If Negros Had Been Left To Their Own Devices...

Known to frequent storm front? Back that up. Show us.

Nope. I am not going to stormfront in order to prove that you are not a racist white who started a thread based in your racist beliefs that blacks would be nothing without whitey.
Like the rest of your fantastical tripe... You are incapable of proving to others, the assertions you believe. Most of which are lies...


They would still be living out their existence much in the manner observed in the quote that follows. Its past time that blacks started expressing their appreciation, for all that the civilized world has done for them. Because petty gripes, and century old grievances aside... The outside world has done far more for Negros; than Negros ever have, or ever will for the non-Negro.

"Since the dawn of history the negro has owned the continent of Africa - rich beyond the dream of a poet's fancy, crunching acres of diamonds beneath his bare black feet. Yet he never picked one up from the dust until a white man showed to him its glittering light. His land swarmed with powerful and docile animals, yet he never dreamed a harness, cart, or sled. A hunter by necessity, he never made an axe, spear, or arrowhead worth preserving beyond the moment of its use. He lived as an ox, content to graze for an hour. In a land of stone and timber he never sawed a foot of lumber, carved a block, or built a house save of broken sticks and mud. With league on league of ocean strand and miles of inland seas, for four thousand years he watched their surface ripple under the wind, heard the thunder of the surf on his beach, the howl of the storm over his head, gazed on the dim blue horizon calling him to worlds that lie beyond, and yet he never dreamed a sail." - Thomas Dixon

This is your OP. You are white and this is what you believe.
Which has nothing to do with your fantasy, that I frequent storm front. The first time I ever heard of it was from the libtards on this board. The last I heard of it... It got shut down. Don't make claims about other posters that you can't back up.

Well you would not have heard it got shut down if you did not frequent the place. You believe in white supremacy so stop pretending to be butthurt because you get associated with frequenting a white supremacist forum.

I regret to tell you that you are an embarrassment here, not only do you endeavor to approximate the scripted idiocy of the brain-dead Liberal, but you manage to actually surpass it!!! Accusing other posters of being 'White Supremacists' is a weak and transparent baiting device...it also strongly suggests that you are hedging your bets to the extent that you are aware that you have no argument...what you basically do is try to exploit a simplistic oppositional-dualism without understanding that other posters can see right through this crude, and pathetically stupid device...
Racist whites will hope against all hope that if Blacks were left to their own devices we would fail. The question I ask is if we are succeeding despite your very best efforts to stop us why would you think we would fail if you vanished from the planet?

Lets be serious for a moment.

1. Blacks existed before whites ever appeared on the planet.
2. They built civilizations that to this day whites cant figure out.
3. While europe was falling back into an illiterate quagmire, Blacks built more civilizations.
4. After whites declared "never again" and went on a homicidal and felonious crime spree across the planet, Blacks still survived and even helped whites build their civilizations.
5. After assisting in their own released from slavery here in the states, Blacks became politicians and successful businessmen.
6. Even when Jim Crow was established Blacks still became successful and built their own thriving towns and cities which whites promptly destroyed out of rage.

If we could do all that when we had no contact with whites and did all that when violently oppressed by whites how is there even a question?
1 Agreed. Blacks are the most primitive people in the world.
2 Figure out? Hell, no one's ever found them.
3 No one's ever found those either.
4 Eh? Whites had already figured out wattle and daub.
5 Who?
6 Harlem? Watts? Ferguson?

Let's be serious.
Washington DC is the richest metro area, and by no means the most expensive, nor the safest metro area in the U.S.
Actually quite the opposite, Washington DC is more dangerous than many poorer places in the U.S.A

It seems that there's a reason why, the huge amounts of Blacks who liter the Washington DC metro area.

Nationwide whites commit most of the violent crime and the most crime period.

Wrong yet again imbecile" Whites are 72% of the population, Blacks are roughly 13%...add to this the fact that Hispanic males are counted as White and the picture is complete...are you familiar with the concept of ratios moron? Blacks commit violent offenses on an order roughly eight times that of whites...my God are you dumb!

No that's not wrong..If you have 1,000 crimes and whites commit 700 of them they commit 70 percent of the crime. The ratio would be 7 out of 10 crimes are committed by whites. Blacks do not commit violent crimes at a rate of 8 times that of whites. Blacks commit crimes at a rate that is roughly 3 times less than whites. And they commit violent crimes at roughly half the rate. Mind you that we are talking about the occurrences of crime and the race that creates the occurrence, not the total population of any race and the number of crimes because that is a invalid measurement due to the fact that not everybody in any racial category is responsible for crime.

