn or Queens...however there are still dangerous areas there...
I'm sorry you don't understand the simple post I wrote.
I understand just fine that you're trying to whitewash negroes by posting statistics of countries with barely any negroes. El Salvador's black population is a fraction of a percentage of the country's total population. You may as well post a country with no blacks and point out that 0 blacks were responsible for crime there. WTF would that prove? You post countries in the Americas but leave out the most glaring one: USA (over 10%). It's obvious you have an agenda.

I posted the top five countries for homicide in the world. I didn't whitewash anything at all. I simply went and took the top five countries.
Wonderful. So what's your point? That Latinos are violent, too?
Seems you're the one trying to whitewash things by being incapable of understand simple statistics.

Yes, as I pointed out El Salvador has a black population which is 0.01% of the country, almost nothing, as I also pointed out, it has the worst murder rate per capita in the world. Do you disagree with either of these two statistics?

But seriously dude, if you can't grasp the point I'm making, can I suggest enrolling in school again? It's FUCKING SIMPLE.
1, 2, and 3 show that Mestizos are violent, too. 4 and 5 show blacks are violent when a majority, too. And even that's a bit of a guess since you're only posting intentional homicide. There's far more to violent crime (intentional homicide is generally a minority of the crime).

Analyzing the USA would let you control for the environment (same country) and compare blacks to whites to let you determine if blacks can become as nonviolent and smart as whites if placed in the same country.

You said that black people lead the violent crime statistics. I was proving you wrong.

How am I supposed to not post international homicides? Should I post interstellar homicide rates?

Look, if you want to post other violent crime, go ahead. The issue here is that a murder is a murder in almost any country. Violent crime changes, statistics are almost impossible to understand in every country you're looking at, and to see how a comparative would be made.

For example the UK and the US probably have similar violent crime rates, yet the US's crime stats make it look LOWER.

Yes, analyzing the US would give you certain information. But you'd be cherry picking information to make a case.

If your argument is that black people are more violent, and you ONLY stick with the US, you'll never prove that black people are more violent.

In fact there are plenty of black African countries with lower murder rates than the US.


Rushton and Whitney (2002) analyzed the 1993–1996 INTERPOL Yearbooks and found that across 100 countries, the rate of murder, rape, and serious assault is four times higher in African and Caribbean countries than elsewhere in the world. In violent crimes per 100,000 people, the rate for African countries was 149; for European, 42; and for Asian, 35. These results are similar to those carried out on other data sets from INTERPOL and the United Nations. They show the Black overrepresentation in violent crime to be a worldwide phenomenon.

.Wrong. This is 2017 not 1996.
The thing about this thread is that we have a white man known to frequent stormfront making a claim about how blacks would be if not for whites. The end of that story was written at the OP.
Known to frequent storm front? Back that up. Show us.

Nope. I am not going to stormfront in order to prove that you are not a racist white who started a thread based in your racist beliefs that blacks would be nothing without whitey.

It is hardly necessary for anyone to consult STORMFRONT to depict the general chaos and manifestly inferior nature of Blacks in America you mesmerizing twit...In point of fact even invoking such puerile references suggests that you are not intelligent enough to offer a counter-argument...
I understand just fine that you're trying to whitewash negroes by posting statistics of countries with barely any negroes. El Salvador's black population is a fraction of a percentage of the country's total population. You may as well post a country with no blacks and point out that 0 blacks were responsible for crime there. WTF would that prove? You post countries in the Americas but leave out the most glaring one: USA (over 10%). It's obvious you have an agenda.

I posted the top five countries for homicide in the world. I didn't whitewash anything at all. I simply went and took the top five countries.
Wonderful. So what's your point? That Latinos are violent, too?
Seems you're the one trying to whitewash things by being incapable of understand simple statistics.

Yes, as I pointed out El Salvador has a black population which is 0.01% of the country, almost nothing, as I also pointed out, it has the worst murder rate per capita in the world. Do you disagree with either of these two statistics?

But seriously dude, if you can't grasp the point I'm making, can I suggest enrolling in school again? It's FUCKING SIMPLE.
1, 2, and 3 show that Mestizos are violent, too. 4 and 5 show blacks are violent when a majority, too. And even that's a bit of a guess since you're only posting intentional homicide. There's far more to violent crime (intentional homicide is generally a minority of the crime).

Analyzing the USA would let you control for the environment (same country) and compare blacks to whites to let you determine if blacks can become as nonviolent and smart as whites if placed in the same country.

