If Obama gets a laws passed on free community colleges I will called him:

Mr. President Obama

I always vote conservative and hate obozo polices with a passion, I think he is the 3 crappy presidents we have ever had Bush Jr. and Jimmy Carter the others

But it he could get this passed I would have respect for him I would put him along with Bill Clinton he had faults but did ok

Now my reasons

1. Any industrial community college done in the 80s is useless on a resume, old technology

2. College degrees of the 70s is useless in most fields on a resume today

3 Germany is kicking our ass, in the high tech industry fields, I know been in injection molding for 30 years

4. What I understand Germany is now offering free 4 year colleges

5 do we want to get further behind Germany in technology?

6. The kids I get at work for the past 15 years are complete idiots with just a high school diploma (not all still some diamonds in the ruff like I was)

7. Way to many single mothers, I know they bust there ass and try real hard, but I have seen so many kids at work with street smarts, that didn't even know what a crescent wrench was

9. Companies today deal in a global market now a Dogg eat Dogg, most companies don't even now give a christmas bonus like they used to much less a turkey on thanks giving
They cant afford the old days of sending there employees to school, like my old boss did with me

10. Cons should embrace this ideal by Mr. President Obama, if you invest in community colleges , you will get a return for your companies smarter and brighter keeping up with new technologies not falling back

11. We have I don't know a million or so of skilled jobs go unfilled because they can not find any one, I know this is true, because read about bosh local bitching about in my local paper

It is a great idea by Mr. President Obama a major return on investment , I am 49 Years old and i want to go back so bad get updated on new tech, but why?

Why should I spend say $8,000 dollars to work at a job making 60 grand a year when I Already make 60 grand a year?

With say a person like me goes back to night school I learn about new tech in automation , plcs and apply it , you can only read so much

So pleading with my fellow cons, back this plan with Mr obama.

show proof of you sending in your weekly paychecks to fund it then the "cons" might consider it. you do realize, Guberment doesn't have it's own MONEY TREES they pluck all this money to pay for all this "free stuff" right?
TAXPAYERS already pay for enough. Pay you're own way through more education and stop wanting other to do it for you

I get the distinct impression that the first two posters (that would necessarily include the OP) could benefit from taking some courses at the proposed community colleges, particularly in grammar. Just sayin...
Steph a major return on the investment hell Germany knows
That NEVER pays for itself. For as taxes are continually increased to fund this program or that program, the taxpayers never get any relief. And the freebies just keep on coming....
Look, I have no issue with an adult wanting to expand their skills by going back to school. Perhaps instead of an outright giveaway, instead how about delayed billing for the credits completed by the student. A grant that must be repaid over time.
But who's gonna' pay for this free school?
You said: But who's gonna' pay for this free school?


Obama s college tuition plan to cost 60 billion over 10 years US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Republicans were literally giving banks 60 billion over 10 years for doing nothing but paperwork for guaranteed loans. Now Obama wants to use that money for "Americans" and Republicans are whining "it's not free". How come Republicans love banks more than other Americans. What a bunch of ignorant douche bags.

But who's gonna' pay for this free school?
It is an investment with a huge pay out. for Americas future

Don't any one here work in manufacturing ?

These kids are dumb and lazy and don't even know what a multimeter is yet know how to use it

Hell last night this fuck head almost killed me and my coworker Sparky on a fork lift, and we are the bread and butter of 3rd , we keep the machines running and people employed

They don't even know how to fucking drive
You sound like quite the idiot yourself.
Now i get liberals , you closed.minded drones are way to greedy and watch to much fox and listen way to rush to much

Fuck you:)
It's difficult trying to translate your ramblings into something that is understandable. Perhaps you should attend college? Amazing how a few classes can build confidence.
Mr. President Obama

I always vote conservative and hate obozo polices with a passion, I think he is the 3 crappy presidents we have ever had Bush Jr. and Jimmy Carter the others

But it he could get this passed I would have respect for him I would put him along with Bill Clinton he had faults but did ok

Now my reasons

1. Any industrial community college done in the 80s is useless on a resume, old technology

2. College degrees of the 70s is useless in most fields on a resume today

3 Germany is kicking our ass, in the high tech industry fields, I know been in injection molding for 30 years

4. What I understand Germany is now offering free 4 year colleges

5 do we want to get further behind Germany in technology?