Wrong yet again you delirious twit: to re-state for the Liberal mentality: a 3% grouping of Blacks---Black males between the age of 15 and 35---are responsible for over 50% of violent offenses...wanna figure out the ratios ???? sigh

Black Americans are 12.1% of the US Population, Yet They Commit: 32.5% of All Rapes, 34.1% of all Assaults, 54.9% of All Robberies, and 49.4% of All Murders. 91% of Murdered Black Americans, Are Killed By Other Black Americans. The Truth Isn’t Racist, It’s Just The Truth

I'm right.
And 86 percent of all whites are murdered by another white. .
Racist whites will hope against all hope that if Blacks were left to their own devices we would fail. The question I ask is if we are succeeding despite your very best efforts to stop us why would you think we would fail if you vanished from the planet?

Lets be serious for a moment.

1. Blacks existed before whites ever appeared on the planet.
2. They built civilizations that to this day whites cant figure out.
3. While europe was falling back into an illiterate quagmire, Blacks built more civilizations.
4. After whites declared "never again" and went on a homicidal and felonious crime spree across the planet, Blacks still survived and even helped whites build their civilizations.
5. After assisting in their own released from slavery here in the states, Blacks became politicians and successful businessmen.
6. Even when Jim Crow was established Blacks still became successful and built their own thriving towns and cities which whites promptly destroyed out of rage.

If we could do all that when we had no contact with whites and did all that when violently oppressed by whites how is there even a question?
1 Agreed. Blacks are the most primitive people in the world.
2 Figure out? Hell, no one's ever found them.
3 No one's ever found those either.
4 Eh? Whites had already figured out wattle and daub.
5 Who?
6 Harlem? Watts? Ferguson?

Let's be serious.

Let's briefly examine the absurd claims made here:

"1. Blacks existed before whites ever appeared on the planet.
2. They built civilizations that to this day whites cant figure out.
3. While europe was falling back into an illiterate quagmire, Blacks built more civilizations.
4. After whites declared "never again" and went on a homicidal and felonious crime spree across the planet, Blacks still survived and even helped whites build their civilizations.
5. After assisting in their own released from slavery here in the states, Blacks became politicians and successful businessmen.
6. Even when Jim Crow was established Blacks still became successful and built their own thriving towns and cities which whites promptly destroyed out of rage."

Nope. I am not going to stormfront in order to prove that you are not a racist white who started a thread based in your racist beliefs that blacks would be nothing without whitey.
Like the rest of your fantastical tripe... You are incapable of proving to others, the assertions you believe. Most of which are lies...


They would still be living out their existence much in the manner observed in the quote that follows. Its past time that blacks started expressing their appreciation, for all that the civilized world has done for them. Because petty gripes, and century old grievances aside... The outside world has done far more for Negros; than Negros ever have, or ever will for the non-Negro.

"Since the dawn of history the negro has owned the continent of Africa - rich beyond the dream of a poet's fancy, crunching acres of diamonds beneath his bare black feet. Yet he never picked one up from the dust until a white man showed to him its glittering light. His land swarmed with powerful and docile animals, yet he never dreamed a harness, cart, or sled. A hunter by necessity, he never made an axe, spear, or arrowhead worth preserving beyond the moment of its use. He lived as an ox, content to graze for an hour. In a land of stone and timber he never sawed a foot of lumber, carved a block, or built a house save of broken sticks and mud. With league on league of ocean strand and miles of inland seas, for four thousand years he watched their surface ripple under the wind, heard the thunder of the surf on his beach, the howl of the storm over his head, gazed on the dim blue horizon calling him to worlds that lie beyond, and yet he never dreamed a sail." - Thomas Dixon

This is your OP. You are white and this is what you believe.
Which has nothing to do with your fantasy, that I frequent storm front. The first time I ever heard of it was from the libtards on this board. The last I heard of it... It got shut down. Don't make claims about other posters that you can't back up.

Well you would not have heard it got shut down if you did not frequent the place. You believe in white supremacy so stop pretending to be butthurt because you get associated with frequenting a white supremacist forum.

