If Negros Had Been Left To Their Own Devices...

Isn't Staten Island, New York , more inner city than Prince George's County, Maryland?
It's also not as rich, and more expensive in cost of living.

Thing is Staten Island doesn't have a murder rate as high as PG County, Maryland, could it be because Staten Island has a lot less Blacks?

There are isolated areas of Black concentration on Staten Island, with predictable results in terms of crime, but the Black representation is lower than Brooklyn or Queens...however there are still dangerous areas there...

What county is New York City in?

Five of New York's counties are each coextensive with New York City's five boroughs and do not have county governments. They are: New York County (Manhattan),Kings County (Brooklyn), Bronx County (The Bronx), Richmond County (Staten Island), and Queens County (Queens).

So we have a white idiot that makes claims about a county that is basically Baltimore and compares it to Staten Island.

Perhaps you can tell us all about the fractious demographics of Baltimore and Staten Island imbecile? You are a typical Liberal idiot...emblematic symptomatic

Baltimore Has 2.71 million people while Staten Island has 468,000, Baltimore has roughly 6 times the number of people and yet you idiots are comparing murder rates to make claims of white superiority. And even worse you only consider murder rates when murder is not the only crime nor is it the only violent crime. Finally demographics alone doesn't prove your bogus crap, but you are not mentally capable of understanding the effect of public policy or the damage caused by 90-100 years of public policy.
The thing about this thread is that we have a white man known to frequent stormfront making a claim about how blacks would be if not for whites. The end of that story was written at the OP.
Known to frequent storm front? Back that up. Show us.

Nope. I am not going to stormfront in order to prove that you are not a racist white who started a thread based in your racist beliefs that blacks would be nothing without whitey.
Like the rest of your fantastical tripe... You are incapable of proving to others, the assertions you believe. Most of which are lies...


They would still be living out their existence much in the manner observed in the quote that follows. Its past time that blacks started expressing their appreciation, for all that the civilized world has done for them. Because petty gripes, and century old grievances aside... The outside world has done far more for Negros; than Negros ever have, or ever will for the non-Negro.

"Since the dawn of history the negro has owned the continent of Africa - rich beyond the dream of a poet's fancy, crunching acres of diamonds beneath his bare black feet. Yet he never picked one up from the dust until a white man showed to him its glittering light. His land swarmed with powerful and docile animals, yet he never dreamed a harness, cart, or sled. A hunter by necessity, he never made an axe, spear, or arrowhead worth preserving beyond the moment of its use. He lived as an ox, content to graze for an hour. In a land of stone and timber he never sawed a foot of lumber, carved a block, or built a house save of broken sticks and mud. With league on league of ocean strand and miles of inland seas, for four thousand years he watched their surface ripple under the wind, heard the thunder of the surf on his beach, the howl of the storm over his head, gazed on the dim blue horizon calling him to worlds that lie beyond, and yet he never dreamed a sail." - Thomas Dixon

This is your OP. You are white and this is what you believe.
There are isolated areas of Black concentration on Staten Island, with predictable results in terms of crime, but the Black representation is lower than Brooklyn or Queens...however there are still dangerous areas there...

What county is New York City in?

Five of New York's counties are each coextensive with New York City's five boroughs and do not have county governments. They are: New York County (Manhattan),Kings County (Brooklyn), Bronx County (The Bronx), Richmond County (Staten Island), and Queens County (Queens).

So we have a white idiot that makes claims about a county that is basically Baltimore and compares it to Staten Island.

Perhaps you can tell us all about the fractious demographics of Baltimore and Staten Island imbecile? You are a typical Liberal idiot...emblematic symptomatic

Baltimore Has 2.71 million people while Staten Island has 468,000, Baltimore has roughly 6 times the number of people and yet you idiots are comparing murder rates to make claims of white superiority. And even worse you only consider murder rates when murder is not the only crime nor is it the only violent crime. Finally demographics alone doesn't prove your bogus crap, but you are not mentally capable of understanding the effect of public policy or the damage caused by 90-100 years of public policy.

Well, the original argument was Prince George's County, Maryland vs Staten Island, New York.
Considering that Prince George's County, Maryland is richer, has less poverty, is less expensive, and less inner-city, then there's only one major reason I can think of for why Prince George's County, Maryland has much higher murder rates, and it's the Black demographic.
The primary reason for the lack of progress in Africa compared to Europe and Asia was due to the geography. We all began as Africans but like many other species we found life outside of our original home much easier.

