If nothing else the hearings thus far have achieved something notable.

I think this particular flavor of misguided rage and paranoia began growing the day Limbaugh went national. Hour by hour, day by day, year by year. Trump was the Pied Piper who was shameless enough to play into it, which satisfies his never-ending desperation for adoration.
True, but even in the case of Rush, what happened was that a person of low ethical character was willing to make his name and living as the person who would refine their hate and paranoia and stupidity, distill it, and repeat it back to them.

We both know Trump is a moron, not a strategist. He doesn't know things or learn things. His talking points are fed to him, and then he uses them to repeat back to his base what they want to hear. And, being the willing rubes they are, this indicates genius to them.

"I must be right, the president said it back to me."

The oldest con in the book. And that's because it works so well.
Now first, and I wish to be crystal clear on this.....please know good poster Scruffy that I absolutely do not dwell on the following question. Rather, it only comes to mind when I actually read one of your posts...and then as sort of an entertaining mind exercise. A bemusement, so to speak.
But.......but my avatar sometimes wonders if other Trumpers on this gossipboard read Scruffy's postings and say to themselves:
"Man, I sure am glad that poster is on the same Trumpian side I am. He represents us Trumpers so well with his articulate, reasoned, and informed defense of the Don. He speaks for us, because he sure posts just like we think. We should be proud to have poster Scruffy articulate our views."

For example:

ps....and I don't mean to overdrive this nail, but.......but is everybody on this gossipboard aware of the common perception about Trump supporters? A cliché, really. Sometimes it seems so apt. IMHO
Attacking the messenger's, otherwise regardless of the hurrendous messages in which they are bringing to the forefront in hopes for the unknowing or brainwashed eye's to finally see, yet here you are attacking the messenger's ??....

All people like Scruffy are doing is relaying the feelings and displeasures in which many average American families are now seeing, and in many cases they unfortunately are now having to deal with... You not liking that, puts you square on the side in which the majority of Americans aren't liking these days, so if the shoe fits then wear it.
I think this particular flavor of misguided rage and paranoia began growing the day Limbaugh went national. Hour by hour, day by day, year by year. Trump was the Pied Piper who was shameless enough to play into it, which satisfies his never-ending desperation for adoration.
Yeah you hated when Limbaugh went national didn't you ?? He exposed a lot, and it's been a learning curve ever since.

The devil took advantage of America's toleration towards a lot of crazy crap, and finally America is finding it's way again.
We didn't understand the depth and intensity of the rage that was growing, right under the surface.

So now we know.
You push anything to far, and of course you are going to create one hell of a back lash. Don't act all surprised.
Well, another prototypical Trumper offers his articulate and informed opinion to this venue. Early in the morning, no less.

I love this bar.
When you and your party look like Greedo after confronting Han Solo come November I’m betting you won’t have much to offer but your pathetic excuses. Again, your “facts” are based on one side’s story only. No cross examination allowed. Thus your opinion is wildly “uninformed”.
I still find it surreal that we have video evidence, documentary evidence, and witness testimony about the weeks leading up to and on 1/6.................yet Trumpleton's keep denying the truth.
I find it hard to believe that we have video evidence, and sworn testimony, documented proof about the steal, the 2016 coup that lasted 4 year's+ (politician's lying their aces off), a pandemic that once we looked back upon it we find that it was riddled with misdiagnosis, improper treatment's that led to thousand's upon thousand's of death's, wear a mask, don't wear a mask, double wear a mask or maybe triple mask up, unnecessary shut downs, political agenda's creating lie upon lie's, attacking state's that done things differently, forcing vaccine's when vaccine's weren't proven yet, abusing children, attacking parent's, the CRT lies that claimed it wasn't being taught, the attacking of government property, CHAZ, and just to many more to list.
Y'all said only 20 million watched countrywide...there's 180,000,000 pool of registered voters to pick from for a jury.....
Since no criminal referrals will be forthcoming, you can begin your crying and whining now. Trump will not be on trial.
And if there is, it will be a big conspiracy against Trump.