I regret to tell you that you are an embarrassment here, not only do you endeavor to approximate the scripted idiocy of the brain-dead Liberal, but you manage to actually surpass it!!! Accusing other posters of being 'White Supremacists' is a weak and transparent baiting device...it also strongly suggests that you are hedging your bets to the extent that you are aware that you have no argument...what you basically do is try to exploit a simplistic oppositional-dualism without understanding that other posters can see right through this crude, and pathetically stupid device...

Like I give a fuck what your racist ass thinks.
Racist whites will hope against all hope that if Blacks were left to their own devices we would fail. The question I ask is if we are succeeding despite your very best efforts to stop us why would you think we would fail if you vanished from the planet?

Lets be serious for a moment.

1. Blacks existed before whites ever appeared on the planet.
2. They built civilizations that to this day whites cant figure out.
3. While europe was falling back into an illiterate quagmire, Blacks built more civilizations.
4. After whites declared "never again" and went on a homicidal and felonious crime spree across the planet, Blacks still survived and even helped whites build their civilizations.
5. After assisting in their own released from slavery here in the states, Blacks became politicians and successful businessmen.
6. Even when Jim Crow was established Blacks still became successful and built their own thriving towns and cities which whites promptly destroyed out of rage.

If we could do all that when we had no contact with whites and did all that when violently oppressed by whites how is there even a question?
1 Agreed. Blacks are the most primitive people in the world.
2 Figure out? Hell, no one's ever found them.
3 No one's ever found those either.
4 Eh? Whites had already figured out wattle and daub.
5 Who?
6 Harlem? Watts? Ferguson?

Let's be serious.

Let's briefly examine the absurd claims made here:

"1. Blacks existed before whites ever appeared on the planet.
2. They built civilizations that to this day whites cant figure out.
3. While europe was falling back into an illiterate quagmire, Blacks built more civilizations.
4. After whites declared "never again" and went on a homicidal and felonious crime spree across the planet, Blacks still survived and even helped whites build their civilizations.
5. After assisting in their own released from slavery here in the states, Blacks became politicians and successful businessmen.
6. Even when Jim Crow was established Blacks still became successful and built their own thriving towns and cities which whites promptly destroyed out of rage."

Youre free to dispute my claims with documentation. Lets see you do it if you can? :laugh:
Washington DC is the richest metro area, and by no means the most expensive, nor the safest metro area in the U.S.
Actually quite the opposite, Washington DC is more dangerous than many poorer places in the U.S.A

It seems that there's a reason why, the huge amounts of Blacks who liter the Washington DC metro area.

Nationwide whites commit most of the violent crime and the most crime period.

Wrong yet again imbecile" Whites are 72% of the population, Blacks are roughly 13%...add to this the fact that Hispanic males are counted as White and the picture is complete...are you familiar with the concept of ratios moron? Blacks commit violent offenses on an order roughly eight times that of whites...my God are you dumb!

No that's not wrong..If you have 1,000 crimes and whites commit 700 of them they commit 70 percent of the crime. The ratio would be 7 out of 10 crimes are committed by whites. Blacks do not commit violent crimes at a rate of 8 times that of whites. Blacks commit crimes at a rate that is roughly 3 times less than whites. And they commit violent crimes at roughly half the rate. Mind you that we are talking about the occurrences of crime and the race that creates the occurrence, not the total population of any race and the number of crimes because that is a invalid measurement due to the fact that not everybody in any racial category is responsible for crime.

Wrong yet again you delirious twit: to re-state for the Liberal mentality: a 3% grouping of Blacks---Black males between the age of 15 and 35---are responsible for over 50% of violent offenses...wanna figure out the ratios ???? sigh

Black Americans are 12.1% of the US Population, Yet They Commit: 32.5% of All Rapes, 34.1% of all Assaults, 54.9% of All Robberies, and 49.4% of All Murders. 91% of Murdered Black Americans, Are Killed By Other Black Americans. The Truth Isn’t Racist, It’s Just The Truth

I'm right.
And 86 percent of all whites are murdered by another white. .

You keep insisting that you're 'right' but have yet to prove your delusions...Hispanic males are counted in homicide stats as white, so much for your 86% estimate...your febrile Liberal fantasia may work for your own tiny brain, but in the real world you merely look dumb!
Like the rest of your fantastical tripe... You are incapable of proving to others, the assertions you believe. Most of which are lies...


They would still be living out their existence much in the manner observed in the quote that follows. Its past time that blacks started expressing their appreciation, for all that the civilized world has done for them. Because petty gripes, and century old grievances aside... The outside world has done far more for Negros; than Negros ever have, or ever will for the non-Negro.