However, because we evolved in Africa, it is the one place where the ecosystem evolved alongside us. For example the large African animals evolved ways of dealing with us by being either ultra-aggressive or ultra-wary. This meant that the African equivalent of the horse, the zebra, became virtually un-tamable, similarly the elephant and the wild dog. At the other end of the scale there was no shortage of bugs, worms, flies and other critters that were more than happy to use us as part of their life cycle. Thus Africa became a pretty tough place in which to survive. In fact, the 19th century Victorians call West Africa the “white man’s graveyard”.

When the ancestors of modern day Europeans, Asians and other peoples left Africa some 60,000 years ago, many found better places to live, milder climates, animals capable of domestication, and fewer things wanting to eat them either directly or from the inside out. A few found themselves in less hospitable places, such as Australia or parts of South America, but for the most the world outside of Africa was a better place.

Unlike Sub-Saharan Africa with Desert to the north and surrounded by 3 oceans, travel through Europe and Asia presented few geographic obstacles. In time, more sophisticated societies developed where they could interact, trade, and learn from their neighbors both near and far thus they advanced much faster than the Africans who remained isolated. The Romans got principals of government and art and culture from the Greeks, the Europeans copied gunpowder from the Chinese, mathematics from the Arabs. Those in Europe and Asia that were connected developed faster and faster and those that were isolated in Africa progressed slowly and became vulnerable to exploitation. It’s not that the Europeans and Asians were better than Africans, they were just able to progress faster because they were able to leave Africa.
And now that the negroes have left Africa, they lead the violent crime statistics. Explain that.
There is high correlation between poverty and crime throughout the world. Since the poverty rate among blacks is much higher that whites, one would expect higher crime rates.

So, why does Prince George's County, Maryland have high murder rates too, despite having low poverty rates, and high incomes?
There's only one thing about this county that's so different from other suburban counties, and it's the dominant Black population there.

Probably because it's part of an inner city urban conglomeration. The problem isn't about how much the average makes, the issue is how much individuals make.

If you have half the population living off crime and the other half raking in the money from politics, then the poorer inner city areas are going to be committing crime against the rich people.

Did you know that during a recession crime goes down. Why? People have less money.

The reality is people also flaunt their money less, they buy less, they go out less, so there are LESS opportunities to commit crime, and criminals are then poorer.

The primary reason for the lack of progress in Africa compared to Europe and Asia was due to the geography. We all began as Africans but like many other species we found life outside of our original home much easier.

However, because we evolved in Africa, it is the one place where the ecosystem evolved alongside us. For example the large African animals evolved ways of dealing with us by being either ultra-aggressive or ultra-wary. This meant that the African equivalent of the horse, the zebra, became virtually un-tamable, similarly the elephant and the wild dog. At the other end of the scale there was no shortage of bugs, worms, flies and other critters that were more than happy to use us as part of their life cycle. Thus Africa became a pretty tough place in which to survive. In fact, the 19th century Victorians call West Africa the “white man’s graveyard”.

When the ancestors of modern day Europeans, Asians and other peoples left Africa some 60,000 years ago, many found better places to live, milder climates, animals capable of domestication, and fewer things wanting to eat them either directly or from the inside out. A few found themselves in less hospitable places, such as Australia or parts of South America, but for the most the world outside of Africa was a better place.

Unlike Sub-Saharan Africa with Desert to the north and surrounded by 3 oceans, travel through Europe and Asia presented few geographic obstacles. In time, more sophisticated societies developed where they could interact, trade, and learn from their neighbors both near and far thus they advanced much faster than the Africans who remained isolated. The Romans got principals of government and art and culture from the Greeks, the Europeans copied gunpowder from the Chinese, mathematics from the Arabs. Those in Europe and Asia that were connected developed faster and faster and those that were isolated in Africa progressed slowly and became vulnerable to exploitation. It’s not that the Europeans and Asians were better than Africans, they were just able to progress faster because they were able to leave Africa.
And now that the negroes have left Africa, they lead the violent crime statistics. Explain that.
There is high correlation between poverty and crime throughout the world. Since the poverty rate among blacks is much higher that whites, one would expect higher crime rates.

So, why does Prince George's County, Maryland have high murder rates too, despite having low poverty rates, and high incomes?
There's only one thing about this county that's so different from other suburban counties, and it's the dominant Black population there.