6. The kids I get at work for the past 15 years are complete idiots with just a high school diploma (not all still some diamonds in the ruff like I was)

7. Way to many single mothers, I know they bust there ass and try real hard, but I have seen so many kids at work with street smarts, that didn't even know what a crescent wrench was

9. Companies today deal in a global market now a Dogg eat Dogg, most companies don't even now give a christmas bonus like they used to much less a turkey on thanks giving
They cant afford the old days of sending there employees to school, like my old boss did with me

10. Cons should embrace this ideal by Mr. President Obama, if you invest in community colleges , you will get a return for your companies smarter and brighter keeping up with new technologies not falling back

11. We have I don't know a million or so of skilled jobs go unfilled because they can not find any one, I know this is true, because read about bosh local bitching about in my local paper

It is a great idea by Mr. President Obama a major return on investment , I am 49 Years old and i want to go back so bad get updated on new tech, but why?

Why should I spend say $8,000 dollars to work at a job making 60 grand a year when I Already make 60 grand a year?

With say a person like me goes back to night school I learn about new tech in automation , plcs and apply it , you can only read so much

So pleading with my fellow cons, back this plan with Mr obama.

show proof of you sending in your weekly paychecks to fund it then the "cons" might consider it. you do realize, Guberment doesn't have it's own MONEY TREES they pluck all this money to pay for all this "free stuff" right?
TAXPAYERS already pay for enough. Pay you're own way through more education and stop wanting other to do it for you

I get the distinct impression that the first two posters (that would necessarily include the OP) could benefit from taking some courses at the proposed community colleges, particularly in grammar. Just sayin...
Steph a major return on the investment hell Germany knows
That NEVER pays for itself. For as taxes are continually increased to fund this program or that program, the taxpayers never get any relief. And the freebies just keep on coming....
Look, I have no issue with an adult wanting to expand their skills by going back to school. Perhaps instead of an outright giveaway, instead how about delayed billing for the credits completed by the student. A grant that must be repaid over time.
Under Bush, banks made 6 billion a year running the student loan program. There was no risk since any defaulted loans were covered by the tax payers. The student loan program was basically a "gift" to the banks. When Obama removed that program from bank management, it was reliably estimated to save 6 billion a year or 60 billion over 10 years. Ironically the same cost as funding Jr. Colleges.
So, try to tell Republicans that it would help Americans and better serve the country giving 60 billion to fund schools instead of giving 60 billions to banks, which is what they do, and they scream "socialism".

This is why I think many Republicans are ignorant turds. Of course, this is only one of the many reasons.
if they are free, who is going to pay the professor's salary? Overhead and upkeep of the staff and buildings, etc.?
I'll support it under one condition... The federal government MUST demand that the standards remain high enough to compete on the world stage. An investment is only as good as the standards we expect and the product it produces(educated young adults).
Mr. President Obama

I always vote conservative and hate obozo polices with a passion, I think he is the 3 crappy presidents we have ever had Bush Jr. and Jimmy Carter the others

But it he could get this passed I would have respect for him I would put him along with Bill Clinton he had faults but did ok

Now my reasons

1. Any industrial community college done in the 80s is useless on a resume, old technology

2. College degrees of the 70s is useless in most fields on a resume today

3 Germany is kicking our ass, in the high tech industry fields, I know been in injection molding for 30 years

4. What I understand Germany is now offering free 4 year colleges

5 do we want to get further behind Germany in technology?