"Since the dawn of history the negro has owned the continent of Africa - rich beyond the dream of a poet's fancy, crunching acres of diamonds beneath his bare black feet. Yet he never picked one up from the dust until a white man showed to him its glittering light. His land swarmed with powerful and docile animals, yet he never dreamed a harness, cart, or sled. A hunter by necessity, he never made an axe, spear, or arrowhead worth preserving beyond the moment of its use. He lived as an ox, content to graze for an hour. In a land of stone and timber he never sawed a foot of lumber, carved a block, or built a house save of broken sticks and mud. With league on league of ocean strand and miles of inland seas, for four thousand years he watched their surface ripple under the wind, heard the thunder of the surf on his beach, the howl of the storm over his head, gazed on the dim blue horizon calling him to worlds that lie beyond, and yet he never dreamed a sail." - Thomas Dixon

This is your OP. You are white and this is what you believe.
Which has nothing to do with your fantasy, that I frequent storm front. The first time I ever heard of it was from the libtards on this board. The last I heard of it... It got shut down. Don't make claims about other posters that you can't back up.

Well you would not have heard it got shut down if you did not frequent the place. You believe in white supremacy so stop pretending to be butthurt because you get associated with frequenting a white supremacist forum.

I regret to tell you that you are an embarrassment here, not only do you endeavor to approximate the scripted idiocy of the brain-dead Liberal, but you manage to actually surpass it!!! Accusing other posters of being 'White Supremacists' is a weak and transparent baiting device...it also strongly suggests that you are hedging your bets to the extent that you are aware that you have no argument...what you basically do is try to exploit a simplistic oppositional-dualism without understanding that other posters can see right through this crude, and pathetically stupid device...

Like I give a fuck what your racist ass thinks.
Venture is like a monkey pretending to be human. He actually thinks someone considers his drivel as relevant. :laugh:
Like the rest of your fantastical tripe... You are incapable of proving to others, the assertions you believe. Most of which are lies...


They would still be living out their existence much in the manner observed in the quote that follows. Its past time that blacks started expressing their appreciation, for all that the civilized world has done for them. Because petty gripes, and century old grievances aside... The outside world has done far more for Negros; than Negros ever have, or ever will for the non-Negro.

"Since the dawn of history the negro has owned the continent of Africa - rich beyond the dream of a poet's fancy, crunching acres of diamonds beneath his bare black feet. Yet he never picked one up from the dust until a white man showed to him its glittering light. His land swarmed with powerful and docile animals, yet he never dreamed a harness, cart, or sled. A hunter by necessity, he never made an axe, spear, or arrowhead worth preserving beyond the moment of its use. He lived as an ox, content to graze for an hour. In a land of stone and timber he never sawed a foot of lumber, carved a block, or built a house save of broken sticks and mud. With league on league of ocean strand and miles of inland seas, for four thousand years he watched their surface ripple under the wind, heard the thunder of the surf on his beach, the howl of the storm over his head, gazed on the dim blue horizon calling him to worlds that lie beyond, and yet he never dreamed a sail." - Thomas Dixon

This is your OP. You are white and this is what you believe.
Which has nothing to do with your fantasy, that I frequent storm front. The first time I ever heard of it was from the libtards on this board. The last I heard of it... It got shut down. Don't make claims about other posters that you can't back up.

Well you would not have heard it got shut down if you did not frequent the place. You believe in white supremacy so stop pretending to be butthurt because you get associated with frequenting a white supremacist forum.

I regret to tell you that you are an embarrassment here, not only do you endeavor to approximate the scripted idiocy of the brain-dead Liberal, but you manage to actually surpass it!!! Accusing other posters of being 'White Supremacists' is a weak and transparent baiting device...it also strongly suggests that you are hedging your bets to the extent that you are aware that you have no argument...what you basically do is try to exploit a simplistic oppositional-dualism without understanding that other posters can see right through this crude, and pathetically stupid device...

Like I give a fuck what your racist ass thinks.

Once yet again for the brain-dead Liberal poser: hawking the word 'racist' instead of posting an argument essentially identifies you as an ignorant clown...

They would still be living out their existence much in the manner observed in the quote that follows. Its past time that blacks started expressing their appreciation, for all that the civilized world has done for them. Because petty gripes, and century old grievances aside... The outside world has done far more for Negros; than Negros ever have, or ever will for the non-Negro.