Probably because it's part of an inner city urban conglomeration. The problem isn't about how much the average makes, the issue is how much individuals make.

If you have half the population living off crime and the other half raking in the money from politics, then the poorer inner city areas are going to be committing crime against the rich people.

Did you know that during a recession crime goes down. Why? People have less money.

The reality is people also flaunt their money less, they buy less, they go out less, so there are LESS opportunities to commit crime, and criminals are then poorer.

Isn't Staten Island, New York , more inner city than Prince George's County, Maryland?
It's also not as rich, and more expensive in cost of living.

Thing is Staten Island doesn't have a murder rate as high as PG County, Maryland, could it be because Staten Island has a lot less Blacks?

Potentially. But is it because they're black, or is it because a lot of what has happened in history?

When a child grows up, they remember what they did say the year before. The year after they may have forgotten what they did two years before, but they remember what they did the year before, and what they did the year before was based on what they knew at that time, which was from the year before. So while things get forgotten, they still have an impact on people's lives.

Now, in the US with slavery and segregation, such things might be half forgotten, but they still play a part in the lives of people.

So, black people don't necessarily commit more crimes because they're black. They commit more crimes because of issues of poverty and the like, but often some of these areas are the most deprived areas in the country. However the issue isn't so easy to see with statistics. Sometimes it's about mentality.

For example Wolf Point Montana is 96.4% white and the third lowest income place in the country. It has 2,800 people in an area of 2.3KM2, however it's surrounded by countryside. Its poor because there's probably not much there, it's on a reservation, but crime wise there probably isn't much around to commit crime on. The temptation just isn't there.

Prince George's County is right next to DC. The county contains many different parts, rich and poor.

Mapping America’s distressed communities, zip code by zip code

Hyattsville, school dropout rate 28%. Adults not working (officially) 28%. Now, what's that in real terms? 50% not working legally??? Poverty rate 12%. Distress score 51.8

Hillcress Heights, drop out rate 9%, Adults not work (officially) 38%. Poverty rate 8%. Distress score 50.4.

But Bowie, drop out rate 5%, Adults not working 29%, poverty rate 4%, distress score 4.9

That's much different to Hyattsville and Hillcress Heights.

Marlboro village, distress score 9.2. Again, massively different. Luke Arbor is similar.

You have rich and poor areas within these counties which skew the statistics. There are poor areas and there are rich areas.

Statten Island has a few places with high distress scores and many places with low scores.

The point here is that what we're talking about is extremely complex. There's more than just one or two statistics here. You have to put together a whole load of statistics and then try and figure out which things are causing the problems and which problems are caused by things that aren't statistics.

I did this with London and basically came out with a view that you could predict, with enough information, the crime levels of areas more or less, none of it had much to do with color.
There are isolated areas of Black concentration on Staten Island, with predictable results in terms of crime, but the Black representation is lower than Brooklyn or Queens...however there are still dangerous areas there...

What county is New York City in?

Five of New York's counties are each coextensive with New York City's five boroughs and do not have county governments. They are: New York County (Manhattan),Kings County (Brooklyn), Bronx County (The Bronx), Richmond County (Staten Island), and Queens County (Queens).

So we have a white idiot that makes claims about a county that is basically Baltimore and compares it to Staten Island.

Perhaps you can tell us all about the fractious demographics of Baltimore and Staten Island imbecile? You are a typical Liberal idiot...emblematic symptomatic

Baltimore Has 2.71 million people while Staten Island has 468,000, Baltimore has roughly 6 times the number of people and yet you idiots are comparing murder rates to make claims of white superiority. And even worse you only consider murder rates when murder is not the only crime nor is it the only violent crime. Finally demographics alone doesn't prove your bogus crap, but you are not mentally capable of understanding the effect of public policy or the damage caused by 90-100 years of public policy.

Gee thanks so much for re-stating the obvious you mindless clown...not surprisingly the point eludes your tiny atrophied brain...however before you try to awkwardly condescend to anyone regarding the relevant stats maybe---just maybe---you should endeavor to comprehend them yourself...the FBI and DOJ data-base will confirm the immutable relationship between high crime-rates and Black demographics...either no one has properly tutored you in polemics or you just as you appear: a brazen, demonstrably mindless Liberal stereotype...a 3% grouping of the domestic population literally own over 50% of violent offenses---including homicide...that 3% is Black males between 15 and 35...
Washington DC is the richest metro area, and by no means the most expensive, nor the safest metro area in the U.S.
Actually quite the opposite, Washington DC is more dangerous than many poorer places in the U.S.A

It seems that there's a reason why, the huge amounts of Blacks who liter the Washington DC metro area.
A GDP of $36,000 per capita, however this doesn't point to any income inequality. I don't know enough about the US Virgin Islands to make a comment on the situation there. Do you?