6. The kids I get at work for the past 15 years are complete idiots with just a high school diploma (not all still some diamonds in the ruff like I was)

7. Way to many single mothers, I know they bust there ass and try real hard, but I have seen so many kids at work with street smarts, that didn't even know what a crescent wrench was

9. Companies today deal in a global market now a Dogg eat Dogg, most companies don't even now give a christmas bonus like they used to much less a turkey on thanks giving
They cant afford the old days of sending there employees to school, like my old boss did with me

10. Cons should embrace this ideal by Mr. President Obama, if you invest in community colleges , you will get a return for your companies smarter and brighter keeping up with new technologies not falling back

11. We have I don't know a million or so of skilled jobs go unfilled because they can not find any one, I know this is true, because read about bosh local bitching about in my local paper

It is a great idea by Mr. President Obama a major return on investment , I am 49 Years old and i want to go back so bad get updated on new tech, but why?

Why should I spend say $8,000 dollars to work at a job making 60 grand a year when I Already make 60 grand a year?

With say a person like me goes back to night school I learn about new tech in automation , plcs and apply it , you can only read so much

So pleading with my fellow cons, back this plan with Mr obama.

show proof of you sending in your weekly paychecks to fund it then the "cons" might consider it. you do realize, Guberment doesn't have it's own MONEY TREES they pluck all this money to pay for all this "free stuff" right?
TAXPAYERS already pay for enough. Pay you're own way through more education and stop wanting other to do it for you

I get the distinct impression that the first two posters (that would necessarily include the OP) could benefit from taking some courses at the proposed community colleges, particularly in grammar. Just sayin...
Steph a major return on the investment hell Germany knows
That NEVER pays for itself. For as taxes are continually increased to fund this program or that program, the taxpayers never get any relief. And the freebies just keep on coming....
Look, I have no issue with an adult wanting to expand their skills by going back to school. Perhaps instead of an outright giveaway, instead how about delayed billing for the credits completed by the student. A grant that must be repaid over time.
Under Bush, banks made 6 billion a year running the student loan program. There was no risk since any defaulted loans were covered by the tax payers. The student loan program was basically a "gift" to the banks. When Obama removed that program from bank management, it was reliably estimated to save 6 billion a year or 60 billion over 10 years. Ironically the same cost as funding Jr. Colleges.
So, try to tell Republicans that it would help Americans and better serve the country giving 60 billion to fund schools instead of giving 60 billions to banks, which is what they do, and they scream "socialism".

This is why I think many Republicans are ignorant turds. Of course, this is only one of the many reasons.

Under Bush, banks made 6 billion a year running the student loan program. There was no risk since any defaulted loans were covered by the tax payers. The student loan program was basically a "gift" to the banks.

And to the Universities who had guaranteed money coming in..... Duh!
Obama is so generous as long it's not HIS MONEY paying for all these PIE in sky "vision" of his.
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And why would I need to learn grammar? So I could be a snob like you?

Perhaps so you could form proper sentences and write a post that was not so painful to read?

I am not a snob. But I prefer that someone use the english language properly instead of inventing their own writing rules.

So you are saying that the poor and the disadvantaged are all 'shitheads', are you?

Many of them are.

Here are some

{By the way, the best way to stay out of poverty is not to vote for Liberals that screw up the economy and put you out of work}.

Okay first of all its not freaking free, I will have to work overtime to pay for this government hand out just like I already work overtime to pay for the other government hand outs. Here's an idea, boot the millions of illegals out of the country and get the millions of American deadbeats off their lazy fat asses who think they are too good to work a job and have them work the jobs illegals are working. Once all the welfare sucking moochers are working a job THEN we can talk about government hand outs that I will have to work overtime to pay for.

I strongly suspect that your employer doesn't not require you to work overtime so you can pay for any so-called 'government handouts'. Gee, and it isn't even make up shit Thursday.

You know jack shit like most libs. I work over 400 hours of overtime a year and the size of the check I write the federal government to pay for your liberal so called 'free' crap is enormous.
I am not a lib...but it i not my fault that you have to work overtime to make ends meet. Perhaps you should have gotten a college education so you don't have to work so many hours. As a matter of fact...I just assume you quit and go on welfare instead of getting the idea that you are the sole supporter of welfare recipient. Of course...if you were smart...you would be able to figure out how much overtime to work before you get bumped up to a new tax bracket and lose all of that money to taxes.