"Since the dawn of history the negro has owned the continent of Africa - rich beyond the dream of a poet's fancy, crunching acres of diamonds beneath his bare black feet. Yet he never picked one up from the dust until a white man showed to him its glittering light. His land swarmed with powerful and docile animals, yet he never dreamed a harness, cart, or sled. A hunter by necessity, he never made an axe, spear, or arrowhead worth preserving beyond the moment of its use. He lived as an ox, content to graze for an hour. In a land of stone and timber he never sawed a foot of lumber, carved a block, or built a house save of broken sticks and mud. With league on league of ocean strand and miles of inland seas, for four thousand years he watched their surface ripple under the wind, heard the thunder of the surf on his beach, the howl of the storm over his head, gazed on the dim blue horizon calling him to worlds that lie beyond, and yet he never dreamed a sail." - Thomas Dixon

This is your OP. You are white and this is what you believe.
Which has nothing to do with your fantasy, that I frequent storm front. The first time I ever heard of it was from the libtards on this board. The last I heard of it... It got shut down. Don't make claims about other posters that you can't back up.

Well you would not have heard it got shut down if you did not frequent the place. You believe in white supremacy so stop pretending to be butthurt because you get associated with frequenting a white supremacist forum.

I regret to tell you that you are an embarrassment here, not only do you endeavor to approximate the scripted idiocy of the brain-dead Liberal, but you manage to actually surpass it!!! Accusing other posters of being 'White Supremacists' is a weak and transparent baiting device...it also strongly suggests that you are hedging your bets to the extent that you are aware that you have no argument...what you basically do is try to exploit a simplistic oppositional-dualism without understanding that other posters can see right through this crude, and pathetically stupid device...

Like I give a fuck what your racist ass thinks.
Venture is like a monkey pretending to be human. He actually thinks someone considers his drivel as relevant. :laugh:

Note the demonstrable lack of proof for anything this one-celled visigoth posts...and the immature, sub-juvenile use of sophomoric imogees...dumb as a peach
Racist whites will hope against all hope that if Blacks were left to their own devices we would fail. The question I ask is if we are succeeding despite your very best efforts to stop us why would you think we would fail if you vanished from the planet?

Lets be serious for a moment.

1. Blacks existed before whites ever appeared on the planet.
2. They built civilizations that to this day whites cant figure out.
3. While europe was falling back into an illiterate quagmire, Blacks built more civilizations.
4. After whites declared "never again" and went on a homicidal and felonious crime spree across the planet, Blacks still survived and even helped whites build their civilizations.
5. After assisting in their own released from slavery here in the states, Blacks became politicians and successful businessmen.
6. Even when Jim Crow was established Blacks still became successful and built their own thriving towns and cities which whites promptly destroyed out of rage.

If we could do all that when we had no contact with whites and did all that when violently oppressed by whites how is there even a question?
1 Agreed. Blacks are the most primitive people in the world.
2 Figure out? Hell, no one's ever found them.
3 No one's ever found those either.
4 Eh? Whites had already figured out wattle and daub.
5 Who?
6 Harlem? Watts? Ferguson?

Let's be serious.

Let's briefly examine the absurd claims made here:

"1. Blacks existed before whites ever appeared on the planet.
2. They built civilizations that to this day whites cant figure out.
3. While europe was falling back into an illiterate quagmire, Blacks built more civilizations.
4. After whites declared "never again" and went on a homicidal and felonious crime spree across the planet, Blacks still survived and even helped whites build their civilizations.
5. After assisting in their own released from slavery here in the states, Blacks became politicians and successful businessmen.
6. Even when Jim Crow was established Blacks still became successful and built their own thriving towns and cities which whites promptly destroyed out of rage."


Advanced African Civilizations they never taught us

Racist whites will hope against all hope that if Blacks were left to their own devices we would fail. The question I ask is if we are succeeding despite your very best efforts to stop us why would you think we would fail if you vanished from the planet?

Lets be serious for a moment.

1. Blacks existed before whites ever appeared on the planet.
2. They built civilizations that to this day whites cant figure out.
3. While europe was falling back into an illiterate quagmire, Blacks built more civilizations.
4. After whites declared "never again" and went on a homicidal and felonious crime spree across the planet, Blacks still survived and even helped whites build their civilizations.
5. After assisting in their own released from slavery here in the states, Blacks became politicians and successful businessmen.
6. Even when Jim Crow was established Blacks still became successful and built their own thriving towns and cities which whites promptly destroyed out of rage.