You said that black people lead the violent crime statistics. I was proving you wrong.

How am I supposed to not post international homicides? Should I post interstellar homicide rates?

Look, if you want to post other violent crime, go ahead. The issue here is that a murder is a murder in almost any country. Violent crime changes, statistics are almost impossible to understand in every country you're looking at, and to see how a comparative would be made.

For example the UK and the US probably have similar violent crime rates, yet the US's crime stats make it look LOWER.

Yes, analyzing the US would give you certain information. But you'd be cherry picking information to make a case.

If your argument is that black people are more violent, and you ONLY stick with the US, you'll never prove that black people are more violent.

In fact there are plenty of black African countries with lower murder rates than the US.


Rushton and Whitney (2002) analyzed the 1993–1996 INTERPOL Yearbooks and found that across 100 countries, the rate of murder, rape, and serious assault is four times higher in African and Caribbean countries than elsewhere in the world. In violent crimes per 100,000 people, the rate for African countries was 149; for European, 42; and for Asian, 35. These results are similar to those carried out on other data sets from INTERPOL and the United Nations. They show the Black overrepresentation in violent crime to be a worldwide phenomenon.

.Wrong. This is 2017 not 1996.

No kidding dumbo...the stats are now worse
And now that the negroes have left Africa, they lead the violent crime statistics. Explain that.
There is high correlation between poverty and crime throughout the world. Since the poverty rate among blacks is much higher that whites, one would expect higher crime rates.

So, why does Prince George's County, Maryland have high murder rates too, despite having low poverty rates, and high incomes?
There's only one thing about this county that's so different from other suburban counties, and it's the dominant Black population there.

Probably because it's part of an inner city urban conglomeration. The problem isn't about how much the average makes, the issue is how much individuals make.

If you have half the population living off crime and the other half raking in the money from politics, then the poorer inner city areas are going to be committing crime against the rich people.

Did you know that during a recession crime goes down. Why? People have less money.

The reality is people also flaunt their money less, they buy less, they go out less, so there are LESS opportunities to commit crime, and criminals are then poorer.

And now that the negroes have left Africa, they lead the violent crime statistics. Explain that.
There is high correlation between poverty and crime throughout the world. Since the poverty rate among blacks is much higher that whites, one would expect higher crime rates.

So, why does Prince George's County, Maryland have high murder rates too, despite having low poverty rates, and high incomes?
There's only one thing about this county that's so different from other suburban counties, and it's the dominant Black population there.

Probably because it's part of an inner city urban conglomeration. The problem isn't about how much the average makes, the issue is how much individuals make.

If you have half the population living off crime and the other half raking in the money from politics, then the poorer inner city areas are going to be committing crime against the rich people.

Did you know that during a recession crime goes down. Why? People have less money.

The reality is people also flaunt their money less, they buy less, they go out less, so there are LESS opportunities to commit crime, and criminals are then poorer.

Isn't Staten Island, New York , more inner city than Prince George's County, Maryland?
It's also not as rich, and more expensive in cost of living.

Thing is Staten Island doesn't have a murder rate as high as PG County, Maryland, could it be because Staten Island has a lot less Blacks?

There are isolated areas of Black concentration on Staten Island, with predictable results in terms of crime, but the Black representation is lower than Brooklyn or Queens...however there are still dangerous areas there...

What county is New York City in?
There is high correlation between poverty and crime throughout the world. Since the poverty rate among blacks is much higher that whites, one would expect higher crime rates.

So, why does Prince George's County, Maryland have high murder rates too, despite having low poverty rates, and high incomes?
There's only one thing about this county that's so different from other suburban counties, and it's the dominant Black population there.

Probably because it's part of an inner city urban conglomeration. The problem isn't about how much the average makes, the issue is how much individuals make.

If you have half the population living off crime and the other half raking in the money from politics, then the poorer inner city areas are going to be committing crime against the rich people.

Did you know that during a recession crime goes down. Why? People have less money.

The reality is people also flaunt their money less, they buy less, they go out less, so there are LESS opportunities to commit crime, and criminals are then poorer.

There is high correlation between poverty and crime throughout the world. Since the poverty rate among blacks is much higher that whites, one would expect higher crime rates.

So, why does Prince George's County, Maryland have high murder rates too, despite having low poverty rates, and high incomes?
There's only one thing about this county that's so different from other suburban counties, and it's the dominant Black population there.

Probably because it's part of an inner city urban conglomeration. The problem isn't about how much the average makes, the issue is how much individuals make.