LOL son I pay more in Federal taxes than you earn. :laugh:
But youre sorely lacking in education regarding your taxes.

You said you work countless overtime hours to cover your federal taxes.

Umm, our tax system is progressive. The more you work/make, the HIGHER your tax bill you god damned drooler.

Jesus fuck people are idiots.
Okay first of all its not freaking free, I will have to work overtime to pay for this government hand out just like I already work overtime to pay for the other government hand outs. Here's an idea, boot the millions of illegals out of the country and get the millions of American deadbeats off their lazy fat asses who think they are too good to work a job and have them work the jobs illegals are working. Once all the welfare sucking moochers are working a job THEN we can talk about government hand outs that I will have to work overtime to pay for.

I strongly suspect that your employer doesn't not require you to work overtime so you can pay for any so-called 'government handouts'. Gee, and it isn't even make up shit Thursday.

You know jack shit like most libs. I work over 400 hours of overtime a year and the size of the check I write the federal government to pay for your liberal so called 'free' crap is enormous.
I am not a lib...but it i not my fault that you have to work overtime to make ends meet. Perhaps you should have gotten a college education so you don't have to work so many hours. As a matter of fact...I just assume you quit and go on welfare instead of getting the idea that you are the sole supporter of welfare recipient. Of course...if you were smart...you would be able to figure out how much overtime to work before you get bumped up to a new tax bracket and lose all of that money to taxes.

LOL son I pay more in Federal taxes than you earn. :laugh:
But youre sorely lacking in education regarding your taxes.

You said you work countless overtime hours to cover your federal taxes.

Umm, our tax system is progressive. The more you work/make, the HIGHER your tax bill you god damned drooler.

Jesus fuck people are idiots.

Oh the irony :laugh: I know you libs hate this but there is a top federal tax bracket 39.6%. :funnyface:
I strongly suspect that your employer doesn't not require you to work overtime so you can pay for any so-called 'government handouts'. Gee, and it isn't even make up shit Thursday.

You know jack shit like most libs. I work over 400 hours of overtime a year and the size of the check I write the federal government to pay for your liberal so called 'free' crap is enormous.
I am not a lib...but it i not my fault that you have to work overtime to make ends meet. Perhaps you should have gotten a college education so you don't have to work so many hours. As a matter of fact...I just assume you quit and go on welfare instead of getting the idea that you are the sole supporter of welfare recipient. Of course...if you were smart...you would be able to figure out how much overtime to work before you get bumped up to a new tax bracket and lose all of that money to taxes.

LOL son I pay more in Federal taxes than you earn. :laugh:
But youre sorely lacking in education regarding your taxes.

You said you work countless overtime hours to cover your federal taxes.

Umm, our tax system is progressive. The more you work/make, the HIGHER your tax bill you god damned drooler.

Jesus fuck people are idiots.

Oh the irony :laugh: I know you libs hate this but there is a top federal tax bracket 39.6%. :funnyface:
Oh youre in the top tax bracket eh, and cant manage your money enough to cover your taxes without working 400 overtime hours?

Perhaps you need someone more intelligent handling your finances.
You know jack shit like most libs. I work over 400 hours of overtime a year and the size of the check I write the federal government to pay for your liberal so called 'free' crap is enormous.
I am not a lib...but it i not my fault that you have to work overtime to make ends meet. Perhaps you should have gotten a college education so you don't have to work so many hours. As a matter of fact...I just assume you quit and go on welfare instead of getting the idea that you are the sole supporter of welfare recipient. Of course...if you were smart...you would be able to figure out how much overtime to work before you get bumped up to a new tax bracket and lose all of that money to taxes.

LOL son I pay more in Federal taxes than you earn. :laugh:
But youre sorely lacking in education regarding your taxes.

You said you work countless overtime hours to cover your federal taxes.

Umm, our tax system is progressive. The more you work/make, the HIGHER your tax bill you god damned drooler.

Jesus fuck people are idiots.