It's hard to compare the US Virgin Islands to much of anything.
Income inequity is difficult to calculate because there is limited population and a great influx of wealth generated by their major industry (tourism).

Crime statistics are skewed because law enforcement is handled differently ... And simple geographical benefits.
There is a serious concern for law enforcement to heavily protect the tourism industry ... They show in force and don't put up with much crap.
They handle difficulties with tourists different than difficulties with the indigenous people.
You also have to remember that they are islands ... Simply put, if you are poor and a crook, you just aren't going to be able to run that far.

A better example of that would be Rotan, Honduras ... It doesn't share the same crime statistics as the mainland.

It's major industries (income wise) are tourism and ex-pat housing opportunities ... Crap Madonna has (or had anyways) a house there.
It's a 45 minute boat ride from the mainland ... Not too many people are going to swim that far.
There are extremely poor people on the island ... But law enforcement doesn't have a problem keeping criminals out or in check.
If you get caught committing a serious crime ... You don't stay on the island ... And you aren't swimming back.

There is high correlation between poverty and crime throughout the world. Since the poverty rate among blacks is much higher that whites, one would expect higher crime rates.

So, why does Prince George's County, Maryland have high murder rates too, despite having low poverty rates, and high incomes?
There's only one thing about this county that's so different from other suburban counties, and it's the dominant Black population there.

Probably because it's part of an inner city urban conglomeration. The problem isn't about how much the average makes, the issue is how much individuals make.

If you have half the population living off crime and the other half raking in the money from politics, then the poorer inner city areas are going to be committing crime against the rich people.

Did you know that during a recession crime goes down. Why? People have less money.

The reality is people also flaunt their money less, they buy less, they go out less, so there are LESS opportunities to commit crime, and criminals are then poorer.

There is high correlation between poverty and crime throughout the world. Since the poverty rate among blacks is much higher that whites, one would expect higher crime rates.

So, why does Prince George's County, Maryland have high murder rates too, despite having low poverty rates, and high incomes?
There's only one thing about this county that's so different from other suburban counties, and it's the dominant Black population there.

Probably because it's part of an inner city urban conglomeration. The problem isn't about how much the average makes, the issue is how much individuals make.

If you have half the population living off crime and the other half raking in the money from politics, then the poorer inner city areas are going to be committing crime against the rich people.

Did you know that during a recession crime goes down. Why? People have less money.

The reality is people also flaunt their money less, they buy less, they go out less, so there are LESS opportunities to commit crime, and criminals are then poorer.

Isn't Staten Island, New York , more inner city than Prince George's County, Maryland?
It's also not as rich, and more expensive in cost of living.

Thing is Staten Island doesn't have a murder rate as high as PG County, Maryland, could it be because Staten Island has a lot less Blacks?

What county is New York City in?

New York City has a few counties, the one called Staten Island is Richmond County.

Actually New York City as a whole even has a lower murder rate than Prince George's County, Maryland.

Brooklyn, New York, and Prince George's County, Maryland have similar murder rates.

The big question is how come, considering that PG, County is about twice as high in income, and far lower in poverty than Brooklyn.

But, then again the White percentages are similar, so there we go.
The black non Hispanic population of New York is almost 2 million. The black population of Baltimore is 797,000. There are about 3 times the number of blacks in NYC. So there we go.
Washington DC is the richest metro area, and by no means the most expensive, nor the safest metro area in the U.S.
Actually quite the opposite, Washington DC is more dangerous than many poorer places in the U.S.A

It seems that there's a reason why, the huge amounts of Blacks who liter the Washington DC metro area.

Nationwide whites commit most of the violent crime and the most crime period.
A GDP of $36,000 per capita, however this doesn't point to any income inequality. I don't know enough about the US Virgin Islands to make a comment on the situation there. Do you?

It's hard to compare the US Virgin Islands to much of anything.
Income inequity is difficult to calculate because there is limited population and a great influx of wealth generated by their major industry (tourism).

