If Obama gets a laws passed on free community colleges I will called him:

I am the best of the best

You do what the title of industrial maintenance man memeans right

I am better then them
But at 49 years old Would want to become better thats why I so love Mr. obama idea because the more learn the more its trickle down

See what it is them more I learn , I will share

Trickle down knowledge
Mr. President Obama

I always vote conservative and hate obozo polices with a passion, I think he is the 3 crappy presidents we have ever had Bush Jr. and Jimmy Carter the others

But it he could get this passed I would have respect for him I would put him along with Bill Clinton he had faults but did ok

Now my reasons

1. Any industrial community college done in the 80s is useless on a resume, old technology

2. College degrees of the 70s is useless in most fields on a resume today

3 Germany is kicking our ass, in the high tech industry fields, I know been in injection molding for 30 years

4. What I understand Germany is now offering free 4 year colleges

5 do we want to get further behind Germany in technology?

6. The kids I get at work for the past 15 years are complete idiots with just a high school diploma (not all still some diamonds in the ruff like I was)

7. Way to many single mothers, I know they bust there ass and try real hard, but I have seen so many kids at work with street smarts, that didn't even know what a crescent wrench was

9. Companies today deal in a global market now a Dogg eat Dogg, most companies don't even now give a christmas bonus like they used to much less a turkey on thanks giving
They cant afford the old days of sending there employees to school, like my old boss did with me

10. Cons should embrace this ideal by Mr. President Obama, if you invest in community colleges , you will get a return for your companies smarter and brighter keeping up with new technologies not falling back

11. We have I don't know a million or so of skilled jobs go unfilled because they can not find any one, I know this is true, because read about bosh local bitching about in my local paper

It is a great idea by Mr. President Obama a major return on investment , I am 49 Years old and i want to go back so bad get updated on new tech, but why?

Why should I spend say $8,000 dollars to work at a job making 60 grand a year when I Already make 60 grand a year?

With say a person like me goes back to night school I learn about new tech in automation , plcs and apply it , you can only read so much

So pleading with my fellow cons, back this plan with Mr obama.
What a moron. Either, you are a dumb ass liar, or you are a dumb ass that wants to pay the federal government so they can pay you to go to community college. ROFL
So german figured away? But we cant? You dont see the return? What a selfish dumb fuck

From two years of extended high school teaching ethnic studies and social justice? There is no return, never will be.
Republicans stay away from education. They imagine it to be all kinds of things it isn't. Strange. If they would go, they would know.

I went to a large university in the Northeast. It was replete with entitlement minded professors that expected regurgitation and lacked an appreciation for critical thinking and opposing views.
So Op? this thread was only made for you to troll it and get nasty with people?
So german figured away? But we cant? You dont see the return? What a selfish dumb fuck

From two years of extended high school teaching ethnic studies and social justice? There is no return, never will be.
Republicans stay away from education. They imagine it to be all kinds of things it isn't. Strange. If they would go, they would know.

I went to a large university in the Northeast. It was replete with entitlement minded professors that expected regurgitation and lacked an appreciation for critical thinking and opposing views.

So you are against education now......right?
Mr. President Obama

I always vote conservative and hate obozo polices with a passion, I think he is the 3 crappy presidents we have ever had Bush Jr. and Jimmy Carter the others

But it he could get this passed I would have respect for him I would put him along with Bill Clinton he had faults but did ok

Now my reasons

1. Any industrial community college done in the 80s is useless on a resume, old technology

2. College degrees of the 70s is useless in most fields on a resume today

3 Germany is kicking our ass, in the high tech industry fields, I know been in injection molding for 30 years

4. What I understand Germany is now offering free 4 year colleges

5 do we want to get further behind Germany in technology?