Oh the irony :laugh: I know you libs hate this but there is a top federal tax bracket 39.6%. :funnyface:
Oh youre in the top tax bracket eh, and cant manage your money enough to cover your taxes without working 400 overtime hours?

Perhaps you need someone more intelligent handling your finances.

And because I hate liberals guts and enjoy messing with them...I moved to a liberal state with no state income tax so they can't touch my money :funnyface: and a few miles away across the border in another liberal state they have no state sales tax so guess where I shop :funnyface: I got you libs by the balls.
Mr. President Obama

I always vote conservative and hate obozo polices with a passion, I think he is the 3 crappy presidents we have ever had Bush Jr. and Jimmy Carter the others

But it he could get this passed I would have respect for him I would put him along with Bill Clinton he had faults but did ok

Now my reasons

1. Any industrial community college done in the 80s is useless on a resume, old technology

2. College degrees of the 70s is useless in most fields on a resume today

3 Germany is kicking our ass, in the high tech industry fields, I know been in injection molding for 30 years

4. What I understand Germany is now offering free 4 year colleges

5 do we want to get further behind Germany in technology?

6. The kids I get at work for the past 15 years are complete idiots with just a high school diploma (not all still some diamonds in the ruff like I was)

7. Way to many single mothers, I know they bust there ass and try real hard, but I have seen so many kids at work with street smarts, that didn't even know what a crescent wrench was

9. Companies today deal in a global market now a Dogg eat Dogg, most companies don't even now give a christmas bonus like they used to much less a turkey on thanks giving
They cant afford the old days of sending there employees to school, like my old boss did with me

10. Cons should embrace this ideal by Mr. President Obama, if you invest in community colleges , you will get a return for your companies smarter and brighter keeping up with new technologies not falling back

11. We have I don't know a million or so of skilled jobs go unfilled because they can not find any one, I know this is true, because read about bosh local bitching about in my local paper

It is a great idea by Mr. President Obama a major return on investment , I am 49 Years old and i want to go back so bad get updated on new tech, but why?

Why should I spend say $8,000 dollars to work at a job making 60 grand a year when I Already make 60 grand a year?

With say a person like me goes back to night school I learn about new tech in automation , plcs and apply it , you can only read so much

So pleading with my fellow cons, back this plan with Mr obama.

Were you drunk when you wrote this?
Free ponies for EVERYONE!!!!!!!!

Education cannot be compared with ponies. A pony can only feed you for a few days at best. And education can help feed you for a lifetime.

I think making higher education accessible is the only real involvement the federal government should have in education. But the first steps need to happen at the state level to reform lower education, and re-tune it heavily to make a HS diploma worth something once again. There are alot of technical jobs in the marketplace today that we could be teaching HS kids how to do if we weren't so obsessed with pushing everyone toward college.
Okay first of all its not freaking free, I will have to work overtime to pay for this government hand out just like I already work overtime to pay for the other government hand outs. Here's an idea, boot the millions of illegals out of the country and get the millions of American deadbeats off their lazy fat asses who think they are too good to work a job and have them work the jobs illegals are working. Once all the welfare sucking moochers are working a job THEN we can talk about government hand outs that I will have to work overtime to pay for.

I strongly suspect that your employer doesn't not require you to work overtime so you can pay for any so-called 'government handouts'. Gee, and it isn't even make up shit Thursday.

You know jack shit like most libs. I work over 400 hours of overtime a year and the size of the check I write the federal government to pay for your liberal so called 'free' crap is enormous.
I am not a lib...but it i not my fault that you have to work overtime to make ends meet. Perhaps you should have gotten a college education so you don't have to work so many hours. As a matter of fact...I just assume you quit and go on welfare instead of getting the idea that you are the sole supporter of welfare recipient. Of course...if you were smart...you would be able to figure out how much overtime to work before you get bumped up to a new tax bracket and lose all of that money to taxes.
They don't need a community college education to learn to game the system. If they aren't smart enough to do the math... The case workers will gladly help them fudge numbers.

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