If we could do all that when we had no contact with whites and did all that when violently oppressed by whites how is there even a question?
1 Agreed. Blacks are the most primitive people in the world.
2 Figure out? Hell, no one's ever found them.
3 No one's ever found those either.
4 Eh? Whites had already figured out wattle and daub.
5 Who?
6 Harlem? Watts? Ferguson?

Let's be serious.

Let's briefly examine the absurd claims made here:

"1. Blacks existed before whites ever appeared on the planet.
2. They built civilizations that to this day whites cant figure out.
3. While europe was falling back into an illiterate quagmire, Blacks built more civilizations.
4. After whites declared "never again" and went on a homicidal and felonious crime spree across the planet, Blacks still survived and even helped whites build their civilizations.
5. After assisting in their own released from slavery here in the states, Blacks became politicians and successful businessmen.
6. Even when Jim Crow was established Blacks still became successful and built their own thriving towns and cities which whites promptly destroyed out of rage."

Youre free to dispute my claims with documentation. Lets see you do it if you can? :laugh:

No pressing need to dispute what cannot be proven in the first place you small-brained primate...rather if you are gullible enough to believe the nonsense you post perhaps you can explain how Blacks regressed to the point where they are today? No rush idiot...I'll wait on that one...LOL
Racist whites will hope against all hope that if Blacks were left to their own devices we would fail. The question I ask is if we are succeeding despite your very best efforts to stop us why would you think we would fail if you vanished from the planet?

Lets be serious for a moment.

1. Blacks existed before whites ever appeared on the planet.
2. They built civilizations that to this day whites cant figure out.
3. While europe was falling back into an illiterate quagmire, Blacks built more civilizations.
4. After whites declared "never again" and went on a homicidal and felonious crime spree across the planet, Blacks still survived and even helped whites build their civilizations.
5. After assisting in their own released from slavery here in the states, Blacks became politicians and successful businessmen.
6. Even when Jim Crow was established Blacks still became successful and built their own thriving towns and cities which whites promptly destroyed out of rage.

If we could do all that when we had no contact with whites and did all that when violently oppressed by whites how is there even a question?
1 Agreed. Blacks are the most primitive people in the world.
2 Figure out? Hell, no one's ever found them.
3 No one's ever found those either.
4 Eh? Whites had already figured out wattle and daub.
5 Who?
6 Harlem? Watts? Ferguson?

Let's be serious.

Let's briefly examine the absurd claims made here:

"1. Blacks existed before whites ever appeared on the planet.
2. They built civilizations that to this day whites cant figure out.
3. While europe was falling back into an illiterate quagmire, Blacks built more civilizations.
4. After whites declared "never again" and went on a homicidal and felonious crime spree across the planet, Blacks still survived and even helped whites build their civilizations.
5. After assisting in their own released from slavery here in the states, Blacks became politicians and successful businessmen.
6. Even when Jim Crow was established Blacks still became successful and built their own thriving towns and cities which whites promptly destroyed out of rage."

Youre free to dispute my claims with documentation. Lets see you do it if you can? :laugh:

No pressing need to dispute what cannot be proven in the first place you small-brained primate...rather if you are gullible enough to believe the nonsense you post perhaps you can explain how Blacks regressed to the point where they are today? No rush idiot...I'll wait on that one...LOL

Ancient West African Megacities

Racist whites will hope against all hope that if Blacks were left to their own devices we would fail. The question I ask is if we are succeeding despite your very best efforts to stop us why would you think we would fail if you vanished from the planet?

Lets be serious for a moment.

1. Blacks existed before whites ever appeared on the planet.
2. They built civilizations that to this day whites cant figure out.
3. While europe was falling back into an illiterate quagmire, Blacks built more civilizations.
4. After whites declared "never again" and went on a homicidal and felonious crime spree across the planet, Blacks still survived and even helped whites build their civilizations.
5. After assisting in their own released from slavery here in the states, Blacks became politicians and successful businessmen.
6. Even when Jim Crow was established Blacks still became successful and built their own thriving towns and cities which whites promptly destroyed out of rage.

If we could do all that when we had no contact with whites and did all that when violently oppressed by whites how is there even a question?
1 Agreed. Blacks are the most primitive people in the world.
2 Figure out? Hell, no one's ever found them.
3 No one's ever found those either.
4 Eh? Whites had already figured out wattle and daub.
5 Who?
6 Harlem? Watts? Ferguson?

