If nothing else the hearings thus far have achieved something notable.

Of course, you have no good reason or evidence to say that, except for the usual baby cult tantrum.
I tire of your BULLSHIT.

LISTEN UP,, you leftist piece of trash

You fuckers are literally DESTROYING the economy right now. Not just ours, everyone else's too.

Pretty soon you're going to have 300 MILLION PEOPLE beating down the White House doors, not just 600.

Meanwhile half your goddamn party is IGNORING the problem and has it's head buried all the way up Trump's ass

No one cares about your bullshit politics, fucktard. We want to EAT, asshole leftard.

Get the fuck OUT of my face with this asinine political drivel, and start paying attention to what matters.

All people like Scruffy are doing is.......

Poster Scruffy is speaking to you in English, fuckwit......What part of BACK THE FUCK OFF do you PERSONALLY not understand?
........Getting in my face will earn you an unpleasant response......Get the fuck OUT of my face with this stupid crap.

Well, poster beagle, no good deed goes unpunished.
Throw the bloke a lifeline.....and he crawls back in you boat and strangles you with it.

OK then, with that exchange how do you feel about the "under-informed, under-educated" cliché of some Trumpers now?
Think there is a grain of truth in there, somewhere?
Ah, poster lantern....there is no 'cross examination' in a hearing. It ain't a trial.
But don't fear that procedural requirement. There is a recourse available to the Trump 'side' of events.
Come and testify.
Simple. Stand at the witness table, raise the right hand and swear to tell the truth.

Thus the American people and the Select Committee could hear the 'side' of events from Don Trump, Mike Pence, Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows, Eastman, Banks, Boebert, McCarthy, and any number of other players in the events of January 6th.

Seems like a simple solution to the problem that seemingly vexes you, poster 'lantern'.
The dumb fucking assholes don't listen. ^^^
Who doesn't love a trial without due process to be televised around the world?

Right wingers and their silly due process Constitution thingy.
This is not a trial.

This is a hearing.

If the Committee refers various facts to the DoJ and if the DoJ in turn chooses to prosecute, there will be plenty of opportunity to refute the evidence.

Next time, make sure you've got a Minority Leader smart enough not to suggest membership for people likely to come under investigation themselves.

That's rather like letting a suspected criminal take a voting seat on a Grand Jury empaneled to investigate his alleged crime. :abgg2q.jpg:
This is not a trial.

This is a hearing.

If the Committee refers various facts to the DoJ and if the DoJ in turn chooses to prosecute, there will be plenty of opportunity to refute the evidence.

Next time, make sure you've got a Minority Leader smart enough not to suggest membership for people likely to come under investigation themselves.

That's rather like letting a suspected criminal take a voting seat on a Grand Jury empaneled to investigate his alleged crime. :abgg2q.jpg:
This is not a trial.

This is a hearing.

If the Committee refers various facts to the DoJ and if the DoJ in turn chooses to prosecute, there will be plenty of opportunity to refute the evidence.

Next time, make sure you've got a Minority Leader smart enough not to suggest membership for people likely to come under investigation themselves.

That's rather like letting a suspected criminal take a voting seat on a Grand Jury empaneled to investigate his alleged crime. :abgg2q.jpg:
Sadly misguided partisan hack. ^^^

This is not about your party winning, dumbshit fucktard from hell.

If you fuckers had even a single brain cell you'd be thinking about the American People and how to get over these hard times.

But you're not. You're rubbing PARTISAN BULLSHIT into the American Peoples' faces, and none of it does ANYTHING to help the American People.

We want to eat, asshole. We don't give a fuck about your dog and pony show.
Putting aside the overwhelming evidence of Trump's legal exposure for the failed coup, the sworn testimony given by former members of Don's admin has blown a giant hole in the credibility of right wing media outlet's duplicitous spin on the events leading to 1/6 and on 1/6 itself.
I say this fully understanding those outlets are still spinning. What else can they do? It's either that or admit the narrative they have been fomenting, really since Trump announced his candidacy, is an enormous pile of steaming horseshit. I say this also fully understanding the gullible rubes who believe 1/6 was just another day of tourists visiting the Capital will continue swilling the spin. What else can they do?
Their willingness to deny, deflect, distort, to turn the truth on its head, is splashed all over this board on a daily basis. They are so locked in to the fatuous narrative they've been espousing for years they have no choice but to accept the truth or go down with the ship. So far it appears they have chosen to drown.
Yeah and you don't know because you haven't watched. You have no clue besides what the right wing .media tells you to think.
Yeah and you don't know because you haven't watched. You have no clue besides what the right wing .media tells you to think.
So we should go for the Democratic click bait instead?

No way, fool.

I know MORE THAN I need to know. Don't need your dog and pony show.
I love this bar!
Yeah, the heatings have acheived something notable all right.