Crime statistics are skewed because law enforcement is handled differently ... And simple geographical benefits.
There is a serious concern for law enforcement to heavily protect the tourism industry ... They show in force and don't put up with much crap.
They handle difficulties with tourists different than difficulties with the indigenous people.
You also have to remember that they are islands ... Simply put, if you are poor and a crook, you just aren't going to be able to run that far.

A better example of that would be Rotan, Honduras ... It doesn't share the same crime statistics as the mainland.

It's major industries (income wise) are tourism and ex-pat housing opportunities ... Crap Madonna has (or had anyways) a house there.
It's a 45 minute boat ride from the mainland ... Not too many people are going to swim that far.
There are extremely poor people on the island ... But law enforcement doesn't have a problem keeping criminals out or in check.
If you get caught committing a serious crime ... You don't stay on the island ... And you aren't swimming back.


Yes, often it's very difficult to compare one place to another place. First it often requires some kind of understanding about those places that are being compared. However, the point that was being made was that black people are the most violent. A quick look at the statistics suggests this isn't the case at all.

You might want better examples, but the reality is the making an "argument" was making a piss poor one, and I proved them wrong in about 10 words.
The thing about this thread is that we have a white man known to frequent stormfront making a claim about how blacks would be if not for whites. The end of that story was written at the OP.
Known to frequent storm front? Back that up. Show us.

Nope. I am not going to stormfront in order to prove that you are not a racist white who started a thread based in your racist beliefs that blacks would be nothing without whitey.
Like the rest of your fantastical tripe... You are incapable of proving to others, the assertions you believe. Most of which are lies...


They would still be living out their existence much in the manner observed in the quote that follows. Its past time that blacks started expressing their appreciation, for all that the civilized world has done for them. Because petty gripes, and century old grievances aside... The outside world has done far more for Negros; than Negros ever have, or ever will for the non-Negro.

"Since the dawn of history the negro has owned the continent of Africa - rich beyond the dream of a poet's fancy, crunching acres of diamonds beneath his bare black feet. Yet he never picked one up from the dust until a white man showed to him its glittering light. His land swarmed with powerful and docile animals, yet he never dreamed a harness, cart, or sled. A hunter by necessity, he never made an axe, spear, or arrowhead worth preserving beyond the moment of its use. He lived as an ox, content to graze for an hour. In a land of stone and timber he never sawed a foot of lumber, carved a block, or built a house save of broken sticks and mud. With league on league of ocean strand and miles of inland seas, for four thousand years he watched their surface ripple under the wind, heard the thunder of the surf on his beach, the howl of the storm over his head, gazed on the dim blue horizon calling him to worlds that lie beyond, and yet he never dreamed a sail." - Thomas Dixon

This is your OP. You are white and this is what you believe.
Which has nothing to do with your fantasy, that I frequent storm front. The first time I ever heard of it was from the libtards on this board. The last I heard of it... It got shut down. Don't make claims about other posters that you can't back up.
Washington DC is the richest metro area, and by no means the most expensive, nor the safest metro area in the U.S.
Actually quite the opposite, Washington DC is more dangerous than many poorer places in the U.S.A

It seems that there's a reason why, the huge amounts of Blacks who liter the Washington DC metro area.

Nationwide whites commit most of the violent crime and the most crime period.

But really that's using statistics badly. Facts can often be presented in different ways to make people who don't use their brains to think in a certain way.
Washington DC is the richest metro area, and by no means the most expensive, nor the safest metro area in the U.S.
Actually quite the opposite, Washington DC is more dangerous than many poorer places in the U.S.A

It seems that there's a reason why, the huge amounts of Blacks who liter the Washington DC metro area.

Nationwide whites commit most of the violent crime and the most crime period.

Wrong yet again imbecile" Whites are 72% of the population, Blacks are roughly 13%...add to this the fact that Hispanic males are counted as White and the picture is complete...are you familiar with the concept of ratios moron? Blacks commit violent offenses on an order roughly eight times that of whites...my God are you dumb!
The thing about this thread is that we have a white man known to frequent stormfront making a claim about how blacks would be if not for whites. The end of that story was written at the OP.
Known to frequent storm front? Back that up. Show us.

Nope. I am not going to stormfront in order to prove that you are not a racist white who started a thread based in your racist beliefs that blacks would be nothing without whitey.
Like the rest of your fantastical tripe... You are incapable of proving to others, the assertions you believe. Most of which are lies...