If you have half the population living off crime and the other half raking in the money from politics, then the poorer inner city areas are going to be committing crime against the rich people.

Did you know that during a recession crime goes down. Why? People have less money.

The reality is people also flaunt their money less, they buy less, they go out less, so there are LESS opportunities to commit crime, and criminals are then poorer.

Isn't Staten Island, New York , more inner city than Prince George's County, Maryland?
It's also not as rich, and more expensive in cost of living.

Thing is Staten Island doesn't have a murder rate as high as PG County, Maryland, could it be because Staten Island has a lot less Blacks?

There are isolated areas of Black concentration on Staten Island, with predictable results in terms of crime, but the Black representation is lower than Brooklyn or Queens...however there are still dangerous areas there...

What county is New York City in?

Five of New York's counties are each coextensive with New York City's five boroughs and do not have county governments. They are: New York County (Manhattan),Kings County (Brooklyn), Bronx County (The Bronx), Richmond County (Staten Island), and Queens County (Queens).
I posted the top five countries for homicide in the world. I didn't whitewash anything at all. I simply went and took the top five countries.
Wonderful. So what's your point? That Latinos are violent, too?
Seems you're the one trying to whitewash things by being incapable of understand simple statistics.

Yes, as I pointed out El Salvador has a black population which is 0.01% of the country, almost nothing, as I also pointed out, it has the worst murder rate per capita in the world. Do you disagree with either of these two statistics?

But seriously dude, if you can't grasp the point I'm making, can I suggest enrolling in school again? It's FUCKING SIMPLE.
1, 2, and 3 show that Mestizos are violent, too. 4 and 5 show blacks are violent when a majority, too. And even that's a bit of a guess since you're only posting intentional homicide. There's far more to violent crime (intentional homicide is generally a minority of the crime).

Analyzing the USA would let you control for the environment (same country) and compare blacks to whites to let you determine if blacks can become as nonviolent and smart as whites if placed in the same country.

You said that black people lead the violent crime statistics. I was proving you wrong.

How am I supposed to not post international homicides? Should I post interstellar homicide rates?

Look, if you want to post other violent crime, go ahead. The issue here is that a murder is a murder in almost any country. Violent crime changes, statistics are almost impossible to understand in every country you're looking at, and to see how a comparative would be made.

For example the UK and the US probably have similar violent crime rates, yet the US's crime stats make it look LOWER.

Yes, analyzing the US would give you certain information. But you'd be cherry picking information to make a case.

If your argument is that black people are more violent, and you ONLY stick with the US, you'll never prove that black people are more violent.

In fact there are plenty of black African countries with lower murder rates than the US.


Rushton and Whitney (2002) analyzed the 1993–1996 INTERPOL Yearbooks and found that across 100 countries, the rate of murder, rape, and serious assault is four times higher in African and Caribbean countries than elsewhere in the world. In violent crimes per 100,000 people, the rate for African countries was 149; for European, 42; and for Asian, 35. These results are similar to those carried out on other data sets from INTERPOL and the United Nations. They show the Black overrepresentation in violent crime to be a worldwide phenomenon.

.Wrong. This is 2017 not 1996.

No kidding dumbo...the stats are now worse

I doubt it. Whites like you live in an imaginary world hat does not exist. So until you learn what western foreign policy creates relative to protecting "interests" then you'll make these silly assertions that leaves out reality.
So, why does Prince George's County, Maryland have high murder rates too, despite having low poverty rates, and high incomes?
There's only one thing about this county that's so different from other suburban counties, and it's the dominant Black population there.

Probably because it's part of an inner city urban conglomeration. The problem isn't about how much the average makes, the issue is how much individuals make.

If you have half the population living off crime and the other half raking in the money from politics, then the poorer inner city areas are going to be committing crime against the rich people.

Did you know that during a recession crime goes down. Why? People have less money.

The reality is people also flaunt their money less, they buy less, they go out less, so there are LESS opportunities to commit crime, and criminals are then poorer.

So, why does Prince George's County, Maryland have high murder rates too, despite having low poverty rates, and high incomes?
There's only one thing about this county that's so different from other suburban counties, and it's the dominant Black population there.

Probably because it's part of an inner city urban conglomeration. The problem isn't about how much the average makes, the issue is how much individuals make.

If you have half the population living off crime and the other half raking in the money from politics, then the poorer inner city areas are going to be committing crime against the rich people.

Did you know that during a recession crime goes down. Why? People have less money.