6. The kids I get at work for the past 15 years are complete idiots with just a high school diploma (not all still some diamonds in the ruff like I was)

7. Way to many single mothers, I know they bust there ass and try real hard, but I have seen so many kids at work with street smarts, that didn't even know what a crescent wrench was

9. Companies today deal in a global market now a Dogg eat Dogg, most companies don't even now give a christmas bonus like they used to much less a turkey on thanks giving
They cant afford the old days of sending there employees to school, like my old boss did with me

10. Cons should embrace this ideal by Mr. President Obama, if you invest in community colleges , you will get a return for your companies smarter and brighter keeping up with new technologies not falling back

11. We have I don't know a million or so of skilled jobs go unfilled because they can not find any one, I know this is true, because read about bosh local bitching about in my local paper

It is a great idea by Mr. President Obama a major return on investment , I am 49 Years old and i want to go back so bad get updated on new tech, but why?

Why should I spend say $8,000 dollars to work at a job making 60 grand a year when I Already make 60 grand a year?

With say a person like me goes back to night school I learn about new tech in automation , plcs and apply it , you can only read so much

So pleading with my fellow cons, back this plan with Mr obama.

show proof of you sending in your weekly paychecks to fund it then the "cons" might consider it. you do realize, Guberment doesn't have it's own MONEY TREES they pluck all this money to pay for all this "free stuff" right?
TAXPAYERS already pay for enough. Pay you're own way through more education and stop wanting other to do it for you

I get the distinct impression that the first two posters (that would necessarily include the OP) could benefit from taking some courses at the proposed community colleges, particularly in grammar. Just sayin...
Steph a major return on the investment hell Germany knows

Germany requires you to pass an exam for the privilege of attending a university, so their university population is weeded out before people apply.

Lots of luck trying to apply that system in the US.

So do we. It is called the SAT.

The SAT has no "passing" requirement. You get a score, and you get slotted in, but even people who do miserably get into SOME college.

In Germany you have to PASS it. Its called the Abitur.

Abitur - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

From the wiki on the German education system.

In order to enter university, students are, as a rule, required to have passed the Abitur examination; since 2009, however, those with a Meisterbrief (master craftsman's diploma) have also been able to apply.[5][6] Those wishing to attend a "university of applied sciences" must, as a rule, have Abitur, Fachhochschulreife, or a Meisterbrief. Lacking those qualifications, pupils are eligible to enter a university or university of applied sciences if they can present additional proof that they will be able to keep up with their fellow students through a Begabtenprüfung or Hochbegabtenstudium (which is a test confirming excellence and above average intellectual ability).

Would you rather that all colleges exclude those who YOU feel don't pass muster? What would be the purpose of that?
I strongly suspect that your employer doesn't not require you to work overtime so you can pay for any so-called 'government handouts'. Gee, and it isn't even make up shit Thursday.

You know jack shit like most libs. I work over 400 hours of overtime a year and the size of the check I write the federal government to pay for your liberal so called 'free' crap is enormous.
I am not a lib...but it i not my fault that you have to work overtime to make ends meet. Perhaps you should have gotten a college education so you don't have to work so many hours. As a matter of fact...I just assume you quit and go on welfare instead of getting the idea that you are the sole supporter of welfare recipient. Of course...if you were smart...you would be able to figure out how much overtime to work before you get bumped up to a new tax bracket and lose all of that money to taxes.

LOL son I pay more in Federal taxes than you earn. :laugh:
Doubtful...sees to me as if you are just a blue collar worker. You will be dead while I am enjoying retirement. I don't have to work countless overtime hours to make ends meet.

Awe don't be sad, why do people always hate on the top 5% earners?
OK, JudicialReview
Mr. President Obama

I always vote conservative and hate obozo polices with a passion, I think he is the 3 crappy presidents we have ever had Bush Jr. and Jimmy Carter the others

But it he could get this passed I would have respect for him I would put him along with Bill Clinton he had faults but did ok

Now my reasons

1. Any industrial community college done in the 80s is useless on a resume, old technology

2. College degrees of the 70s is useless in most fields on a resume today

3 Germany is kicking our ass, in the high tech industry fields, I know been in injection molding for 30 years

4. What I understand Germany is now offering free 4 year colleges

5 do we want to get further behind Germany in technology?