They would still be living out their existence much in the manner observed in the quote that follows. Its past time that blacks started expressing their appreciation, for all that the civilized world has done for them. Because petty gripes, and century old grievances aside... The outside world has done far more for Negros; than Negros ever have, or ever will for the non-Negro.

"Since the dawn of history the negro has owned the continent of Africa - rich beyond the dream of a poet's fancy, crunching acres of diamonds beneath his bare black feet. Yet he never picked one up from the dust until a white man showed to him its glittering light. His land swarmed with powerful and docile animals, yet he never dreamed a harness, cart, or sled. A hunter by necessity, he never made an axe, spear, or arrowhead worth preserving beyond the moment of its use. He lived as an ox, content to graze for an hour. In a land of stone and timber he never sawed a foot of lumber, carved a block, or built a house save of broken sticks and mud. With league on league of ocean strand and miles of inland seas, for four thousand years he watched their surface ripple under the wind, heard the thunder of the surf on his beach, the howl of the storm over his head, gazed on the dim blue horizon calling him to worlds that lie beyond, and yet he never dreamed a sail." - Thomas Dixon

This is your OP. You are white and this is what you believe.
Which has nothing to do with your fantasy, that I frequent storm front. The first time I ever heard of it was from the libtards on this board. The last I heard of it... It got shut down. Don't make claims about other posters that you can't back up.

Don't let it bother you Vastator, Liberals typically invoke those words because they cannot mount an actual argument...
Yes, often it's very difficult to compare one place to another place. First it often requires some kind of understanding about those places that are being compared. However, the point that was being made was that black people are the most violent. A quick look at the statistics suggests this isn't the case at all.

You might want better examples, but the reality is the making an "argument" was making a piss poor one, and I proved them wrong in about 10 words.

Yeah ... I understand what you are saying ... I just thought it was interesting the things you hear about in history class versus what you can view in life.

You can take a trip to Dominica or St Kitts ... And the influence of a white dominated history is no longer a question that needs answering.
The countryside is still littered with windmills where the Robber Barons processed sugarcane using slave labor ... They didn't tear them down.

In a way that kind of forces one to accept the simple realization ... You don't have to simply believe what someone says ... It's still standing there in front of you.

It's no longer a concept nor an idea ... It makes a direct correlation to world around it.
It forces you to examine your own interpretations ... It allows you to question how anything can get better if we travel down a road that attempts to suggest we should consider race when making any decision.

It doesn't mean you believe race hasn't had an influence on where we have come from ... It is proof it shouldn't have an influence on were we are going.

Last edited:
Washington DC is the richest metro area, and by no means the most expensive, nor the safest metro area in the U.S.
Actually quite the opposite, Washington DC is more dangerous than many poorer places in the U.S.A

It seems that there's a reason why, the huge amounts of Blacks who liter the Washington DC metro area.

Nationwide whites commit most of the violent crime and the most crime period.

Wrong yet again imbecile" Whites are 72% of the population, Blacks are roughly 13%...add to this the fact that Hispanic males are counted as White and the picture is complete...are you familiar with the concept of ratios moron? Blacks commit violent offenses on an order roughly eight times that of whites...my God are you dumb!

No that's not wrong..If you have 1,000 crimes and whites commit 700 of them they commit 70 percent of the crime. The ratio would be 7 out of 10 crimes are committed by whites. Blacks do not commit violent crimes at a rate of 8 times that of whites. Blacks commit crimes at a rate that is roughly 3 times less than whites. And they commit violent crimes at roughly half the rate. Mind you that we are talking about the occurrences of crime and the race that creates the occurrence, not the total population of any race and the number of crimes because that is a invalid measurement due to the fact that not everybody in any racial category is responsible for crime.
Washington DC is the richest metro area, and by no means the most expensive, nor the safest metro area in the U.S.
Actually quite the opposite, Washington DC is more dangerous than many poorer places in the U.S.A

It seems that there's a reason why, the huge amounts of Blacks who liter the Washington DC metro area.

Nationwide whites commit most of the violent crime and the most crime period.

Wrong yet again imbecile" Whites are 72% of the population, Blacks are roughly 13%...add to this the fact that Hispanic males are counted as White and the picture is complete...are you familiar with the concept of ratios moron? Blacks commit violent offenses on an order roughly eight times that of whites...my God are you dumb!