The reality is people also flaunt their money less, they buy less, they go out less, so there are LESS opportunities to commit crime, and criminals are then poorer.

Isn't Staten Island, New York , more inner city than Prince George's County, Maryland?
It's also not as rich, and more expensive in cost of living.

Thing is Staten Island doesn't have a murder rate as high as PG County, Maryland, could it be because Staten Island has a lot less Blacks?

There are isolated areas of Black concentration on Staten Island, with predictable results in terms of crime, but the Black representation is lower than Brooklyn or Queens...however there are still dangerous areas there...

What county is New York City in?

Five of New York's counties are each coextensive with New York City's five boroughs and do not have county governments. They are: New York County (Manhattan),Kings County (Brooklyn), Bronx County (The Bronx), Richmond County (Staten Island), and Queens County (Queens).

So we have a white idiot that makes claims about a county that is basically Baltimore and compares it to Staten Island.
Wonderful. So what's your point? That Latinos are violent, too?1, 2, and 3 show that Mestizos are violent, too. 4 and 5 show blacks are violent when a majority, too. And even that's a bit of a guess since you're only posting intentional homicide. There's far more to violent crime (intentional homicide is generally a minority of the crime).

Analyzing the USA would let you control for the environment (same country) and compare blacks to whites to let you determine if blacks can become as nonviolent and smart as whites if placed in the same country.

You said that black people lead the violent crime statistics. I was proving you wrong.

How am I supposed to not post international homicides? Should I post interstellar homicide rates?

Look, if you want to post other violent crime, go ahead. The issue here is that a murder is a murder in almost any country. Violent crime changes, statistics are almost impossible to understand in every country you're looking at, and to see how a comparative would be made.

For example the UK and the US probably have similar violent crime rates, yet the US's crime stats make it look LOWER.

Yes, analyzing the US would give you certain information. But you'd be cherry picking information to make a case.

If your argument is that black people are more violent, and you ONLY stick with the US, you'll never prove that black people are more violent.

In fact there are plenty of black African countries with lower murder rates than the US.


Rushton and Whitney (2002) analyzed the 1993–1996 INTERPOL Yearbooks and found that across 100 countries, the rate of murder, rape, and serious assault is four times higher in African and Caribbean countries than elsewhere in the world. In violent crimes per 100,000 people, the rate for African countries was 149; for European, 42; and for Asian, 35. These results are similar to those carried out on other data sets from INTERPOL and the United Nations. They show the Black overrepresentation in violent crime to be a worldwide phenomenon.

.Wrong. This is 2017 not 1996.

No kidding dumbo...the stats are now worse

I doubt it. Whites like you live in an imaginary world hat does not exist. So until you learn what western foreign policy creates relative to protecting "interests" then you'll make these silly assertions that leaves out reality.

First of all I am not 'White'...secondly if you presume to label anything I've stated a 'silly assertion' you are obligated to back it up with at least a modest stab at proof...because this is missing I will assume that you are another empty-headed liberal twit---talk about an 'imaginary world' trying to sound progressive and tolerant, but coming off as another minted fool...
Probably because it's part of an inner city urban conglomeration. The problem isn't about how much the average makes, the issue is how much individuals make.

If you have half the population living off crime and the other half raking in the money from politics, then the poorer inner city areas are going to be committing crime against the rich people.

Did you know that during a recession crime goes down. Why? People have less money.

The reality is people also flaunt their money less, they buy less, they go out less, so there are LESS opportunities to commit crime, and criminals are then poorer.

Probably because it's part of an inner city urban conglomeration. The problem isn't about how much the average makes, the issue is how much individuals make.

If you have half the population living off crime and the other half raking in the money from politics, then the poorer inner city areas are going to be committing crime against the rich people.

Did you know that during a recession crime goes down. Why? People have less money.

The reality is people also flaunt their money less, they buy less, they go out less, so there are LESS opportunities to commit crime, and criminals are then poorer.

Isn't Staten Island, New York , more inner city than Prince George's County, Maryland?
It's also not as rich, and more expensive in cost of living.

Thing is Staten Island doesn't have a murder rate as high as PG County, Maryland, could it be because Staten Island has a lot less Blacks?

There are isolated areas of Black concentration on Staten Island, with predictable results in terms of crime, but the Black representation is lower than Brooklyn or Queens...however there are still dangerous areas there...

What county is New York City in?