We know your rigged game. It has only two steps, and a mentally retarded ferret could play it.
You need to pay attention. Already stated that NO criminal referrals will be forthcoming. Seems your mental retardation keeps you from ever accepting the truth.
All people like Scruffy are doing is relaying the feelings and displeasures in which many average American families are now seeing, and in many cases they unfortunately are now having to deal with
Yes, stupidly articulated, mindless and aimless anger. We know.
I think this particular flavor of misguided rage and paranoia began growing the day Limbaugh went national. Hour by hour, day by day, year by year. Trump was the Pied Piper who was shameless enough to play into it, which satisfies his never-ending desperation for adoration.
Yep, that's when Americans woke up to how much the government is fucking them up the ass. There's nothing "misguided" about the rage.
We can hope for a self-correction, where voters are so horrified at what they've done that they reverse course. Then we set ourselves up for an over-correction in the opposite direction.

Back and forth, back and forth, like waves crashing to and fro, causing all kinds of fucking damage.

We need to change our electoral/political system.
There's nothing to correct, you goose stepping moron. What we need is to cleans the country of vermin like you.
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Evaluating the Jan. 6 Committee’s Evidence

In other words, the committee’s hearings should—at least in our view—be adjudged a success from an evidentiary point of view to precisely the extent that they would convince a reasonable person that:

  1. Trump attempted to convince Americans that significant levels of fraud had stolen the election from him despite knowing that he had, in fact, lost the 2020 election;
  2. Trump planned to remove and replace the attorney general and other Justice Department officials as part of an effort to pressure the department to spread his allegations of election fraud;
  3. Trump worked “to pressure Vice President Mike Pence to refuse to count electoral votes on January 6th”;
  4. Trump tried to convince state lawmakers and election officials to alter election results;
  5. Trump’s lawyers and other members of the president’s team directed Republicans in multiple states to produce fake electoral slates and send those slates to Congress and the National Archives;
  6. Trump assembled a destructive group of rioters in Washington and sent them to the U.S. Capitol; and
  7. Trump ignored requests to speak out against the violence in real time and failed to act quickly to stop the attack and tell his supporters to depart the Capitol.
Evaluating the Jan. 6 Committee’s Evidence

For Trumpleton's who are disingenuously still asking to see the evidence, because they choose not to look at what has been presented so far, here it is in a nutshell.
That's all either not true, or it's not illegal. Mostly it's not true.
America has faced crazies like the extreme Trump minions in the past. And like in the past we eliminate those who threaten our Union.
You have no union, fucktard.

50% of America hates your guts.

And you're not in charge. You may THINK you are, but you're not.
I still find it surreal that we have video evidence, documentary evidence, and witness testimony about the weeks leading up to and on 1/6.................yet Trumpleton's keep denying the truth.
You're not listening, asshole.

Attacking the messenger's, otherwise regardless of the hurrendous messages in which they are bringing to the forefront in hopes for the unknowing or brainwashed eye's to finally see, yet here you are attacking the messenger's ??....

All people like Scruffy are doing is relaying the feelings and displeasures in which many average American families are now seeing, and in many cases they unfortunately are now having to deal with... You not liking that, puts you square on the side in which the majority of Americans aren't liking these days, so if the shoe fits then wear it.
Poster Scruffy is speaking to you in English, leftie fuckwits.

What part of BACK THE FUCK OFF do you PERSONALLY not understand?

Getting in my face will earn you an unpleasant response.

Get the fuck OUT of my face with this stupid crap.

Get out. NOW.
No cross examination allowed. Thus your opinion is wildly “uninformed”.
Ah, poster lantern....there is no 'cross examination' in a hearing. It ain't a trial.
But don't fear that procedural requirement. There is a recourse available to the Trump 'side' of events.
Come and testify.
Simple. Stand at the witness table, raise the right hand and swear to tell the truth.

Thus the American people and the Select Committee could hear the 'side' of events from Don Trump, Mike Pence, Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows, Eastman, Banks, Boebert, McCarthy, and any number of other players in the events of January 6th.

Seems like a simple solution to the problem that seemingly vexes you, poster 'lantern'.

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