6. The kids I get at work for the past 15 years are complete idiots with just a high school diploma (not all still some diamonds in the ruff like I was)

7. Way to many single mothers, I know they bust there ass and try real hard, but I have seen so many kids at work with street smarts, that didn't even know what a crescent wrench was

9. Companies today deal in a global market now a Dogg eat Dogg, most companies don't even now give a christmas bonus like they used to much less a turkey on thanks giving
They cant afford the old days of sending there employees to school, like my old boss did with me

10. Cons should embrace this ideal by Mr. President Obama, if you invest in community colleges , you will get a return for your companies smarter and brighter keeping up with new technologies not falling back

11. We have I don't know a million or so of skilled jobs go unfilled because they can not find any one, I know this is true, because read about bosh local bitching about in my local paper

It is a great idea by Mr. President Obama a major return on investment , I am 49 Years old and i want to go back so bad get updated on new tech, but why?

Why should I spend say $8,000 dollars to work at a job making 60 grand a year when I Already make 60 grand a year?

With say a person like me goes back to night school I learn about new tech in automation , plcs and apply it , you can only read so much

So pleading with my fellow cons, back this plan with Mr obama.

show proof of you sending in your weekly paychecks to fund it then the "cons" might consider it. you do realize, Guberment doesn't have it's own MONEY TREES they pluck all this money to pay for all this "free stuff" right?
TAXPAYERS already pay for enough. Pay you're own way through more education and stop wanting other to do it for you

I get the distinct impression that the first two posters (that would necessarily include the OP) could benefit from taking some courses at the proposed community colleges, particularly in grammar. Just sayin...
Steph a major return on the investment hell Germany knows

Obama's 'Free' Community College Plan Could Cost $34B Per Year
7:01 AM, Jan 9, 2015 • By JERYL BIER

Previewing an item from his upcoming State of the Union address, President Obama announced a "Free Community College" plan Thursday evening for "anyone who's willing to work for it":

According to Justin Sink of the Hill, Cecilia Muñoz, director of the White House Domestic Policy Council, declined to put a price tag on the plan during a conference call Thursday evening. Rather Muñoz said details of the plan will be in the president's next budget proposal.

However, the president's announcement said that the plan could benefit as many as nine million students who could save an average of $3,800 per year. This would put the total cost at a little more than $34 billion.

In a video accompanying the announcement, the president said that his plan would be "making two years of community college free for anyone who's willing to work for it."

At $34 billion per year, taxpayers at least will be working for it, willing or not.

all of it here:
Obama s Free Community College Plan Could Cost 34B Per Year The Weekly Standard

Compared to the more than half a trillion spent each year on a military five times larger than is needed to secure the U.S., it's a pittance, and actually has a pay off in a more highly educated work force. But you Republicans and your corporate minders can't have that, can you?
Democrats love promising more FREE SHIT!!

If you think college is expensive now, wait until it's FREE!!
I strongly suspect that your employer doesn't not require you to work overtime so you can pay for any so-called 'government handouts'. Gee, and it isn't even make up shit Thursday.

You know jack shit like most libs. I work over 400 hours of overtime a year and the size of the check I write the federal government to pay for your liberal so called 'free' crap is enormous.

Again, for those who are having a hard time understanding basic English:

I strongly suspect that your employer doesn't not require you to work overtime so you can pay for any so-called 'government handouts'. But you are right. I do know Jack Schitt:

You fail at math. Go ahead tell us how its 'free'. Meanwhile my choices are A) work overtime to pay for all the liberal hand outs or B) have my taxes raised to pay for all the liberal hand outs. As I pay the bills those are my two choices. So I work overtime while the deadbeats sit around on their ass, yeah I'm getting tired of that.

If you work so much overtime, how the hell do you find the time to waste on this forum? As I said, this isn't make up shit Thursday, dude.

^^^ typical liberal deflection, pathetic.

Yeah, it is rather pathetic that you are deflecting answering my question. At least you are honest about your deflection. I'll give you that. :)
Democrats love promising more FREE SHIT!!