Five of New York's counties are each coextensive with New York City's five boroughs and do not have county governments. They are: New York County (Manhattan),Kings County (Brooklyn), Bronx County (The Bronx), Richmond County (Staten Island), and Queens County (Queens).

So we have a white idiot that makes claims about a county that is basically Baltimore and compares it to Staten Island.

Perhaps you can tell us all about the fractious demographics of Baltimore and Staten Island imbecile? You are a typical Liberal idiot...emblematic symptomatic
You said that black people lead the violent crime statistics. I was proving you wrong.

How am I supposed to not post international homicides? Should I post interstellar homicide rates?

Look, if you want to post other violent crime, go ahead. The issue here is that a murder is a murder in almost any country. Violent crime changes, statistics are almost impossible to understand in every country you're looking at, and to see how a comparative would be made.

For example the UK and the US probably have similar violent crime rates, yet the US's crime stats make it look LOWER.

Yes, analyzing the US would give you certain information. But you'd be cherry picking information to make a case.

If your argument is that black people are more violent, and you ONLY stick with the US, you'll never prove that black people are more violent.

In fact there are plenty of black African countries with lower murder rates than the US.


Rushton and Whitney (2002) analyzed the 1993–1996 INTERPOL Yearbooks and found that across 100 countries, the rate of murder, rape, and serious assault is four times higher in African and Caribbean countries than elsewhere in the world. In violent crimes per 100,000 people, the rate for African countries was 149; for European, 42; and for Asian, 35. These results are similar to those carried out on other data sets from INTERPOL and the United Nations. They show the Black overrepresentation in violent crime to be a worldwide phenomenon.

.Wrong. This is 2017 not 1996.

No kidding dumbo...the stats are now worse

I doubt it. Whites like you live in an imaginary world hat does not exist. So until you learn what western foreign policy creates relative to protecting "interests" then you'll make these silly assertions that leaves out reality.

First of all I am not 'White'...secondly if you presume to label anything I've stated a 'silly assertion' you are obligated to back it up with at least a modest stab at proof...because this is missing I will assume that you are another empty-headed liberal twit---talk about an 'imaginary world' trying to sound progressive and tolerant, but coming off as another minted fool...

Sure you ain't white but you believe in white supremacy. Everything you say is not based on fact. But you want everyone else to prove themselves.

Rushton and Whitney (2002) analyzed the 1993–1996 INTERPOL Yearbooks and found that across 100 countries, the rate of murder, rape, and serious assault is four times higher in African and Caribbean countries than elsewhere in the world. In violent crimes per 100,000 people, the rate for African countries was 149; for European, 42; and for Asian, 35. These results are similar to those carried out on other data sets from INTERPOL and the United Nations. They show the Black overrepresentation in violent crime to be a worldwide phenomenon.

.Wrong. This is 2017 not 1996.

No kidding dumbo...the stats are now worse

I doubt it. Whites like you live in an imaginary world hat does not exist. So until you learn what western foreign policy creates relative to protecting "interests" then you'll make these silly assertions that leaves out reality.

First of all I am not 'White'...secondly if you presume to label anything I've stated a 'silly assertion' you are obligated to back it up with at least a modest stab at proof...because this is missing I will assume that you are another empty-headed liberal twit---talk about an 'imaginary world' trying to sound progressive and tolerant, but coming off as another minted fool...

Sure you ain't white but you believe in white supremacy. Everything you say is not based on fact. But you want everyone else to prove themselves.

My God are you dense!!! You have no idea what county NYC is in yet you try to sound authoritative while discussing the conditions there? You deranged, hyperbolic Liberal clowns have such a demonstrably pre-scripted page of insults and assumptions that you have lost the actual ability to think and reason...the signatures are unmistakable...cringe-worthy moron

Rushton and Whitney (2002) analyzed the 1993–1996 INTERPOL Yearbooks and found that across 100 countries, the rate of murder, rape, and serious assault is four times higher in African and Caribbean countries than elsewhere in the world. In violent crimes per 100,000 people, the rate for African countries was 149; for European, 42; and for Asian, 35. These results are similar to those carried out on other data sets from INTERPOL and the United Nations. They show the Black overrepresentation in violent crime to be a worldwide phenomenon.

.Wrong. This is 2017 not 1996.

No kidding dumbo...the stats are now worse

I doubt it. Whites like you live in an imaginary world hat does not exist. So until you learn what western foreign policy creates relative to protecting "interests" then you'll make these silly assertions that leaves out reality.