Let's be serious.

Let's briefly examine the absurd claims made here:

"1. Blacks existed before whites ever appeared on the planet.
2. They built civilizations that to this day whites cant figure out.
3. While europe was falling back into an illiterate quagmire, Blacks built more civilizations.
4. After whites declared "never again" and went on a homicidal and felonious crime spree across the planet, Blacks still survived and even helped whites build their civilizations.
5. After assisting in their own released from slavery here in the states, Blacks became politicians and successful businessmen.
6. Even when Jim Crow was established Blacks still became successful and built their own thriving towns and cities which whites promptly destroyed out of rage."


Advanced African Civilizations they never taught us

Dont waste your time proving anything to the inbreds. They will just deny it with outrage.
Racist whites will hope against all hope that if Blacks were left to their own devices we would fail. The question I ask is if we are succeeding despite your very best efforts to stop us why would you think we would fail if you vanished from the planet?

Lets be serious for a moment.

1. Blacks existed before whites ever appeared on the planet.
2. They built civilizations that to this day whites cant figure out.
3. While europe was falling back into an illiterate quagmire, Blacks built more civilizations.
4. After whites declared "never again" and went on a homicidal and felonious crime spree across the planet, Blacks still survived and even helped whites build their civilizations.
5. After assisting in their own released from slavery here in the states, Blacks became politicians and successful businessmen.
6. Even when Jim Crow was established Blacks still became successful and built their own thriving towns and cities which whites promptly destroyed out of rage.

If we could do all that when we had no contact with whites and did all that when violently oppressed by whites how is there even a question?
1 Agreed. Blacks are the most primitive people in the world.
2 Figure out? Hell, no one's ever found them.
3 No one's ever found those either.
4 Eh? Whites had already figured out wattle and daub.
5 Who?
6 Harlem? Watts? Ferguson?

Let's be serious.

Let's briefly examine the absurd claims made here:

"1. Blacks existed before whites ever appeared on the planet.
2. They built civilizations that to this day whites cant figure out.
3. While europe was falling back into an illiterate quagmire, Blacks built more civilizations.
4. After whites declared "never again" and went on a homicidal and felonious crime spree across the planet, Blacks still survived and even helped whites build their civilizations.
5. After assisting in their own released from slavery here in the states, Blacks became politicians and successful businessmen.
6. Even when Jim Crow was established Blacks still became successful and built their own thriving towns and cities which whites promptly destroyed out of rage."


Advanced African Civilizations they never taught us

Perhaps now you can enlighten us all about how these putative 'civilizations' regressed to the point where Africa is today, considering that Whites didn't venture into the interior until the late 19th century...?
Racist whites will hope against all hope that if Blacks were left to their own devices we would fail. The question I ask is if we are succeeding despite your very best efforts to stop us why would you think we would fail if you vanished from the planet?

Lets be serious for a moment.

1. Blacks existed before whites ever appeared on the planet.
2. They built civilizations that to this day whites cant figure out.
3. While europe was falling back into an illiterate quagmire, Blacks built more civilizations.
4. After whites declared "never again" and went on a homicidal and felonious crime spree across the planet, Blacks still survived and even helped whites build their civilizations.
5. After assisting in their own released from slavery here in the states, Blacks became politicians and successful businessmen.
6. Even when Jim Crow was established Blacks still became successful and built their own thriving towns and cities which whites promptly destroyed out of rage.

If we could do all that when we had no contact with whites and did all that when violently oppressed by whites how is there even a question?
1 Agreed. Blacks are the most primitive people in the world.
2 Figure out? Hell, no one's ever found them.
3 No one's ever found those either.
4 Eh? Whites had already figured out wattle and daub.
5 Who?
6 Harlem? Watts? Ferguson?

Let's be serious.

Let's briefly examine the absurd claims made here:

"1. Blacks existed before whites ever appeared on the planet.
2. They built civilizations that to this day whites cant figure out.
3. While europe was falling back into an illiterate quagmire, Blacks built more civilizations.
4. After whites declared "never again" and went on a homicidal and felonious crime spree across the planet, Blacks still survived and even helped whites build their civilizations.
5. After assisting in their own released from slavery here in the states, Blacks became politicians and successful businessmen.
6. Even when Jim Crow was established Blacks still became successful and built their own thriving towns and cities which whites promptly destroyed out of rage."