If you think college is expensive now, wait until it's FREE!!

Did you know that the U.S. is the ONLY industrial nation that doesn't offer free post secondary education? Why do you think that is? Do you suppose that not educating our work force past secondary school has some redeeming quality that the rest of us just aren't seeing?
Democrats love promising more FREE SHIT!!

If you think college is expensive now, wait until it's FREE!!

Did you know that the U.S. is the ONLY industrial nation that doesn't offer free post secondary education? Why do you think that is? Do you suppose that not educating our work force past secondary school has some redeeming quality that the rest of us just aren't seeing?
yeah...why does a ditch digger need an education? Why should I pay for someone to become a blue collar worker? Why do I want to pay for racism...because be assured...if a white man and a black man have an education...the one who is not hired is gonna scream discrimination. Education is over rated...you are either smart or stupid...you are either motivated or not....a diploma isn't gonna change that.

In other words...the intelligent and motivated will find a way to become educated...the lazy and stupid will dig our ditches, deliver our mail ShootSpeeders, or work at McDonalds. We can't teach determination, success, or morals to those who don't have those characteristics.
Democrats love promising more FREE SHIT!!

If you think college is expensive now, wait until it's FREE!!

Did you know that the U.S. is the ONLY industrial nation that doesn't offer free post secondary education? Why do you think that is? Do you suppose that not educating our work force past secondary school has some redeeming quality that the rest of us just aren't seeing?
yeah...why does a ditch digger need an education?

Answer: How many 50+ year old ditch diggers do you know? The answer is that even ditch diggers would like to better themselves, and in so doing, improve their economic prospects.

nutsack said:
Why should I pay for someone to become a blue collar worker? Why do I want to pay for racism...because be assured...if a white man and a black man have an education...the one who is not hired is gonna scream discrimination. Education is over rated...you are either smart or stupid...you are either motivated or not....a diploma isn't gonna change that.

Really? Because many white men and black men today have educations, and get hired all the time. It seems to me that the only one whining about it is you and people like you.
Click to expand...
You know jack shit like most libs. I work over 400 hours of overtime a year and the size of the check I write the federal government to pay for your liberal so called 'free' crap is enormous."

Perhaps you should also think about the fact that you are probably being paid a smaller wage than you deserve but since you show up day after day and do exactly what you are told well ....time to find a better paying job? Just walk away..don't give them 2 weeks notice... they don't deserve it
show proof of you sending in your weekly paychecks to fund it then the "cons" might consider it. you do realize, Guberment doesn't have it's own MONEY TREES they pluck all this money to pay for all this "free stuff" right?
TAXPAYERS already pay for enough. Pay you're own way through more education and stop wanting other to do it for you

I get the distinct impression that the first two posters (that would necessarily include the OP) could benefit from taking some courses at the proposed community colleges, particularly in grammar. Just sayin...
Steph a major return on the investment hell Germany knows

Germany requires you to pass an exam for the privilege of attending a university, so their university population is weeded out before people apply.

Lots of luck trying to apply that system in the US.

So do we. It is called the SAT.

The SAT has no "passing" requirement. You get a score, and you get slotted in, but even people who do miserably get into SOME college.

In Germany you have to PASS it. Its called the Abitur.

Abitur - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

From the wiki on the German education system.

In order to enter university, students are, as a rule, required to have passed the Abitur examination; since 2009, however, those with a Meisterbrief (master craftsman's diploma) have also been able to apply.[5][6] Those wishing to attend a "university of applied sciences" must, as a rule, have Abitur, Fachhochschulreife, or a Meisterbrief. Lacking those qualifications, pupils are eligible to enter a university or university of applied sciences if they can present additional proof that they will be able to keep up with their fellow students through a Begabtenprüfung or Hochbegabtenstudium (which is a test confirming excellence and above average intellectual ability).

Would you rather that all colleges exclude those who YOU feel don't pass muster? What would be the purpose of that?

I would rather that all colleges teach critical thinking and do away with tenure. Where else in the free workplace do they have "tenure"?

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