If nothing else the hearings thus far have achieved something notable.

But instead of convincing Trump’s most stalwart supporters, testimony from former attorney general Bill Barr and Trump’s daughter Ivanka about the election and the attack on the U.S. Capitol is prompting many of them to simply reassert their views that the former president was correct in his false claim of victory.

Barr’s testimony that Trump was repeatedly told there was no election fraud? He was paid off by a voting machine company, according to one false claim that went viral this week. Ivanka Trump saying she didn’t believe Trump either? It’s all part of Trump’s grand plan to confuse his enemies and save America.
Jordan Sather, a leading proponent of the QAnon theory, claims both Barr and Ivanka Trump lied during their testimony on Trump’s orders, part of an elaborate scheme to defeat Trump’s enemies by confusing Congress and the American public.

“I can just imagine Donald Trump telling Ivanka: ’Hey, go to this hearing, say these things. Screw with their heads,’” Sather said last week on his online show.

Some Trump supporters dismissed Ivanka Trump’s testimony entirely by questioning whether any of it was real. That’s another common refrain seen on far-right message boards. Many posters say they don’t even believe the hearings are happening, but are a Hollywood production starring stand-ins for the former president’s daughter and others.

“She looks different in a big way,” one poster asked on Telegram. “CGI?”

Advocates of Trumpery are struggling to make sense of the lies they believe and the truth they're being exposed to from the hearings.
Thanks to your fucktards on that kangaroo committee, it is now completely impossible for him to get a fair trial anywhere in the country.
I thought people weren't paying attention to the hearings.
If he gets convicted after a fair trial why shouldn't he go to jail?
There will be no trial and no conviction without a huge investigation 1st being fairly conducted by using everything in connection to it all, otherwise dating back to the 2016 election and before (Russian hoax) etc.

This is not what the Democrat's want, so the hearing will end in just the hopes of damaging potential Trump voter's, and this by turning them against Trump if possible, otherwise if they can plant the seeds somehow in their mind's that Trump through it all was plotting and scheming to be a corrupt President.

The game is over, and the gig is up. Democrat's have been exposed as to their personal agenda's, and their wants and needs in which trump the nation's security, welfare, and harmony.

You Democrat's got what you wanted by supporting evilness within your party, and now you are going to pay a price for your traitorous scheme's and way's.
You fucktards are wasting MILLIONS of taxpayer dollars on a dog and pony show, and you want ME to get a grip?

I wouldn't watch your show if it was the last thing on TV. I'd rather watch dirty shower water circle down the drain.
I wouldn't expect anything different from you! :rolleyes: you've shown your cards since you arrived here!
But instead of convincing Trump’s most stalwart supporters, testimony from former attorney general Bill Barr and Trump’s daughter Ivanka about the election and the attack on the U.S. Capitol is prompting many of them to simply reassert their views that the former president was correct in his false claim of victory.

Barr’s testimony that Trump was repeatedly told there was no election fraud? He was paid off by a voting machine company, according to one false claim that went viral this week. Ivanka Trump saying she didn’t believe Trump either? It’s all part of Trump’s grand plan to confuse his enemies and save America.
Jordan Sather, a leading proponent of the QAnon theory, claims both Barr and Ivanka Trump lied during their testimony on Trump’s orders, part of an elaborate scheme to defeat Trump’s enemies by confusing Congress and the American public.

“I can just imagine Donald Trump telling Ivanka: ’Hey, go to this hearing, say these things. Screw with their heads,’” Sather said last week on his online show.

Some Trump supporters dismissed Ivanka Trump’s testimony entirely by questioning whether any of it was real. That’s another common refrain seen on far-right message boards. Many posters say they don’t even believe the hearings are happening, but are a Hollywood production starring stand-ins for the former president’s daughter and others.

“She looks different in a big way,” one poster asked on Telegram. “CGI?”

Advocates of Trumpery are struggling to make sense of the lies they believe and the truth they're being exposed to from the hearings.
No struggle at all if one stays focused on the whole bigger picture, and why all this stuff happened to begin with. Follow the scheme's and busted plans in which the Democrat's were in collusion with each other on, and how early on they alledgedly concocted a coup, insurrection or steal to attempt to destroy the republican's by usage of Donald Trump.

Then you got these exposed rhino's like sickening Romney, McConnell, and every other sorry ace POC selling their soul's to the Democrat's, and for what ??? Maybe for fear of losing power if the Democrat's could actually make it happen or maybe the Democrat's have got something on them ??? Hmmmmmm.

Need to clean house bad in Washington DC that's for sure.
You are right to say that it's a distraction or cover up from Democrat failure's, and a political ploy in hopes to accomplish two things - to stave off the coming election disaster, and to secure their ongoing agenda's against the Americans will.
What ridiculous equivocation. A cult coping mechanism. How much time do you spend each morning contriving excuses to ignore the hearings and the facts about your orange lard and master? Not much, I hope, since they are so lame and childish.
America has faced crazies like the extreme Trump minions in the past. And like in the past we eliminate those who threaten our Union.
Problem once again, is that the Democrat's are as usual on the wrong side of the Union.

Real confederate's like the Democrat's truly are, will once again face the wrath of the Union, therefore the Union proving to them how they were seriously wrong in joining up with the immoralist, and then somehow defending their positions with double speak, scheming, manipulations, defamation, gerrymandering, court wrangling, theft, and every other thing that they've engaged in for the last 50+ year's or more.
Thanks to your fucktards on that kangaroo committee, it is now completely impossible for him to get a fair trial anywhere in the country.

Talk about shooting yourselves in the foot...
Y'all said only 20 million watched countrywide...there's 180,000,000 pool of registered voters to pick from for a jury.....

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