Youre free to dispute my claims with documentation. Lets see you do it if you can? :laugh:

No pressing need to dispute what cannot be proven in the first place you small-brained primate...rather if you are gullible enough to believe the nonsense you post perhaps you can explain how Blacks regressed to the point where they are today? No rush idiot...I'll wait on that one...LOL
You need to prove to me these things did not exist. Theres already mountains of evidence that they did. I need you to prove your denial. If you cant then you have no effect on my reality no matter what monkey gibberish you rattle off.
Racist whites will hope against all hope that if Blacks were left to their own devices we would fail. The question I ask is if we are succeeding despite your very best efforts to stop us why would you think we would fail if you vanished from the planet?

Lets be serious for a moment.

1. Blacks existed before whites ever appeared on the planet.
2. They built civilizations that to this day whites cant figure out.
3. While europe was falling back into an illiterate quagmire, Blacks built more civilizations.
4. After whites declared "never again" and went on a homicidal and felonious crime spree across the planet, Blacks still survived and even helped whites build their civilizations.
5. After assisting in their own released from slavery here in the states, Blacks became politicians and successful businessmen.
6. Even when Jim Crow was established Blacks still became successful and built their own thriving towns and cities which whites promptly destroyed out of rage.

If we could do all that when we had no contact with whites and did all that when violently oppressed by whites how is there even a question?
1 Agreed. Blacks are the most primitive people in the world.
2 Figure out? Hell, no one's ever found them.
3 No one's ever found those either.
4 Eh? Whites had already figured out wattle and daub.
5 Who?
6 Harlem? Watts? Ferguson?

Let's be serious.

Let's briefly examine the absurd claims made here:

"1. Blacks existed before whites ever appeared on the planet.
2. They built civilizations that to this day whites cant figure out.
3. While europe was falling back into an illiterate quagmire, Blacks built more civilizations.
4. After whites declared "never again" and went on a homicidal and felonious crime spree across the planet, Blacks still survived and even helped whites build their civilizations.
5. After assisting in their own released from slavery here in the states, Blacks became politicians and successful businessmen.
6. Even when Jim Crow was established Blacks still became successful and built their own thriving towns and cities which whites promptly destroyed out of rage."


Advanced African Civilizations they never taught us

Dont waste your time proving anything to the inbreds. They will just deny it with outrage.

No need for 'denial' when all that is necessary is to cast one's scrutiny over the present nightmare Blacks occupy from East Africa to the coasts of America...LOL
Racist whites will hope against all hope that if Blacks were left to their own devices we would fail. The question I ask is if we are succeeding despite your very best efforts to stop us why would you think we would fail if you vanished from the planet?

Lets be serious for a moment.

1. Blacks existed before whites ever appeared on the planet.
2. They built civilizations that to this day whites cant figure out.
3. While europe was falling back into an illiterate quagmire, Blacks built more civilizations.
4. After whites declared "never again" and went on a homicidal and felonious crime spree across the planet, Blacks still survived and even helped whites build their civilizations.
5. After assisting in their own released from slavery here in the states, Blacks became politicians and successful businessmen.
6. Even when Jim Crow was established Blacks still became successful and built their own thriving towns and cities which whites promptly destroyed out of rage.

If we could do all that when we had no contact with whites and did all that when violently oppressed by whites how is there even a question?
1 Agreed. Blacks are the most primitive people in the world.
2 Figure out? Hell, no one's ever found them.
3 No one's ever found those either.
4 Eh? Whites had already figured out wattle and daub.
5 Who?
6 Harlem? Watts? Ferguson?

Let's be serious.

Let's briefly examine the absurd claims made here:

"1. Blacks existed before whites ever appeared on the planet.
2. They built civilizations that to this day whites cant figure out.
3. While europe was falling back into an illiterate quagmire, Blacks built more civilizations.
4. After whites declared "never again" and went on a homicidal and felonious crime spree across the planet, Blacks still survived and even helped whites build their civilizations.
5. After assisting in their own released from slavery here in the states, Blacks became politicians and successful businessmen.
6. Even when Jim Crow was established Blacks still became successful and built their own thriving towns and cities which whites promptly destroyed out of rage."


Advanced African Civilizations they never taught us

Perhaps now you can enlighten us all about how these putative 'civilizations' regressed to the point where Africa is today, considering that Whites didn't venture into the interior until the late 19th century...?

How could they have regressed if you said they never existed? Youre all over the place silly white boy. :laugh:

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