No that's not wrong..If you have 1,000 crimes and whites commit 700 of them they commit 70 percent of the crime. The ratio would be 7 out of 10 crimes are committed by whites. Blacks do not commit violent crimes at a rate of 8 times that of whites. Blacks commit crimes at a rate that is roughly 3 times less than whites. And they commit violent crimes at roughly half the rate. Mind you that we are talking about the occurrences of crime and the race that creates the occurrence, not the total population of any race and the number of crimes because that is a invalid measurement due to the fact that not everybody in any racial category is responsible for crime.

Wrong yet again you delirious twit: to re-state for the Liberal mentality: a 3% grouping of Blacks---Black males between the age of 15 and 35---are responsible for over 50% of violent offenses...wanna figure out the ratios ???? sigh

Black Americans are 12.1% of the US Population, Yet They Commit: 32.5% of All Rapes, 34.1% of all Assaults, 54.9% of All Robberies, and 49.4% of All Murders. 91% of Murdered Black Americans, Are Killed By Other Black Americans. The Truth Isn’t Racist, It’s Just The Truth
We know exactly what they did achieve. That's all that really matters...
Being despised and totally discriminated against has nothing to do with it, if you're racist brainwashed functional moron like yourself...
Dont use your dislike of, and my firm grasp of reality as an excuse for their failures. Give them the credit they're due. They've earned it...
Did you know that believing blacks are inferior makes you a racist and an idiot? Africans have been ruined by outside interests for the last eight hundred years. You are a moron LOL
The problem with black people isnt the color of their skin; its their inferior culture that causes them to underachieve in every category that societies are judged by.
So do you enjoy being an idiot racist? LOL!
Racist? Since when is CULTURE a race? You are dumb as fuck! :laugh:
The thing about this thread is that we have a white man known to frequent stormfront making a claim about how blacks would be if not for whites. The end of that story was written at the OP.
Known to frequent storm front? Back that up. Show us.

Nope. I am not going to stormfront in order to prove that you are not a racist white who started a thread based in your racist beliefs that blacks would be nothing without whitey.
Like the rest of your fantastical tripe... You are incapable of proving to others, the assertions you believe. Most of which are lies...


They would still be living out their existence much in the manner observed in the quote that follows. Its past time that blacks started expressing their appreciation, for all that the civilized world has done for them. Because petty gripes, and century old grievances aside... The outside world has done far more for Negros; than Negros ever have, or ever will for the non-Negro.

"Since the dawn of history the negro has owned the continent of Africa - rich beyond the dream of a poet's fancy, crunching acres of diamonds beneath his bare black feet. Yet he never picked one up from the dust until a white man showed to him its glittering light. His land swarmed with powerful and docile animals, yet he never dreamed a harness, cart, or sled. A hunter by necessity, he never made an axe, spear, or arrowhead worth preserving beyond the moment of its use. He lived as an ox, content to graze for an hour. In a land of stone and timber he never sawed a foot of lumber, carved a block, or built a house save of broken sticks and mud. With league on league of ocean strand and miles of inland seas, for four thousand years he watched their surface ripple under the wind, heard the thunder of the surf on his beach, the howl of the storm over his head, gazed on the dim blue horizon calling him to worlds that lie beyond, and yet he never dreamed a sail." - Thomas Dixon

This is your OP. You are white and this is what you believe.
Which has nothing to do with your fantasy, that I frequent storm front. The first time I ever heard of it was from the libtards on this board. The last I heard of it... It got shut down. Don't make claims about other posters that you can't back up.

Well you would not have heard it got shut down if you did not frequent the place. You believe in white supremacy so stop pretending to be butthurt because you get associated with frequenting a white supremacist forum.
Racist whites will hope against all hope that if Blacks were left to their own devices we would fail. The question I ask is if we are succeeding despite your very best efforts to stop us why would you think we would fail if you vanished from the planet?

Lets be serious for a moment.

1. Blacks existed before whites ever appeared on the planet.
2. They built civilizations that to this day whites cant figure out.
3. While europe was falling back into an illiterate quagmire, Blacks built more civilizations.
4. After whites declared "never again" and went on a homicidal and felonious crime spree across the planet, Blacks still survived and even helped whites build their civilizations.
5. After assisting in their own released from slavery here in the states, Blacks became politicians and successful businessmen.
6. Even when Jim Crow was established Blacks still became successful and built their own thriving towns and cities which whites promptly destroyed out of rage.

If we could do all that when we had no contact with whites and did all that when violently oppressed by whites how is there even a question?

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