They're making it perfectly clear who's serious and who's just a dumbass partisan lemming

I have two words for the committee and the entire hearing crowd:


OH - and two more words: GO AWAY.
You be you, poster Scruffy.
Trumper to the core.
What's sad is, you just don't get it.

Or at least you PRETEND you don't.

Well, you will, and pretty soon you won't be able to pretend anymore.

The box gets smaller, pal - and you're in it.
You be you, poster Scruffy.
Trumper to the core.
The hearings have definitely achieved something notable.

They've exposed the leftard fuckwitry like THIS. ^^^

This is a leftard's worst insult: "you're a Trumper". This is what they're all about. The left in a nutshell. "You're a Trumper".

Guess what fucktard - I didn't vote for Donald Trump. You are nothing but a dumb, stupid, hate generating fucktard leftist ASSHOLE, flinging around stupid shit like that.

I spent half my life near Atlantic City, why would I vote for Donald Trump?

You, sir, are a retarded mudslinging jackass.

And this is why YOU fuckers are leaving town. Because you spend all your time calling other people Trumpers, instead of attending to the inflation and the gas prices AND THE MOTHERFUCKING VIOLENCE.

Am I getting through to you, shit for brains?
You are nothing but a dumb, stupid, hate generating fucktard leftist ASSHOLE, flinging around stupid shit like that....

The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

Personal note to Scruffy: Mein freund, please please do NOT get yourself banned from this gossipboard because of crass vulgarity. Hell, don't get banned for any reason.
You are just too damned much fun to have around ---- a wonderful example of a bad example.

Trumplandia must be proud to have you as one of their front line SealTeam 6'rs.
The tip of the spear for Trumpganistan. ;)

Though, to be honest.....it's kinda sad.
The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

Personal note to Scruffy: Mein freund, please please do NOT get yourself banned from this gossipboard because of crass vulgarity. Hell, don't get banned for any reason.
You are just too damned much fun to have around ---- a wonderful example of a bad example.

Trumplandia must be proud to have you as one of their front line SealTeam 6'rs.
The tip of the spear for Trumpganistan. ;)

Though, to be honest.....it's kinda sad.
Hey - this is media. And I'm in the entertainment business. We aim to please! :)
Though, to be honest.....it's kinda sad.
You're not listening.

Open your ears.

All entertainment has a message. Some perceive it, some don't.

You seem like a smart guy, and if you are, you will perceive the seriousness underlying the entertainment.

In case you hadn't noticed, people are hurting out here. In any economic downturn, arts are the first to suffer. I'm sitting pretty, but a lot of my friends aren't.

A lot of my friends, are a hell of a lot madder than I am, and some of them are a lot less reasonable. I try to calm them. It'll only work for so long though.

You partisans better catch a heads up, FAST. Really. You're generating a lot of animosity with this stupid leftist crap.
Poster Scruffy is speaking to you in English, leftie fuckwits.

What part of BACK THE FUCK OFF do you PERSONALLY not understand?

Getting in my face will earn you an unpleasant response.

Get the fuck OUT of my face with this stupid crap.

Get out. NOW.
Listen dude, are you some kind of Internet bully that don't know how to interpret a post or something..??.. The post was defending your dumb ace, not belittling you. Ok I figure this was pay back for you being stupid, now carry on.. lol
Well, poster beagle, no good deed goes unpunished.
Throw the bloke a lifeline.....and he crawls back in you boat and strangles you with it.

OK then, with that exchange how do you feel about the "under-informed, under-educated" cliché of some Trumpers now?
Think there is a grain of truth in there, somewhere?
Yeah, he sure messed up on that post, but he claims he's not a Trumper, so I'm relieved of that, but then again what is he if not a Trumper ?? If he's trying to play the middle, then he's toast because he's either hot nor cold or he will be spewed out. Biblically speaking....
Listen dude, are you some kind of Internet bully that don't know how to interpret a post or something..??.. The post was defending your dumb ace, not belittling you. Ok I figure this was pay back for you being stupid, now carry on.. lol
Ha ha - okay, sorry Beagle.i apologize.

Yes, I'm a human canine too, "even I" make mistakes.

(Not many, though). :p

Scruffy likes you. I do apologize.
Sadly misguided partisan hack. ^^^

This is not about your party winning, dumbshit fucktard from hell.

If you fuckers had even a single brain cell you'd be thinking about the American People and how to get over these hard times.

But you're not. You're rubbing PARTISAN BULLSHIT into the American Peoples' faces, and none of it does ANYTHING to help the American People.

We want to eat, asshole. We don't give a fuck about your dog and pony show.
Wassamadda, Trump Cultist? Judgment Day gettin' a little too close for comfort? :auiqs.jpg:

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