First of all I am not 'White'...secondly if you presume to label anything I've stated a 'silly assertion' you are obligated to back it up with at least a modest stab at proof...because this is missing I will assume that you are another empty-headed liberal twit---talk about an 'imaginary world' trying to sound progressive and tolerant, but coming off as another minted fool...

Sure you ain't white but you believe in white supremacy. Everything you say is not based on fact. But you want everyone else to prove themselves.

All the imbecile can come back with is vapid caricatured terms like 'White supremacist' and the old reliable 'racist'...clearly the fool lacks the ability to construct an argument...sad

Rushton and Whitney (2002) analyzed the 1993–1996 INTERPOL Yearbooks and found that across 100 countries, the rate of murder, rape, and serious assault is four times higher in African and Caribbean countries than elsewhere in the world. In violent crimes per 100,000 people, the rate for African countries was 149; for European, 42; and for Asian, 35. These results are similar to those carried out on other data sets from INTERPOL and the United Nations. They show the Black overrepresentation in violent crime to be a worldwide phenomenon.

.Wrong. This is 2017 not 1996.

No kidding dumbo...the stats are now worse

I doubt it. Whites like you live in an imaginary world hat does not exist. So until you learn what western foreign policy creates relative to protecting "interests" then you'll make these silly assertions that leaves out reality.

First of all I am not 'White'...secondly if you presume to label anything I've stated a 'silly assertion' you are obligated to back it up with at least a modest stab at proof...because this is missing I will assume that you are another empty-headed liberal twit---talk about an 'imaginary world' trying to sound progressive and tolerant, but coming off as another minted fool...

Sure you ain't white but you believe in white supremacy. Everything you say is not based on fact. But you want everyone else to prove themselves.

LOL...now the dullard is telling me that I'm white...I cannot stop laughing!!! absolute moron
The thing about this thread is that we have a white man known to frequent stormfront making a claim about how blacks would be if not for whites. The end of that story was written at the OP.
Known to frequent storm front? Back that up. Show us.

Nope. I am not going to stormfront in order to prove that you are not a racist white who started a thread based in your racist beliefs that blacks would be nothing without whitey.
Like the rest of your fantastical tripe... You are incapable of proving to others, the assertions you believe. Most of which are lies...
And now that the negroes have left Africa, they lead the violent crime statistics. Explain that.
There is high correlation between poverty and crime throughout the world. Since the poverty rate among blacks is much higher that whites, one would expect higher crime rates.

So, why does Prince George's County, Maryland have high murder rates too, despite having low poverty rates, and high incomes?
There's only one thing about this county that's so different from other suburban counties, and it's the dominant Black population there.

Probably because it's part of an inner city urban conglomeration. The problem isn't about how much the average makes, the issue is how much individuals make.

If you have half the population living off crime and the other half raking in the money from politics, then the poorer inner city areas are going to be committing crime against the rich people.

Did you know that during a recession crime goes down. Why? People have less money.

The reality is people also flaunt their money less, they buy less, they go out less, so there are LESS opportunities to commit crime, and criminals are then poorer.

And now that the negroes have left Africa, they lead the violent crime statistics. Explain that.
There is high correlation between poverty and crime throughout the world. Since the poverty rate among blacks is much higher that whites, one would expect higher crime rates.

So, why does Prince George's County, Maryland have high murder rates too, despite having low poverty rates, and high incomes?
There's only one thing about this county that's so different from other suburban counties, and it's the dominant Black population there.

Probably because it's part of an inner city urban conglomeration. The problem isn't about how much the average makes, the issue is how much individuals make.

If you have half the population living off crime and the other half raking in the money from politics, then the poorer inner city areas are going to be committing crime against the rich people.

Did you know that during a recession crime goes down. Why? People have less money.

The reality is people also flaunt their money less, they buy less, they go out less, so there are LESS opportunities to commit crime, and criminals are then poorer.

Isn't Staten Island, New York , more inner city than Prince George's County, Maryland?
It's also not as rich, and more expensive in cost of living.

Thing is Staten Island doesn't have a murder rate as high as PG County, Maryland, could it be because Staten Island has a lot less Blacks?

What county is New York City in?

New York City has a few counties, the one called Staten Island is Richmond County.

Actually New York City as a whole even has a lower murder rate than Prince George's County, Maryland.

Brooklyn, New York, and Prince George's County, Maryland have similar murder rates.

The big question is how come, considering that PG, County is about twice as high in income, and far lower in poverty than Brooklyn.

But, then again the White percentages are similar, so there we go.

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